الذكاء الوجداني وعلاقته بالإستقرار الأسري لدى الأزواج في ظل جائحة كورونا

مريم عيسى علي صالح
Mariam Issa Ali Abufarah
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جامعة القدس
The study aimed to identify emotional intelligence and its relationship to family stability in spouses in light of the Corona pandemic according to the variables: (gender, age in years, age difference in years, number of years of conservative marriage, educational level, wife’s work, income level in shekels, number of children). In order to achieve the goal of the study, the descriptive approach and the questionnaire were used as a tool for data collection, which was applied to a sample of (573) couples in the governorates of Jerusalem, Ramallah and Al-Bireh, where the researcher developed the two tools of emotional intelligence and family stability using previous studies. The results of the study showed that the level of emotional intelligence of the spouses came with a relative weight of (77.02%), where the field of motivation got a percentage (82%), followed by the area of empathy with a relative weight (79%), then the field of self-awareness by (78%). The results of the study showed that there were differences in the level of emotional intelligence among husbands according to the variables: gender in favor of wives, age in years in favor of the oldest, age difference in years in favor of (5-10 years), Number of years of marriage, governorate, educational level in favor of the most educated, work in favor of the wife, level of income in shekels in favor of the lowest-paid groups, number of children in favor of the few in number. A percentage (71%), then the area of companionship (47%), and the field of parents’ intervention in the affairs of the spouses (42%), and the area of disturbances and the desire to separate on a percentage (41%). In years, age difference in years, number of years of marriage, governorate, educational level In favor of the most educated, work in favor of the wife, the level of income in shekels for the benefit of the lowest-paid groups, the number of children in favor of the few in number, and it was found that the degree of family stability for the husbands came at a rate of (54%), where the field of communication and mutual respect got a percentage of (71%), then the field of companionship (47%) and the area of parents’ interference in the affairs of the spouses (42%), and the area of disturbances and the desire to separate (41%), and it was found that there are differences in the level of family stability among spouses due to the variables (sex, age in years, age difference in years, number of years Marriage, province, level education, wife’s work, income level in shekels, number of children), the study also showed a positive direct relationship between the level of emotional intelligence and the domains (communication and mutual respect, participation in roles between spouses) in the level of family stability, and it was also found that there is a positive direct relationship between the total degree For the level of family stability and areas (emotional management, motivation, empathy) in the level of emotional intelligence. Based on these results, the researcher recommended strengthening the role of the family to empower its members by presenting various programs that stabilize it and intensifying efforts for proper upbringing programs for individuals, working on research centers specialized in family affairs, and working on training specialized cadres working in the field of marital counseling,In light of these results, the researcher recommended: preparing and implementing programs to raise awareness among spouses in a way that helps the continuity of the marital relationship, working to increase the effectiveness of counseling programs in improving communication skills in improving communication skills and managing emotions, strengthening the role of the family to empower its members by providing different programs that work stability and intensify efforts for the proper upbringing of individuals. It was also found that there is a direct positive relationship between the total degree of the family stability level (9.45) and the level of emotional intelligence (58.4), meaning that the higher the level of family stability, the higher the level of emotional intelligence. Key Words:family stability, emotional intelligence, couples, Corona pandemic
صالح، مريم عيسى. (2022). الذكاء الوجداني وعلاقته بالإستقرار الأسري لدى الأزواج في ظل جائحة كورونا [رسالة ماجستير منشورة، جامعة القدس، فلسطين]. المستودع الرقمي لجامعة القدس. https://arab- scholars.com/5291c5