دراسة تقييمية لمشاريع التنمية الزراعية في الضفة الغربية حالة دراسية " المناطق الادارية لمديرية زراعة وبيطرة يطا "
عمر شعيب خليل الهذالين
Omar shuaeb khalil hathalen
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Al-Quds University
تم إجراء هذه الدراسة في الفترة من تشرين الأول 2023 إلى أيار 2024، بهدف تقييم مشاريع التنمية الزراعية باستخدام خمس معايير رئيسية للتقييم (الملائمة، الفاعلية، الكفاءة، الأثر، والاستدامة)، بالإضافة إلى توفير معلومات وتغذية راجعة من المستفيدين كما هدفت الدراسة الى استخلاص الدروس والتوصيات التنموية التي من شأنها مساعدة صانعي القرار على توجيه وتحسين المشاريع التنموية في الضفة الغربية والمناطق الإدارية لمديرية زراعة وبيطرة يطا كدراسة حالة.
استخدم الباحث المنهج الوصفي التحليلي، ومن وجهة نظره، يُعتبر هذا المنهج الأنسب لطبيعة الدراسة وأهدافها، وذلك للوصول إلى معرفة دقيقة لمشكلة الدراسة. تم الرجوع إلى الأدبيات السابقة لتوضيح الخلفية النظرية للدراسة، وتم تصميم استبيان يتألف من قسمين؛ حيث يغطي القسم الأول البيانات الشخصية ونوع الاستفادة والمؤسسات التي نفذت المشاريع، بالإضافة إلى نسبة المساهمة. أما القسم الثاني، فيتناول جوانب التقييم لمشاريع التنمية الزراعية في فلسطين، بما في ذلك: ملاءمة المشاريع لاحتياجات وأولويات المزارعين، وفاعليتها، وكفاءتها، إلى جانب الأثر والاستدامة لهذه المشاريع.
أظهرت نتائج الدراسة أن المشاريع التنموية الزراعية في مديرية زراعة وبيطرة يطا خلال الفترة (2015-2022) كانت ملائمة لأولويات المستفيدين بنسبة 81.2%، وحظيت بتقييم إيجابي من المزارعين فيما يتعلق بفعاليتها وكفاءتها. وبينت النتائج أن لهذه المشاريع أثرًا اجتماعيًا واقتصاديًا إيجابيًا معتدلًا، واستدامة جيدة على الرغم من التحديات المتعلقة بالتغيرات المناخية. كما أظهرت الدراسة أن الجنس والعمر والدخل لم يكن لها تأثير كبير على تقييم المشاريع، بينما أثرت المهنة الرئيسية ونسبة المساهمة المالية المدفوعة في هذا التقييم.
أكد المستفيدون على فعالية المشاريع في تحقيق أهدافها، خصوصًا في حماية الأراضي وتعزيز الفرص الاستثمارية واستمرارية العمل الزراعي. ورغم التحديات التي فرضتها اعتداءات الاحتلال، وأبدى المزارعون موافقة عالية على كفاءة تنفيذ المشاريع ضمن الإطار الزمني المحدد. ومع ذلك، ظهرت تباينات في آرائهم حول كفاية توزيع البذور المحسنة، حيث تم تقييم هذه الفقرة بمستوى متوسط. وأكدت الدراسة على الاستدامة العالية للمشاريع وزيادة المساحات الخضراء، مع الإشارة إلى أن التغيرات المناخية تمثل تحديًا رئيسيًا. كما كانت درجة التواصل مع طواقم الإرشاد متوسطة واشارت النتائج الا هناك تحديات تواجه استمرارية إنتاج البذور المحسنة من بذار المحاصيل الحقلية من قبل المزارعين .
واختتم الباحث دراسته بتوصيات هامة ابرزها توسيع مشاريع حماية واستصلاح الأراضي وشق الطرق الزراعية، وتبني تقنيات حديثة لإدارة المياه، مثل أنظمة حصاد مياه الأمطار، مع تعزيز برامج التدريب والتوعية. كما شملت التوصيات على تطوير استراتيجية شاملة لحماية المشاريع الزراعية من اعتداءات الاحتلال عبر تعزيز التعاون مع المنظمات الدولية والحقوقية لتوثيق الانتهاكات وبتوفير الدعم القانوني واللوجستي للمزارعين المتضررين، بالإضافة إلى إجراء دراسات شاملة لتحديد الأصناف المناسبة من البذور، وتبني استراتيجيات للتكيف مع التغيرات المناخية. وتشمل التوصيات ايضا دعم المزارعين من خلال برامج تدريبية وتحسين الكادر البشري، مع توفير التمويل اللازم لحماية المشاريع وتعزيز استمراريتها، وضمان تقييم دوري للأداء وتلبية احتياجات المستفيدين.
This study was conducted from October 2023 to May 2024, with the aim of evaluating agricultural development projects using five main evaluation criteria (suitability, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, and sustainability), in addition to providing information and feedback from beneficiaries. The study also aimed to extract lessons and development recommendations that would help decision makers guide and improve development projects in the West Bank and the administrative areas of the Yatta Agriculture and Veterinary Directorate as a case study. The researcher used the descriptive analytical approach, and from his point of view, this approach is considered the most appropriate for the nature and objectives of the study, in order to reach an accurate knowledge of the study problem. Previous literature was referred to clarify the theoretical background of the study, and a questionnaire consisting of two sections was designed; the first section covers personal data, type of benefit, and institutions that implemented the projects, in addition to the percentage of contribution. The second section deals with aspects of evaluation of agricultural development projects in Palestine, including: the suitability of projects to the needs and priorities of farmers, their effectiveness, and efficiency, in addition to the impact and sustainability of these projects. The results of the study showed that the agricultural development projects in the Yatta Agriculture and Veterinary Directorate during the period (2015-2022) were appropriate to the priorities of the beneficiaries by 81.2%, and received a positive evaluation from farmers regarding their effectiveness and efficiency. The results showed that these projects had a moderate positive social and economic impact, and good sustainability despite the challenges related to climate change. The study also showed that gender, age, and income did not have a significant impact on the evaluation of the projects, while the main profession and the percentage of financial contribution paid affected this evaluation. The beneficiaries confirmed the effectiveness of the projects in achieving their goals, especially in protecting lands, enhancing investment opportunities, and the continuity of agricultural work. Despite the challenges imposed by the occupation's attacks, farmers expressed high approval of the efficiency of implementing the projects within the specified time frame. However, differences appeared in their opinions about the adequacy of distributing improved seeds, as this paragraph was evaluated at an average level. The study confirmed the high sustainability of the projects and the increase in green spaces, noting that climate change represents a major challenge. The level of communication with extension teams was average, and the results indicated that there are challenges facing the continuity of production of improved seeds from field crop seeds by farmers. The researcher concluded his study with important recommendations, most notably expanding land protection and reclamation projects and paving agricultural roads, and adopting modern water management technologies, such as rainwater harvesting systems, while enhancing training and awareness programs. The recommendations also included developing a comprehensive strategy to protect agricultural projects from occupation attacks by enhancing cooperation with international and human rights organizations to document violations and provide legal and logistical support to affected farmers, in addition to conducting comprehensive studies to identify appropriate seed varieties, and adopting strategies to adapt to climate change. The recommendations also include supporting farmers through training programs and improving human cadres, while providing the necessary funding to protect projects and enhance their continuity, and ensuring periodic evaluation of performance and meeting the needs of beneficiaries
This study was conducted from October 2023 to May 2024, with the aim of evaluating agricultural development projects using five main evaluation criteria (suitability, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, and sustainability), in addition to providing information and feedback from beneficiaries. The study also aimed to extract lessons and development recommendations that would help decision makers guide and improve development projects in the West Bank and the administrative areas of the Yatta Agriculture and Veterinary Directorate as a case study. The researcher used the descriptive analytical approach, and from his point of view, this approach is considered the most appropriate for the nature and objectives of the study, in order to reach an accurate knowledge of the study problem. Previous literature was referred to clarify the theoretical background of the study, and a questionnaire consisting of two sections was designed; the first section covers personal data, type of benefit, and institutions that implemented the projects, in addition to the percentage of contribution. The second section deals with aspects of evaluation of agricultural development projects in Palestine, including: the suitability of projects to the needs and priorities of farmers, their effectiveness, and efficiency, in addition to the impact and sustainability of these projects. The results of the study showed that the agricultural development projects in the Yatta Agriculture and Veterinary Directorate during the period (2015-2022) were appropriate to the priorities of the beneficiaries by 81.2%, and received a positive evaluation from farmers regarding their effectiveness and efficiency. The results showed that these projects had a moderate positive social and economic impact, and good sustainability despite the challenges related to climate change. The study also showed that gender, age, and income did not have a significant impact on the evaluation of the projects, while the main profession and the percentage of financial contribution paid affected this evaluation. The beneficiaries confirmed the effectiveness of the projects in achieving their goals, especially in protecting lands, enhancing investment opportunities, and the continuity of agricultural work. Despite the challenges imposed by the occupation's attacks, farmers expressed high approval of the efficiency of implementing the projects within the specified time frame. However, differences appeared in their opinions about the adequacy of distributing improved seeds, as this paragraph was evaluated at an average level. The study confirmed the high sustainability of the projects and the increase in green spaces, noting that climate change represents a major challenge. The level of communication with extension teams was average, and the results indicated that there are challenges facing the continuity of production of improved seeds from field crop seeds by farmers. The researcher concluded his study with important recommendations, most notably expanding land protection and reclamation projects and paving agricultural roads, and adopting modern water management technologies, such as rainwater harvesting systems, while enhancing training and awareness programs. The recommendations also included developing a comprehensive strategy to protect agricultural projects from occupation attacks by enhancing cooperation with international and human rights organizations to document violations and provide legal and logistical support to affected farmers, in addition to conducting comprehensive studies to identify appropriate seed varieties, and adopting strategies to adapt to climate change. The recommendations also include supporting farmers through training programs and improving human cadres, while providing the necessary funding to protect projects and enhance their continuity, and ensuring periodic evaluation of performance and meeting the needs of beneficiaries
الهذالين، عمر شعيب. (2024). دراسة تقييمية لمشاريع التنمية الزراعية في الضفة الغربية حالة دراسية " المناطق الادارية لمديرية زراعة وبيطرة يطا " [رسالة ماجستير منشورة، جامعة القدس، فلسطين]. المستودع الرقمي لجامعة القدس.