رأس المال الاجتماعي التنظيمي ودوره في تحقيق المناعة التنظيمية لدى العاملين في المنظمات غير الحكومية بقطاع غزة

يسرى زعل سلمان الحسنات
Yousra Zaal Salman Alhassanat
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Al-Quds University
The study aimed to identify the role of social capital in achieving organizational immunity in NGOs. To achieve the objectives of the study, a descriptive and analytical approach was adopted. The study community consisted of all workers in the charitable societies in the southern governorates, and there are (48) societies according to certain conditions, where the number of employees will reach (3167) employees. (400) questionnaires were distributed to a group of workers who were chosen using the stratified random sample method and (387) questionnaires were received with a recovery rate (96.8%). SPSS was used to enter and process data and test hypotheses. The most important results of the study: 1. The level of availability of social organizational capital was with a degree of great agreement with a relative weight (81.25%). 2. the level of organizational immunity was also with a large degree of approval where the relative weight (81.96%). 3. There is a statistically significant positive relationship between organizational social capital and the achievement of organizational immunity 4. The results also showed a statistically significant effect of the dimensions of social organizational capital in organizational immunity. (47.9%) of the variations in organizational immunity were explained 5. There is no statistical significant differences were found between the respondents' mean responses to the two study variables (social organizational capital, organizational immunity) in NGOs- Gaza Strip attributed to the variables (gender , educational qualification, years of service, governorate. The most important recommendations of the study: 1. Promote attention to social capital in all its dimensions and enhance its practice at all levels as a fundamental factor and influencing the achievement of organizational immunity. 2. Encouraging workers to learn and take advantage of mistakes without fear or hesitation, as it is a stage that precedes successes. 3. promoting a work environment that supports continuous learning at all individual levels with a focus on collective and organizational development of workers, systems and businesses in associations under a unified vision of learning. 4. Take responsibility and enhance the spirit of risk and creativity in providing services. Doing business while providing space for experimentation. Apply and use new knowledge to achieve the goals of the societies in which they work.
الحسنات، يسرى زعل. (2020). رأس المال الاجتماعي التنظيمي ودوره في تحقيق المناعة التنظيمية لدى العاملين في المنظمات غير الحكومية بقطاع غزة [رسالة ماجستير منشورة، جامعة القدس، فلسطين]. المستودع الرقمي لجامعة القدس. https://arab-scholars.com/ac5e36