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- Itemاتجاهات القضاة وأعضاء النيابة العامة نحو خدمة المجتمع كأحد العقوبات البديلة للعقوبة السالبة للحرية(Al-Quds University, 2021-11-18) شيرين حسن محمد خضور; Shreen Hasan Mohammad Al-Khdoorهدفت الدراسة إلى التعرف على اتجاهات القضاة، وأعضاء النيابة العامة نحو تطبيق خدمة المجتمع، كأحد العقوبات البديلة للعقوبة السالبة للحرية في الضفة الغربية، ومفهوم العقوبات البديلة ومنها نظام خدمة المجتمع؛ وذلك من أجل التعرف على أهمية تطبيقها، وأحكام تطبيقها في التشريعات المقارنة، مستخدمة المنهج الوصفي بشقه الكمي بالاعتماد على المسح الاجتماعي بالعينة لملاءمته أغراض الدراسة. وقد تكوّن مجتمع الدراسة من القضاة، وأعضاء النيابة العامة في الضفة الغربية، والبالغ عددهم (213) قاضيا وقاضية، وكان عدد أعضاء النيابة العامة(161)، وقد استُخدمت العينة القصدية التي تكونت من (79) شخصاً. أمّا أداة الدراسة فهي استبانة تم تصميمها لجمع البيانات المتعلقة بالموضوع، مستخدمة برنامج الرزم الإحصائية ((spss لتحليل البيانات التي تم جمعها. وتوصلت الدراسة إلى العديد من الاستنتاجات، من أبرزها: أن الأخذ ببدائل العقوبات أصبح ضرورة ملحّة؛ نظراً للقصور الذي أثبتته العقوبات السالبة للحرية، وتعتبر خدمة المجتمع من أهم العقوبات البديلة؛ فهي تقوم على استثمار العقوبة من خلال إلزام المحكوم عليه بعمل من غير أجر، هذا، وقد أيّدت عيّنة الدراسة تطبيق خدمة المجتمع بوصفه أحد العقوبات البديلة للعقوبة السالبة للحرية في الضفة الغربية، مؤكدة ذلك من خلال اتجاهها المرتفع نحو الأهمية والمعوقات والمجالات، كما حددت أحكام خدمة المجتمع، كضرورة إجراء فحص شامل ودقيق للمحكوم عليه، وموافقته قبل الحكم، ووجوب تحديد سن المحكوم عليه، وأن تكون النيابة العامة الجهة المشرفة على التنفيذ. وقد قدمت الدراسة العديد من التوصيات من أبرزها: على السلطة التشريعية إقرار قانون خاص ينظم خدمة المجتمع، وتحديد الجهات المكلفة بالإشراف والتنفيذ والمراقبة، والمؤسسات التي يجب العمل فيها، وعلى وسائل الإعلام إبراز سلبيات العقوبة السالبة للحرية، ونشر ثقافة العقاب بخدمة المجتمع والتأكيد على أهميتها، وإجراء حوار وطني مجتمعي شامل تقوم به الحكومة، ويشمل جميع شرائح المجتمع والجهات ذات العلاقة. This study aimed to recognize judge's and prosecutors' attitudes towards the application of community service as one of alternative punishments for liberty deprivation in West Bank, and the concept of alternative punishments such as community service in order to realize the importance and provisions of its implementation in comparative legislations, using the descriptive method in its quantitive part, relyin on the social survey in the specimen to suit study aims. The study community consists of judges and prosecutors in west bank, whose number rises to 213 judges and 161 prosecutors. The researcher used an intentional specimen that contains 79 individual. The study tools consist of questionnaire that has been designed to collect data that related to subject matter. The researcher used statistical package programme (spss) to analyze data that have been collected. The study reached to a number of conclusions; the most prominent of which is that applying sanctions alternatives has become an urgent necessity due to shortage that liberty deprivation has approved. Community service is considered as one of the most important alternative punishments that work on taking advantage of the punishment through obligating the convicted to do unpaid work. The study sample has supported the community service applying as one of the alternative sanctions for liberty deprivation in west Bank asserting it through its rising direction towards the importance, obstacles and fields. It also defined the provisions of community service as a necessity to do a comprehensive and accurate examination for the convicted before judgment, the age of the convicted must be determined and the general prosecution shall hold a responsibility for the execution. The study suggested a number of recommendations, one of the most prominent is that legislative authority has to approve a private law and system that organize the community service and determine the entities in charge of supervising, implementing and monitoring, and the institutions to work in, and the media has to highlight the negatives of liberty deprivation and spread the culture of punishment in community service, assert on its importance and make a comprehensive, societal and national dialogue by the government including all sectors of society and related entities.
- Itemاتفاق التحكيم في منازعات سوق الاوراق الماليه(AL-Quds University, 2014-03-12) محمد يحيى سلامه ابوارميله; Muhammad Yahia Salameh Abu Rmeileh; عبد الرؤوف السناوي; د. ياسير زبيدات; أ.د عثمان التكروريThe study examined the subject of arbitration agreement in securities market disputes, the problems and the challenges that accompanied it by identifying the legal framework governing the arbitration agreement in securities market disputes in respect of the general theory enshrined in the Palestinian Arbitration Law No 3 for 2000 on one hand, and the Regulation of Dispute Settlement and Arbitration in Securities Market of 2007 on the other hand. The study discussed the subject through showing the consolidation of basic principles of the arbitration agreement in securities market disputes and stated the content of arbitration agreement in those disputes. Exposure to the absence of arbitration agreement where entry in the means of arbitration and began the arbitral process of non-existence of an agreement between the parties to the securities market disputes to choose arbitration as an alternative disputes resolution. In order to combine the theoretical and practical side, the study moved on to the application of the general content of the arbitration agreement in securities market disputes in some common disputes that had occurred in this market. The Study aimed to demonstrate that the absence of an arbitration agreement in securities market disputes is a flagrant violation of the constitutional legal norms which protect and ensure the right of people to resort to judiciary which is a sacred right and should not prevent anyone to resort to other means. The study dealt with the subject by relying on the analytical and comparative methods, through analysis and comparison between the position of the Palestinian Legislature in the Arbitration Law and the Regulation of Dispute Settlement and Arbitration in Securities Market with the laws and regulations included, in order to reach the validity of the Palestinian Legislator method in organizing that. The study showed a range of results, the most important one of them embodied in the Palestinian Legal system - through the Regulation of Dispute Settlement and Arbitration in Securities Market - taken in the absence of arbitration agreement in securities market disputes. It also showed that the complete absence of arbitration agreement leads to violation the right of litigation guaranteed by the Palestinian Basic Law, and the arbitral legal norms expressed in the Palestinian Arbitration Law. In order to ensure the legality of arbitration agreement in securities market disputes, the study recommended that the Palestinian Legislator not to legislate special legal norms governing the arbitration in securities market disputes, because the general legal norms that organized arbitration under the Arbitration Law No. 3 of 2000 are sufficient to cope with any dispute by the means of arbitration. The study also recommended that the Palestinian Capital Market Authority should take the necessary decisions which should be forwarded to the Palestine Securities Market, in order to abolish the rules that had been devoted to the absence of an arbitration agreement. The study also recommended that the Palestine Securities Market should carry out the voluntary initiative to abolish this absence. All of this, is to prevent the judicial abolition, whether constitutional abolition by the Palestinian Supreme Court as constitutional court or through administrative abolition by the Palestinian Supreme Court of Justice.
- Itemاثبات الجرائم البيئية(Al-Quds University, 2023-09-12) بشار ماجد علي فرج; Bashar majed ali faragنظراً للأهمية البالغة التي تعنى بها البيئة فقد توجه الباحث للبحث في ماهية الجرائم البيئية وكيفية إثباتها والتحقق منها وتحديد المسؤول عنها والجهة المخولة بالقيام بهذه الإجراءات في سبيل إيصال المعلومة القانونية لكافة أطراف المجتمع الذين هم شركاء بهذه البيئة التي خلقها الله ويسرها من أجل تسهيل حياة البشر على هذا الكوكب. ومن هذا المنطلق توجه الباحث للنظر في القوانين الفلسطينية ذات الشأن البيئي بالإضافة للقوانين الأجنبية المتشابهة معها ومقارنة الإجتهادات القضائية في سبيل التوصل لآليات إثبات الجرائم البيئية وتحديد المسؤولية الجزائية والمسؤول تحديداً عن هذه الجرائم، نظراً للوضع الخاص للأراضي الفلسطينية وما يتخللها من تهديد ناجم عن الإحتلال الصهيوني مما يعرقل عملية التحقق وإثبات الجرائم البيئية نظراً لتقطع أوصال الأراضي الفلسطينية وكذلك إختلاف تصنيف المناطق الفلسطينية مما يخل بالإختصاص الإقليمي لدولة فلسطين على أراضيها، فضلاً عن أن يكون مرتكب هذه الجرائم هو الإحتلال الصهيوني بذاته وبمؤسساته وأفراده. فتم الإعتماد في هذه الدراسة على عدة مناهج قانونية للبحث العلمي وهي المنهج الوصفي التحليلي الإستقرائي بالإضافة للمنهج التاريخي وكذلك المنهج المقارن، حيث تم التطرق لتقسيمات البيئة الرئيسية وتحديد ماهية المصلحة المحمية في الجرائم البيئية من خلال تحديد أركان الجريمة البيئية البيئية وأساس قيام المسؤولية الجزائية عن الجرائم البيئية، وتم تناول موضوع الملاحقة الجزائية للجرائم البيئية من خلال تحديد أجهزة الضبط والتحقيق المتخصصة بهذه الجرائم وتحديد الإختصاص الإقليمي والنوعي والشخصي؛ وبهذا السياق تم التطرق في هذه الدراسة تحديد الجهة الواقع عليها عبء إثبات هذه الجرائم والوسائل المعمول بها في فلسطين في إثبات هذه الجرائم ونسبتها لفاعليها. ومما سبق تمت الإجابة على الإشكالية الرئيسية لهذا البحث والتساؤلات الفرعية المنبثقة عنها بشكل يحقق الأهداف المرجوة من هذا البحث حيث خلص الباحث من خلال هذه الدراسة لعدة استنتاجات وهي كما يلي: - إن الحماية الجزائية للبيئة في التشريعات الفلسطينية جاءت موزعة في كم كبير من الأنظمة والقوانين واللوائح، مما يجعل من حصرها ودمجها سوية أمراً صعباً. - معظم الجرائم البيئية تعد من قبيل جرائم السلوك المجرد "جرائم الخطر" ولا يشترط وقوع نتيجة للجريمة البيئية من أجل التجريم. - وسائل إثبات الجرائم البيئية التقليدية غير كافية لإثبات وقوع الجرائم البيئية لا سيما وأن الأخيرة بحاجة لآلات دقيقة لفحص تركيز المواد ونسب الملوثات وغيرها، وبالتالي فإن وسائل الإثبات المستحدثة هي الأصلح لإثبات الجرائم البيئية. وكذلك توصل الباحث من خلال هذه الدراسة لعدة توصيات من شأنها أن ترقى بالمؤسسات الفلسطينية الخاصة والعامة في سبيل الحفاظ على البيئة يمكن أن نجملها فيما يلي: - من الأفضل الأخذ بعقوبات جزائية أخرى، وعدم الإقتصار على عقوبة الحبس والغرامة التي لا يتأثر بها من تفرض عليه، وبالتالي عدم جدواها كعقوبة تحول دون ارتكاب الجرائم البيئية. - التوسع في اعتماد عقوبة المصادرة الوجوبية وتبنيها، والتي تحقق ردعاً إضافياً يساهم في حماية البيئة بشكل فعال ومؤثر. - ضرورة تنفيذ كافة الإتفاقيات والمعاهدات الدولية والبروتوكولات المتعلقة بحماية البيئة على الصعيد الوطني. - ضرورة عمل المشرع على النص الواضح والصريح لآليات الإثبات الحديثة والمستحدثة في إثبات الجرائم البيئية والتجاوزات نظراً لدقتها ووضوحها وحياديتها. - العمل على إنشاء طاقم متخصص من أجهزة الضبط القضائي وأعضاء النيابات المتخصصة بالجرائم البيئية حيث يلزم لإثبات هذه الجرائم الإستعانة بالخبراء الفنيين والأجزة الحديثة والمتطورة لسهولة ملاحقة وإثبات التجاوزات والمخالفات البيئية بشتى أنواعها.
- Itemاثر التأمين من المسؤوليه على علاقة المؤمن بالشخص الثالث (المضرور)(جامعة القدس, 2022-08-06) أفنان يونس يوسف عرجان; Afnan Younis yousef Arjanتناولت الدراسة موضوع مسؤولية شركات التأمين عن تعويض مصابي حوادث الطرق في التشريع الفلسطيني والأردني والمصري، تلك المسؤولية التي لها من الأهمية في الوقت الحاضر، حيث يُعطى كل ذي حقٍ حقه في حالة وقوع حوادث الطرق، حقٌ للمصاب أو المؤمن، وحقٌ للمؤمن له ( شركات التأمين). حيث تم تقسيم موضوع الدراسة إلى تمهيد وفصلين رئيسيين يبينان المقارنة بين التشريعات التأمينية الثلاثة: الفلسطيني، الأردني والمصري، إضافة إلى شرح التشريعات والتفاصيل والقرارات التأمينية والقضائية ذات العلاقة. تناولت الباحثة في الفصل الأول مدى مسؤولية شركات التأمين عن تعويض مصابي حوادث الطرق، حيث أنبثق عنه مبحثان رئيسيان وهما: المبحث الأول: أساس المسؤولية ونطاق التغطية التأمينية المبحث الثاني: علاقة شركة التأمين بالمؤمن له والغير. أما الفصل الثاني فأبرزت الباحثة موضوع آثار التأمين الإلزامي من المسؤولية المدنية الناشئة عن حوادث الطرق، أوضحت الباحثة في المبحث الأول الدفعات المستعجلة التي يفرضها القانون على شركات التأمين لصالح المصاب لحين البت في الدعوى المقامة ضد شركة التأمين أو التي سوف تقام ضدها، فأولاً تم عرض طلب الدفعات المستعجلة، وثانياً تم إبراز عناصر احتساب الدفعات المستعجلة وإخطار الملتزم قانوناً بالدفعات المستعجلة، بالإضافة إلى إجراءات طلب الدفعات المستعجلة وشروط تقديم الطلب ووقف الدفعات وتعديل القرار الصادر بالطلب وتنفيذه. وقد وضحت الباحثة في المبحث الثاني مقدار تعويض متضرري حوادث الطرق بنوعيه المعنوي والمادي، موضحةً الحد الأقصى لكل نوع منهما وأساس احتسابه وضابط التعويض فيه. وبعد ذلك تم إضافة الخاتمة التي تضمنت أهم النتائج والتوصيات التي توصلت إليها الباحثة من خلال هذه الدراسة. الكلمات المفتاحية: مسؤولية، شركات التأمين، التعويض، حوادث الطرق، المتضررين، التشريع، فلسطين.
- Itemاثر الجنون في التشريع الجزائي الفلسطيني "دراسة مقارنة"(Al-Quds University, 2020-06-03) مي جمال محمد عواد; Mai Jamal Mohammad AwwadThe subject of this study focuses on insanity and its impact according to the Palestinian penal legislation, presented in three major chapters. The study aims to show the effect of insanity on criminal responsibility, the criminal case procedures for accused persons with insanity and their penal status, and the measures taken by the courts when terminating the trial in cases of which the accused are proved to be insane. This is supported by highlighting the statuses of the Jordanian Penal Code No. 16 of 1960, The Palestinian Criminal Procedure Law No. 3 of 2001, and the Palestinian Reform and Rehabilitation Law No. 6 of 1998, guided by judicial rulings to demonstrate the extent to which these provisions and deficiencies are consistent with Palestinian legislations, where the comparative descriptive analytical method has been adopted in this study. The first chapter of the study reviews the legal framework of the criminal responsibility of the insane person, which includes the definition of insanity, its concept, types, and its relation to criminal responsibility, as well as the difference between insanity and other suspected disorders, e.g. psychological, neurological, or mental, in addition to the conditions that must be met to refrain from criminal responsibility because of insanity. The second chapter reviews the impact of insanity on the criminal case procedures under consideration, and examines the impact of previous and subsequent insanity on the commission of crime, as well as investigations and trial procedures for the accused persons with insanity. It also includes the effect of insanity on the implementation of punishment, and the measures taken to address criminal risks by stating the legal gaps that were ignored by the Palestinian legislator in the Jordanian Penal Code No. 16 of 1960, the Palestinian Criminal Procedure Law No. 3 of 2001, and the Palestinian Reform and Rehabilitation Law No. 6 of 1998. Findings of this study concluded that the Palestinian legislator in the Palestinian Criminal Procedures Law has failed to specify the type of action to be taken in the court case before or after it was raised, in case of the disability was presented in the meantime, influencing the measures taken. It is also evident that the Jordanian Penal Code No. 16 of 1960 applied in the West Bank did not specify the time period in which the court and/or the health institution are obliged to prepare a report on the health status of the person with insanity and the authorized party to disclose the patient’s health, opposite to the Palestinian draft bill which sets the minimum to be at least six months. This research emphasizes the importance of giving recommendations to the Palestinian legislators to add a text in the Palestinian Reform and Rehabilitation Law that expressly stipulates the insanity of the accused and the procedures followed, by delegating medical teams to monitor the patients’ mental health, and to meet them daily. This in addition to examining the accused after being registered at the reform and rehabilitation centers, taking all necessary measures of treatment. Furthermore, a legal text regarding the implementation of death penalty against the insane person or any person with mental disability to be revised in accordance with the law, and to postpone the implementation of the punishment against the convicted person with insanity. This is whether the injury was before or after the act was committed, provided that the case of insanity was proven by the medical committee.
- Itemاجراءات التقاضي أمام محكمة العدل الدولية ( الحالة الفلسطينية نموذجا )(Al-Quds University, 2020-08-26) محمود محمد حسن أبو زاكية; Mahmoud Mohamad Hassan Abu ZakiehThe world’s features seem to be moving towards change. It is clear that this move is confronting new regimes that we have not previously experienced, and will obliterate capitalism and socialism. Moreover, it will affect the balance of special powers, especially after the affliction that occurred on the countries in their quest to wage the biological wars and experience their outcomes. This will be reflected on the performance of the United Nations (UN) since its foundation, and will achieve the international legal dimensions and other benefits . With this change, countries will adopt their duties before their rights to keep pace with the development of international organizations and their hastiness of relative sovereignty to overcome self-greed. Therefore, the UN must have expanded the modernization of a judiciary that cannot be anything, but universal . There are different obstacles that stand in the face of international human rights law, the individual's legal position. Despite of their multiplicity, it appears that not all international courts have the same scope and jurisdiction, so we can see that they have ignored the centers of individuals, and adopted the centers of states and sovereignty instead. It should be noted that the opinion of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague in 1949 regarding compensation for the injured individuals during their work at the United Nations has put an end to the state’s monopoly on being the locus of international law, and accepted the United Nations to be an individual of the international law . On the other hand, the Zionist lobby, assisted by the United States, is trying to eliminate the future of the Palestinian cause since the adoption of International Resolution (242) until this moment, which coincides with the transfer of the American embassy to Jerusalem and the imposition of a fait accompli for the Deal of the Century. This explains the challenges that will face the judiciary system of the International Court of Justice (ICJ), and the extent of the organization’s organs interference in its work, the matter that will affect its impartiality . The development of the international law has opened the horizon for the Palestinian State to face the Israeli occupation since a war that lasted 72 years. This has enabled the Palestinian State to breath breathed a sigh of relief and gain the right to become a non-observer state by a resolution of the UN’s General Assembly in 2012 . We seek to gain recognition from as much of the international community as possible which will support our position to maintain important issues in our case that affirm the Palestinian right, such as the right of return, the right to our capital, Jerusalem, the right of refugees and borders, and the right to self-determination. As a result, countries had to adopt the international standards stipulated in the UN’s Charter and the Statute of the ICJ in conjunction with the Criminal Court’s report on its acceptance of its jurisdiction in the West Bank in confronting the war crimes committed by the Israeli occupation against the Palestinian people . Consequently, we had to shed light on the path of Palestinian issues before the ICJ against America and Israel, especially at the time when Israel and America violate all international covenants, agree to implement the Deal of the Century and the annexation of the Palestinian territories. At the same time, we are on the edge of a mysterious future that awaits the Palestinian state, and we believe in the court’s ability to support the Palestinian position again . Despite what distinguishes the international community from the domestic legal system, it sill lacks an international legislator vis-a-vis countries, especially after recognizing Palestine in 2012 and joining international and human rights conventions . Based on our belief in the ability of international courts, the international law still lacks the existence of the idea (the global constitution).
- Itemاحتجاز جثامين الشهداء من منظور القانون الدولي (نموذج مقابر الأرقام والثلاجات )(AL-Quds University, 2018-12-26) محمد خليل محمد عليان; mohammad khalil mohammad elian; نجاح دقماق; محمد الشلالدة; احمد أبو جعفر
- Itemاحكام الميراث الالكتروني "دراسة مقارنة"(Al-Quds University, 2020-06-07) محمد فخري موسى ابوعياش; Mohammad Fakhri Abu AyyashThis study handles the subject of the electronic inheritance provisions, which is considered the new birth of digital life. Globally, humans have increased their usage of digital devices and they have become enormously attached to these digital electronics, where the majority acquire email accounts or social media accounts such as; Facebook, twitter, etcetera. In general, the life of people including their work, ideas and relationships have become present in this virtual world which pushes relatives after the death of their heir to request access to the owner accounts. Therefore, the electronic inheritance became as one of the most vital legal topics proposed for research lately, and this led to a Jurisprudential, lawful and community arguments where there were supporters and opponents considering that electronic inheritance violates the right to privacy especially in Western communities This research addresses an important problem that focuses on electronic inheritance while aiming to demonstrate its provisions, as we in the Arab community used to talk about inheritance from a legitimacy point of view; the problem of this study is exemplified through the following questions: Will digital accounts become a right for the heirs after the death of its owner? Also, to what extent it is compatible with the right of its owner to possess it? And how compatible is that with the modern concepts of privacy and human rights such as the right of humans to be forgotten. To respond to these questions, the researcher had to follow the comparative approach that consists of description and analysis. Moreover, the researcher explains the general principles of inheritance as a reason for transfer of ownership, and then clarifies the concept of electronic inheritance since this concept at first is believed to fall under the provisions of intellectual property which is not the case. The electronic inheritance is a modern concept that address the ownership of the user for the digital accounts such as the personal page on Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram or email and the possibility of being transferred to the heirs but does not basically address the ownership of the websites of these digital accounts. For example, the ownership of Facebook site falls under the intellectual property provisions which is not the case for the ownership of the user personal page on this site and the same applies to the email account. Then the researcher discussed the modern concepts in human rights such as the right to forget, right to privacy and its compatibility with electronic inheritance where there were different Jurisprudential trends regarding compatibility of digital inheritance with the provisions of traditional inheritance. Likewise, the researcher presented special legislations, Jurisprudential opinions and analysis the legal texts in the United States, some European Union countries and others in order to create a legal conception of electronic inheritance and to set the base for the first study in Palestine according to the limits of the researcher's knowledge. The researcher finally came up with a group of legal and practical recommendations which beneficiaries can benefit of and on top is the Palestinian National legislator.
- Itemاختتام التحقيق والتصرف بالدعوى الجزائية في قانون الإجراءات الجزائية الفلسطيني دراسة تحليلية مقارنة(AL-Quds University, 2015-01-15) فراس روحي أحمد سلامة; Feras Rohe Ahmad Salama; عبدالله نجاجره; د. نبيه صالح; د. حابس زياداتThe study aimed at identifying the juveniles guarantees in the stage of inference and primary inquiry (a comparative study) in the Palestinian criminal procedures law no. (3), 2001. It also identified the Egyptian and the Jordanian procedural legislations and the international conventions in regard to the procedures and guarantees to be implemented on juveniles during the inference and primary inquiry procedures. The importance of the study emerged particularly from allocating procedural treatment for the juvenile category by adopting legal rules based on principles differ from those implemented on the adult. The stage of inference and primary inquiry is considered one of the prominent stages through the criminal case before being presented before the court. The reason why I chose that study was my desire to view every tiny detail relating the rights and duties of this category, in addition to recognize the procedures applied by the police and the public prosecution and its compatibility with the Arab legislations and the international conventions. Moreover the need of libraries for such a study because of the lack of the available resources in that issue that explain the deal mechanisms with the juveniles through the stage of the inference and the primary inquiry. Through the study, the research raised number of questions related with the procedures and the guarantees for the juveniles adopted by the Palestinian legislator in conformity with the Palestinian legislations rules. It also raised the availability of the mechanisms in favor of the juveniles’ interests. The research discussed the role of the judicial control bodies (the police and the public prosecution) taking into account the procedures taken against the juveniles and not to detain them unless after using up all legal steps, and to what extent the procedures and the guarantees for juveniles during the stage of inference and the primary inquiry adopted in Palestine are harmonized with the comparative international standards and legislations? The study adopted many research methods: the historical method which identified the juvenile, the descriptive method which reviewed the procedures and guarantees of juveniles in Palestine by describing the legal status and the applied rules and its adequacy by collecting data from the related books and references and finally the analytical method for the legal texts of the juveniles and the comparative legislations for the related international conventions and the juvenile’s rights and guarantees emerged from them. Moreover, it reviewed the hindrances that prevent creating a law for the juveniles. The study was divided into two chapters. The first chapter contained five subjects and many questions. It also clarified the juvenile guarantee in the inference stage and identified the juvenile in detail. It explained the inference, the inquiry procedures and the authorized body to conduct the inference. Meanwhile, it concentrated on the juveniles’ guarantees while dealing with them in the inference procedure. Finally it showed how to conduct with the juvenile file after the end of the police adopted procedures. The second chapter dealt with the juvenile guarantees through the primary inquiry; the study identified the primary inquiry, the one who has the right to make the criminal case, the procedures of summoning the juvenile to primary inquiry particularly when interrogating the witnesses and experts, and finally conducting the inquiry. To conclude, every stage in the study was discussed separately. The study made a comparison between the Palestinian criminal legislator and the other Arab legislations attitudes in regard to the inference and the primary inquiry procedures. It also identified the results and recommendations that serve those who deal with that category in the Palestinian society including the officials of the judicial control, the public prosecution and the researchers. It also recommended that the Palestinian legislator should declare a protection law for the juveniles and make the required modifications to fit the age and the circumstances of each juvenile and to cancel the previous old laws which do not meet the juveniles’ modern needs.
- Itemاختتام التحقيق والتصرف بالدعوى الجزائية في قانون الإجراءات الجزائية الفلسطيني دراسة تحليلية مقارنة(AL-Quds University, 2014-06-07) ندى سعيد عبد الرحمن ابو علي; NADA SAID ABED ELRAHMAN ABU ALI; جهاد الكسواني; نبيه صالح; غسان عليان
- Itemاختصاصات النيابة العسكرية في الدعوى الجزائية قبل المحاكمة في ضوء التشريعات الفلسطينية وقانون أصول المحاكمات الثوري لعام 1979 دراسة مقارنة(AL-Quds University, 2018-08-11) محمد سعيد عبد الرحمن ابوعلي; Mohammed S A Abuali; رفيق أبو عياش; عبد الملك الريماوي; رائد طه
- Itemاختصاصُ المحكمة الجنائيّة الدوليّة بالنظر في جريمة العدوان(جامعة القدس, 2020-09-09) ميران محمد عمر ابو عياش; Meran Mohammd Omar AbuayyashAggression crime happens to be classified among the most hazardous crimes according to the international legal system as it breaks the international law and poses a threat to the assaulted country. Thus, this study aims to measure how successful is the international law constituting international legal acts that completely criminalize aggression. The aim of the study will be achieved first by manifesting the structure to define this crime, its legal nature and the liabilities arising from the offense, then clarifying the jurisdiction of international criminal court to approach the case down to knowing how to initiate proceedings before the criminal court. The study addresses the jurisdiction of the international criminal court over aggression crimes according to the Rome Statute that deferred considering such crimes until the concept of aggression crime is obviously defined. The study pursued the stages of discussions and continuous quest of the international community to set a definition for aggression crime until one is adopted and included within the jurisdiction of the court. That’s where the importance of the study stems from as aggression is considered an imprescriptible dangerous crime. The study answers the following statement of the problem: When will the international criminal court will have a jurisdiction to view aggression crimes and prosecute its perpetrators? The researcher tries also to answer the following sub-questions deriving from the aforementioned main one; what causes the great dispute over aggression crime for the court, why it has not been included in the Rome Conference, what its legal character is, what are the legal liabilities for this crime, did Kampala Conference by defining aggression crimes in 2010 contribute to the court’s independence of the Security Council, what are the procedures to initiate proceedings before the court and how the Security Council and international criminal court are related? The researcher depended on the historical method to recount all the stages and efforts put to define aggression crimes, the analytical method to analyses all the decisions related to this crime and finally the comparative method to spot differences between the acts of both statutes of the international criminal court and Charter of the United Nations. The study in conclusion pointed at the great importance for the international community to define aggression crimes, to identify the liabilities of the country that commit this crime and to delineate the procedures of initiating proceedings in the international criminal court which brings about integration with the Security Council of the UN. The study showed many results as follows ; aggression crime which sparked considerable controversy for long years and received huge effort to be comprehensively defined is one of the most dangerous international crimes as it’s a form of encroachment on state sovereignty. In 2010, the fundamental statute of the international criminal court has been adjusted for the aggression crime to fall within its jurisdiction and to have a demonstrating definition of its pillars. That would prompt the court to take on its responsibility to prosecute the criminal state which reinforces its role in achieving criminal justice internationally. Moreover, the researcher came up with essential recommendations related to the dangerous aggression crime. First, it’s better to set out a special binding enforceable agreement including all the provisions of the aggression crime and make it equally apply to all countries. In addition, a working mechanism should be established between the International Criminal Court and the UN Security Council in a free-from interference of any kind from both sides. since the court is an independent body
- Itemاختلال التوازن العقدي الناجم عن الشروط التعسفية(Al-Quds University, 2020-01-25) نور الدين طارق توفيق رجبي; Nouraldin Tareq Tawfik RagabiThe subject of the contractual imbalance resulting from arbitrary terms and conditions is one of the most crucial and essential arguments in law, because of the negative impact it has on the freedom of contracting, where the weak party in the contract is rendered at the mercy of the more powerful party, and as the scope of arbitrary conditions is no longer limited to the contract of acquiescence, but has also extended to all contracts; consensual or formal, resulting in a glaring imbalance between contractors. This study included an elaboration on the definition of contractual imbalance resulting from arbitrary conditions, and the legal guarantees to protect against arbitrary conditions. The study has reached several conclusions, the most notable of which is: the arbitrary condition is a valid condition and is not limited and not specified by a specific text, and the civil laws did not address the theory of submission, also limited to providing protection to the vulnerable under modern contracts. The general traditional theories contained in civil law do not constitute effective and independent legal protection to achieve the contractual balance between the parties under arbitrary conditions, nor is it permissible that the judge may intervene to restore the contractual balance between the parties to the contract without legal basis. The Palestinian legislator has addressed the phenomenon of arbitrary conditions through the Palestinian Consumer Protection Act in article (23), yet, to date, it has not fulfilled what was approved by the above article. In the light of the study results, some recommendations were made, the most important of which were: the need to enact special provisions that address the issue of arbitrary conditions without being satisfied with the general rules contained in the Civil Law, taking into account the interests of both the weak and the more powerful party without prejudice to either of them, as well as the need to grant the trial judge expanded powers to Urge in the arbitrary conditions contained in the contracts, and work to find specialized actors and effective means within the Consumer Protection Act to ensure the reduction of the phenomenon of arbitrary conditions.
- Itemاختلال التوازن العقدي فترة الوباء " كورونا 2019-2021"(Al-Quds University, 2023-06-10) بشرى موسى حسين دراويش; Bushra Mousa Hosen Darawishتناولت الدراسة مظاهر اختلال التوازن العقدي عند إبرام العقد وتنفيذه، مستخدمة للمنهج التحليلي بهدف تبيان وتكييف أثر جائحة كورونا على هذا التوازن، حيث تم فيها توضيح أثر الإكراه والتغرير والغبن والغلط كعيوب الإرادة على نشأة العقد، بحيث يصبح العقد حين تحقق وقوعها؛ غير لازم أو موقوف كل حسب حالته، مع بيان دور القاضي في تعديل الشروط التعسفية أو إلغاؤها، اعتمادا على سلطته التقديرية، إضافة إلى تعديل الشرط الجزائي بالزيادة أو النقصان، وهي استثناء على مبدأ سلطان الإرادة وبأن العقد شريعة المتعاقدين حفاظا وتنفيذا للعدالة. وفيما يتعلق بمظاهر اختلال التوازن العقدي عند تنفيذ العقد ووفق نظريتي الظروف الطارئة والقوة القاهرة، بينت الدراسة شروط النظريتين المتمثلة بكون الحادث الاستثنائي حادثا عاما غير متوقع ولا يمكن دفعة، واختلفتا في كون نظرية الظروف الطارئة تطبق في حال كان هناك ارهاقا في تنفيذ الالتزام. أما نظرية القوة القاهرة فتطبق في حالة استحالة التنفيذ، حيث تعطى السلطة التقديرية للقاضي بناء على الوقائع المعروضة أمامه، للوصول الى توازن عقدي، وذلك بإنقاص القاضي للالتزام المرهق أو زيادته أو تأجيل تنفيذه، في حال اعتبار الحالة الاستثنائية ظرف طارئ، أو الإعفاء من الالتزام مع الحكم بالتعويض أو عدمه حسب الحالة القائمة استنادا إلى القوة القاهرة، مع إسقاط ذلك على وباء كورونا الذي انتشر مؤخرا عامي 2020-2021، وآثاره على عقدي الإيجار والعمل. وفيما يخص كورونا وعقود العمل توصلت الدراسة الى انه وبما أن المشقة شملت الجميع، فعمل القضاء على عدة نواح لضمان مصلحة الطرفين دون أن تطغى إحداهما على الأخرى، وكذلك في عقود الإيجار تأثرت بشكل كبير خلال الجائحة مع التفريق بين عقود الايجار السكنية والتجارية، كون استمرار الانتفاع بالمأجور في حال العقود السكنية بالتالي يستحق البدل، أما التجارية وكل حسب حالته وحسب وجود المنفعة أو انعدامها، مع مراعاة الظرف الاستثنائي القائم.
- Itemاختيار رئيس الدولة في النظام الاسلامي مقارنة بالانظمة الدستورية المعاصرة(AL-Quds University, 2001-10-16) اسامة اسماعيل عطاالله دراج ; Osama Ismael Atallah Darraj; علي خشان; د.شفيق عياش; د. احمد الخالديتتناول هذه الدراسة موضوع اختيار رئيس الدولة في النظام الإسلامي مقارنة بالأنظمة الدستورية المعاصرة , وقد تم تقسيمها إلى فصلين رئيسيين ويتكون كل فصل منهما من عدة مباحث ومطالب رئيسة , حيث تناولت في الفصل الأول اختيار رئيس الدولة في النظام السياسي الإسلامي, وتعرضت للمبادئ الدستورية والأصول العامة التي يقوم عليها هذا النظام , لأنها تشكل المرجعية العليا لكافة المسائل السياسية والدستورية , فالإسلام لم يتضمن نظرية محددة للاختيار , وإنما تضمن الأصول والمبادئ العامة لهذا الخصوص , ولم يتعرض للجزئيات والتفصيلات تاركا المجال للعقول أن تجتهد وللأمة أن تنظم وتطبق, بما يتفق مع ظروفها وأوضاعها , على ضوء تلك المبادئ والأصول العامة وهي تبين مدى اهتمام الإسلام بالإرادة العامة للامة , ومن هنا تجلت مرونة الإسلام وصلاحيته لكل زمان ومكان , وقد دلت الأحداث التاريخية والتجارب الدستورية إن الأنظمة السياسية لمختلف الأمم من الأمور التي تتغير بتغير الظروف السياسية والاقتصادية والاجتماعية, بما يتناسب مع ظروفها وأوضاعها , ومن هنا يجب عدم الخلط بين المبدأ وأسلوب تطبيقه ,فالمبدأ ثابت لا يتغير بتغير الظروف والأوضاع ,أما أسلوب تطبيقه فهو مما يتغير بتغير الزمان والمكان وإزاء ذلك تعددت الآراء والاجتهادات الفقهية لترجمة هذه المبادئ في إطار نظرية محددة للاختيار, وقد اهتمت هذه الدراسة بهذه الآراء وناقشتها لبيان إلى أي حد تتفق مع أصول النظام السياسي الإسلامي لأن أسلوب تطبيق المبدأ أدى في كثير من الأحيان إلى فهم خاطئ للنظام الإسلامي . وقد تناولت هذه الدراسة في الفصل الثاني اختيار رئيس الدولة في الأنظمة الدستورية ,فوفقا لهذه الأنظمة فإن طرق اختيار رئيس الدولة تختلف بحسب النظام السائد في الدولة ,وفيما ما إذا كان هذا النظام ملكيا أو جمهوريا ,ديمقراطيا أو استبداديا ,وهذه الطرق منها ما هو ديمقراطي يستند إلى إرادة المحكومين ورضائهم ويتفق مع المبادئ الديمقراطية, والتي أصبحت في الوقت الحاضر تتمثل في الانتخاب . والانتخاب هو التطبيق الحقيقي للديمقراطية القائمة على سيادة الشعب ومشاركته في الحكم , وفكرة الانتخاب هي فكرة حديثة العهد نسبيا لم تصل الى ما هو عليه إلا بعد مراحل وتطورات عديدة . والانتخاب له طرقا وأشكالا مختلفة تسود غالبية دول العالم , وهذه الطرق والأشكال ليست مبادئ ملزمة وإنما آراء وتصورات فقهية , وضع الفقه خطوطها العامة وأركانها الجوهرية , وتبقى الحرية للدول للأخذ بهذا الأسلوب أو ذاك , بما يتناسب مع ظروفها السياسية والاجتماعية والاقتصادية وتجاربها الدستورية , كما آن هذه الطرق متفاوتة من دولة لأخرى و ومن وقت لآخر حتى داخل الدولة نفسها . ومن هذه الطرق ما هو غير ديمقراطي لا يقيم لهذه الإرادة وزن , ولا يوليها أي اهتمام ,ولا زالت لها تطبيقات في بعض النظم المعاصرة على الرغم مما أحدثته التطورات الديمقراطية بهذا الخصوص . ومهما كانت الطريقة الانتخابية فإن ذلك ليس دليلا على ديمقراطية النظام الحاكم , ودقة الاختيار , فقد تكون الطريقة ديمقراطية في حين نجد النظام استبداديا , ويتخذها ذريعة للاستمرار والبقاء في السلطة وقد يحصل العكس بأن تكون طريقة الاختيار غير ديمقراطية في حين يكون النظام ديمقراطيا ,فإن ذلك يعتمد على درجة الوعي السياسي , والتقدم الثقافي والحضاري , ومدى تغلغل الروح الديمقراطية في النظام السياسي للدولة , ومدى احترام حقوق الإنسان والحريات العامة . وتوصلت هذه الدراسة الى ضرورة تضافر جهود علماء الأمة وسياسييها ومجتهديها لإعادة الاعتبار للنظام السياسي الإسلامي ,وتفعيل مبادئه الدستورية في الحياة السياسية للأمة الإسلامية لأنه السبيل الوحيد للخلاص من الأنظمة الاستبدادية , وإعادة الاعتبار للإرادة العامة للأمة , لتأخذ دورها الحقيقي في الحياة السياسية والدستورية, ولا سيما في عملية اختيار رئيسها وقادتها . وعلى صعيد الأنظمة الدستورية لا بد من ضرورة تفعيل دور الحريات العامة وحقوق الإنسان , وتفعيل قوانين الأحزاب السياسية وتنظيمها تنظيما دقيقا بما يتلاءم مع أهداف الشعوب وتطلعاتها , بعيدا عن المصالح الخاصة والاعتبارات الحزبية الضيقة, لأن ذلك وحده الكفيل بتحسين الأداء السياسي وتفعيل دور المواطن في الحياة العامة . This dissertation tackles the head of the state of the Islamic regime compared to the up-to-date and contemporary regimes, I divided the study into two major chapters, the first tackles the approach of selecting the khalif in the Islamic regime. Since Islam has no definite method for selecting the khalif but norms doctrines and fundamentals formulate, the formula of the entire Islamic regime, Islamic political kind of ruling appeared as elastic and omnipresent. Those fundamentals are constant but the implementation of them is changeable unconformity with the currant circumstances. Therefore, there was multiple jurisbrodent ideas to adopt a significant meathead of election. This thesis elucidates to what extent to those jurisprudence machos the said fundamentals. This because the meathead of application resulted in misunderstanding the Islamic political regime. The second chapter tackles the election of the head of the state in the constitutional regimes in which methods look vary with accordance to the kind of ruling as so as republic, royal, totalitarian or democratic. These methods subsequently shaped with the characteristics of the regime it self-democratic or undemocratic methods. The democratic method is represented by public election. This method is a modern way passed a different historical stages up and until reaching its recent characteristics as a voice of the wel of the people. Election has many forms also prevails the overwhelming majority of the state of the word. Although, these are not obligatory and standing doctrines but ideas and forms putforeword by legal jurisprudence states are entitled to chose the most appropriate and convenient one to be applied there in with regard to the essence of its political regime. Nondemocratic cases of ruling could be easily seen in the modern word inspite of the progressive impact of the democratic regime. We conclude that regardless the way of selecting the head of the state, are cant make any judgment on any political regime as democratic or nondemocratic are the criterion for that is to what extent dose the state embrace and apply the democratic doctrines and fundamentals in its way of ruling. This thesis ends in recommending a committee to be established and composed of Islamic jurisbrodent figures to carry out the fundamentals of the Islamic political regime into the effect as the only way to get red of totalitarian leaderships and to enhance the participatory rule in specifying the person who is eligible as a leader of the state. On the constitutional track, there is a real nead to respect public liberties, fostering human rights and reorganize the pluralism to match the inspiration of the people and of course to accentuate and deepen the democratic spirit of all interests of life in the state .
- Itemاستثمار الوقف الإسلامي وانعكاساته على قطاعات التنمية في الضفة الغربية(AL-Quds University, 2017-05-21) ايمان حسن محمد ابو معمر; eman hassan mohammed abuamra; عاطف علاونة; د. إبراهيم عوض; د. عروة صبري
- Itemاستعمال المال العام في فلسطين(AL-Quds University, 2001-07-14) نادي حسن عايش الشواورة; NADI HASAN AYISH ALSHAWAWRA; عدنان عمرو; د. عبد المالك الريماوي; د. محمد شراقةPublic funds require a special legal regulation, to ensure its use, force protection against the handler, whether administration or individuals; and there are different ways to use of public funds depending on who use it, or based on the nature of this fund whether it is movable or not. Due to determination of the scope of research in the using of public funds in the Palestinian Legislations, the study has addressed this subject by the comparative study and analytical approach was used, in order to analyze legal texts and show the relation between them and highlight what was aimed by the legislator about rules and provisions that are related to the public fund. Based on the title that was chosen to be the subject of research, the general plan of research must be consistent with this title. Accordingly, the research was divided to an introductory chapter, and two chapters and a conclusion. Introductory chapter has presented the concept of public funds, through clarifying the legal regime of public funds in the first section, and the second section has presented methods by which public funds acquire public status and ways of removing this status. The first chapter deals with the routes of using the public funds, it shows using public funds by administration in the first section, and by individuals in the second section. The second chapter dealt with the decided legal protection for the use of public funds, and the aspects of this protection are either as a criminal protection in the first section, or civil protection in the second section, or administrative protection in the third section. The conclusion included a concentrated clarification of main research ideas, and the results of study, one of the most important results, that there is no specific definition of public funds in the used Palestinian legislation, with the presence of a jurisprudential dispute about the nature of the State's right on the public funds, and there are special legal rules to acquire the public funds and removing it, and the absence of sufficient adequate legal provisions in the used Palestinian legislations to protect the of public funds. The conclusion included proposals and recommendations that present solutions to the research problem, the most important one was issuing a Palestinian legislation related to legal handling of public funds that are consistent with the developing life and scientific needs. Because any work has to face obstacles and difficulties, the lack of references and textbooks related to this subject where the most prominent problem the researcher has faced during preparation of this study. Since this subject has been addressed in many publications of administrative law but in a brief and non-detailed style, especially in the Palestinian level, where there is a scarcity in administrative jurisprudence in this subject, except some contributions that their owners deserve thanks and appreciations. In addition to the scarcity of Palestinian court rulings related to public funds, and another difficulty resulted from the scattering of rules related to public funds in different and diverse laws and legislations.
- Itemاستقلال القضاء الدستوري وفقاً للنظام القانوني الفلسطيني(Al-Quds University, 2024-03-05) جاد ابراهيم صبحي إدريس; Jad ibrahim subhi idrisتحرص الدول على اختلاف انظمتها الدستورية على الاخذ بالقضاء الدستوري كجهاز مكلف لأعمال الرقابة القضائية، فنصت على ذلك في متون دساتيرها، حفظا لمكانته، وحماية لمركزه مقارنة مع السلطات. وحتى يتمكن هذا الجهاز من القيام بالوظيفة المنوطة به بفعالية، كان لا بد من استقلاله عن السلطات ومختلف اجهزة الدولة، استنادا لاحاطة تشريعية، جاء التنصيص عليها في متون الدساتير والقوانين الناظمة للقضاء عموما، وللقضاء الدستوري على وجه الخصوص. وبالنظر الى ما ورد من تنصيص عليه بشان القضاء الدستوري في مختلف الانظمة ومنها فلسطين، فان الملاحظ انها جاءت متفاوتة في تنظيمها له، سواء كان ذلك فيما يتعلق بالحقوق المقررة لقضاة المحاكم الدستورية التي تعزز استقلالهم، وتوفر الضمانات الكفيلة لاستقلالهم، وحمايتهم من المؤثرات سواء الخارجية او الداخلية، وكذلك الواجبات التي تضمن التزامهم بالقانون، وعدم الخروج عن النزاهة والحيدة الضامنة للعدالة.
- Itemاعتراض الغير كالطريقة من طرق الطعن غير العادية " دراسة مقارنة "(جامعة القدس, 2020-02-08) شيماء شاهر محمد صبح شرباتي; Shaima Shaher Mohammad Sobh SharabatiThe law aims to provide stability in the legal centers, and this stability is not achieved for the centers where the judgment was issued, unless the judgment gains the truth, which prevents modification or absentee, the judgment becomes the title of the truth and the legal centers are based Second: The unusual methods of appeal are cassation, retrial, and the objection of others on .it The legislation therefore regulated the methods of appeal against sentences and gave them one of two forms: First: The usual appeal methods are the appeal. Second: The unusual methods of appeal are cassation, retrial, and the objection of others. The ordinary methods of appeal do not provide relief to those who are not adversaries in the proceedings in order to defend their rights, which are affected by the judicial system. The appeal shall be made against others on the grounds that the legislator has allocated to non-adversaries a way of challenging the judgment of the dispute to which the third party was not party with a view to annulment or modification of the sentence: Type I: Objection by third party Second quality: The objection of non-emergency The researcher found that the Palestinian legislator limited itself to one type of objection, the original objection. The researcher also dealt with the general rules for the appeal of judicial decisions as a prelude to the appeals rules by the interception of others, by indicating the conditions to be available in the appellant, judgments, decisions that are subject to appeal, dates of appeal and the relative rule of appeal. The researcher then addressed the methods of challenging judicial decisions and distinguished them from the opposition of others in terms of similarity and difference. The researcher dealt with the decisions that can be appealed against by others, as the appeal can be accepted by others in relation to all judgments whether issued by the courts of first instance or the courts of second instance, whether final or final, issued by the ordinary courts or the hasty judiciary, provided that the judgment has affected the rights of others, However, the objection of others to the Court of Cassation may not be challenged because these provisions cannot affect the rights of others, since they are not considered on the subject, but only in legal matters. The researcher reached the conditions to be met to challenge the objection of others : The objector was from others, and that means 1- he was not a contend in the lawsuit . - -. He was not represented in the case - he was not involved in the proceedings – . - Creditors and debtors in solidarity and creditors are indivisible if the judgment is based on fraud or a fraud - - If one of them is represented in the case of their gene or if they are proved that the sentence was issued on the basis of fraud and fraud. 2- The judgment in the case should be his case 3-The availability of the character and interest of the objector and the interest is a legal interest. The researcher dealt with the appeals procedures by objecting others, and spoke about how to challenge the objection of others, which included what was said: 1- The competent court: The competent court for the application of the objection of others varies according to the different types of objection, as the original objection is to consider the competent court that issued the judgment. An emergency objection is made to the same case as a case in which the case has been made before it or by a court of its degree, and if the court that rendered the judgment to be challenged has the highest degree of the court hearing the case, the court will be presented with the issuing of the judgment 2- time limit for submission: The legislator did not require a certain period for the filing of an appeal against the objection of others . 3- Proceedings before the Court: The objection of others to the Rules of Procedure shall be submitted to the Court which rendered the judgment against him. The researcher then addressed the implications of the objection of others: 1- The failure to suspend the execution of the judgment against him, unless the Court decides otherwise upon the request of the petition if the continued execution is of significant harm. 2- The objection of others entails the re-filing of the case before the Court. If the objector is right, the court is amended to the extent that it affects the rights of this third party, or if the opposing sentence is not indivisible, the court amended the sentence completely, in case the objector fails to challenge the duty, expenses and the fees of the lawyer
- Itemاعتراف المتهم بالشرعية الإجرائية(AL-Quds University, 2008-07-10) رائد عبد الرحمن سعيد نعسان; Raed AbdellRahman Said Nassan; جهاد الكسواني; نبيه صالح; غسان عليانCriminal justice is based on the idea of balance between the private special concern , it forms the procedural legality an important guarantee as a means to achieve this justice through not breaching innocence evidence which forms an important base in criminal procedures and measures as means to guarantee human dignity and not to breach his right as a human being. So, the origin is innocence till proving the contrary. Confession is regarded in criminal law one of the means of proof which bears a danger , aggression and a breach for evidence of innocence if it is misused by justice staff and its cooperatives ,as error from its side either deliberate or ignorance in applying the measures. So, admittance that matches for procedural legal basis is a sort of a admittance that matches the conditions of correctness required by the law. Accordingly, admittance is considered correct and its effect on land and is considered correct against the suspect who admitted that he committed the crime. According to the confession that violates the legal procedure is the confession which has one of the shortcomings which has made such a confession loses its legality and violates the bases of law which leads to nullity of this confession and the procedures accompanied with it. This is in addition to some effects that leads to penalties or punishments against the person who has exceeded such procedures as well as compensating the harmed side. Confession that matches with procedural legality might be a jurisdictional judicial confession and is regarded correct and it might be outside the hall of the court as it is considered a confession which is not judicial and considered correct if it is proved that it is correct. As this confession might occur before the public or a member of judicial staff. The role of a judge is considered important in specifying confession and whether it matches the legal procedures or whether it violates it. Accordingly, the judge has a determination authority based on his opinion although this judge does not issue sentences based on his personal knowledge. According to the study , confession is regarded one of the most means of criminal proof and the most influential for a judge and common sense , human rights institutions, particularly as it is based on correct safe procedures that matches law. The most important aspect to prove that confession has been taken through correct measures and difficult to prove. So, we find many cases that can be proved in an illegal way. Through the previous studies, it has been shown that that the texts of judicial punishments are good and practical if they are applied in addition what has been written by lawyers and recommendations of international conferences that calls for human rights. However, the practical reality, has proved that many confessions are gotten from justice corpses that bears exceeding as well as measures that violates bases stated in the law particularly in Arab countries and third world countries. Finally, confession can be said as one of the most important and strong evidences regarding proof as it is difficult for man to condemn himself and certify that he did something he did not do.