Geography And Regional Planning الجغرافيا والتخطيط الإقليمي


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    جيومورفولوجية حوض وادي قانا واستخدامات الأرض فيه( دراسة في الجيومورفولوجيا التطبيقية )
    (Al-Quds University, 2021-05-10) أبين احمد عبد اللطيف فشافش; Abyan Ahmad Abd Latef Fashafshi
    هدفت الدراسة إلى تحليل الخصائص المورفومترية والخصائص الطبيعية لحوض وادي قانا، باستخدام تقنية نظم المعلومات الجغرافية GIS، وذلك بالاعتماد على نموذج الارتفاع الرقمي (DEM ) بدقة 30 متر، بهدف استخراج بعض المتغيرات المورفومترية ومن ثم تحليلها والتعرف على مفهومها الجيومورفولوجي، ثم الخروج بمجموعة من الخرائط التي لها علاقة بالحوض استنادا على قاعدة البيانات الرقمية التي تم استخراجها، تبين من خلال الدراسة أن حوض قانا ما زال في بداية دورته الجيومورفولوجية بناء على نتيجة قيمة التكامل الهبسومتري الذي يشير إلى أن الحوض في مرحلة الشباب الجيومورفولوجي، كما أن الشبكة التصريفية للحوض تشكل من الرتبة الرابعة وفقا لتصنيف سترالرStrahler))، في حين بلغ عدد مجاري الحوض ( 282 ) مجرى، وأظهرت الدراسة أن الحوض يميل إلى الاستطالة أكثر منه إلى الاستدارة، وينعكس هذا على انخفاض احتمالية حدوث الفيضانات في الحوض وذلك بسبب طول المسافة التي تقطعها الأمطار للوصول إلى خارج الحوض بحيث تصل مشتته وضعيفة نتيجة التبخر والتسرب. وقد أوصت الدراسة إلى توفير محطات مناخية في الحوض لافتقار منطقة الحوض إلى مثل هذه المحطات المناخية، كما أوصت الدراسة إلى ضرورة توظيف تقنية نظم المعلومات الجغرافية في نمذجة أحواض التصريف، فهي ذات نفع كبير في الدراسات الجيومورفولوجية، كما أوصت الدراسة بالعمل على زيادة الدراسات الهيدرولوجية للحوض من اجل الاستفادة قدر الإمكان من المياه الموجودة بالحوض.
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    التخطيط للنمو الذكي لاستخدامات الارض الحضرية باستخدام برمجيات نظم المعلومات الجغرافية وباعتماد نموذج CA-MARKOV (مدينة أريحا حالة دراسية)
    (جامعة القدس, 2020-06-04) دلال مصطفى كمال زين; Dalal Mustafa Kamal Zein
    Urban population accounts for 76% of the world's population, which means that more than half of the world's population lives in cities and is continuously increasing. Cities are considered to have limited space to accommodate the continuous and incoming population growth and the accompanying increase in urbanization, facilities, services and infrastructure. Therefore, this study examined the problem of the expansion and extension of Jericho city with its limited area like other cities and the existence of multiple obstacles that limit its growth and the extension of its lands, which in turn leads to encroachment on green and agricultural lands and thus works on the depletion of natural resources and urban problems, so we need to find Planning methods for intelligent growth of land use in the city, space utilization and conservation of natural resources. Therefore, this study aims to identify the change in land use in the city of Jericho between 2006 to 2018, and to identify the factors that have affected the land use change in the city of Jericho for successive years, and to predict the map of future land use for the year 2030 for the city of Jericho, and provide smart growth proposals To plan the uses of land in the city. This study followed the descriptive, quantitative, temporal, spatial and cartographic method of collecting, processing and analyzing primary and secondary data related to the study objectives. The most important results of this study were a change in the areas of land use in the city of Jericho during the two periods, the first between 2006 and 2012, and the second between 2012 and 2018, and the impact of several factors on the change of land use in the city, as well as the decrease of green and agricultural areas until 2030 and the increase of built-up areas And the possibility of applying the method of intelligent growth in the future planning of the city of Jericho. Therefore, the study recommends the adoption of modern techniques of GIS software in integration with modeling in order to plan the uses of urban land and the development of future scenarios, and the need to apply the method of intelligent growth of the city, and recommends the need to preserve the green and agricultural areas and natural resources surrounding the city for its environmental importance And economic
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    المعيقات التطويرية للمخططات الهيكلية الحالية للتجمعات السكانية في محافظة الخليل حالة دراسية "بلدة سعير"
    (Al-Quds University, 2019-12-07) نافذ ابراهيم موسى مناع; Nafeth Ibrahim Mousa Mana'
    This study dealt with the development obstacles that faced the master plans for residintal localities at Hebron Governarate, and concentrate at Sai’ir town as a case study. This subject has been concedered as an important subject, where the study area in general was suffuring long time ago from the absence and lack of impirical and modified master plans. Accordingly, the town till present suffuring from many difficulties comes from lack of infrastructure services and facilities as well as from unsutable traffic net within the town boundaries. It becomes clear that the absence of sutabil master plan for the town and many other a like in the region are the reason of problems facing residents on daily baises. More over it was clear the effect of new and modified master plan absence on the current situation of the wide sprid of buildings and road irregularities at the twon present master plan. The aim of this study is to identify factors influencing land use in the study area, and to focus on problems that affect the current town master plan. It also aims to identify changes that have occurred in the study area, especially in the uses of the residential land, and the development of the road network and transport. It Also concedered changes that accured in different land uses and finally aims to the disadvantages that impede development and affect the flow of the scheme, and connect those uses in the town planning levels. To achieve the previous objectives, the study adopted the analytical descriptive method to identify the general characteristics of the study area and its structural plan since 1999, till 2018. This method was adapted also to understand the factors that influenced the patterns of land use within the town boundaries during the mentioned period. To Achieve this two aerial photographs of Sai,ir town, was analysed . It related to the date 1999 and n 2018. The two arial photographs was analysed to find the percentages of land use changes between the dates of the photos. The data and information collected by the researcher in the field and through interviews with specialists in Sa'ir Municipality were also used to clarify the change in usage patterns, causes and effects. To illustrate the results of the study, the researcher used geographic research techniques in drawing the necessary geographical sections and maps. After analyzing the data gathered and analysed from the defferent sourses , it was then clear and easy to present the results in tables and figures . the changes percentage in land use was calculated for different types of land use within the master plan boundaries. Study resuls shows that changes in land use classified for residential housing in area A was rised from 11.9% in 1999 to 19.8% 2018. The study showed that the area of the old town despite that its small area also building in this area was changed by 27%,. More over in addition to the irregularities and illegal violations of building in agricultural land was estimated at about 13%. At the saim time changes in craft area was reached to 21%. The changes in land use for roads reached to 7.2%. The study showed the impact of natural and human factors in reducing the construction of some of the proposed methods because of the decline of the land and political conditions imposed. The study also showed the weak application of the law in the organization of construction and the emergence of random construction in agricultural land and roads. The study recommended that in order to solve land use probles there is a very argent need to modify the master plan and to expand it as well as to propose and construct a new road and street plan. It suggestes that land use problems must be addressed in a new master plan to the town. It also recommended that periodical maintenance must be taken to road network and finally to work hardly to built sewage system in the town . These actions must be taken to face the high percentage of population increase in the area.
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    التخطيط الاستراتيجي لقطاع السياحة التراثية في فلسطين باستخدام نظم المعلومات الجغرافية (GIS) : قرى الكراسي في شمال الضفة الغربية كحالة دراسية
    (جامعة القدس, 2020-08-15) محمد صبحي حردان عباهره; Mohamad subhi hardan abahre
    Heritage tourism is considered an element of tourist attraction to a large extent, but Palestine faces challenges that hinder the development of the tourism sector in it, the political and geopolitical reality in addition to the lack of interest in many heritage sites, the most important of which is the Al-Chair villages, which are one of the components of heritage tourism in Palestine. Proper planning, and dissemination of information that reaches all tourism managers in the world, to highlight its heritage value. Those who follow the studies on heritage tourism find a deficiency in it, especially with regard to the villages of Al-Chairs, and this is why this study came to shed light on heritage tourism and Al-Chairs villages in Palestine. This study sought to promote heritage tourism in Palestine, using geographic information systems, and Al-Krasis villages, in particular in the northern West Bank. The research dealt with identifying the most important problems and challenges that face computer tourism in general and Al-Chairs villages in particular, and evaluating the role of Al-Chair villages in developing heritage tourism. The study also aimed to develop a promotional model for heritage tourism in Al-Chairs villages using geographic information systems. This study also followed the methodology. Qualitative, descriptive, historical and cartographic data to collect and analyze primary and secondary data related to the objectives of the study, by holding personal interviews with decision-makers in governmental and non-governmental institutions and the local community, and the method of content analysis was followed in the analysis of personal interviews and the method of spatial analysis in geographic information systems, and the study reached For several results, the most important of which are: poor funding for restoration operations, lack of awareness among the local community, weakness of the law, and the role of the occupation in hindering the restoration and promotion of heritage areas. A new strategy called (swot) has been proposed, which is a strategic analysis of positive and negative influences to protect heritage sites in the northern West Bank. As heritage tourism in Palestine is part of the identity of the Palestinian people A tourist path, using geographic information systems, serves all villages in the study area because of its great role in attracting tourists, and activating the tourism process towards heritage sites in the northern West Bank, and the study reached several recommendations, the most important of which are: Work to review laws and regulations related to site protection The Ministry should raise the level of the annual budget for the heritage tourism sector, work to redraw the heritage areas within the structural plans for their protection and development, and provide human cadres specialized in the field of Palestinian heritage and tourism guidance.
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    التّركيب الداخليّ للمنطقة الصّناعيّة في مدينة الخليل وتأثيرها على البيئة الحضريّة
    (جامعة القدس, 2021-05-10) ولاء محمد نبيل العتال; walaa mohammad nabeel Alatal
    هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى التعرف على ملامح التركيب الداخليّ للمنطقة الصّناعيّة في مدينة الخليل والوقوف على أهمّ العوامل المؤثّرة في التركيب الداخليّ للمنطقة الصّناعيّة ورصد أهمّ المشكلات التي تعاني منها المنطقة الصّناعيّة والتعرف على دور عملية التخطيط الحضريّ في مدينة الخليل, وعلاقتها في تنظيم المنطقة الصّناعيّة وتخطيطها ومعرفة تأثير المنطقة الصّناعيّة على البيئة الحضرية لمدينة الخليل . وقد اعتمدت الدراسة على المنهج الوصفيّ والمنهج التحليليّ والمنهج التاريخيّ بالإضافة إلى منهج الدراسة الحالية وكذلك المنهج الإقليميّ، وقد اعتمدت الدراسة على عدة أدوات, منها المقابلة للمختصّين والمهندسين في الهيئات المحلّيّة والعاملين, والسّكان في المنطقة الصّناعيّة، بالإضافة إلى الاستبانة التي وُزّعِت على عينة عشوائية بسيطة تتكون من( 70 مبحوثًا) وُزِّعت على العاملين فقط في المنطقة الصّناعيّة . تبين للباحثة من خلال حساب قِيمة معامل ارتباط بيرسون والدلالة الإحصائية أنّ هناك علاقةً طرديةً بين الدخل الشّهريّ والحالة الاجتماعية؛ وذلك أنّ مستوى الدلالة الإحصائية بلغ (.0030) وهو أقلّ من (0.05) أي أنه كلّما كان أعزب كان لديه دخل شهريّ أكثر، وهناك علاقة طردية بين الدخل الشّهري, وعدد أفراد الأسرة, أي أنه كلّما زاد عدد أفراد الأسرة كان لديه دخل شهريّ أكثر, وتوجد علاقة طريدة بين الدخل الشّهريّ وعدد أفراد الأسرة, أي أنه كلّما زاد عدد أفراد الأسرة كان لديه الدخل الشّهريّ أكثر, وكلما زاد عمر العامل كان دخله الشّهريّ أعلى بناءً على الخِبرة. وأظهرت النتائج أنّ خضوع منطقة الفحص الصّناعيّة تحت الإدارة العسكريّة اليهوديّة يعيق عملية التنمية والتخطيط من قِبل الحكومة والهيئات المحلّيّة والبلدية في المنطقة لتطوير الخدمات وتخطيط المنطقة بشكل أفضل, وأكبر معيق لعملية تطوير الاقتصاد الفلسطينيّ وقطاع الصّناعة نتيجة إغراق الأسواق المحلّيّة بالمنتجات الصّهيونية . بناء على ما آلت إلية نتائج الدراسة فإنّ الباحثة توصي بنقل الصّناعات الملوثة خارج المنطقة الصّناعيّة إلى المنطقة الصّناعيّة الجديدة التي أقامتها هيئة المدن الصّناعيّة في منطقة جمرورة, وذلك لحماية السّكان من خطر تلوث هذه المصانع، كما توصي بفصل الصّرف الصّحّيّ للمنطقة الصّناعيّة عن الصّرف الصّحّيّ للمساكن وضرورة فصل الشّبكات الخاصّة بالمنطقة الصّناعيّة عن الشّبكات الخاصّة بالمدينة, كما يجب فرض الرقابة على المؤسَسات الصّناعيّة حتى تلتزمَ بقواعد السلامة والأمان وحصول العاملين على تأمينٍ صحّيّ . The study aimed to identify the features of the internal structure of the industrial zone in the city of Hebron and to identify the most important factors affecting the internal structure of the industrial zone and to monitor the most important problems faced by the industrial zone and to identify the role of the urban planning process in the city of Hebron and its relationship to the organization and planning of the industrial zone and to know the impact of the industrial zone On the urban environment of Hebron. The study relied on observing the descriptive method, the analytical method, and the historical method, in addition to the case study methodology and also the regional approach. The study relied on several tools, including the interview for specialists and engineers in local bodies, workers and residents in the industrial zone, in addition to the questionnaire distributed to a simple random sample consisting of 70 Subjects were distributed to workers only in the industrial area. The researcher also found, through calculating the value of the Pearson correlation coefficient and the statistical significance, that there is a direct relationship between monthly income and marital status, and that the level of statistical significance reached (.003) and it is less than (.05), meaning that the more single he has a monthly income, and there A direct relationship between the monthly income and the number of family members, meaning that the greater the number of family members, the more monthly income there is, and there is a direct relationship between the monthly income and the number of family members, meaning that the greater the number of family members, the more the monthly income, and the greater the age of the worker, the higher the monthly income . The results also showed that the subjection of the industrial inspection area under the Jewish military administration hinders the development and planning process by the government and local and municipal bodies in the region to develop services and plan the area in a better way and the biggest hindrance to the development of the Palestinian economy and the industrial sector as a result of flooding local markets with Zionist products. Based on the results of the study results mechanism, it recommends the transfer of polluting industries outside the industrial zone to the new industrial zone established by the Industrial Estates Authority in the Jammurah area in order to protect the population from the risk of contamination of these factories. It also recommends separating the sanitation of the industrial zone from the sanitation of the dwellings and the need to separate networks For the industrial zone from the private networks of the city, and control must be imposed on the industrial establishments in order to adhere to the rules of safety and security and to obtain health insurance for workers.