القيمة الثبوتية للرسائل والسندات الإلكترونية وفقا للقرار بقانون رقم (9) لسنة 2022
عدي فايق أحمد رزيقات
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Al-Quds University
تناولت الدراسة موضوع القيمة الثبوتية للرسائل والسندات الإلكترونية، وتهدف إلى بيان حجية الرسائل والسندات الالكترونية وقيمتها الثبوتية أمام القضاء بعد أن قام المشرع الفلسطيني بتعديل نصوص قانون البينات في المواد المدنية والتجارية رقم (4) لسنة 2001 بموجب القرار بقانون رقم (9) لسنة 2022، وأضفى على الرسائل والسندات المستخلصة بوسيلة الكترونية قيمة ثبوتية تتفاوت بحسب ما يتوافر فيها من شروط تطلبها المشرع لإعتبارها حجة في الإثبات.
وقد اعتمد الباحث المنهج الوصفي التحليلي والمقارنة ببعض التشريعات التي سبقت المشرع الفلسطيني في معالجة حجية هذه المحررات الالكترونية في الإثبات، كالقانون الإردني والمصري.
وجاءت الدراسة في فصلين ، واستعرضت في الفصل الأول ماهية هذه الرسائل والسندات الإلكترونية ، حيث وضحت تعريفها وصورها وخصائصها وشروطها ومدى مطابقة شروط هذه الرسائل والسندات بشروط الرسائل والسندات التقليدية.
اما الفصل الثاني فقد تطرقت لموضوع حجية هذه السندات والرسائل الإلكترونية وذلك من خلال النصوص القانونية التي أعطت الحجية للرسائل الإلكترونية، وكذلك شروط اكتساب هذه الرسائل للقيمة الثبوتية، كما تم بيان هذه الحجية لهذا النوع من المحررات من خلال محددات الإثبات التي نص عليها في القرار بقانون المعاملات الالكترونية النافذ في فلسطين وطرق الطعن بصحة هذه السندات.
وبنهاية الدراسة تم استخلاص العديد من النتائج كان أهمها ان المشرع الفلسطيني ساوى في القيمة الثبوتية بين الرسائل والسندات الإلكترونية والتقليدية وذلك بشرط مراعاة الشروط التي نص عليها المشرع من خلال القرار بقانون المعاملات الإلكترونية النافذ.
The study addressed the subject of the probative value of electronic messages and bonds, and aims to clarify the authenticity of electronic messages and bonds and their probative value before the judiciary after the Palestinian legislator amended the texts of the Evidence Law in Civil and Commercial Matters No. (4) of 2001 in accordance with Decree Law No. (9) of 2022. It gives letters and documents extracted by electronic means an evidentiary value that varies according to the conditions they meet, required by the legislator, in order to consider them as evidence of proof. The researcher adopted the descriptive analytical approach and compared it with other legislations that preceded the Palestinian legislator in dealing with the authority of these electronic documents in proof such as Jordanian and Egyptian law. The study was divided into two chapters, and in the first chapter it reviewed the nature of these electronic messages and bonds, as it clarified their definition, images, characteristics, conditions, and the extent to which the conditions of these messages and bonds conform to the conditions of traditional letters and bonds. As for the second chapter, I addressed the issue of the authenticity of these documents and electronic messages through the legal texts that gave the authenticity to electronic messages, as well as the conditions for these messages to acquire probative value. This authenticity for this type of documents was also clarified through the determinants of proof stipulated in the decree law. Electronic transactions in effect in Palestine and ways to challenge the validity of these bonds. At the end of the study, many results were drawn, the most important of which was that the Palestinian legislator equated the evidentiary value between electronic and traditional letters and bonds, provided that the conditions stipulated by the legislator were taken into account through the decision on the effective electronic transactions law.
The study addressed the subject of the probative value of electronic messages and bonds, and aims to clarify the authenticity of electronic messages and bonds and their probative value before the judiciary after the Palestinian legislator amended the texts of the Evidence Law in Civil and Commercial Matters No. (4) of 2001 in accordance with Decree Law No. (9) of 2022. It gives letters and documents extracted by electronic means an evidentiary value that varies according to the conditions they meet, required by the legislator, in order to consider them as evidence of proof. The researcher adopted the descriptive analytical approach and compared it with other legislations that preceded the Palestinian legislator in dealing with the authority of these electronic documents in proof such as Jordanian and Egyptian law. The study was divided into two chapters, and in the first chapter it reviewed the nature of these electronic messages and bonds, as it clarified their definition, images, characteristics, conditions, and the extent to which the conditions of these messages and bonds conform to the conditions of traditional letters and bonds. As for the second chapter, I addressed the issue of the authenticity of these documents and electronic messages through the legal texts that gave the authenticity to electronic messages, as well as the conditions for these messages to acquire probative value. This authenticity for this type of documents was also clarified through the determinants of proof stipulated in the decree law. Electronic transactions in effect in Palestine and ways to challenge the validity of these bonds. At the end of the study, many results were drawn, the most important of which was that the Palestinian legislator equated the evidentiary value between electronic and traditional letters and bonds, provided that the conditions stipulated by the legislator were taken into account through the decision on the effective electronic transactions law.
رزيقات، عدي فايق. (2024). القيمة الثبوتية للرسائل والسندات الإلكترونية وفقا للقرار بقانون رقم (9) لسنة 2022 [رسالة ماجستير منشورة، جامعة القدس، فلسطين]. المستودع الرقمي لجامعة القدس.