التعاونُ الدَوليُ في مواجهةِ الجريمةِ الالكترونية
محمد منذر طه عمايرة
Mohammad Monther Amayreh
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Al-Quds University
تناولت الدراسة موضوع التعاون الدولي في مكافحة الجريمة الالكترونية، وذلك من خلال اتباع المنهج الوصفي التحليلي، بالنظر الى التشريعات الفلسطينية الناظمة لهذا الموضوع، اضافة الى التشريعات المقارنة والاتفاقيات الدولية، وقد تمحورت اشكالية الدراسة في التطرق الى أي مدى ساهمة التشريعات الوطنية والأنظمة السارية في دولة فلسطين في اتاحة الجوانب الموضوعية والاجرائية التعاون الدولي في مجال مواجهة الجريمة الالكترونية؟، وتهدف هذه الدراسة في المقام الأول الى تسليط الضوء حول الجهودِ الدوليةِ والاقليميةِ والعربيةِ لمواجهة الجريمة الالكترونية والهدف من هذا التعاون، والتعرف على ابرازِ أشكالِ التعاونِ الامنيِ والقضائيِ الدوليِ في مواجهةِ الجريمةِ الالكترونية من خلالِ التطرقِ للصعوباتِ التي تعيقُ مبدأ مواجهتِها.
وذلك من خلال التعريف بالجريمة الالكترونية وخصائصها والتعريج على اليات التعاونِ الدوليِ في مجالِ الجريمةِ الإلكترونية ما قبلَ المحاكمةِ وفي مرحلة المحاكمةِ أشكالِ وأوجه التعاونِ الدوليِ وصعوباتهِ في مواجهةِ الجريمة الالكترونية،
ومن خلالِ الدراسةِ تمَّ التوصلُ إلى عددٍ من النتائج ومنها أنهُ تختص نيابة الجرائم الالكترونية في متابعة الطلبات المتعلقة بالجرائم الالكترونية في حين تعمل هذه النيابة بالتعاون مع وحدة مكافحة الجرائم الالكترونية من اجل الوصول الى الدليل الفني الالكتروني وربط الجناة فيه ، يعد التعاون الدولي في تنفيذ الأحكام الجزائية الأجنبية صورة خاصة من صور التعاون الدولي في مكافحة الجريمة الالكترونية، وذلك نظرا للدور الذي يلعبه في تحقيق مكافحة فعالة لهذه الجريمة ، تقوم منظمة الشرطة الدولية "الإنتربول" بدور مهم في مكافحة الجرائم الإلكترونية، ويظهر ذلك في الأقسام والشُعب التي تتكون منها المنظمة، كشعبة الإجرام الاقتصادي والمالي، وشعبة التقصي الآلي وتحليل المعلومات.
وقد توصل الباحث في نهاية هذه الدراسة الى مجموعة من التوصياتِ أهمُّها: توحيدُ جهودِ الدُولِ من اجلِ التعاون والتصدي للجرائمِ الإلكترونيةِ ومكافحتها، من خلالِ هيئةِ الأممِ المتحدة والتعاونِ بين الهيئاتِ المختصةِ الوطنيةِ والدوليةِ بشأن ذلك، وحث المشرعُ الفلسطيني لتعديلِ قانونِ مكافحةِ الجرائمِ الالكترونية، بحيثُ تواكبُ كلَّ ما هو جديدٌ في هذا المجالِ، وبما يتوافقُ معَ الاتفاقياتِ الدوليةِ التي وقعْت عليها دولةُ فلسطين.
The study aimed to deal with the subject of international cooperation in combating cybercrime, by following the descriptive and analytical approach, in view of the Palestinian legislation regulating this subject, in addition to comparative legislation and international agreements. The problem of the study revolved around addressing the extent to which national legislation and regulations in force in the State of Palestine contribute. In providing the objective and procedural aspects of international cooperation in the field of confronting cybercrime? This study aims primarily to shed light on international, regional, and Arab efforts to confront cybercrime and the goal of this cooperation, and to identify the most prominent forms of international security and judicial cooperation in confronting cybercrime through addressing the difficulties that hinder the principle of confronting them. This is done by defining cybercrime and its characteristics and highlighting the mechanisms of international cooperation in the field of cybercrime before the trial and during the trial stage, the forms and aspects of international cooperation and its difficulties in confronting cybercrime. Through the study, several results were reached, including that the Cybercrimes Prosecution is specialized in following up on requests related to cybercrimes, while this prosecution works in cooperation with the Anti-Cybercrimes Unit to access the electronic technical evidence and link the perpetrators therein. International cooperation in the implementation of criminal rulings is considered Foreign Affairs is a special form of international cooperation in combating cybercrime, given the role it plays in achieving an effective fight against this crime. The International Police Organization “Interpol” plays an important role in combating cybercrime, and this appears in the departments and divisions that make up the organization, such as the Crime Division. Economic and Financial Division, Automated Investigation and Information Analysis Division. At the end of this study, the researcher reached a set of recommendations, the most important of which are: unifying the efforts of countries to cooperate and address and combat cybercrime, through the United Nations and cooperation between the competent national and international bodies regarding this, and urging the Palestinian legislator to amend the law on combating cybercrime, so that it keeps pace with all What is new in this field, and in accordance with the international agreements signed by the State of Palestine.
The study aimed to deal with the subject of international cooperation in combating cybercrime, by following the descriptive and analytical approach, in view of the Palestinian legislation regulating this subject, in addition to comparative legislation and international agreements. The problem of the study revolved around addressing the extent to which national legislation and regulations in force in the State of Palestine contribute. In providing the objective and procedural aspects of international cooperation in the field of confronting cybercrime? This study aims primarily to shed light on international, regional, and Arab efforts to confront cybercrime and the goal of this cooperation, and to identify the most prominent forms of international security and judicial cooperation in confronting cybercrime through addressing the difficulties that hinder the principle of confronting them. This is done by defining cybercrime and its characteristics and highlighting the mechanisms of international cooperation in the field of cybercrime before the trial and during the trial stage, the forms and aspects of international cooperation and its difficulties in confronting cybercrime. Through the study, several results were reached, including that the Cybercrimes Prosecution is specialized in following up on requests related to cybercrimes, while this prosecution works in cooperation with the Anti-Cybercrimes Unit to access the electronic technical evidence and link the perpetrators therein. International cooperation in the implementation of criminal rulings is considered Foreign Affairs is a special form of international cooperation in combating cybercrime, given the role it plays in achieving an effective fight against this crime. The International Police Organization “Interpol” plays an important role in combating cybercrime, and this appears in the departments and divisions that make up the organization, such as the Crime Division. Economic and Financial Division, Automated Investigation and Information Analysis Division. At the end of this study, the researcher reached a set of recommendations, the most important of which are: unifying the efforts of countries to cooperate and address and combat cybercrime, through the United Nations and cooperation between the competent national and international bodies regarding this, and urging the Palestinian legislator to amend the law on combating cybercrime, so that it keeps pace with all What is new in this field, and in accordance with the international agreements signed by the State of Palestine.