Mother & Childhood Nurs.


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    Teachers' Knowledge Attitudes and Practices of School Bullying among Children in Northern Areas of the West Bank of Palestine
    (Al-Quds University, 2024-05-29) Enas Hani Abedalateef Amer; إيناس هاني عبد اللطيف عامر
    : Bullying among school children is a big concern, as it leads to several negative consequences for the children and their school achievements. School teachers need to have adequate knowledge and the proper level of positive attitude and practices towards how to deal with such phenomenon. Aim: to examine the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of school teachers of bullying in northern areas of the West Bank of Palestine. Methodology: The study employed a quantitative design and a convenient sample of 424 school teachers from 22 randomly selected schools in the Northern areas of West Bank – Palestine. Teachers were asked to answer a self-administered questionnaire. The questionnaire was taken from previous studies. It was then modified and distributed online Data analysis was undertaken using SPSS, and ethical considerations were considered. Results: Teachers had a median age of 42 years old, 60.8% were females, and 54.7% reported facing bullying issues with children before. Median (IQR) knowledge, attitude, and practice scores were 74.29 (5.71), 87.0 (4) and 73.33 (8), respectively, significantly higher among females, older teachers, with higher educational levels, and who faced bullying before with children. Also, more experienced teachers had more positive attitudes and practice, while teachers in boy's schools had less positive attitudes. Significant correlations were found between knowledge and attitude (r = 0.361, p-value < 0.001), knowledge and practice (r = 0.282, p-value < 0.001) and attitude and practice (r = 0.290, p-value < 0.001). Conclusion: The phenomenon of school bullying among children is worth studying, and school teachers showed high levels of knowledge, positive attitudes, and accepted level of practices in the North West Bank of Palestine. It is recommended to establish more educational training for teachers and conduct further studies in this area in other settings of Palestine. Conclusion: The phenomenon of school bullying among children is worth studying, and school teachers showed high levels of knowledge, positive attitudes, and accepted level of practices in the North West Bank of Palestine. It is recommended to establish more educational training for teachers and conduct further studies in this area in other settings of Palestine.
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    Quality of Life and Perceived Social Support among Palestinian Pregnant Women
    (Al-Quds University, 2024-04-02) Sukayna Mostafa Mohammad Nazzal; سكينه مصطفى محمد نزال
    Pregnancy is one of the most significant events in a woman's life, and it is frequently seen as a time of expectation, excitement, and change. Pregnancy, on the other hand, is a situation that frequently generates stress in women. Many changes occur in the bodies of mothers during pregnancy, such as anatomical, biochemical, and hormonal changes that are uncontrollable by the women, rendering them emotionally and spiritually vulnerable. Aim of the study The overall aim of this study was to assess the quality of life and perceived social support of pregnant women who attending antenatal care clinics of Palestinian Ministry of Health in North West Bank. Methods A descriptive cross sectional study was conducted on 423 pregnant women who attending antenatal care clinics of Palestinian Ministry of Health in North West Bank. Data was collected through self-administered questionnaire composed of the SF-36 scale to assess the quality of life and multi-dimintion social support scale. Results The participants' overall quality of life in the current study was moderate level (M=46.17 ±18.1). The physical health level was moderate (M=46.22 ±16.1) and the mental health was Moderate (M=46.12 ±21.8). The perceived social support was high support (M=5.3± 1.0). The highest score was in significant other subscale (M= 5.9±1.2) and the lowest score was demonstrated on the friend’s subscale (M= 4.4±1.6). The analysis revealed that there were no statistically significant differences between the mean quality of life scores and the demographic characteristics of the pregnant women (P > 0.05). Also, the analysis revealed that there were no statistically significant differences between the mean quality of life scores and the obstetric characteristics of the pregnant women (P > 0.05). Furthermore, the analysis revealed that there was a significant small positive relationship between the quality of life scores of the pregnant women and the perceived social support (P<0.01). Conclusions The current study confirmed that Palestinian pregnant women had moderate level of quality of life and high level of perceived social support. Also, the current study indicated that there were no statistically significant differences between the mean quality of life scores and both of the demographic characteristics and obstetric characteristics of the pregnant women. Furthermore, the study confirmed a significant small positive relationship between the quality of life score of the pregnant women and the perceived social support.
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    Teachers awareness and attitudes about attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in Hebron Governorate.
    (Al-Quds University, 2022-12-20) Aseel Bassam mohammed Jibarah; اسيل بسام محمد جبارة
    Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder with a prevalence of 1.5% to 7.2% worldwide. The child with ADHD might experiences symptoms that alter behaviors, and the child becomes hyperactive, hostile, overexcited, impulsive, and inattentive. They could have a short fuse and act out in fits of rage when provoked. They also will lack the maturity of social skills and adaptability. Children with ADHD face unique difficulties in the areas of social and peer interactions, regulation of impulsive behavior and verbal expression, as well as difficulty in keeping on certain tasks and focusing attention. Teachers have a vital role in identifying and supporting children with ADHD in the school settings particularly in the classroom. Teachers can better understand the children needs for attention and behavioral support in the classroom if they engage in frequent, and one-on-one conversations with each student throughout the school day. Aim: The study aimed to determine the level of knowledge and attitudes of elementary school teachers toward ADHD in Hebron governorate. Methodology: A descriptive cross-sectional study design was conducted in 2022, with a sample of 160 teachers that were conveniently recruited for this study. Data was collected by a self-administered questionnaire, that was distributed to the elementary school teachers in Hebron governorate. The questionnaire included personal information of the teachers; in addition to questions about knowledge and attitude of the school educators concerning ADHD among elementary school children in Palestine. Results: The average knowledge of the respondents about ADHD was 84.25 % of the sample size. In regard to the teacher’s knowledge about the Signs and symptoms of ADHD, 71% of them have high level of knowledge. Results showed that 61% of the school educators have high level of knowledge regarding general information related to ADHD. Moreover, 82% of the sample size have high level knowledge regarding treatment of ADHD. However, the teacher’s attitude toward ADHD among children was low in which 49.8% of teachers have negative attitude toward the disorder. Results indicated a relationship between the knowledge and attitude of teachers about children with hyperactivity disorder and ADHD, as the value of statistical significance was (.003). Conclusion: The findings show that teacher’s knowledge of ADHD was not only competent, but much higher than that found in previous studies. In general, attitudes have a pessimistic outlook on working with children who have signs of ADHD. However, teachers who have gotten training on ADHD showed more positive attitudes and in-depth knowledge toward children with ADHD than those teachers who did not got a specialized training. The teacher’s age, years of experience, training, and knowledge, all served as significant predictors of the level of teacher’s knowledge.
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    Quality of Life among pregnant women with Gestational Diabetes in the antenatal health care centers at West Bank/ Palestine
    (Al-Quds University, 2023-03-21) Rania Yousef Jameel Khalil; رانية يوسف جميل خليل
    Overview: Gestational diabetes (GDM) is a condition that affects women during pregnancy and can have a significant impact on the quality of life of the woman and her family. GDM can lead to health complications for the mother and the baby, including a higher risk of pre-term birth and cesarean delivery. It can also affect the mental and emotional well-being of the woman. Therefore, it is important to address the potential risks of GDM and to assess the quality of life of women with GDM in antenatal care clinics. The study aimed to assess the quality of life among women with gestational diabetes in governmental antenatal care clinics in West Bank/ Palestine. Methodology: This study is a cross-sectional design, and the study sample includes the pregnant women with gestational diabetes who receive medical care from the high-risk antenatal care clinics in the main cities of West Bank districts. The sample type was a convenience sample that was previously screened and diagnosed according to the current diagnostic criteria for gestational diabetes. Self-administered questionnaire was used to collect the data, and researcher was able to collect 170 questionnaires within pilot study. Statistical Package of Social Science (SPSS- version 25) program for data entry and analysis and the researcher received approval letters from Research Ethics Committee. Results: Results of this study showed that, the average age among the participants was 31.3 years and about half of them had completed secondary school. However, most of them live in rural areas (62.4%), while most of the participants are housewives (80.1%). The participants' overall QoL in the current study was 18.0 out of 30. Of the remaining domains, the highest scores were obtained in the family domain (23.5±4.9), followed by the psychological/spiritual domain 20.8±6.2) and the social and economic domain (18.3±4.2). The score in the Health and Functioning domain was the lowest (14.5±5.1). The statistical test showed that there are statistically significant differences between the mean quality of life scores and both education and job levels (P 0.05). The high average of working women was higher than that of unemployed women. However, there was no significant difference between the mean of the quality of life and the resident area (P > 0.05). The Pearson Correlation illustrated that there was a negative relationship between the quality-of-life score of the pregnant women and both age and number of children (P<0.05). The results detected that there was a negative relationship between the quality-of-life score of the pregnant women and the number of pregnancies, OGTT, and FBS (P<0.05). Conclusion: Quality of life among women with gestational diabetes in governmental antenatal care clinics in West Bank/ Palestine was moderate. The results showed that there is an association between QoL among women with GDM and education and job levels. Also, a negative association between the quality-of-life score of pregnant women and both age and number of children. Recommendation: Develop awareness-raising programs to enhance women's knowledge regarding the promotion of their health concerning gestational diabetes and design guidelines and future research to evaluate the effectiveness of lifestyle interventions for GDM management.
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    Knowledge and Practice Regarding Neonatal Jaundice among Mothers of Neonates Admitted to Governmental Hospitals in Gaza Strip
    (Al-Quds University, 2023-01-10) حنين عبد الرحمن اسماعيل ابو شوارب; Haneen Abdrahman Ismail Abu Shawareb
    المقدمة: اليرقان المواليد: هو تغير لون الجلد إلى الأصفر والبرتقالي والصلبة ناتجة عن تراكم البيليروبين في الجلد والأغشية المخاطية ، ويعتبر سببًا شائعًا لدخول حديثي الولادة إلى مرافق الرعاية الصحية حول العالم ، ويعتبر اليرقان سببًا مهمًا لحديثي الولادة معدل الوفيات والمراضة والعجز مدى الحياة للناجين ويؤثر على 60٪ من الخدج و 80٪. تعتبر معرفة الأم وممارساتها مهمة للتشخيص المبكر لـيرقان المواليد بحلول ذلك الوقت، يمكن للأم تحديد أن الطفل المصاب باليرقان يعاني من مضاعفات خطيرة وأحيانًا يمكن أن يكون قاتلاً. الهدف من الدراسة هو تقييم المعرفة والممارسة فيما يتعلق باليرقان الوليدي بين الأمهات اللائي تم قبولهن في قسم طب الولدان في المستشفيات الحكومية في قطاع غزة. منهجية الدراسة: هي دراسة مقطعية وصفية وكمية. تكونت العينة من 305 أمهات تم اختيارهن بشكل مناسب وتوزيعهن بالتساوي على أقسام حديثي الولادة بمستشفى الرنتيسي للأطفال ومستشفى شهداء الأقصى ومستشفى مجمع ناصر الطبي ومستشفى الهلال الإماراتي للولادة. تم إنشاء استبيان وجمع البيانات من خلال استبيان المقابلات وجهاً لوجه. قامت الباحثة بتدريب أربعة جامعي بيانات مؤهلين لقام الباحث بتوضيح وتدريبهم على الدراسة. النتائج: أظهرت معرفة الأم حول اليرقان الوليدي أن 3.3٪ من المشاركات لديهن معرفة عالية باليرقان الوليدي بينما 17.1٪ لديهم مستويات معتدلة و 79.6٪ منهم لديهم مستوى منخفض من معرفة الأم حول اليرقان الوليدي ، ممارسات الأمهات فيما يتعلق باليرقان الوليدي أظهرت النتائج أن 1.6٪ من المشاركات لديهن ممارسة عالية للأمهات حول اليرقان الوليدي ، في حين أن 19.7٪ منهن لديهن مستويات معتدلة و 78.7٪ منهن لديهن مستوى منخفض من ممارسات الأمهات حول اليرقان الوليدي ، وأظهرت الدراسة عدم وجود العلاقة المتبادلة بين معرفة الأمهات حول اليرقان الوليدي وممارسات الأمهات حول اليرقان الوليدي (P> 0.05). الاستنتاج والتوصيات: غالبية الأمهات لديهن مستوى منخفض من المعرفة والممارسة فيما يتعلق باليرقان الوليدي بالإضافة إلى عدم وجود دلالة إحصائية بين معرفة وممارسة الأمهات. اقترح الباحث تقديم تعليم للأمهات حول التعامل الفعال مع الأطفال والأسرة وتمكينهم من اكتشاف علامات اليرقان في الأسبوع الأول من الحياة. وإشراك وسائل الإعلام الإلكترونية في زيادة وعي الأمهات باليرقان الوليدي.