تحول وإنقاص وتجديد العقد " دراسة تحليلية مقارنة "
داليا عوني محمد رجعي
Dalia Awni Mohammad Rejee
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Al-Quds University
تناولت الدراسة موضوع العقد , حيث عرف العقد بأنه ارتباط الإيجاب والقبول والموافقة على الإرادة، وبأنه أيضاً توافق إرادتين أو أكثر لإحداث أمر قانوني. وهذا يعني أن الإرادة هي جوهر العقد أي أنه لا ينعقد العقد بدونها ، وبالتالي فالعقد ينعقد مجرد الإيجاب والقبول إلا إذا تقرر في القانون شكل آخر لانعقاده. والأصل في إبرام العقود وجود الأهلية اللازمة لإبرامها اعتباراً بأن الرضا وهو ركن التعاقد الذي لا يصح العقد من غيره والذي يجب أن يصدر عن إرادة واعية. للعقود قوة ملزمة تقضي بوجوب تنفيذ أطراف العقد للالتزامات وتنفيذ ما احتوته هذه العقود وما تتجه إليه إرادة المتعاقدين ، والقوة الملزمة للعقود تتوفر في حال كان العقد مستوفي لشروطه وأركانه لأن لكل عقد أثر يظهر في محل العقد والعقود هي السبب المنتج لتلك الآثار ، ويتم تحديد مدى أثر العقود في مجالين أحدهما يسمى بالأثر الملزم للعقد ويكون هذا الأثر داخل حيز الإرادة التي نشأ العقد منها , أما الأثر الآخر فيسمى بمجال سريان العقد والاحتجاج به ويكون خارجاً عن حيز الإرادة.
وأوضحت الرسالة أن بطلان العقد يجعل من العقد وكأنه لم يكن وبالتالي لا يرتب آثاره ، فإن أراد المتعاقدين تحقيق غرض التعاقد والعقد وجب عليهم إما إنشاء عقد جديد أو تطهير العقد الموجود من مسببات البطلان ، فإذا كانت الالتزامات لم تنفذ فلا يجب تنفيذها عكس إذا كانت قد تنفذت لأنه من الواجب رد المتعاقدين إلى ما كانوا عليه ، وإذا تصرف طرف دون الآخر من المتعاقدين في حق من حقوق التعاقد المترتبة لهما بموجب العقد الذي بطل فتصرفه باطل. ودرجة البطلان تختلف باختلاف القاعدة التي تم خرقها ولم يتم مراعاتها عند إنعقاد العقد , فإذا كان ركن يكون البطلان مطلق أما إذا تخلف شرط فيكون العقد باطلاً بطلاناً نسبياً ولا بد من التمييز بين البطلان الكلي والبطلان الجزئي للعقد الذي بدوره يؤثر على نفاذ بعض الحقوق والالتزامات للأطراف المتعاقدة وبالتالي يتم إخضاع بعض الأنظمة التي تعيد التوازن للعقد على حالات البطلان ومن هذه النظريات نظرية تجديد العقد ، ونظريتا إنقاص وتحول العقود.
يعتبر تجديد الالتزام هو أحد أسباب انقضاء الالتزام وفي نفس الوقت سبباً من أسباب إنشاء الالتزام فهو ينهي التزام وينشئ غيره في آن واحد شرط أن يكون الالتزام الجديد يختلف في عناصره الجوهرية عن ذاك القديم. وإرادة الأطراف المتعاقدة في تجديد العقد هي التي تحدد مصير الحقوق والالتزامات الناشئة عن العقد القديم وإن كانت هذه الإرادة تتجه لإنهاءها أو إنشاء بديل لها أي إحداث أثر جديد ، ويكون تجديد العقد إما في محله أوفي مصدره أو في سنده القانوني. فالتجديد يكون فقط بإضافة عنصر جوهري يؤثر في العقد. وشرط التجديد وجود نية صريحة وواضحة وتراضي ليتحقق التجديد ، وينتج عن هذا التجديد تجديد للالتزامات والحقوق أيضاً. وما يطرأ على وأوضحت الرسالة أن العقد القديم ما هو إلا تعديل للعقد وليس إنهاء له , و التجديد يأتي بصورة اتفاق بين أطراف العقد على إنهاء الالتزام الأول القديم وإنشاء عقد جديد يحل محل القديم . ولا يطرأ التجديد إلا على الالتزام الصحيح النافذ ، فالتجديد لا يقبل التعليق لحين الإجازة وإن وجد التعليق فلا يوجد تجديد ، لأن التجديد يظهر بصحة الالتزام وإجازته ونفاذه ، وللقاضي سلطة تقدير مدى وضوح إرادة الأطراف ومدى توجهها لتجديد العقد .
ويعتبر التجديد من التصرفات القانونية التي تدور بين النفع والضرر بين أطرافه وبما أنه من أعمال التصرف فإن ولاية الإرادة لا تكفي فيه فلا يجوز للوصي على القاصر الاتفاق على التجديد بدون إذن من المحكمة ، نظراً لأن الإرادة في التجديد لا تكون صحيحة إلا إذا صدرت من طرف ذو أهلية ، لأن الأهلية شرط من شروط تحقق التجديد في العقود .
أما بالنسبة لنظريتا إنقاص وتحول العقود فإن العديد من التشريعات الغربية والعربية تقر وتعتمد هذه النظريات من أجل ضمان استقرار العقود واستمرارها قدر الإمكان فكلاهما يقومان على فكرة استثمار العقد والمحافظة عليه وهذا يتفق وغرض المتعاقدين. فالعقد الباطل بطلاناً كاملاً أو بطلاناً نسبياً في جزء منه هو عقد موجود قانونياً ومنتج لآثاره القانونية لحين أن يطلب شخص ذو مصلحة إبطاله فيتقرر إبطاله إتفاقاً أو عن طريق القضاء فيزول هذا العقد.
إن كلا النظريتان تقومان على وجود بطلان في العقد فنظرية التحول أساسها وجود بطلان في العقد كله و أن يحمل هذا العقد الباطل في طياته عقد آخر صحيح. والتكييف القانوني لتحول العقد يكون من منطلق التفسير فالقاضي الذي يحكم بتحول العقد يحكم بذلك بعد تفسير نية المتعاقدين بالتحول من عقد باطل إلى عقد صحيح ، ففي العقد المحول لا يوجد إلا تصرف واحد هو الصحيح وهو التصرف الجديد لأن العقد القديم قد بطل وزال مما يستدعي اعمال قواعد التفسير والتكييف لإثبات ذلك. أما نظرية الإنقاص فيكون البطلان في جزء معين أو عدة أجزاء من العقد في حال إمكانية التجزئة في العقد وعدم الترابط بين الجزء الباطل والصحيح ، ويلاحظ أن العقد المنتقص باعتباره تصرف قانوني ينتج أثر أصلي وليس عرضي على عكس العقد المتحول والذي يكون أثره عرضياً لا أصلياً لاعتباره واقعة. فالإنقاص يستهدف حصر البطلان في الشق المعيب من العقد دون مده للشق الصحيح ، وهذه النظرية تبقي العقد نفسه مع معالجة للبطلان دون أن ننتقل لعقد آخر ، فالإنقاص يصحح العقد مع الإبقاء عليه دون أن يغير في نوع العقد أو تكييفه بعد زوال البطلان الذي كان يوصف به العقد ، ويتثمل هذا التغيير باستبعاد أو إسقاط الجزء الباطل ، إلا إذا كان الجزء الباطل هو الدافع للتعاقد ، فلا يتصحح العقد بالإنقاص فيتجه القانونيين إلى عدم الإلتفات لإرادة المتعاقدين في بعض الحالات ، ويكون التصحيح هنا بحكم القانون و القضاء.
A contract is defined as an association of offer, acceptance, and approval of the will, and also as the agreement of two or more wills to create a legal matter. This means that the will is the essence of the contract, meaning that the contract cannot be concluded without it, and therefore the contract is concluded merely by offer and acceptance unless another form of its conclusion is established in the law. The basis for concluding contracts is the presence of the necessary qualifications to conclude them, given that consent is the cornerstone of the contract without which a contract is not valid and which must come from a conscious will. Contracts have a binding force that stipulates that the parties to the contract must implement their obligations and implement what these contracts contain and what the will of the contracting parties is directed towards. The binding force of contracts is available if the contract fulfills its conditions and elements because every contract has an effect that appears in the place of the contract and contracts are the cause producing those effects, and the extent of the effect is determined. Contracts are in two areas, one of which is called the binding effect of the contract, and this effect is within the scope of the will from which the contract arose, while the other effect is called the scope of the contract’s validity and invocation, and it is outside the scope of the will. Invalidation of the contract makes the contract as if it did not exist and therefore does not regulate its effects. If the contracting parties want to achieve the purpose of the contract and the contract, they must either create a new contract or purify the existing contract of the causes of invalidity. If the obligations have not been implemented, they must not be implemented, unlike if they have been implemented because it is necessary. Restoring the contracting parties to what they were. If one party acts without the other party in one of the contracting rights accruing to them under the invalid contract, then its action is invalid. The degree of invalidity varies according to the rule that was violated and was not observed when concluding the contract. If it is a pillar, the invalidity is absolute, but if a condition is failed, then the contract is relatively invalid. It is necessary to distinguish between total invalidity and partial invalidity of the contract, which in turn affects the enforcement of some rights and obligations of the contracting parties. Consequently, some systems are subject to the contract's rebalancing in cases of invalidity, and among these theories are the contract renewal theory, and the contract reduction and transformation theories. Renewing an obligation is one of the reasons for terminating an obligation and at the same time one of the reasons for creating an obligation. It terminates an obligation and creates another at the same time, provided that the new obligation differs in its essential elements from the old one. The will of the contracting parties to renew the contract is what determines the fate of the rights and obligations arising from the old contract, even if this will is directed towards terminating it or creating an alternative to it, that is, creating a new effect. The renewal of the contract shall be either in its place, in its source, or in its legal basis. Renewal can only be done by adding a fundamental element that affects the contract. The condition for renewal is the existence of a clear and clear intention and mutual consent for the renewal to be achieved, and this renewal results in a renewal of obligations and rights as well. What happens to the old contract is only an amendment to the contract and not an end to it, and renewal comes in the form of an agreement between the parties to the contract to terminate the first old obligation and create a new contract to replace the old one. Renewal only applies to a valid and enforceable obligation. Renewal does not accept suspension until approval. If there is suspension, there is no renewal, because renewal shows the validity, approval, and enforcement of the obligation. The judge has the authority to estimate the clarity of the will of the parties and the extent of their intention to renew the contract. Renewal is considered one of the legal transactions that revolve between benefit and harm between its parties, and since it is an act of disposal, the guardianship of the will is not sufficient in it. It is not permissible for the guardian of a minor to agree on the renewal without permission from the court, given that the will to renew is not valid unless it is issued by a party with authority. Eligibility, because eligibility is one of the conditions for achieving renewal in contracts. As for the theories of contract reduction and transformation, many Western and Arab legislations recognize and adopt these theories in order to ensure the stability and continuation of contracts as much as possible. Both of them are based on the idea of investing in the contract and preserving it, and this is consistent with the purpose of the contractors. A contract that is completely invalid or partially invalid is a contract that exists legally and produces its legal effects until a person with an interest requests its invalidation, in which case its invalidation is decided by agreement or through the judiciary, and this contract ceases to exist. Both theories are based on the existence of invalidity in the contract. The theory of transformation is based on the existence of invalidity in the entire contract and that this invalid contract carries within it another valid contract. The legal adjustment to the transformation of the contract is from the standpoint of interpretation. The judge who rules the transformation of the contract rules so after interpreting the intention of the contracting parties to transform from an invalid contract to a valid contract. In the transformed contract, there is only one action that is correct, which is the new disposition, because the old contract has been invalidated and removed, which requires the implementation of the rules. Interpretation and adaptation to prove this. As for the theory of diminution, the invalidity occurs in a specific part or several parts of the contract in the event of the possibility of dividing the contract and the lack of connection between the invalid and the valid part. It is noted that the diminished contract, as a legal act, produces an original and not an incidental effect, unlike a transformed contract, whose effect is incidental, not original, because it is considered a fact. . The reduction aims to limit the invalidity to the defective part of the contract without extending it to the correct part. This theory keeps the contract itself while dealing with the invalidity without moving to another contract. The reduction corrects the contract while maintaining it without changing the type of the contract or adapting it after the disappearance of the invalidity with which the contract was described. This change is represented by excluding or dropping the invalid part, unless the invalid part is the motivation for the contract, in which case the contract is not corrected by reduction, so jurists tend not to pay attention to the will of the contracting parties in some cases, and the correction here is by rule of law and the judiciary.
A contract is defined as an association of offer, acceptance, and approval of the will, and also as the agreement of two or more wills to create a legal matter. This means that the will is the essence of the contract, meaning that the contract cannot be concluded without it, and therefore the contract is concluded merely by offer and acceptance unless another form of its conclusion is established in the law. The basis for concluding contracts is the presence of the necessary qualifications to conclude them, given that consent is the cornerstone of the contract without which a contract is not valid and which must come from a conscious will. Contracts have a binding force that stipulates that the parties to the contract must implement their obligations and implement what these contracts contain and what the will of the contracting parties is directed towards. The binding force of contracts is available if the contract fulfills its conditions and elements because every contract has an effect that appears in the place of the contract and contracts are the cause producing those effects, and the extent of the effect is determined. Contracts are in two areas, one of which is called the binding effect of the contract, and this effect is within the scope of the will from which the contract arose, while the other effect is called the scope of the contract’s validity and invocation, and it is outside the scope of the will. Invalidation of the contract makes the contract as if it did not exist and therefore does not regulate its effects. If the contracting parties want to achieve the purpose of the contract and the contract, they must either create a new contract or purify the existing contract of the causes of invalidity. If the obligations have not been implemented, they must not be implemented, unlike if they have been implemented because it is necessary. Restoring the contracting parties to what they were. If one party acts without the other party in one of the contracting rights accruing to them under the invalid contract, then its action is invalid. The degree of invalidity varies according to the rule that was violated and was not observed when concluding the contract. If it is a pillar, the invalidity is absolute, but if a condition is failed, then the contract is relatively invalid. It is necessary to distinguish between total invalidity and partial invalidity of the contract, which in turn affects the enforcement of some rights and obligations of the contracting parties. Consequently, some systems are subject to the contract's rebalancing in cases of invalidity, and among these theories are the contract renewal theory, and the contract reduction and transformation theories. Renewing an obligation is one of the reasons for terminating an obligation and at the same time one of the reasons for creating an obligation. It terminates an obligation and creates another at the same time, provided that the new obligation differs in its essential elements from the old one. The will of the contracting parties to renew the contract is what determines the fate of the rights and obligations arising from the old contract, even if this will is directed towards terminating it or creating an alternative to it, that is, creating a new effect. The renewal of the contract shall be either in its place, in its source, or in its legal basis. Renewal can only be done by adding a fundamental element that affects the contract. The condition for renewal is the existence of a clear and clear intention and mutual consent for the renewal to be achieved, and this renewal results in a renewal of obligations and rights as well. What happens to the old contract is only an amendment to the contract and not an end to it, and renewal comes in the form of an agreement between the parties to the contract to terminate the first old obligation and create a new contract to replace the old one. Renewal only applies to a valid and enforceable obligation. Renewal does not accept suspension until approval. If there is suspension, there is no renewal, because renewal shows the validity, approval, and enforcement of the obligation. The judge has the authority to estimate the clarity of the will of the parties and the extent of their intention to renew the contract. Renewal is considered one of the legal transactions that revolve between benefit and harm between its parties, and since it is an act of disposal, the guardianship of the will is not sufficient in it. It is not permissible for the guardian of a minor to agree on the renewal without permission from the court, given that the will to renew is not valid unless it is issued by a party with authority. Eligibility, because eligibility is one of the conditions for achieving renewal in contracts. As for the theories of contract reduction and transformation, many Western and Arab legislations recognize and adopt these theories in order to ensure the stability and continuation of contracts as much as possible. Both of them are based on the idea of investing in the contract and preserving it, and this is consistent with the purpose of the contractors. A contract that is completely invalid or partially invalid is a contract that exists legally and produces its legal effects until a person with an interest requests its invalidation, in which case its invalidation is decided by agreement or through the judiciary, and this contract ceases to exist. Both theories are based on the existence of invalidity in the contract. The theory of transformation is based on the existence of invalidity in the entire contract and that this invalid contract carries within it another valid contract. The legal adjustment to the transformation of the contract is from the standpoint of interpretation. The judge who rules the transformation of the contract rules so after interpreting the intention of the contracting parties to transform from an invalid contract to a valid contract. In the transformed contract, there is only one action that is correct, which is the new disposition, because the old contract has been invalidated and removed, which requires the implementation of the rules. Interpretation and adaptation to prove this. As for the theory of diminution, the invalidity occurs in a specific part or several parts of the contract in the event of the possibility of dividing the contract and the lack of connection between the invalid and the valid part. It is noted that the diminished contract, as a legal act, produces an original and not an incidental effect, unlike a transformed contract, whose effect is incidental, not original, because it is considered a fact. . The reduction aims to limit the invalidity to the defective part of the contract without extending it to the correct part. This theory keeps the contract itself while dealing with the invalidity without moving to another contract. The reduction corrects the contract while maintaining it without changing the type of the contract or adapting it after the disappearance of the invalidity with which the contract was described. This change is represented by excluding or dropping the invalid part, unless the invalid part is the motivation for the contract, in which case the contract is not corrected by reduction, so jurists tend not to pay attention to the will of the contracting parties in some cases, and the correction here is by rule of law and the judiciary.
رجعي، داليا عوني. (2023). تحول وإنقاص وتجديد العقد " دراسة تحليلية مقارنة " [رسالة ماجستير منشورة،
جامعة القدس، فلسطين]. المستودع الرقمي لجامعة القدس. https://arab-scholars.com/c0048d