AQU Master Theses الرسائل الجامعة الخاصة بجامعة القدس
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- Item2003- السياسة الإسرائيلية تجاه العراق: 1991(Al-Quds University, 2009-02-02) ختام حسين جمعة أبو عجوة; Khitam Hussein Jumah Abu Ajwaبتناول هذا البحث السياسة الإسرائيلية تجاه العراق: 1991-2003م، ويستعرض البحث تاريخ تطور السياسة الإسرائيلية تجاه العراق في الفترة من 1948-1958م، وخلال هذه الفترة اهتمت إسرائيل بكردستان العراق، لما لها من أهمية إستراتيجية لها وخصوصاً منطقة كركوك ووجود النفط فيه ما، لذا فقد ركز الموساد على إقامة العلاقات السرية مع أكراد العراق في الشمال بحجة الدفاع عن حقوقهم. كما شهدت هذه الفترة نشاطاً واسعاً لتهجير يهود العراق إلى فلسطين واستخدمت في ذلك كل الأساليب والوسائل بما فيها الإرهاب وذلك فيما عرف بعملية عيزرا ونحميا" والتي تم خلالها تهجير 95% من الطائفة اليهودية بالعراق في الفترة ما بين 1950- 1951م.إلى جانب ذلك استعرض البحث تاريخ تطور السياسة الإسرائيلية تجاه العراق في الفترة من 1958 1990م، حيث شهدت هذه الفترة أحداث ثورة 14 تموز / يوليو 1958م التي أحدثت انقلابا حقيقياً في موازيين القوى في الشرق العربي والمناطق المجاورة له، وكانت عناوين هذا الانة لاب السحاب العراق من حلف بغداد، وإعلانه سياسة الحياد الإيجابي وتوثيق روابط به وعلاقات به بالاتحاد السوفيتي، لذا سعت القوى الأجنبية إلى استثمار الورقة الكردية بهدف استنزاف الثورة والضغط عليها والسعي لتحويل مسارها ، وقد أنشأت منظمة ما تسمى بـ - ترايدنت بنشاطها السري وضمت تركيا وإيران وإسرائيل، وكان لها هدف واحد مشترك يجمع إيران وإسرائيل ومصطفي البرزاني هو إنهاك الجيش العراقي والبلاد لإبعادهما عن أية حروب عربية - إسرائيلية، ولإضعاف العراق أمام إيران من أجل الحصول على مطالب إقليمية في شط العرب، وبالنسبة للأكراد فمن أجل الحصول على الدعم الخارجي وتوفير إمكانات مواجهة الحكومة العراقية، وعليه فقد استطاعت إسرائيل الدخول إلى شمال العراق عبر إيران وأصبح هاجسها إدامة التمرد، ودعم البرزاني بكل الوسائل المتاحة لإشغال أكبر عدد ممكن من وحدات الجيش العراقي في النزاع الداخلي وإنهاكها وتدمير قدرات العراق العسكرية والاقتصادية والبشرية، وإبعاد العراق عن المساهمة بدوره في أية حروب عربية إسرائيلية قد تنشب وعلى صعيد آخر قامت إسرائيل بزرع شبكات تجمد من داخل مجموعات العلماء العراقيين استهدفت قتل العلماء الألمان والمصريين عبر الطرود الناسفة منذ عام1962م لمحاولة عرقلة امتلاك العراق لتكنولوجيا الذرة. وفي هذه الفترة بدأت الاتصالات بين قادة أكراد العراق وإسرائيل على مستوى رفيع منذ عام 1962م أثناء مؤتمر "الاشتراكية الدولية في جنيف، حيث التقي عدد من الزعماء الأكراد مع 14 شمعون بيريز (مدير عام وزارة الدفاع الإسرائيلية آنذاك، وعضو الاشتراكية الدولية وأعربوا عن رغبتهم في الاستعانة بإسرائيل في حربهم ضد العراق، حيث أن ام جه از الاستخبارات الإسرائيلي (الموساد) قاعدة وسط مواقع المسلحين الأكراد شمال العراق وتسلل عدد من ضباط الجيش الإسرائيلي في كردستان العراق. وقد ازداد الدعم الإسرائيلي للبرزاني في تلك الفترة بصورة أخافت القادة العراقيين بشكل جدي، الأمر الذي دفع وزير الدفاع العراقي عبد العزيز العقيلي أنذاك للقول: إن الشرق والغرب يقومان بمساعدة المتمردين الأكراد على خلق إسرائيل أخرى في شمال العراق، كما تعاونوا على إقامة إسرائيل عام 1948م إلى جانب ذلك تناول البحث دور المؤسسات الرسمية في إسرائيل في صنع السياسة تجاه العراق وكيف أن هذه المؤسسات دفعت باتجاه تحقيق أهداف الاستراتيجية الإسرائيلية والتي ركزت بشكل مباشر أو غير مباشر على ضرورة توجيه ضربة قاضية للعراق بهدف إضعافه تمهيداً لتحقيق الأهداف الإسرائيلية الإقليمية في المنطقة، فضلا عن دور المؤثرات الداخلية وأيضا المؤثرات الخارجية المتعلقة بطبيعة التحولات في بيئة النظام الدولي منذ مطلع التسعينات من القرن العشرين.كما تم استعراض أبرز الأدوات الإسرائيلية المستخدمة (وسائل) ، وأوضح البحث كيف أن إسرائيل تمكنت إلى حد كبير من تحقيق هذه الأهداف، وذلك نظراً لحرص الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية على أمن وسلامة إسرائيل في المنطقة، خاصة بعد تفردها في صياغة هيكل النظام الدولي بعد انتهاء مرحلة الحرب الباردة.هذا وقد تطرق البحث بالرصد والتحليل لتداعيات هذه السياسة على الصعيد الداخلي العراقي والأمن القومي العربي، ومدى تعرض العراق للاختراق الأمني نتيجة تراجع قوة الدولة العراقية اقتصادياً نتيجة الحصار الدولي عليها بعد حرب الخليج الثانية عام 1991م، إلى جانب تراجع قوة العراق عسكرياً نتيجة تعرضه للضربات العسكرية المتتالية من قوات التحالف الدولي بعد حرب الخليج الثانية والدور الذي لعبته إسرائيل في حرب الخليج الثالثة في عام 2003م ولازالت تلعبه على الساحة العراقية، حيث تداخلت الخطط الإسرائيلية مع الاستراتيجية الأمريكية من مرحلة التحيز الإسرائيلي إلى مرحلة التطابق في الأفكار الخاصة بالمنطقة كلها وتغيرها من الداخل بدءاً من خطة. الضربة العسكرية للعراق.لذا نجد أن غزو الولايات المتحدة وبريطانيا للعراق واحتلاله عام 2003م، خدم إسرائيل بدرجة لم تحلم بها من قبل، حيث سهل لها تنفيذ مخططاتها الإستراتيجية بعيدة المدى في المنطقة على جميع الأصعدة والمستويات This research deals with reviews the development of Israeli policy towards Iraq in the period 1948-1958. during this period, Israel put in to consideration the importance of "Kordestan Al-Iraq" , because of its important strategic position and the presence of oil in Karkook area. the Mossad " the secret Israeli external hand and intellegence service" focused on the establishment of confidential relations with the Iraqi Kurds in the north of Iraq on the pretext of defending Kurdish rights. This period also witnessed efforts to attract Jews from Iraq to Palestine and use all meansincluding terrorism- in what was known as "In Ezra and Nehemiah Operation ", which aimed at and succeeded in the replacement of 95% of the Iraqi Jewish community in the newwly established Israel ( 1950 – 1951). the research then reviewed the history of the development of Israeli policy towards Iraq in the period of 1958-1990, where the events of this period witnessed a 14th of July revolution 1958, a coup which brought in a real parallel forces in the Arab Middle East and adjacent areas. Consequently, there was a withdrawal of Iraq from the Baghdad Pact, Iraq also declared a policy of "positive neutrality" and closer ties and relations with the Soviet Union. Therefore, foreign powers have sought to exploit the Kurdish affair in order to thwart Iraqi revolution . they established the so-called "Trident organization " with its secret activity involving Turkey, Iran, Israel, whish have had one common goal combines Israel , Iran and Mustafa Barzani, trying to exhaust the Iraqi army and the country, to weaken Iraq in front of Iran to gain Iran,s territorial claims in the Shatt al-Arab, and to obtain external support for the Kurds. In Order for Israel to enter to northern Iraq via Iran this has become the preoccupation and the perpetuation of the insurgency of Mustafa Barzani, , this has been attempted by all available means: to sease the largest possible number of Iraqi army units, the depletion and destruction of Iraq's military, economic and human capabilities and the removal of Iraq from contributing in turn in any Arab-Israeli wars. On the other hand, Israel has planted spy networks within the group of Iraqi scientists and succeeded in the elemination of Egyptian and German scientists since 1962 to try to obstruct Iraq's attempts at developing nuclear technology.
- Item( 2006-2013) الاحتياجات الأمنية الإسرائيلية في الضفة الغربية بعد حرب العام 2006(AL-Quds University, 2015-05-20) احمد محمود محمد شديد; Ahmad Mahmoud Mohammad Shadid; عماد البشتاوي; أحمد فارس عودة; محمد المصريThe West Bank is one of the issues that form the core of the Arab-Israeli conflict. This conflict has to do with Israel’s control of the land for both exploiting its resources and for allegedly security reasons. The study sheds light on the Israeli security strategy that aims at holding on to both land and air of the West Bank. This study aims at examining the Israeli stance vis-à-vis the final solution resulting from negotiations with Palestinians about the status of the Palestinian territories in the West Bank. Moreover, the study aims at monitoring the Israeli security trends in the light of the studies published by Israeli research centers and of the official security positions that are conveyed by the Israeli security and military establishments to the political circles. However, this will help us better understand the Israeli security-related perceptions and proposals that will be drafted in any future negotiations especially those pertaining to the final status . The problem of the study seeks defining the real Israeli intentions regarding the West Bank as the Israeli security and military establishments view it as their strategic depth. After the 2006 war, Israel started to focus on many security issues that Israel perceives highly necessary for protecting her land and population, a policy that will impede reaching a final and just peace agreement based on international legitimacy represented mainly by resolution 242 that stipulates a full Israeli withdrawal from the territories occupied in 1967. The study concludes that the Israeli security establishment has the final word regarding negotiations with Palestinians and that withdrawal from the West Bank is unlikely in the foreseeable future for it will, according to the Israelis, jeopardize their security given their economic benefits they may gain should they keep their occupation of the West Bank.
- ItemA Quantitative Prospective Study for Whole Body- Diffusion MRI and PET-CT in Detection of Primary and Metastatic Malignant Lesions(جامعة القدس, 2022-05-22) Ahmed Mohammed Ahmed Abu Ali; أحمد محمد أحمد أبوعليThe idea of having an integrated nuclear medicine unit consisting of a scanner with a compatible source of isotopes like cyclotron to work efficiently in Palestine is almost impossible due to many issues beginning from political issues and ending with financial issues. Moreover, the nature of materials that have been used in nuclear medicine is radioactive which could increase the ability of causing other malignancies, PET scan can sometimes show areas of high activity, which may be mistaken for cancers like inflammatory conditions, in order to avoid all these pitfalls that might interfere with the diagnostic process, it is necessary to start looking for an alternative to support oncologists and their patients to use another safe, valid, available in abundance and lower cost technology called Whole Body Diffusion MRI which can project areas of restricted water diffusion for pathologies and for tumors through the whole body in places where cellular activity is increased with decreasing of relevant water diffusion in the same area. A prospective data collection for 33-oncology patient, who advised previously to do PET scan had been agreed to participate in our study for WB-DWI MRI scanning in a period not exceeding ten days between PET and MRI, 60% are male participants (n=20) and 40% female (n=13), ages of participants are ranging between 18-74 years old with an age average of 48 years old, body weight average is 83kg with a maximum and minimum weight are125kg and 56kg respectively. Their primary diseases varied between non Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL), Hodgkin lymphoma, endometrial, prostate, pancreatic, and gastric, thyroid cancer, pathological fracture and skin lesions. Our result in PET shows 181 hypermetabolic lesion distributed in the four zones (head neck, chest, abdomen-pelvis and musculoskeletal), WB-DWI MRI shows most of the same lesions restricted in diffusion with extra small sub centimetre lesions totally 251 lesions in count with a comparison between standard uptake volume (SUV) and apparent diffusion coefficient ADC) which shows most high SUV (SUV>2.5) have ADC < 1.1 x10-3 mm2/s. Statistical quantitative analysis shows a significant positive correlation between number of detected lesions in both modalities, in the same zone for each patient, at p value < 0.05 (p=0.00004) and R-value = 0.178, 0.434, 0.606 and 0.840 for head-neck, chest, abdomen pelvis and musculoskeletal respectively, a comparative correlation between ADC and SUV shows a significant negative correlation between SUV and ADC at p value < 0.05 and R-value= -0.3073. WB-DWI MRI can be used in some lymphoma cases for follow up as an alternative for PET scan in case no access is available for PET imaging, DWI can be used also for localized tumors follow up to monitor the response for treatment after chemotherapy or radiotherapy either post-surgical resection. Oncology and radiology departments recommended activating diffusion sequence in each MRI study for oncology patients in order to assure the idea of diffusion restriction for follow up studies فكرة وجود وحدة طب نووي متكاملة تتكون من جهاز ماسح مع مصدر للنظائر المشعة مثل المسارع النووي الدائري للعمل بكفاءة في فلسطين يكاد يكون مستحي ا لً بسبب العديد من القضايا التي تبدأ من القضايا السياسية وتنتهي بالقضايا المالية بسبب الإحتلال الإسرائيلي. الهدف من هذه الدراسة هو إيجاد طريقة آمنة وصالحة ومتاحة على نطاق واسع كبديل للتصوير البوزيتروني الطبقي لمساعدة أطباء الأورام وكذلك المرضى ، اقترحنا بروتوكول نموذجي معدل للرنين المغناطيسي لتصوير الجسم بالكامل ) WB-DWI MRI ( لاستسغلال خاصية الإنتشار من جزيئات الماء داخل انسجة الجسم. شارك 33 مريضًا من مرضى الأورام بهذه الدراسة ، 60 ٪ ذكور ) 20 ( و 40 ٪ إناث ) 13 ( ، تتراوح أعمارهم بين 18 - 74 عامًا بمتوسط عمري 48 عامًا ومتوسط وزن جسم 83 كجم . تم تشخيص إصابة المشاركين بالفعل بأورام أولية بما في ذلك سرطان الغدد الليمفاوية اللاهودجكين،و سرطان الغدد الليمفاوية هودجكين ، سرطان الرحم ، والبروستات ، والبنكرياس ، والمعدة ، والغدة الدرقية ، والكسور المرضية ، والكُتل الجلدية. أظهرت نتائجنا أن التصوير المقطعي بالإصدار البوزيتروني أظهر 181 كتلة ذات نشاط حيوي عالي في المناطق الأربع )الرأس والعنق، الصدر، البطن والحوض، والجهاز العضلي الهيكلي( لجميع المرضى ، تم اكتشاف نفس الكتل بواسطة WB-DWI MRI الذي يُظهر معظم الكتل نفسها مقيدة في الانتشار بالإضافة لكتل لمفاوية ذات حجم أقل من 1 سم بعدد إجمالي 251 كتلة مع مقارنة بين حجم الامتصاص القياسي ) SUV ( ومعامل الانتشار الظاهر ADC حيث تبين أن الكتل ذات حجم الإمتصاص القياسي ) SUV> 2.5 ( كان معامل الإنتشار الظاهر لها ADC أقل من 3-10× 1.1 مم 2 / ث. يُظهر التحليل الكمي الإحصائي ارتباطًا إيجابيًا معنويًا بين عدد الكتل المكتشفة باستخدم الرنين المغناطيسي والتصوير البوزيتروني في نفس المنطقة لكل مريض بدلالات إحصائية موزعة كالتالي: 0.178 و 0.434 و 0.606 و 0.840 للرأس والعنق والصدر والبطن والحوض والجهاز العضلي الهيكلي على التوالي ، ويظهر الارتباط المقارن بين ADC و SUV وجود ارتباط سلبي بقيمة p <0.05 وقيمة R = -0.3073 . يمكن أن يحل التصوير بالرنين المغناطيسي WB-DWI محل التصوير المقطعي بالإصدار البوزيتروني في حالات سرطان الغدد الليمفاوية ومتابعة الأورام لمراقبة الاستجابة للعلاج بعد العلاج الكيميائي أو العلاج الإشعاعي وكذلك الأمر بعد عمليات الإستئصال الجراحي.
- ItemA smart Framework for identifying the training needs of Palestinian Teachers using Data Mining Techniques(Al-Quds University, 2020-12-17) Nidaa “Mohammad Ghazi” Hasan Farhaneh; نداء "محمد غازي" حسن فرحانهThis study aims to establish a Smart Framework that works as a system based on searching for data related to teachers of the Arabic Language, Science, Mathematics and English Language studies within specific criteria and variables, to determine the training needs by predictions through framework using data mining AI algorithm, which is necessary to enhance teacher’s performance in the classroom environment. The researcher took a sample of public school teachers in the academic year 2014/2015 AD and determined the following variables: academic qualification, specialization, stages that he teaches, an annual calendar, training courses, and their number of hours in content areas and teaching methods. The search was conducted using Angular as a JavaScript tool for the client-side (FE) in the framework and the spring boot as a server-side (BE) connected to a database MySQL and Flask Python server which is responsible for machine learning of deep neural network (DNN) as (AI) algorithm, all servers connected via (API) in Jhipster environment. Results of applying the prototype showed high effectiveness in identifying training needs to improve teachers' performance in an organized and interactive way. The researcher recommends the Ministry of Education to use this intelligent technology tool for its effectiveness in predicting needed training courses for a teacher to enhance his performance, and also to organize teacher’s data in an oriented w
- ItemAbamectin, ?-Cyfluthrin, and Imidacloprid Pesticides Occurrence in the Shallow Aquifer System in Jericho Area(AL-Quds University, 2010-12-20) نعمة محمود محمد صلاح; NEMAH MAHMOUD MOHAMMAD SALAH; عامر مرعي; د. فؤاد الريماوي; د.خالد كنعان; د. سائد الخياط
- ItemAcute Kidney Injury in Hospitalized Patients with COVID-19: Data from Two Centers in Palestine(Al-Quds University, 2023-01-02) Doaa Jamil Diab Albasha; دعاء جميل دياب الباشاكان العالم بأسره يكافح من أجل النجاة من أزمة كوفيد-19 الشديدة. لا تؤثر الإصابة بالعدوى على الجهاز التنفسي فحسب بل ترتبط أيضًا بتأثيرات على أجهزة الجسم الأخرى. أشارت بعض التقارير إلى أن وظائف الكلى قد تتأثر أيضاً و تبدو مرتبطة بمدى حدة عدوى كوفيد -19 ونتائجه. الطريقة: دراسة جماعية بأثر رجعي لجميع الحالات التي تم قبولها في مراكز رعاية كوفيد-19 في مستشفى المطلع ومستشفى المقاصد خلال فترة الوباء بأكملها من آذار 2020 إلى آذار 2022. قمنا بتقييم عوامل الخطر المرتبطة بحدة عدوى كوفيد-19 بالاشتراك مع شدة القصور الكلوي والنتائج داخل المستشفى ومعدل الشفاء عند الخروج. النتائج: 140 من أصل 435 مريضاً يعانون من القصور الكلوي (32.2٪). كان لدى معظمهم (79.3٪) علامات قصور كلوي عند الدخول مقابل 20.7٪ أثناء الإقامة في المشفى .(p <0.001) .بنسبة 60 ٪ من الذكور ، و 70.7 ٪ من المرضى يعانون من عدوى حادة الخطورة من كوفيد-19 ، و 45 ٪ من المرضى كانوا بحاجة إلى الانتقال إلى العناية المركزة خلال الإقامة بالمشفى. كان معدل الوفيات في مجموعة التي أصابهم قصور كلوي 35.7% (50 من 140). حوالي (20.7٪) من المرضى طوروا القصور الكلوي الحاد أثناء العلاج بالمشفى بينما حدثت 79.3٪ من الحالات عند الدخول. استند تصنيف (AKI) القصور الكلوي إلى معاييرKDIGO ، حيث كانت النسبة حوالي 60.0٪ من المرضى في المرحلة الأولى ، و (21.4٪) من المرضى في المرحلة الثانية ، و 18.5٪ من المرضى في المرحلة 3 مع 11.4٪ منهم بحاجة إلى علاج بديل كلوي (RRT) . تعافى 63.6٪ من المرضى بحيث استعادوا وظائفهم الكلوية إلى ما قبل الإصابة، واحتاج 10٪ إلى علاج بديل للكلى ، و 26.4٪ كان لديهم قصور كلوي مستمر ولم يستعيدوا وظائف الكلى إلى ما قبل الإصابة. الغالبية و بنسبة 64.3٪ تعافوا وعادوا لمنازلهم وتوفي 35.7٪. تم التوصل إلى أنّ شدة القصور الكلوي مرتبطة بحاجة المريض للمتابعة في وحدة العناية المركزة OR9.8 . [95%CI 3.2 - 30.4] (p <.0001) ، والحاجة إلى التنفس الاصطناعي (p <.0001) ، تعرض المراحل الأعلى من القصور الكلوي الحاد المرضى في نتائج أسوأ في المستشفى من حيث التعرض للوفاة والحاجة للعناية المستمرة والتنفس الاصطناعي. المناقشة / الاستنتاج: أظهرنا أنّ القصور الكلوي منتشر بين مرضى كوفيد-19 الذين يكونون بحاجة للدخول للمشفى وأنّ البعض يتدهور إلى الحاجة المستمرة للعلاج بديل الكلوي ( (RRTبالإضافة إلى ذلك ، كان هناك ارتباط بين شدّة القصور الكلوي والمزيد من المضاعفات داخل المشفى وخطر الوفاة. تشير نتائجنا إلى وجود حاجة مُلحّة للمراقبة الدقيقة والتعامل الدقيق مع مرضى القصور الكلوي الحاد (AKI) بالإضافة إلى تحسين حالة السوائل والهيموداينميكية لاستبعاد ومعالجة القصور الكلوي الحاد وفي نفس الوقت تجنب فرط حجم السوائل لدى هؤلاء المرضى لمنع تدهور حالة الجهاز التنفسي. يجب أن يتم ذلك في الساعات والأيام الأولى في التعامل مع المريض عند الدخول وكذلك طوال فترة مكوثه في المشفى إلى جانب تجنب إخراج المريض للمنزل دون تأكيد استعادة وظائف الكلى لمنع أي مضاعفات محتملة دائمة أو عابرة في الجهاز الكلوي. لذلك، هناك حاجة مؤكدة لمتابعة الناجين من عدوى كوفيد-19 مع علامات على القصور الكلوي (AKI) المرتبط بهم لفهم التأثير طويل المدى على وظائف الكلى وصحة الكلى. الكلمات المفتاحية: القصور الكلوي، عدوى كوفيد-19، العاوامل المؤثرة
- ItemThe Adherence of Physicians and Nurses' to Ethical Practices from Patients’ Perspective and its effect on Patients’ Satisfaction at Al-Makassed Hospital(Al-Quds University, 2023-10-30) Reem Ata Mohammad Sharia; ريم عطا محمد شريعةProfessional and ethical values are an integral part of healthcare, represented in the code of ethical conduct. It regulates and directs the behavior of healthcare workers and is reflected in patient satisfaction and the quality of healthcare services. Aim of the study: To assess the patients' perspectives regarding the ethical practice of physicians and nurses at Al-Makassed Hospital and how this perception affects patient satisfaction with the hospital services provided. Methods: A quantitative descriptive cross-sectional design was used for this study. A designed questionnaire was used, to collect data from 250 patients from the Internal, Orthopedics, and Surgery Departments at Al-Makassed Charitable Hospital in Jerusalem. Questionnaires were distributed, explained, and collected by trained students after signing the consent form by the participants. Descriptive and inferential statistics were applied using SPSS v24. Results: The response rate in this study was 88.4%, with 110 (49.8%) male and 111 (50.2%) female patients, and 51% of the participants were in the age group 30-60 years old. Only 17.6% of the participants have a bachelor's degree and above, and 73.7% are covered by Palestinian Government health insurance. Most respondents (74.7%) do not have work, and 57.9% have a monthly household income of fewer than 2000 shekels.The results showed that the level of respecting the patient and working for his/her interest is very high (88.2%), the level of protecting the patient from harm is high (79.6%), the level of preserving the patient's freedom to agree to the treatment plan is high (77.8%), the level of Justice and Equality is high (72.7%) and the level of confidentiality and privacy is high (76.2%).
- ItemAdherence to Infection Prevention and Control Protocols in the Neonatal Intensive Care Units in the Governmental Hospitals in Gaza Governorates(Al-Quds University, 2009-02-02) Nisren Hamdi Awad; نسرين حمدي صالح عوضNewborns in intensive care units are more susceptible for infection; most deaths in the late neonatal period are due to infections. This study aimed to assess the adherence to infection prevention and control protocols in the neonatal intensive care units in the Ministry of Health hospitals in Gaza governorates. This study is descriptive analytical cross-sectional conducted on neonatal intensive care unites, study sample consist of 128 subject physicians and nurses working in the NICUs. Data were collected by three instruments; self administered structure questionnaires, assessment structured checklist of physical environment in the NICU and structured observation checklist, with response rate was 92%. The findings revealed that 54% of respondents were male, and 32% were physicians, 68% were nurses, most of respondents did not have a copy of IPC protocol, and most of them (73%) did not know about the existence of the Palestinian infection prevention and control protocol, and not have know the contents of the prtocol. Seventy three percent of health care workers have knowledge about the standard precautions; most of health care workers received hepatitis B vaccination; while 78% of HCWs were exposed to sharp instruments injuries. The study also revealed that hospitals don’t provide training to the health care workers, and lack of continuous update information and instructions about infection prevention and control. The majority of health care workers reported not have system of performance feedback about infection prevention and control, also revealed shortage of availability of appropriate physical environment regarding the infection prevention and control in NICUs. The study clarifies that the practices of infection prevention and control was 56%; while the attitudes is high. The reasons of non adherence to infection prevention and control according to the health care workers perception were the absence of a training program and lack of knowledge and education. The study showed that there statistically significant differences between practices and the hospitals, and no statistically significant differences between practices and year's of experience, type of profession, and gender in relation to infection prevention and control. No statistically significant relationship between attitudes and year's of experience, type of profession, hospitals and gender were found. The researcher recommend to create a national Infection Prevention and Control Program, comprehensive program of regular training, and training as part of on-the-job, to include all HCWs , and as part of orientation program in the NICUs. To conduct specific policies and measure, provide and maintain adequate supplies, resources, and equipment.
- ItemAn Advanced Approach to Reconstruct CT Images from limited-angle projections, reducing radiation dose and tube load.(Al-Quds University, 2023-12-12) Doaa Housni Ali Bani Odeh; دعاء حسني علي بني عودةConcerns regarding ionizing radiation doses to individuals and patients have arisen as a result of the remarkable advancements in computed tomography (CT) technology and applications over the last ten years, so Computed tomography (CT) scanners and CT exams have increased continuously. Researchers aim to minimize ionizing radiation dose via introducing new CT protocols and providing diagnostic CT images with lower radiation doses to patient. Nevertheless, these investigations have challenges: reducing the radiation dose results in decreased image quality, which might occasionally be non-diagnostic. In This study, the researcher aims to investigate the possibility of forming a CT brain image from a limited number of projections at a projection angle of less than 180 degrees While maintaining image quality based on the ALARA principle and decreasing radiation dose. then determine if the images match the quality criteria of Brain CT. This effort spanned from January 2023 to September 2023. The process of reconstructing CT scan images from limited angle projections is critical and requires strict adherence to the ALARA principle. This principle is designed to minimize radiation exposure while maintaining image quality. Our study utilized filter back-projection (FBP) and algebraic iterative reconstruction (IR) algorithms to reconstruct brain CT images from 500 projection lines with a 100 x 100 and 200 x 200 matrix size. In addition to researching the effect of the reconstruction angle on image quality, two degrees were taken at an angle of 90 and 45 degrees. The images were evaluated for image quality criteria by 10 expert medical imaging technicians and 2 radiologists and specific evaluations were given. Then, a simple descriptive statistical analysis was conducted, including calculating percentages for expert medical imaging technicians and radiologists evaluations and p-values. By combining the results of a MATLAB 2021 functions with the insights of a radiologist, we can produce high-quality images that decrease radiation dose and tube load. Our findings reveal that the algebraic method is superior to the filter back-projection in preserving image quality when utilizing limited-angle projections. In addition to the Statistical t-test (P<.001), which confirms the existence of statistical differences between the two algorithms. With a percentage of 41%, or a moderate scale, the IR algorithm matches quality requirements better. Conversely, the FBP exhibits a proportion of < 25%, signifying a weak scale. Based on the percentages of evaluation, we can confirm that the size of the Matrix 200 x 200 is superior to the size of the Matrix 100 x 100, as it formed a percentage of 36.25%, which is equivalent to a moderate scale. In addition, the reconstruction angle of 90 provides better quality and its percentage was 41.75%, equivalent to a moderate scale. So the IR algorithm at 90 degree with 500 projection only provides images that match the quality criteria for brain CT. while FBP fails to provide any meaningful insights when working with angles of 45 and 90 degrees.
- ItemAge of Complementary feeding introduction in infancy and growth among adolescence residing in a refugee camp: A follow up study.(Al-Quds University, 2021-12-20) Rand Shafeeq Ramlawi; رند شفيق رملاويBackground: Obesity is becoming a global health issue and a public health challenge; due to the significant increase of obesity rates worldwide especially during adolescence and its relation with non- communicable diseases.Overfeeding during infancy leads to obesity, and studies suggest that nutrition in infancy and childhood may play an important role in adulthood obesity. However, no study in Palestine investigated the association between adolescent obesity and the time of complementary feeding introduction during infancy in Palestine. Aim & objectives: This study aimed to determine the relationship between age of introduction of complementary foods and overweight/obesity among school children in the early adolescence age in the Al-Amari refugee camp. Its objectives were to determine the associations between socio-demographic and economic characteristics, various lifestyle aspects, birth weight, and breastfeeding with the risk of developing obesity during adolescence. Study methodology:The study is a follow-up cohort study of 97 adolescents who participated in a previously conducted study 10 years earlier. A structured interview- questionnaire that covers all study objectives wasused for data collection. Also, anthropometric measurements (height and weight) and hemoglobin levels were measured for the participants. Statistical analysis:SPSS version 25 was used for data entry and analysis. Descriptive analyses were done for the collected data at adolescence and infancy. Frequencies means and standard deviations were calculated. For the univariate analysis, chi-square test and t-test were used to study the associations between adolescences’ growth indicators and their determinants. Also, diet and infant growth indicators were examined for any association with adolescent growth at a significant p-value of 0.1. Ethical considerations: The study was approved by Al-Quds University Research ethical committee. Permission to conduct the study was obtained from theUNRWA. Furthermore, participants’ parents signed a consent form that confirmed their acceptance to include their children in this study. Results: Analysis of the study participant’s data showed that the range of participant’s age was 13-14 years,57% of them were males, 45% of them have a family income of more than 3000 NIS and 56% of them were overweight/ obese. Only 5.2% who were of normal weight before 2 years of age stayed normal at adolescence and 40% stayed overweight or obese. However, 50% had a change in their BMI by the time either to become normal weight (38%) or overweight/obesity (16.5%). The univariate analysis of the study data showed positive associations for overweight/obesity with gender –male-(p-value <0.1), being the first or second child in the family(p-value <0.1), mother education level (p-value <0.1), monthly income (p-value >0.1), eating or drinking after dinner(p-value >0.1) ; being family members the source of nutrition information; buying sandwich or cake from school canteen (p-value >0.1). However, a negative association between overweight/obesity and birth weight of the participants (p-value >0.1),eating or drinking while watching TV (p-value <0.1); satisfying with appearance (p-value <0.1), effect of school curriculum on food consumptionand with Hemoglobin level(p-value >0.1).Lower frequency of physical activity is associated with a higher percentage of overweight/obesity (p-value>0.1). Finally, higher frequency of breastfeeding (p-value >0.1) was found to be protective factor against overweight/obesity. Conclusion:Obesity in adolescence is a predictor for obesity during adulthood. Therefore, adolescents should be directed to maintain normal weight by increasing their awareness of the determinants of obesity. Several factors have been investigated in this study either related to infancy or adolescence. Unfortunately, the small sample size prevented us from obtaining significant results as expected. But, the results showed a trend toward protective effect against overweight/obesity for higher frequency of BF. العلاقة بين عمر ادخال الأغذية التكميلية في مرحلة الطفولة والنمو لدى المراهقين في مخيم الأمعري للاجئين-رام الله: دراسة متابعة إعداد: رند شفيق عبد الرحمن رملاوي إشراف: الدكتورة نهى الشريف ملخصالدراسة أصبحتالسمنةمشكلةصحيةعالميةوتحديللصحةالعامة؛بسببالزيادةالكبيرةفيمعدلاتالسمنةفيجميعأنحاءالعالمخاصةخلالفترةالمراهقةبالاضافة الى علاقتهابالأمراضغيرالمعدية.انالتغذية المفرطةأثناءالطفولة قد تؤديإلىالسمنة،وتشيرالدراساتإلىأنالتغذيةفيمرحلةالرضاعة والطفولةقدتلعبدورًامهمًافيالاصابة بالسمنةعندالبلوغ. ومعذلك،لمتبحثأيدراسةفيفلسطينالعلاقةبينالسمنةلدى المراهقينوعمرادخالالأغذيةالتكميليةخلالمرحلة الطفولة. هدف الدراسة الرئيسي:تهدف هذه الدراسة الى تحديد العلاقة بين عمر ادخال الاغذية التكميلية للأطفال و زيادة الوزن\ السمنة لدى طلبة المدارس في سن المراهقة المبكرة في مخيم الأمعري للاجئين الفلسطينيين. و تتمثل أهدافها الفرعية في تحديد العلاقة بين العوامل الاجتماعية والديموغرافية والاقتصادية, العوامل المتعلقة بنمط حياة المراهقين, الوزن عند الولادة والرضاعة الطبيعية مع خطر الاصابة بالسمنة خلال فترة المراهقة. منهجية الدراسة:هذه الدراسة عبارة عن دراسة تتبع مبنية على دراسة سابقة (حول الرضاعة الطبيعية والاغذية التكميلية). 97 مراهق تم ايجادهم من أصل 199 طفل حيث قام المشاركون في الدراسة بالاجابة على أسئلة الاستبيان المعد خصيصا لأهداف هذه الدراسة عن طريق مقابلتهم جميعا,بالإضافةإلىقياسات الوزن والطولوفحصمستوىالهيموجلوبين. التحليل الاحصائي: تم ادخال جميع البيانات وتحليلها باستخدام الاصدار 25 من برنامج SPSS-IBM ففي المرحلة الأولى تم حساب التكرارات, المتوسط والانحراف المعياري لجميع المتغيرات الخاصة بمرحلتي الطفولة والمراهقة, وقد عرضت البيانات في جداول و أشكال بيانية, أما في المرحلة الثانية فتم فحص العلاقة بين مؤشر كتلة الجسم لدى المراهقين والعوامل المراد دراستها بواسطة فحص العامل المستقل (t-test) وفحص كاي تربيع (Chi-square) بالاضافة الى فحص علاقة مؤشرات النمو للرضع وتغذيتهم مع نموهم في مرحلة المراهقةعند مستوى الدلالة الاحصائية (P<0.1). الاعتبارات الأخلاقية: قدمت هذه الدراسة للجنة البحث العلمي والدراسات العليا في جامعة القدس. تم الحصول على اذن لاجراء الدراسة منوكالةالأممالمتحدةلإغاثةوتشغيلاللاجئينالفلسطينيينفيالشرقالأدنى (الأونروا) بالاضافة الى الحصول على توقيع من أهالي المشاركين على نموذج موافقة أكدوا من خلاله على موافقتهم بانضمام أبنائهم للدراسة بعد ابلاغهم بأهدافها. النتائج: أظهرتحليلبياناتالمشاركينفيالدراسةأنعمرالمشاركينكان 13-14 سنة، 57٪ منهممنالذكور، 56٪ منهميعانونزيادة الوزن\ السمنةو 45٪ لديهمدخلعائليأكثرمن 3000 شيكل. 5.2% منهم لديهم اوزان طبيعية قبل عمر السنتين و حافظو على أوزانهم الطبيعية في سن المراهقة, بينما 40% منهم كانوا يعانون من زيادة الوزن\السمنة قبل عمر السنتين واستمروا كذلك في سن المراهقة. بالمقابل, حدث تغير في الوزن لدى 50% منهم فأصبحت أوزانهم طبيعية 38% أو العكس 16.5%. وقد أظهر التحليل علاقة ايجابية لزيادة الوزن\ السمنة مع الجنس (ذكر)(p <0.1), الترتيب في الأسرة (الطفل الأول أو الثاني)(p <0.1), مستوى تعليم الأم(p <0.1), دخل الأسرة الشهري(p >0.1), تناول الطعام والمشروبات بعد العشاء(P>0.1), تلقي المعلومات المتعلقة بالتغذية من قبل أفراد الأسرة, بالاضافة الى شراء الأغذية من مقصف المدرسة(P>0.1). بالمقابل, أظهر التحليل علاقة عكسية للأوزان غير الطبيعية مع وزن الطفل عند الولادة(p >0.1), تناول الطعام والشراب أثناء مشاهدة التلفاز(p <0.1), مستوى الرضى عن المظهر الخارجي(p <0.1),تأثير المناهج الدراسية على استهلاك الغذاء بالاضافة الى مستوى الهيموجلوبين(p >0.1). بالاضافة الى ذلك, أظهرت نتائج التحليل أن زيادة تكرار الرضاعة الطبيعية (p >0.1) يعتبر عامل وقائي ضد زيادة الوزن/ السمنة. وأخيرا, أظهرت النتائج أن قلة ممارسة النشاط البدني مرتبط بارتفاع نسبة زيادة الوزن والسمنة لدى المراهقين(p >0.1). الخلاصة:ان زيادة الوزن في مرحلة المراهقة تعتبر مؤشر لزيادة الوزن في الكبر. وبالتالي, يجب أن يتم توجيه المراهقين للحفاظ على أوزانهم ضمن النطاق الطبيعي لحماية أنفسهم من مضاعفات السمنة وذلك يتم من خلال زيادة الوعي لديهم بمخاطر السمنة و مسبباتها. لقد تم في هذه الدراسة البحث في كثير من العوامل المتوقع ارتباطها بالسمنة لدى المراهقين سواء في مرحلة الطفولة أو في مرحلة المراهقة. لسوء الحظ, صغر حجم عينة الدراسة منعتنا من الوصول للنتائج المتوقعه منها ولكن النتائج أظهرت اتجاها نحو تأثير وقائي للرضاعة الطبيعية ضد زيادة الوزن والسمنة في عمر المراهقة.
- ItemAn Aggregate Scalable Scheme for Expanding the Crossbar Switch Network; Design and Performance Analysis(AL-Quds University, 2004-09-05) أحلام محمد درويش قريع; Ahlam Mohammed Darwish Qrie; عبدالكريم عياد; Rashid JAYOUSI; Luai MALHISNew computer network topology, called Penta-S, is simulated. This network is built of cross bar switch modules. Each module connects 32 computer nodes. Each node has two ports, one connects the node to the crossbar switch module and the other connects the node to a correspondent client node in another module through a shuffle link. The performance of this network is simulated under various network sizes, packet lengths and loads. The results are compared with those obtained from Macramé project for Clos multistage interconnection network and 2D-Grid network. The throughput of Penta-S falls between the throughput of Clos and the throughput of 2D-Grid networks. The maximum throughput of Penta-S was obtained at packet length of 128 bytes. Also the throughput grows linearly with the network size. On the opposite of Clos and 2D-Grid networks, the per-node throughput of Penta-S improves as the network size grows. The per-packet latency proved to be better than that of Clos network for large packet lengths and high loads. Also the packet latency proved to be nearly constant against various loads. The cost-efficiency of Penta-S proved to be better than those of 2D-Grid and Clos networks for large number of nodes (>200 nodes in the case of 2D-Grid and >350 nodes in the case of Clos).On the opposite of other networks, the cost-efficiency of Penta-S grows as its size grows. So this topology suits large networks and high traffic loads.
- ItemAgri-Food Supply Chain Management Analysis in Palestine (Jenin & Tubas Governorates)(Al-Quds University, 2019-05-19) Mohammad Taysir Mohammad Qabha; محمد تيسير محمد قبهاThe agricultural sector is one of the sectors on which the local economy is based and constitutes a main source of support. The agricultural sector is characterized by the large number of operations accompanying the production process and the large number of parties involved in this process. With the importance of this sector in providing the source of food for humans, but also characterized by instability and uncertainty. Agricultural activity in Palestine is more than a practice for what the land means for the Palestinian citizen. However, with many of the problems facing agriculture in Palestine, the scarcity of resources, the difficulty of access to it, the harassment of the Israeli occupation and the weakness of government capabilities including financial and legal sides. The decline in the productivity and efficiency of the agricultural sector and the emergence of problems such as inadequate local products and fluctuations in product prices appeared to be apparent. This study is intended to investigate the causes of rising production costs through the so-called agricultural supply chain. The aim of the study is to analysis the current agricultural supply chain in the study area and to identify the reasons for the high production costs, in addition to the importance of applying information technology in raising the efficiency of the agricultural sector and clarifying the responsibilities required by the regulators of agricultural work. The agricultural sector in Palestine is characterized by its overlapping with the Israeli agricultural sector. This overlap has a great impact on the Agri-food Supply Chain Management in Palestine, in addition the agriculture sector suffer from other other problems including water scarcity, Israeli control of the agriculture land in area ‗c‘ and weak supervision by those responsible for the agricultural sector due to lack of resources iv and lack of attention to the use of information technology (IT) in dissemination of the desired data and information needed to improve the efficiency of agri-food supply chain management. The rising of production cost as a result of these problems facing the agriculture sector has been disturbing the Palestinian farmers and is a burden on consumers at the same time, and therefore emerged interest in the implementation of the Agri-food supply chain to regulate intra-processes within the supply chain and find effective solutions to high production costs. The study was conducted to analyze the reality of the Agri-food supply chain management and its components in the study areas. The study focused on Jenin and Tubas areas for the, which are considered the basket of the West Bank for the most agricultural crops. The study adopted analytical and exploratory descriptive methods to understand the status of the agri-food supply chain management and the nature of the relationship between the components ( suppliers, farmers, wholesalers, retailers and consumers) of the chain. The method of interviewing was adopted as a research tool in addition to the observation method. The search tool is designed to show the relationship between the components of the supply chain horizontally and between the components of the chain and the elements of the chain vertically, noting that the elements of the supply chain are production, inventory, transportation, location and information. Through the discussion of the responses of the interviewees and their analysis, the results of the study were obtained through the adoption of the previous studies and their results as a reference. v The study reached the following; there is an agri-food supply chain management in the study areas but it is weak and fragile. And their adoption of traditional administrative methods that do not upgrade to the modern methods used in previous studies, weak confidence and data transfer between components of the supply chain, weak scientific research in the field of agriculture, whether scientific or administrative skills acquired by the components of the chain, Lack of prior vision or planning of the agricultural process by farmers, which leads to the emergence of variation in production processes, both in quantities or crops produced. The study confirmed in its recommendations on the following; build national team comprising both the Ministry of Agriculture, academics and representatives of farmers, explain the concept and importance of applying the agri-food supply chain management, build-up a database that includes all parties to the agricultural process and adoption of information technology as a tool for disseminating data among all parties, the most important step is the enactment of laws and legislation to ensure implementation of agri-food supply chain management.
- ItemAlgebraic approach to the fractional derivatives(AL-Quds University, 2012-06-23) نانسي جمال زهير مرقة; nancy jamal zuhair maraqa; ابراهيم غروز; جميل جمال; احمد خمايسة
- ItemAlternative fuel Phase Behavior ,water-in-Diesel Microemulsion(AL-Quds University, 2014-12-20) هنادي حاتم يعقوب يعقوب; Hanadi Hatim Yaqoub Yaqoub; ابراهيم كيالي; Dr.Khawla Qamhieh; Dr.Wadie Sultan; Dr.Hatem Maraqa
- ItemAmerican Women and Equal Rights : Sexual Harassment in the Workplace(AL-Quds University, 2006-09-17) زينة منير محمود بركات; Zeina Mounir Mahmoud Barakat; محمد الدجاني; منذر الدجاني
- ItemAn Evaluation of the Competitiveness of the Palestinian Olivewood Industry in Bethlehem Governorate(Al-Quds University, 2019-08-26) Suhair Abdallah Elias Ishaq; سهير عبد الله إلياس اسحقOlivewood carving is one of the most vital Palestinian handicrafts with the most significant profit margin. Bethlehem, Beit Jala, and Beit Sahour are the primary three cities famous in the governorate are specialized in producing and designing olivewood carving products. The olivewood industry is part of the Palestinian handicraft sector. It is also part of the tourism sector. Therefore, changes in the tourism sector translate directly into the handicraft sector. As such, unstable political situations affect the olivewood industry negatively. In order to enhance development and sustainability, it is essential that the olivewood workshops must increase the cooperation between them and with other stakeholders in the industry. Based on Porter‘s theory of competitive advantage, the main determinants of competitive advantage are; factor conditions, demand conditions, related and supporting industries, firm strategy, structure, and rivalry, chance and the role of the government. The main objective of the study is to increase the understanding of the determinants of the competitiveness of the olivewood industry by applying Porter‘s diamond model to specify other factors than those suggested in the diamond model that could influence the competitiveness of the olivewood industry. The research followed a descriptive survey approach. An in-depth interviews and structured questionnaire were utilized to gather data. The questionnaire targeted 110 owners of olivewood workshops in Bethlehem governorate. The questions were organized to achieve the objectives of the research. The results obtained from the survey were iv summarized, and results were analyzed using the descriptive analysis. Percentages and trends were displayed in tables. To measure the spread of the data over the sample population, mean scores and standard deviations were calculated. Correlation coefficients between indicators of innovation and attributes of the diamond were calculated to analyze the magnitudes of the relationship between them. The study revealed that although olivewood industry has stable factor conditions, steady local demand under unstable political conditions, artisan‘s attempts to develop and innovate. However, they are not sufficient for deriving and sustaining competitive advantage in the domestic and international markets. Based on the diamond model, a primary recommendation that could alleviate weaknesses related to marketing, competition, capacity building, quality and price control, and other issues is to establish an effective and powerful institution that can lead and improve the olive wood industry. Besides, an increase of the cooperation among stakeholders in the olivewood industry, directing the government policies, would attract investments, in the olivewood cluster.
- ItemAn Extended Actor-Critic Architecture with Phasic Behavioral Inhibition: The Case of Dopamine-Serotonin Interaction(Al-Quds University, 2018-12-15) Aya Hussein Ahmad Mousa; آية حسين أحمد موسىThe actor-critic architecture based on the temporal difference (TD) algorithms have been playing a critical role in reinforcement learning. The actor represents the policy structure and critic represents the value function. The TD prediction error signal is used as a teaching signal for both the actor and critic modules. Current models of the actor-critic architecture assume that only the unmodified TD signal can serve as a teaching signal for the actor and critic modules. In this thesis, we introduce an extended version of the actor-critic architecture that addresses the effect of two kinds of reinforcement signals; the TD signal and the behavioral inhibition signal. We argue that the role of the behavioral inhibition signal is to produce phasic opposition of the TD signal in order to ascertain the significance learning and fortify consolidation. Based on this logic, we construct a new neurocomputational model of the brain region the basal ganglia. This model addresses the effects of the neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin in the reinforcement learning process. The dopamine function is represented by a TD prediction error signal, while serotonin is simulated as a behavioral inhibition signal whose role is to phasically inhibit the TD prediction error signal. We utilize major depressive disorder and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressants as experimental representations of variable levels of dopamine and serotonin to study their interaction in reinforcement learning. We use three different modeling approaches to simulate experimental reinforcement learning data: (1) TD only model, (2) TD and risk prediction model, and (3) Our proposed TD and behavioral inhibition model. Simulation results show that our proposed model simulated experimental reinforcement learning data from MDD and SSRIs significantly better the other two modeling approaches. This extended actor-critic architecture can have a myriad of applications in robotics as well as neuroscience.
- ItemAnalysis and Characterization of Polyacrylamide Metal Complexes(AL-Quds University, 2015-10-10) سامي عطالله محمود مخارزة; Sami Atallah Mahmoud Makharza; وديع سلطان; Dr. Hasan Dweik; زياد الشخشير
- ItemAnalysis of radiant heat exchange and interaction with conduction(Al-Quds University, 2009-04-09) Imad Ali Hamdan Al Atrash; عماد علي حمدان الأطرشThis work deals with the three fundamental concepts of heat transfer modes (radiation, conduction and convection) with great emphasis on heat radiation and interaction with conduction. Determining radiation interchange between surface areas is needed in heat transfer, illumination engineering and applied optics. In fact, since 1960 the study of radiant interchange has been given impetus by technological advances that provides systems in which thermal radiation is very important. The geometric configuration factors derived here are an important component for analyzing radiation exchange. The computation of configuration factors involves integration, either analytically or numerically, over the solid angles by which surfaces can view each other. Some examples are given to demonstrate analytical integrations arise in radiant heat analysis. Moreover, the question of coupling heat radiation with conduction has been dealt with. To analyze this problem we consider a conductive - radiative heat transfer model containing two conducting and opaque materials which are in contact by radiation through a transparent medium bounded by diffuse - grey surfaces. Some properties of the radiative integral operator are presented. The question of existence and uniqueness of weak solutions for this problem is investigated. The existence of weak solution is proved by showing that our problem is pseudo-monotone and coercive. The uniqueness of solution is proved using some ideas from the analysis of nonlinear heat conduction.
- ItemAnalysis of radiant heat exchange and interaction with conduction(AL-Quds University, 2009-04-09) عماد علي حمدان الأطرش; Imad ali Hamdan Al-Atrash; ناجي قطناني; Yousef Zahaykah; Amjad Barham