Renewable Energy & Sustainability الطاقة المتجددة والاستدامة


Recent Submissions

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    Assessment of Transboundary Sludge Pollution and Its Conversion into Energy Case Study: Nablus West Wastewater Treatment Plant
    (Al-Quds University, 2024-05-15) Eman Omar Morshed Mansour; ايمان عمر مرشد منصور
    This thesis explores the potential of converting sludge into energy to address transboundary sludge pollution in the West Bank region, with Nablus West WWTP's adoption as a case study. It investigates the effectiveness of this approach in mitigating environmental pollution and promoting sustainability. Specifically, the study examines the impact of sludge-to-energy conversion on treatment costs per cubic meter of wastewater and evaluates the energy output per unit of sludge generated. Through comprehensive analysis, including cost-benefit evaluation and environmental impact assessment, the research offers valuable insights into the viability and benefits of this renewable energy solution. The findings underscore the significant energy generation potential from both local wastewater treatment plants and the broader West Bank population's sludge production. Through investment in sludge-to-energy conversion, these resources can be utilized to address the energy problem in Palestine while mitigating environmental and financial burdens linked with transboundary pollution. By promoting sustainable waste management practices and the utilization of renewable energy, the research contributes to advancing environmental sustainability and addressing transboundary environmental challenges, ultimately benefiting all stakeholders. The data from the sludge treatment operations at the Nablus West WWTP and the projected figures for the entire West Bank population underscore the substantial energy production and cost savings potential inherent in sludge-to-energy conversion. At the Nablus West WWTP alone, with a sludge production rate of 6,600 kg/day, methane production of 1,320 m³/day, and energy production of 3,938.32 kWh/day. Extrapolating these figures to the entire West Bank population, where the sludge production rate reaches 14,400,000 kg/day, methane production hits 2,880,000 m³/day, and energy production reaches 8,588,761.60 kWh/day. This comparison highlights the scalability and efficiency of sludge-to-energy conversion, with substantial benefits both at individual wastewater treatment plant levels and on a broader scale across the entire population. The study highlights the substantial benefits of sludge-to-energy conversion for addressing environmental pollution and advancing sustainable development in regions affected by transboundary sludge pollution. Comprehensive analysis reveals reduced greenhouse gas emissions, significant cost savings in wastewater treatment operations, and increased energy production efficiency. These findings support the widespread adoption of sludge-to-energy conversion technologies in wastewater treatment facilities to enhance environmental sustainability and economic efficiency.
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    Enhancing Energy Efficiency in The Electrical Processes and Systems of Industrial Facilities: A Case Study for The Petra Glass and Mirror Company in Jericho – Palestine
    (Al-Quds University, 2023-12-04) Tuqa Issa Ismail Abufarah; تقى عيسى اسماعيل ابو فاره
    The need to increase the energy efficiency of manufacturing processes has gained attention due to growing energy prices and more onerous regulations. Governments and corporations from numerous nations are working hard to create technologies for managing energy and creating new energy sources. This research illustrates an integrated design for the Petra Factory in Jericho Industrial City Energy Efficiency Management system (EEM). The goal of this strategy is to reduce energy consumption and thus discount the electricity bill and reduce the percentage of greenhouse gases) GHGs). The photovoltaic system (PV) was expanded, the power factor (PF) was optimized, electrical systems were simulated using the Industrial Internet of Things (IoT), and heavy machinery was scheduled to operate to avoid peak demand. This study demonstrated that there is a clear possibility of achieving the goal. The RET-Screen program was able to determine the optimal economic and environmental feasibility of the PV system expansion strategy. The PV system is expected to generate 426 MWh of electricity per year. The other metric was the 337 ton/year Carbone dioxide (CO2) decline. Along with decline the factory amount of electricity utilized, increasing the PF from 0.87 to 0.95 yielded, this means saving 18,712.5 kWh/year of electricity consumption. The strategy of replacing old electrical systems with more energy-efficient electrical systems reduced the amount of energy utilized by 140746KWh/year significantly, the adoption of the IoT will clearly have an influence on the electricity bill. The factory will save money on electricity costs by timing the hours that the production lines are work. It is possible to avoid using combustion machines during the peak demand period
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    On Grid photovoltaic System in Palestine: A Case Study of techno- economic impact for Dar Salah School
    (Al-Quds University, 2023-04-29) Bassam Odeh Salameh Saleem; بسام عوده سلامه سليم
    The increase in electric energy consumption and the immediate need for electricity in Palestine leads us to strengthen and develop the electric power system. In this work, the photovoltaic system at Dar Salah School for Boys was studied, which was installed on 1/1/2020. My work focused on the installation, features, determination of system performance and output, and analysis of economic feasibility and efficiency of this system using Ret screen & PV System. Upon completion of the system performance evaluation study, it was found that the system outputs are lower than the expected for technical reasons and external factors that were not taken into account when installing the system. These problems facing the system were identified and the ways to address them were put forward to maintain the expected system productivity. The system represents a good investment case for the Ministry of Education because it almost covers the school's energy needs according to the percentage agreed upon with the company and the price per kilowatt .hour with the Electricity Company. It represents a good investment case for many companies to exploit renewable energy sources if there are encouraging government laws and regulations.
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    " Assessment of using wind power to charge electric vehicles batteries
    (Al-Quds University, 2022-10-22) Osama Farid A.W Eghrayeb; اسامة فريد اغريب
    أصبح التقدم التكنولوجي مثيرًا للإعجاب، حيث يفكر الجميع في وسائل البقاء على هذا الكوكب ويأخذ زمام المبادرة في حل المشكلات التي يتم توقعها مسبقًا من خلال علوم التكنولوجيا الحديثة. واحدة من المشاكل الكبرى التي من المتوقع حدوثها هي نفاد الوقود الأحفوري المستخدم لتوليد الطاقة الكهربائية خلال السنوات القليلة المقبلة، لذلك كانت جميع الدول المتقدمة قد أخذت زمام المبادرة لتطوير أنظمة جديدة يمكن أن تزود العالم بالكهرباء. ومن أبرز هذه المصادر المكتشفة الخلايا الشمسية والتوربينات، حيث تعتبر هذه المصادر من أفضل المصادر المكتشفة حتى الآن والمستخدمة في توليد الطاقة في جميع دول العالم. يعتبر قطاع النقل من أهم الركائز في حركته، حيث يعتمد على الديزل والبنزين المستخرج من الوقود الأحفوري الذي على وشك النفاد. لذلك فكر المهتمون بقطاع النقل باستغلال مصادر الطاقة البديلة لتشغيل المركبات على الطاقة المستخرجة منها، حيث تم تطبيق هذه الأنظمة وتركيبها على المركبات وكان أداؤها جيداً. حتى توصلوا في أحدث إصداراتهم إلى أن تعمل المركبات بالكامل أعلى الكهرباء عن طريق تخزينها في بطاريات دون الحاجة إلى محركات احتراق داخلي التي تعتمد بشكل كامل على الوقود. في هذا العمل، نوضح كيف يمكن الاستفادة من طاقة الرياح عن طريق دراسة إمكانية تركيب ٤ توربينات لتوليد الطاقة من الرياح وتزويدها ببطارية مركبة كهربائية مع مراعاة الموقع المناسب لها بحيث لا تعمل على اضافة اي قوى تعيق سير المركبة. القوة المحسوبة التي تحتاج إلى شحن بطارية المركبات باعتماد سرعة رياح 15 م / ث كانت 0.138 كيلوواط، ولكن عندما تزيد السرعة عن 23 م / ث، ستكون الطاقة المولدة أكثر من 1 كيلوواط. عندما تعمل التوربينات معًا، فإن الكهرباء المولدة التي سيتم تخزينها في البطارية ستكون كافية للوصول الى نقطة التعادل بين معدل التفريغ ومعدل الشحن (92.6 كم، 58 كيلوواط ساعة) وبعدها تبدأ بالشحن الإيجابي (النقطة التي بعدها تكون كمية الكهرباء المولدة أكبر من الكمية المستهلكة).
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    reneable energy laws and policies in Palestine
    (Al-Quds University, 2020-11-21) Ali Mustaffa Mohammed Arouri; علي مصطفى محمد عروري
    The energy issue is an important indicator of the progress and independence of nations, as the world lives these days in a race for energy productivity. For years, the world has turned to renewable energy, as governments have contributed significantly to stimulating investment in renewable energy. Many countries have enacted laws that have brought in large investments in this area and have worked to raise their productivity in alternative energy. We here in Palestine suffer from the control and control of the (Israeli) side of the energy, so that 87% of the electricity consumed in Palestine comes from the Israeli-Qataria company. Therefore, we had to turn to a kind of autonomy in producing energy so that we can get out of this control and this control. In this research, i reviewed the laws of certain countries in the field of renewable energy and also reviewed the volume of investments in this field they have and the extent of their influence on laws and regulations, especially in the case of the Kingdom of Jordan. On the other hand, we review the aspects and policies related to renewable energy in Palestine and the size of investment in the field of renewable energy to produce results that show the importance of laws and facilities in raising the productivity of alternative energy. I also reviewed in the end a set of recommendations that would contribute to looking at the matter well and drawing the attention of the competent authorities.