Policies & Health Management


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    Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction of Dietitians in West Bank Hospitals, Palestine
    (Al-Quds University, 2024-05-19) Maysaa Rifat Fathi Shaikh Ibrahim; ميساء رفعت فتحي شيخ ابراهيم
    In the health sector, human resources are a crucial part of the system, with dietitians forming an important segment of the healthcare workforce in Palestine, classified under allied medical professions. Given the critical role that job satisfaction plays within human resources, this study employs it as a key metric to evaluate the professional landscape for dietitians. Objective: This research aimed to assess the level of job satisfaction among dietitians working in hospitals throughout the Palestinian West Bank. Methods: Employing a cross-sectional design, the study utilized a self-administered questionnaire distributed in October 2023 to all 35 dietitians practicing in the region. The instrument was validated and tested for reliability. It included sections addressing employment status and job satisfaction, the latter measured via a five-point Likert scale. Results: Despite the presence of 51 hospitals in the West Bank (excluding Jerusalem), only 35 dietitians were employed. A majority 63.6% reported satisfaction with their roles. The highest satisfaction levels were observed in "Communication with medical staff and patients. "Other dimensions such as "Area of Practice," "Adjustments in Staffing and Patient Numbers" "Work Environment (Infrastructure)," and " Policies and Protocols " also demonstrated high satisfaction. "Performance Development" and "Incentive Systems," however, received moderate and neutral levels of satisfaction, with the "Incentive System" experiencing the lowest satisfaction rates. An important result was the average dietitians to patient ratio was 1:19. Conclusion: The findings indicate a generally positive perception of job satisfaction among dietitians in the West Bank, particularly in communication and operational aspects of their roles. V However, areas related to performance incentives and development require attention to enhance overall job satisfaction. These results highlighted the need for targeted interventions to improve employment conditions and retention strategies within hospital settings.
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    Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices about Standard Infection Control Precautions Among Healthcare Workers at Governmental Primary Healthcare Facilities in Southern Palestine
    (Al-Quds University, 2024-01-03) Fatima Mohammad Abd-alhamid Abu qubaita; فاطمة محمد عبد الحميد ابو قبيطة
    Standard Infection Control Precautions are the minimum level of infection control measures that should be applied, in the treatment of all patients. Standard Infection Control Precautions are the cornerstone for all activities to prevent infection transmission during health care. Health care associated infection are public health issues, and they have a major impact on morbidity, mortality, and cost. This study aims to assess relationships between knowledge, attitudes, and practices about standard infection control precautions among health care workers at governmental prim ary health care facilities in Southern Palestine. A descriptive cross-sectional design was employed. Cluster non-random sampling was used to select 270 health care workers from North Hebron Health Directorate, South Hebron Health Directorate, Hebron Health Directorate, and Yatta Health Directorate as well as Bethlehem Health Directorate. A self-administered questionnaire with four components addressing demographic data, knowledge, attitudes, and practices was used to collect data. The study findings revealed that 96.3% of the participants had good levels of knowledge and good levels of positive attitudes. In addition, 97.4% had high level of proper practices of standard infection control precautions. The results revealed that there is a significant correlation between participants’ knowledge, attitude, and practice about standard infection control precautions, indicating that participants who have a high level of knowledge also have a high level of positive attitudes as well as high levels of practice. Finally, the moderator variable knowledge has a positive effect on the relationship between attitude and practice, but the moderator variable attitude does not affect the relationship between knowledge and practice. Therefore, it has been recommended to provide training programs on standard infection control precautions for all healthcare workers at regular intervals. ا
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    The Adherence of Physicians and Nurses' to Ethical Practices from Patients’ Perspective and its effect on Patients’ Satisfaction at Al-Makassed Hospital
    (Al-Quds University, 2023-10-30) Reem Ata Mohammad Sharia; ريم عطا محمد شريعة
    Professional and ethical values are an integral part of healthcare, represented in the code of ethical conduct. It regulates and directs the behavior of healthcare workers and is reflected in patient satisfaction and the quality of healthcare services. Aim of the study: To assess the patients' perspectives regarding the ethical practice of physicians and nurses at Al-Makassed Hospital and how this perception affects patient satisfaction with the hospital services provided. Methods: A quantitative descriptive cross-sectional design was used for this study. A designed questionnaire was used, to collect data from 250 patients from the Internal, Orthopedics, and Surgery Departments at Al-Makassed Charitable Hospital in Jerusalem. Questionnaires were distributed, explained, and collected by trained students after signing the consent form by the participants. Descriptive and inferential statistics were applied using SPSS v24. Results: The response rate in this study was 88.4%, with 110 (49.8%) male and 111 (50.2%) female patients, and 51% of the participants were in the age group 30-60 years old. Only 17.6% of the participants have a bachelor's degree and above, and 73.7% are covered by Palestinian Government health insurance. Most respondents (74.7%) do not have work, and 57.9% have a monthly household income of fewer than 2000 shekels.The results showed that the level of respecting the patient and working for his/her interest is very high (88.2%), the level of protecting the patient from harm is high (79.6%), the level of preserving the patient's freedom to agree to the treatment plan is high (77.8%), the level of Justice and Equality is high (72.7%) and the level of confidentiality and privacy is high (76.2%).
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    Evaluation of Telemedicine Services at UNRWA Health Centers in Gaza
    ( Al-Quds University, 2023-08-22) Faten Abd Al-Aziz Mohammed Abo Amra ; فاتن عبد العزيز محمد ابو عمرة
    Introduction: Recently, greater attention has been given to information technology, telecommunications, and their use in health care. This study aims to evaluate telemedicine services at UNRWA health centers in the Gaza Strip in order to identify opportunities to enhance the quality of these services, which optimally might contribute to better health outcomes.Methods: A mixed-methods approach was used, in which data were triangulated. In total, 400 randomly selected (systematic sampling approach) clients-attendants of health centers- and 197 care providers participated in the quantitative part of the study. In addition, three focus group discussions with clients, three focus group discussions with care providers, and three key informant interviews were conducted with purposively selected participants. Quantitative data from clients was collected through an interviewed questionnaire, and an online survey has been administered with service providers. The preliminary findings derived from the quantitative part have been used to inform the qualitative data collection. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences software was used for the quantitative data entry and analysis, while the Open Coding Thematic technique was used to analyze the qualitative data.Findings: Results showed that the majority of clients who responded were females (76.3%), 85.2% of respondents had heard of telemedicine before, and 71.8% of participants have used telemedicine. Almost all participants who used telemedicine reported satisfaction with their interactions with service providers. The phone lines always being busy and the excessive waiting times were the major challenges facing clients when using telemedicine services, as reported by them. The majority of clients (95%) used telemedicine services to get medical treatment. Findings revealed that 35.9% of respondents agreed to a high extent and 37.7% agreed to some extent that telemedicine services save their money, and 96.1% agreed that telemedicine has improved access to health services. The vast majority of clients surveyed (95%) reported that the use of telemedicine has shortened their waiting time. Moreover, the majority of respondents (87.5%) believed that telemedicine had a positive effect on their health status and the health of their families. Findings from the service provider survey indicate that care providers were split almost evenly between males and females (50.8% and 49.2%, respectively), and of them, 59.4% had received on-the-job training on telemedicine. Most care providers who filled out the online survey (83.2%) offered telemedicine at least once. Three quarters of service providers reported that telemedicine is effective. However, only 27% of respondents indicated that they trusted the diagnosis that is being made remotely. Service providers reported that telemedicine consultations were made mainly to get medical advice (66.6%) and to inquire about the availability of services (50.3%). Pediatric diseases such as colds, gastroenteritis, and feeding difficulties (89.3%) and general diseases such as rash, musculoskeletal problems, and motor-neuron diseases (77.2%) were the most frequently reported medical conditions that were treated via telemedicine; all are according to the service providers’ responses. The results of the qualitative interviews were congruent with the quantitative findings and provided further illumination and in-depth insights. With regard to statistical significance, males and educated participants were more likely to know about telemedicine services, and people who knew about telemedicine used it more often. Health care providers who received training on telemedicine are more likely to use this type of service. Conclusions: The study underscores the important positive contributions of telemedicine services that can be scaled up to be part of routine services in emergencies and regular times alike. There is a need to further develop protocols and service guidelines in order to better standardize telemedicine services and to intensify training followed by supervision and rigorous follow-up.
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    Nurses' Satisfaction and its Effect on Job Performance: Comparative Study between Joint Commission International Accredited and Non-accredited Palestinian Hospitals
    (Al-Quds University, 2023-05-21) Mohammad Husni Mohammad Hamed; محمد حسني محمد حامد
    Background: Nurses' job satisfaction and performance have become more important in recent years as a metric for gauging the success of healthcare organizations in implementing their long-term strategy. Several factors contribute to an individual’s job satisfaction, including but not limited to those of a psychological, physiological, and environmental nature. In the literature, there is a strong relationship between job satisfaction and nurses' job performance. Job performance is the most challenging for healthcare organizations because it is inseparably linked to the patient's safety through knowledge, productivity, effectiveness, management, and quality of care. Methods: A quantitative-based, cross-sectional descriptive design was utilized in 2022 to compare the job satisfaction and performance of nurses in two private Palestinian Hospitals. The data was collected from 217 nurses, representing 53.7% of the total targeted population of 404. The data were collected through two self-administered questionnaires and analyzed using SPSS version 28. Results: When comparing JCI-accredited and Non-accredited hospitals, the results indicate a significant correlation between nurses' job satisfaction and performance level. Overall the nurses have a moderate satisfaction level in both hospitals with a total mean equal to (3.43) with a standard deviation (0.96). However, the Accredited hospital has a higher mean of job satisfaction (3.47) compared to (3.38) for the Non-accredited hospital. Moreover, the nurses have a high-performance level in both hospitals with a total mean equal to (3.65) and a standard deviation (0.84). However, the Non-accredited hospital has a slightly higher mean performance level (3.67) compared to (3.64) the accredited hospital. Therefore, there are no statistically significant differences between the JCI accreditation status and nurse ratings of work satisfaction and performance. The results showed that there are statistically significant differences in nurses' job performance in JCI-accredited hospitals related to the hospital Experience, and Educational Degree with P-value equal (0.007, 0.035) respectively. However, the nurse's job satisfaction in the non-accredited hospitals has significant differences related to Gender with a P-value of 0.023. Conclusion: There were no statistically significant differences between nurses' job satisfaction or performance based on hospitals' accreditation status. The results demonstrate the importance of nurses' satisfaction and their performance in ensuring the quality of healthcare organizations' services and health system excellence.