Sustainable Rural Development التنمية الريفية المستدامة
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- Itemالتطوير الإداري في وزارة الزراعة الفلسطينية -واقع وآفاق من وجهة نظر(AL-Quds University, 2003-10-22) احمد ابراهيم احمد لافي; Ahmed Ibrahim Ahmed Lafi; مفيد الشامي; عبد البرغوثي; سائد الكوني
- Itemاثر صدور قانون الخدمة المدنية على التحاق العاملين في المؤسسات الحكومية بمؤسسات التعليم العالي الفلسطيني(AL-Quds University, 2004-01-10) محمد جمعه عبدالرحمن عدوي; Mohammad Joma Abed Al-Rohman Adawi; محمود الجعفري; د. عفيف حمد; د. نشأت الأقطش
- Itemالعوامل المؤثرة على تبني الحليب البديل( الصناعي)لرضاعة الحملان عند مربي الاغنام في منطقتي جنين وطوباس(AL-Quds University, 2004-07-17) يحيى حسين نايف استيته; Yhaya Hussein Nayef Istatieh; عبد الحميد البرغوثي; أ.د.مفيد الشامي; د.جمال ابو عمر
- Itemواقع الينابيع و الزراعية في منطقة بيت اولا-الخليل (معوقات و عوامل التنمية )(AL-Quds University, 2004-08-01) أيمن محمد أحمد العطاونة; Ayman Mohammed Ahmad Al-Atawnah; مروان غانم; د.زياد قنام; د.رزق بشير
- Itemالإرشاد الزارعي في قطاع النحل في المناطق شبه الساحلية في الضفة الغربية و آفاق تطويره و تحسيه(AL-Quds University, 2004-08-28) محمد عبد الله محمود خضر; Mohammed Abdallah Mahmoud Khader; عبد الحميد البرغوثي; د. عزام صالح; د. حسان ابو قاعود
- Itemفاعلية برامج الإرشاد في قطاع الأغنام والماعز في محافظة جنين وأثرها في تحول المربين من السلالات البلدية إلى السلالات المحسنة(AL-Quds University, 2004-09-04) جعفر فتحي أحمد عبد الرازق; Jafar Fathi Ahmad Abdul-Razeq; عبد الحميد البرغوثي; ثمين هيجاوي; جمال ابو عمر
- Itemدراسة تقويمية لمحتوى كتب التكنولوجيا للمرحلة الأساسية العليا من وجهة نظر المعلمين والمعلمات في محافظة الخليل(AL-Quds University, 2004-12-26) نوره عبدالكريم نوح عقل; Norah Abdelkareem Noah Akel; عفيف زيدان; د. غسان عبدالعزيز سرحان; أ.د. خولة الشخشير صبري
- Itemالأبعاد الاجتماعية الاقتصادية للحصاد المائي في شمال الضفة الغربية(AL-Quds University, 2005-01-05) خليل محمد مصطفى أبو نزهة; Khalil Mohammad Mustafa Abu Nuzha; عبد الرحمن التميمي; زياد قنام; مروان غانم
- Itemالمؤسسات التنموية الدينية في فلسطين دراسة تحليلية(AL-Quds University, 2005-05-10) رنا محمد ابراهيم طبيلة; Rana Mohamad Ibrahim Tubaileh; مفيد الشامي; د. اياد البرغوثي; د. سائد الكوني
- Itemتذبذب الامطار واثره على تنمية القطاع الزراعي في حوض الفارعة / شمال شرق الضفة العربية (1992-2003)(AL-Quds University, 2005-06-05) أمل محمد عبد الحفيظ ابلان; Amal Mohammed Abed Al-Hafeez Ablan; مروان غانم; زياد قنام; عبد الرحمن التميمي
- Itemدور البحوث الزراعية في التنمية الريفية(AL-Quds University, 2005-06-06) عبد الله عصام سليمان العمري; Abdallah Issam Suliman Alimari; مفيد الشامي; د.فايز فريجات; د.جمال ابو عمر
- Itemتأثير جدار الفصل الضم والتوسع على واقع وتنمية المجتمع المحلي: حالة البدو في منطقة جنوب الضفة الغربية(AL-Quds University, 2005-08-07) محمد صالح محمد حساسنة; Mohammed Saleh Mohammed Hasasneh; فايز فريجات; د. زياد قنام; د. علي عبد الحميد
- Itemاثر صناعة الحجر على الوضع الاجتماعي والاقتصادي للمزارعين في منطقة جنوب نابلس(AL-Quds University, 2005-08-07) عبدالله أحمد أسعد عبد القادر; Abdullah Ahmad Asad Abd Al-Qader; ثمين هيجاوي; زياد قنام; حسان ابو قاعود
- Itemدراسة اقتصادية اجتماعية للمزرعة العضوية في محافظة قلقيلية(AL-Quds University, 2005-09-14) مي يوسف سليم نزال ; Mai Yousef Saleem Nazzal; د. ثمين الهيجاوي; د. عزام صالح; د. حسان أبو قاعود
- Itemالدور الاجتماعي والاقتصادي للمرأة الريفية في قطاع غزة(AL-Quds University, 2006-01-24) محمود محمد أحمد الجوراني; Mahmoud Mohammed Ahmad Jourani; حاتم الشنطي; ابراهيم حمد; ابراهيم ريحان
- Itemتأثير مصادرة المصادر الطبيعية على إدارة أنظمة المزرعة(AL-Quds University, 2006-02-01) خالد علي مصطفى سليمان; khalid Ali Mustafa Suleiman; ثمين هيجاوي; د. عزام صالح; Dr. Jamal Abo OmarWith the rising of population, demand for agricultural land and food production is rising too, while the natural resources (land and water) become more limited. Therefore, a state of conflict and competition over land and water resources has arisen and continues to prevail, since the agriculture sector has contributed to the over all income especially women activities, provides people with most of their food needs and provides work opportunity for those who were forbidden to go to Israel to work. The process of confiscation the land for the above reasons, follow these means: Land confiscation for security needs included Jordan valley lands about 190 thousand donoms, Land confiscation in a claim of governmental lands which contributes about 13% from the area of west bank, which is the most familiar, Land confiscation for establishing settlements or expansion it, and to create by-pass roads for their use, and the settlements that founded from 1977 – 1983, with a total of 15165 donoms in Jenin area from 938028 donoms ,and they are: Harmeesh, Hannaneet, Rehan, Shakeed, Mevodotan, Ganim, Qadim, Sa Nur, Homesh and Arraba Military Post And finally the most of the confiscated fertilized land was taken by the racial separation wall, and we aren't to forget the by-pass roads that connect settlements with green line (1948), these roads takes over 1650 donom, so we will focus in our study on the racial separation wall in Jenin district. The overall objective of the research that’s conducted in the period from May 2004 to June 2005, is studying the impact of land confiscation and the natural resources on the agriculture management systems in Jenin district to develop, determine and analyze the measures of the socio - economic impacts from the use of limited land and water in such way that improve and sustainable living standards of the farming population. For descriptive and comparative study, Information was collected by questionnaires through interviews in means of family survey, and secondary data from different sources. The family survey include the farmers in two areas, the selection of the locations depended on the most affected families by the separation wall and the most confiscation of natural resources, which led to escalate unemployment, so the locations in area 1 are Anin, AlTaybeh and Zboba at the north west, Tura Ash Sharqeia and Al Gharbeia, Ya’bad, Nazlet AL-Sheikh Zeid, Om Dar, Al-Khuljan, Zabda and Daher Al- A'bed in area 2 at the south west of Jenin. The process of the separation wall construction had a major economic impact, while the relative intensity of the impact varies by location and economic activity; its immediate effects included the destruction or confiscation of agricultural land and assets: a total of 1094 donoms just confiscated from 2068 donoms of the targeted group in the study of considered area, that the farm income decreased in area 1 by 9.23% after the wall, since it depends on lands in farming, while in area 2 they depend on animal breeding so the percentage increases by 4.96%. And the reason is Inaccessibility to agricultural land like grazing lands (pastures) and assets, including water resources that are very expensive and not available. Added limitations on the mobility of people and goods (marketing by using of pass roads), therefore higher transactions costs: Marketing faces 67.68 % in area 1 and 66.67 % in area 2 for farming production of farmers, the productivity is subjected to severe impacts from the political situation especially in area 2 for the animal production and in area 1 for olive oil production. The alternative of Israeli markets is the wholesale market in Nablus or Jenin, and a temporary one in Quabatia, with its extensive trade of large quantities of agricultural products; as a result 65% of the farmers prefer to sell their goods and products at the farm or in their homes. For our recommendation, the priority should be taken into consideration in most affected villages by land confiscation to improve all public services (education, health and basic infrastructure) from all aspects, with a number of recommended actions could be applied to determine the basic needs of compounds and different sites in Jenin district through focusing on negative aspects of the separation wall, so to minimize the damages or even eliminate it, such as developing human resources and supporting the cooperative level as agricultural co-operatives, social services, and establishing active youth centers with vocational training for low income laborers. Encourage sectors that provide job opportunities to create new markets for Palestinians labor forces through developing productive sector and agricultural sector by governmental and NGO's (International or local) through: Establish new agricultural roads to ease the farmers transitions to their land and markets, rehabilitate new lands for planting, use consecutive planting, especially plastic houses nurseries, and develop some economical value crops like olive and tobacco, rehabilitate old water wells and small streams to elevate quality water and then increase the planting area, recycle water from plastic houses and home use to irrigate farms by using water harvesting system, establish profitable veteran clinics to provide health service for animal assets, rehabilitate pines and fields especially at the east part of the district and secure emergency food aid for those who have lost their homes and land due to the wall. And get advantage of international, national, and holly occasions to empower Palestinians about their national and social duties which achieve cooperative society
- Itemأثر الجدار الفاصل على الأوضاع الاقتصادية والاجتماعية ووضع الأمن الغذائي لمنطقة رام الله(AL-Quds University, 2006-02-01) الاء إسماعيل محمود إسماعيل; Alaa Ismaeel Mahmoud Ismaeel; ثمين هيجاويSince the outbreak of Al-Aqsa uprising in the year 2000, all the economic and social aspects have been deteriorating due to the arbitrary unjust measures of the Israeli occupation against the Palestinians. Such measures have aimed at extracting the largest area possible of Palestinian lands by confiscating Palestinian lands to build settlements and security and bypassing roads in addition to the infamous crime which is represented by building the separation wall on Palestinian lands . Construction of the wall started in the year 2002 and it is considered one of the largest projects carried out by the Hebrew state in the year 2002 against the Palestinian people . The total length of the wall will reach 788 kilometers which is five times the length of the infamous Berlin Wall and twice as high . The racial separation wall consists in fact of tow walls : the first wall is the main one which extends along the Green Line to separate the Palestinian concentrations from Israel . The second wall is the secondary one which is set up to segregate the Palestinian concentrations in closed pockets . Such wall is built around groups of Palestinian villages that are enclosed from all directions with the wall except one gate that is controlled completely by the Israeli army which determinations to open it or close it whenever it wishes . By establishing this racial separation wall , Israel aims at not only destroying the economical and social aspects of the Palestinian people but also controlling all the Palestinian natural resources especially destroying the agricultural sector. In the Zionist thought, agriculture means connection with the land and controlling water resources . It also means the correct beginning to build a powerful economy capable of steadfastness at the hear of the Palestinian Arab homeland . Therefore, Israel aims at confiscating the largest possible areas of land behind the wall so that it would be easy to include such lands in the future to Israel . About 14984 dunums in Ramalla area were confiscated and about 150 dunums were confiscated in the first area of the study This study examined the impacts of building the separation wall in the first area in comparison with the second area by investigating the extent of building the separation wall on the economical and social aspects in the first area during the year 2004 and 2005 based on the statement " The impact of the separation wall on the agricultural system regarding agricultural areas, production quantities, marketing , social relations and rate of unemployment" and the situation of food security . A random sample was taken from the study population which consisted of 60 farmers . Data were collected through questionnaires that were constructed for this purpose . The results were analyzed by using the SPSS, arithmetic mean, standard deviation and percentages . After analyzing the results by using the said procedures, the study reached the following findings:- There are significant differences at ( a = 0.05 ) between the area with the wall and the area without the wall regarding the agricultural areas, production quantities , marketing, social relations, rate of unemployment and the situation of food security . The separation wall has more negative consequences on the walled area ( that the segregation wall is building on it as Beet Loqia and Kharbahta bani hareth) more than the area without the wall ( that the segregation wall doesn’t build on it as Dora alqara ,Aene sinia and Almazrah algarbeia ) .The rate of confiscated areas for the purpose of building the separation wall in the first area was 150.68 dunums most of which was covered with fruitful trees such as olive trees and field crops . This affected the agricultural lands and the production quantities. The income rate decreased by 56.18 % and 41.02% in the first and second areas respectively. Therefore, the second area affected indirectly by building the wall . In addition , the wall deprived the workers in Israel from reaching their work places and so the unemployment rate rose by 60% and 30% in the first and second areas respectively. Adverse social habits such as beggary and child labor appeared. Food security decreased by 23.3% and 3.3% in the first and second areas respectively due to the dependence of the inhabitants on what they cultivate in their lands According to the said findings, the study puts forward the following recommendations :- Efforts must be made in order to decrease the effects of building the separation wall so as to limit the unemployment rate, to promote cultivation of the house garden, and to raise the food quantities available to families and so to promote the food security . Food assistance donated by various corporations must be replaced by sums of money to the inhabitants of the study area to help them to set up small income-generating projects that may help them to decrease the unemployment rate, to increase income rate, to improve living standards and cocial situations of the family, and to help farmers to market their agricultural outputs in external markets for good prices so as to achieve food security for the families of the study area .
- Itemاتجاهات متدربي شرطة محافظة رام الله و البيرة نحو اثر التدريب على ادائهم الوظيفي(AL-Quds University, 2006-02-14) كفاح اسماعيل محمود أبو عودة; Kefah Ismail Mahmoud Abu Odeh; عبدالرحمن الحاج; د. يوسف احمد ابو فارة; د.عبد الفتاح احمد ابو شملةThe major objective of this study is to explore the attitudes of the policemen trainees of Ramallah and Al-Berieh governarate towards the impact of their occupational performance within the period from December/2004 to December/2005, within the existence of law performance rate phonenomina of the members of Palestinian Police system which negatively affects the level and quality of offered service for the beneficiaries. The study also aims at introducing the reasons behind this phenomena. The study’s sample covered (108) members of the Palestinian Police staff in Ramallah and Al-Berieh governarate who have attended training courses in several topics held by Palestinian Police system to train and rehabilitate the staff to promote its performance level, the study was restricted to those operating in Ramallah and Al-Berieh governarate for the considerable and good level of training they have got. Moreover, the study also aims at addressing training programs held for most of Palestinian Police departments in Ramallah and Al-Berieh governarate. The study consists of questions and assumptions that discuss the attitudes of the trainees of policemen in Ramallah and Al-Berieh governarate towards their occupational performance according to the variations of; age, academic qualification, period of training, training administrational standards. To achieve the objectives of the study, data and information have been collected from primary resources (books, references, and periodicals), and from main resources represented in the questionnaire of the active policemen who attended training in various topics within the period from December/ 2004, to December/ 2005. This questionnaire is of tow sections; the first consists of demographic data related to age, academic qualification, and training. While the second part consists of data related to occupational performance of active policemen. The questionnaire statements are developed in both negative, and positive aspects, and each statement is given a stated measure to estimate the importance, and significance of the statement, in addition to conducting interviews with trainers, trainees, and officials of police commands. And also investigating the formal and informal reports of Palestinian Police system on the training and performance activities. Conducting the statistical analysis of using Cronbach (Alfa ) factor reliability to measure measurement stability, and internal coherence of the questionnaire, it has been found that Cronbach ( Alfa ) equals (0.62 ). This result indicates that the questionnaire is of considerable stability that fulfills the aims of questionnaire. The study also uses several statistical methods for the purpose of analysis among which descriptive statistic like calculation repetition, averages, standerized deviations, and conceptual rates. In addition to the use of One Way Anova, and Scheffe Test for comparisons between mathematical averages, the most significant results of the study are the following The study results indicated the differences regarding performance which caused by the age change factor, also the scientific qualification factor, the change of time factor, the training department changing factor.quality of the training factor, which is changeable, the content of training also is chainable. The study indicated results negative indicators of training. Training doesn’t have required positive impact for the following reasons. Training contents and materials were distributed over participants after training sessions, which didn’t allow them to benefit from them as possible, selecting the trainees by their officials, and not according to their actual needs, training wasn’t connected with promotion encouragement or any other advantages, in sufficiency of training infrastructure like halls, and requirements, lock of colorful training methods, besides the school and academic way of dealing with the trainees by the trainers. Lack of specialized and transformal training, lack of sufficient time for training subjects like; computer, English language, and Hebrew language, most of the training courses were theoretical The study indicated results positive indicators of training which refer to the following, high commitment of trainees, conducting stage and continuous evaluation by the training program supervisors through following up the trainees, and communicating the Special Police department in the first stage or training, interaction of members of different ranks, and administrative levels, which provisioned future contact, and discussion, concentrating on participatory attitude in training, opening discussion topics among trainees, their officials and surrounding environment by the training. The outcome of the study could be stated by the following recommendations: Processing training according specific, sides, directions, and aims training that is reflected on police construction, scientific study to determine the training needs which gives training considerations, aims, requested concentration points, in addition to the other determinants with considering all different administrative levels, improving requested construction to increase training efficiency, and preparing the training halls that can be suitable for processing professional training, depending of training on group teamwork, and duties sharing upon general planing. Analyzing job performance of the police employee, and extracting results about difficulties that face him. To publish the positive effect of training and get the maximum utility, training must be for all police employees by a complete, and continuing from, giving trainees training fields jobs, and giving them enough time to finish that
- Itemالنوع الاجتماعي في المؤسسات الأهلية العاملة في التنمية الريفية(AL-Quds University, 2006-02-15) غادة عبد المعطي محمود الزغير; Ghada Abdel Muti Mahmoud Zughayer; مفيد الشامي; د.زياد قنام
- Itemالتحديات المالية التي تواجه المشاريع الصناعية الصغيرة في محافظة وعلاقتها بمستوى الاداء -محافظة جنين(AL-Quds University, 2006-04-11) احمد كامل توفيق ابوالرب; AHMAD KAMIL TAWFEEQ ABUALRUB; نور الدين ابو الرب; شريف أبو كرش; مجيد منصور