حماية المستهلك في عقود التجارة الإلكترونية
الحسن ماهر حسن حشيش
Al-Hasan MaherHasan Hushaysh
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Al-Quds University
اعتنت التشريعات الحديثة بضرورة حماية المستهلك في العقد الإلكتروني، حيث يعد المستهلك الطرف الضعيف في عملية التعاقد الإلكتروني، وبما ان القواعد العامة في التشريعات المدنية لم توفر حماية كاملة للمستهلك، فقد وضعت التشريعات الحديثة الكثير من الطرق لحماية المستهلك في الكثير من المواضيع أولها مرحلة التفاوض، او مرحلة ابرام العقد، او مرحلة تنفيذ العقد.
وقد تم تناول العديد من المواضيع المهمة حيث بدأت الدراسة بالتعريف بالعقد الإلكتروني وعناصره في الفصل الأول وقد تم التطرق الى خصائص العقد الإلكتروني بالإضافة الى انعقاد العقد ثم تم تعريف المستهلك والمزود والتحدث عن أهمية توفير وسائل حماية مستحدثة للمستهلك، كون ان الحاجة الملحة لحماية المستهلك في السوق، حيث ان أبرز ما يحتاج اليه المستهلك هما الثقة والأمان
كما وتناولنا في الفصل الثاني حماية المستهلك في مرحلة التفاوض الإلكتروني، وتحدثت عن صور حماية المستهلك وحقوقه في هذه المرحلة من أهمها: وضوح الإعلان التجاري، إضافة الى حق المستهلك بالإعلام والتبصرة عن طريق تحديد شخصية المزود، وتم التطرق الى التعريف بعقد التفاوض وخصائصه
اما الفصل الثالث فقد تمت مناقشة حماية المستهلك في مرحلة ابرام العقد وذلك من خلال الإشارة الى الضمانات.
اما بخصوص الفصل الثالث فقد تمت التطرق لحماية المستهلك في فترة ابرام العقد، وذلك عن طريق الإشارة الى الضمانات التي اضافتها التشريعات الحديثة، وتم التعرف على الشروط التعسفية إضافة الى التوسع في مفهوم عقود الإذعان لتشمل الكثير من العقود، حيث يعتبر العقد الإلكتروني عقد اذعان ما لم يكن هنالك تفاوض وأخيرا تم تناول حماية المستهلك في مرحلة تنفيذ العقد الإلكتروني حيث تطرقنا لما اضافته التشريعات الحديثة من حقوق مستحدثة مثل حقه بالعلام اللاحق لإبرام العقد الإلكتروني إضافة الى حق المستهلك بالعدول والتزام البائع بتسليم المبيع المطابق.
Modern legislation has taken care of the necessity of protecting the consumer in the electronic contract, as the consumer is considered the weak party in the electronic contracting process, and since the general rules in civil legislation do not provide sufficient protection for the consumer, modern legislation has established many methods for protecting the consumer in many places, the first of which is the pre-contract stage. -Negotiation-, or the stage of concluding the contract, or the stage of implementing the electronic contract. We have discussed a group of important topics. The study began by introducing the electronic contract and its elements in the first section of the first chapter. The characteristics of the electronic contract were discussed. In addition to concluding the electronic contract, the definitions of the consumer and the supplier were discussed. It also talked about the importance of providing modern means of protection for the consumer, as the need Consumer protection in the electronic market is what prompted me to search for means to protect the consumer in electronic contracting. Trust and safety in the electronic market are among the most important things that the consumer needs in order to meet his personal needs, and therefore he is subject to unusual and unfair conditions against him. The advantages of the consumer over the supplier were discussed. The second chapter also touched on consumer protection in the electronic negotiation stage, where I talked about forms of consumer protection and rights at this stage, including: clarity of electronic commercial advertising, which leads to a positive impact on the consumer, so that he is aware of his situation when contracting. The consumer is exposed to the claim or illusion that the commodity is of high quality. Likewise, the consumer has the right to information and insight by identifying the identity of the provider, describing the product or service subject to the contract, and stating the basic features of the commodity or service. The definition of the negotiation contract was discussed in addition to its characteristics As for the third chapter, consumer protection was discussed at the stage of concluding a contract, by referring to the guarantees added by modern legislation in the field of consumer protection. Arbitrary conditions were identified, in addition to the expansion of the concept of contracts of adhesion to include many contracts. The electronic contract is considered a contract of adhesion. If there is no negotiation, that is, the matter depends on the extent of the possibility of negotiating the terms of the contract. If the electronic contract permits negotiation and allows the consumer to review the terms of the contract and amend it sometimes, then it is not considered a contract of adhesion. However, if the character of negotiation or bargaining is absent, and the terms of the contract are In a rigid manner that does not accept review or modification, it is a contract of adhesion. Finally, consumer protection was addressed at the contract implementation stage in the third section of the last chapter. Modern legislation has added some new rights to the consumer, such as his right to subsequent notification of the conclusion of the electronic contract, the seller’s obligation to deliver the identical merchandise, and the consumer’s right to withdraw. The majority of modern legislation also stipulates the establishment Governmental agencies, or accredited private bodies, are responsible for protecting consumers
Modern legislation has taken care of the necessity of protecting the consumer in the electronic contract, as the consumer is considered the weak party in the electronic contracting process, and since the general rules in civil legislation do not provide sufficient protection for the consumer, modern legislation has established many methods for protecting the consumer in many places, the first of which is the pre-contract stage. -Negotiation-, or the stage of concluding the contract, or the stage of implementing the electronic contract. We have discussed a group of important topics. The study began by introducing the electronic contract and its elements in the first section of the first chapter. The characteristics of the electronic contract were discussed. In addition to concluding the electronic contract, the definitions of the consumer and the supplier were discussed. It also talked about the importance of providing modern means of protection for the consumer, as the need Consumer protection in the electronic market is what prompted me to search for means to protect the consumer in electronic contracting. Trust and safety in the electronic market are among the most important things that the consumer needs in order to meet his personal needs, and therefore he is subject to unusual and unfair conditions against him. The advantages of the consumer over the supplier were discussed. The second chapter also touched on consumer protection in the electronic negotiation stage, where I talked about forms of consumer protection and rights at this stage, including: clarity of electronic commercial advertising, which leads to a positive impact on the consumer, so that he is aware of his situation when contracting. The consumer is exposed to the claim or illusion that the commodity is of high quality. Likewise, the consumer has the right to information and insight by identifying the identity of the provider, describing the product or service subject to the contract, and stating the basic features of the commodity or service. The definition of the negotiation contract was discussed in addition to its characteristics As for the third chapter, consumer protection was discussed at the stage of concluding a contract, by referring to the guarantees added by modern legislation in the field of consumer protection. Arbitrary conditions were identified, in addition to the expansion of the concept of contracts of adhesion to include many contracts. The electronic contract is considered a contract of adhesion. If there is no negotiation, that is, the matter depends on the extent of the possibility of negotiating the terms of the contract. If the electronic contract permits negotiation and allows the consumer to review the terms of the contract and amend it sometimes, then it is not considered a contract of adhesion. However, if the character of negotiation or bargaining is absent, and the terms of the contract are In a rigid manner that does not accept review or modification, it is a contract of adhesion. Finally, consumer protection was addressed at the contract implementation stage in the third section of the last chapter. Modern legislation has added some new rights to the consumer, such as his right to subsequent notification of the conclusion of the electronic contract, the seller’s obligation to deliver the identical merchandise, and the consumer’s right to withdraw. The majority of modern legislation also stipulates the establishment Governmental agencies, or accredited private bodies, are responsible for protecting consumers
حشيش، الحسن ماهر. (2024). حماية المستهلك في عقود التجارة الإلكترونية [رسالة ماجستير منشورة، جامعة
القدس، فلسطين]. المستودع الرقمي لجامعة القدس. https://arab-scholars.com/bba364