AQU Master Theses الرسائل الجامعة الخاصة بجامعة القدس
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- Itemتقييم مدى التزام المدقق الخارجي بمعايير التدقيق الدولية المختصة بتنظيم استخدام عمل المدقق الداخلي والخبير من وجهة نظر مدققي الحسابات الخارجيين في الضفة الغربية بفلسطين(AL-Quds University, 24-JUL-17) وليد يوسف عبد الرسول حجة; Waleed Yousef Abd Al-Rassol Hijjeh; إبراهيم عتيق; د. ساهر عقل; د. غسان دعاسThe aim of this study is to evaluate the extent to which the palestinian external auditor has complied with the international auditing standards that regulate the use of the work of the internal auditor and the expert .In order to achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher used the analytical descriptive method, He also used The questionnaire as a collection tool which was distributed to a sample of (70) auditors, Represinting (36%) of the practicing Auditors , After the collection of the data, it was analyzed using by the statistical packages for social sciences(SPSS) The study concluded the following results: .The evaluation of the compliance of the Palestinian external auditor in1 West Bank / Palestine with the International Auditing Standard No (610 ) regarding the internal audit work was low. An evaluation of the extent to which the external auditor was in compliance with ISA No. .(620), to benefit from the work of an expert was also a low response The evaluation of the expected effects of the external auditor's use of.2 the application of the International Auditing Standards to regulate the use of the work of the internal auditor and the expert was low. The scope of the expected impact of the application of the International Standard No. (620) to benefit from the work of the expert in the first place and in a low degree followed by the first field related to the expected effect of the application of the international standard No.(610) to benefit from the work of the internal audit at a low level.3 The obstacles of using the external auditor to use the work of the internal auditor and the expert were very high. The Technical constraints were primarily high. That followed in the second place by the constraints of the auditor's working conditions, which came into a medium degree. There are no significant statistically differences in the responses of.4 external auditors in West Bank / Palestine to the extent of the external auditor's compliance with international auditing standards according to the following variables: Qualifications, Specializations, Years of experience besides the Professional Certificates. .In light of the results of the study, the researcher recommends included the following: Developing and updating the laws and regulations related to the.1 profession of auditing, especially the laws of licensing external auditors and audit offices. Working on the preparation of a work charter that is a reference to the.2 professional conduct of the internal auditor determines the terms and conditions and parameters of the relationship of the external auditor with the internal auditor and the expert in addition to the procedures of cooperation and communication among them.3 Increasing the compliance with the International Auditing Standards for external auditing in Palestinian Institutions and Companies.
- ItemEvaluation of the Use of se of Health Information System in Decision Making in Non Governmental Organizations – Gaza Governorates(Al-Quds University, 27-06-2011) Akram Hasan Nassar; أكرم حسن نصارThe demand for timely, accurate and relevant information for decision making in health is more than ever before. In a fragmented health system like the Palestinian one, where resources are scarce and health problems are complex, the need for information is even more crucial than elsewhere. Little is known about the extent of use of information in decision making in the Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in the Gaza Strip. This study aims to examine the extent to which local health NGOs follow an evidence-based decision making approach through using health information systems (HIS). The study utilized descriptive, analytical cross sectional design with a quantitative approach. Two interviewed questionnaires were used for data collection from two diverse sources; the NGO as an organization (organizational questionnaire) and the managers working in these organizations (individual questionnaire). In this census study, of the eligible 24 health NGOs, 21 NGOs had positively responded. Response rate among managers was 83.3%. The developed questionnaires were based on the Health Metrics Network (HMN) assessment tool for national HIS with adaptation to fit the Palestinian NGO context. The overall reliability coefficient for both the organizational and the individual tools were very high (0.954 & 0.904 respectively). Findings revealed adequate total HIS performance for the organizational questionnaire (57.65%) and the individual (managers) one as well (62.02%). Low performance was found regarding the use of indicators (40.47% &48.6%; organizational then managers respectively) and in the HIS data sources (53.46% & 47.27%) whereas HIS data management (61% & 68.4%) and the information dissemination and use in decision making showed high results (69.13% & 60.96%). Lesser performance was found in the evaluation of HIS resources (52.11% & 69.48%) and in HIS information products (64.0% & 45.53%). However, the main strengths could be summarized in the highly positive managers’ attitudes, the young age of most of the NGOs managers, the effective internal communications and the commitments of top managers towards computerization of the system. The main weaknesses were the lack of HIS policies & regulations, lack of HIS training activities, inadequate standardized use of performance indicators, poor use of external data sources, inadequate data presentation capacities at the operational levels and inadequate information sharing with the community. Participants working in hospitals revealed lower perceptions in all HIS components in comparison to other groups with statistically significant differences (P<0.05). Similarly, computer users elicited higher HIS performance than non-users at all components with statistical significant differences (P<0.05). Top managers elicited higher scores in information products and the availability of resources than mid and low level managers and the differences reached statistically significant levels (P < 0.05). To enhance the information based decision making, the researcher recommends developing a set of indicators and supporting their monitoring. Also, enhancing a culture conducive to the use of information in decision making is essential. Last but not least, reinforcing capacity building skills in HIS is extremely
- Itemاراء وتوجيهات المجتمع المحلي الفلسطيني في محافظة رام الله تجاه الفحص الطبي قبل الزواج(AL-Quds University, 01/07/2006) أمجد أحمد محمود الأحمدات; Amjad Ahmad Mahmood Alehmedat; نهى الشريف; د. نيللي الحصري; د. تهاني الاحمدات
- ItemThe effect of wave-particle interactions on H+ and O+ outflow at high altitudes equatorward of the cusp :A comparative study(AL-Quds University, 1970-01-01) نصار محمد حسن دودين; NASSAR MOHD HASAN DOUDIN; عماد البرغوثي; د. محمد أبو سمرة; Adli A. Saleh
- Itemنموذج وخوارزمية استخلاص قواعد الأعمال باستخدام الأنتولوجى(AL-Quds University, 1970-01-01) مها فوزي مهدي اصرف; Maha Fawzy Mahdy Osrof; رائد الزغل; جهاد النجار; رضوان طهبوب
- Itemمقومات و ضمانات استقلال القضاء في فلسطين "دراسة مقارنة مع التشريعات العربية و النظام القضائي الإسلامي "(جامعة القدس, 1970-01-01) صبحي عبد الخالق العامودي; Subhi Al Amoudi
- Itemفلور الأسنان وعوامل الخطر المرتبطة بها بين الأطفال الفلسطينيين في محافظات غزة(AL-Quds University, 1970-01-01) لميس محمد عرفة سالم أبو حلوب; Lamees Mohammed Arafa Abu Haloub; يحيى عابد; سوزان شعشاعة; سمير زيارة
- Itemاضطراب ما بعد الصدمة الناتج عن صدمة الحرب والدعم الاجتماعي والأسري بين المراهقين في قطاع غزة(AL-Quds University, 1970-01-01) نيفين أحمد موسى الشيخ; Neveen Ahmed Mousa El Sheikh; عبدالعزيز ثابت; Bassam Abu Hamad; Osama Hamdona
- Itemjob satistifaction of nurse at makassed & augusta victoria hospital(Al-Quds University, 1993-07-07) Taleb Hashish; طالب حشيش
- ItemAttitudes of Staff Nurses At Al- Makassed , Rafedia and Mount David Hospitals(Al-Quds University, 1994-02-02) Fathieh Taha; فتحية طه
- ItemStress among nurses at Six Palestinian Non -Govermental Hospitals on the West Bank(Al-Quds University, 1994-05-04) Odette Anis Abu Shanab; اوديت انيس ابوشنب
- Itemالباب الذهبي في الفترة الاسلامية : دراسة أثرية تاريخية(AL-Quds University, 1996-01-01) أحمد يوسف أحمد طه; Ahmad Yousef Ahmad Taha; مروان ابو خلف; لا يوجد
- Itemمقام النبي موسى دراسة تاريخية و أثرية و معمارية(AL-Quds University, 1996-05-10) خالد محمود محمد مرار; Khalid Mahmoud Mohammad Murrar.; د. مروان ابو خلف; لا يوجد
- Itemالآثار الاسلامية في ارطاس(AL-Quds University, 1996-05-10) إبراهيم محمود إبراهيم أبو ارميس; Ibrahim Mahmoud Ibrahim Abu Irmis; روبرت شيك; لا يوجد
- Itemمجمع الجزار الخيري في عكا(AL-Quds University, 1996-06-01) غسان موسى أحمد محيبش; Ghassan Ahmad Mousa Mihibesh; مروان ابو خلف; روبرت شك
- Itemمسجد النبي داود عليه السلام ومقامه في بيت المقدس : دراسة تاريخية أثرية معمارية(AL-Quds University, 1996-07-04) أمل إسحق الدجاني كاتبه; Amal Katbeh; مروان ابو خلف; روبرت شيك; نظمي الجعبة
- Itemلا يوجد(AL-Quds University, 1997-10-05) خالد محمد محمد طقاطقه; Khaled Mohammad Mohammad Taqatqeh; ناجي قطناني; Fathi Allan; تحسين المغربي
- Itemفن النحت في قصر خربة المفجر قصر هشام(AL-Quds University, 1998-01-01) نبيل عناني عبد الرزاق عناني; Nabeel Anani Abdel-Razzaq Anani; مروان ابو خلف; روبرت شيك; لا يوجد
- Itemحارة السعدية في القدس العثمانية دراسة أثرية تاريخية(AL-Quds University, 1998-01-01) محمد هاشم موسى غوشة; Mohamad Hashim Mosa Goshah; روبرت شيك; مروان ابو خلف; لا يوجد
- Itemنظرية جديدة لتفسير التخطيط والتصميم الهندسي لقبة الصخرة(AL-Quds University, 1998-05-01) هيثم فتحي عبد الفتاح الرطروط; Haitham Fathi Abdul-Fattah Al-Ratrout; مروان ابو خلف; جمال محمد عمرو; لا يوجد