أثر استخدام استراتيجيَّة ميردر (MURDER) المعدَّلة في تنمية مهارات التَّفكير الرِّياضي وفاعليَّة الذَّات الرِّياضيَّة لدى طلبة الصَّف الثَّامن الأساسيِّ
علاء محمود أحمد حموز
Alaa Mahmoud Ahmed Hamouz
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Al-Quds University
هَدفت هذه الدِّراسةإلىاستقصاء أثر استخدام ميردر(MURDER) المعدَّلة في تنمية مهارات التَّفكيرالرِّياضي وفاعليَّةالذَّاتالرِّياضيَّة لدى طلبة الصَّفالثَّامنالأساسيِّفي المدارس الحكوميَّة التَّابعة لمديرية التَّربية والتَّعليم جنوب الخليل.
طُبِّقت هذه الدِّراسةخلال الفصل الدِّراسيالثَّاني من العام الدِّراسيِّ2022/2023 م.ولتحقيق أهداف الدِّراسةاستخدم الباحث المنهج التَّجريبيِّبتصميم شبه تجريبيّ، حيث تكوَّن مجتمع الدِّراسة من جميع طلبة الصَّفالثَّامنالأساسيِّ المنتظمين في المدارس الحكوميَّة التَّابعة لمديرية جنوب الخليل، والبالغ عددهم (4511) طالبًا وطالبةً، وتمَّ تطبيق الدِّراسة على عيِّنة قصديَّة بلغت (116) طالبًا وطالبةً من مدرسة ذكور ابن سينا الأساسيَّة ومدرسة بنات كريسة الثَّانويَّة، حيث توزَّع أفراد العيِّنة على أربع شعب في مدرستين، في كلِّ مدرسة شعبتان، وتمَّ تعيين شعبتين لتمثلا المجموعة التَّجريبيَّة وعددها (57) طالبًا وطالبةً، والَّتي دُرِّست باستخدام استراتيجيَّة ميردر (MURDER) المعدَّلة، وشعبتينلتمثلا المجموعة الضَّابطة وبلغ عددها (59) طالبًا وطالبةً، والَّتي دُرِّست بالطَّريقة الاعتياديَّة. وأعدَّ الباحث اختبارمهارات التَّفكيرالرِّياضيِّ، وأداةفاعليَّةالذَّاتالرِّياضيَّة، وتمَّ التَّحقُّق من صدق وثبات الأدوات بالطَّرائق المناسبة، وفي تحليل النَّتائج تمَّ إيجاد المتوسِّطاتالحسابيَّة والانحرافات المعياريَّة، واستخدام اختبار تحليل التَّغاير المصاحب الثُّنائيِّ (ANCOVA).
وأظهرت نتائج الدِّراسة وجود فروق دالَّةإحصائيًّاعند مستوى (0.05 ≥α) بين متوسِّطي درجات طلبة الصَّفالثَّامن في اختبار مهارات التَّفكيرالرِّياضيِّتبعًا لمتغيِّر طريقةالتَّدريس، ولصالح المجموعة التَّجريبيَّةالَّتي دُرِّست وفق استراتيجيَّة ميردر (MURDER) المعدَّلة، وتبعًا لمتغيِّر الجنسولصالح الإناث،في حين تبيَّن عدم وجود فروق دالَّةإحصائيًّا تبعًاللتَّفاعل بين الطَّريقة والجنس، كما أظهرت نتائج الدِّراسة وجود فروق دالَّةإحصائيًّاعند مستوى (0.05 ≥α ) بين متوسطي درجات طلبة الصَّفالثَّامن في أداةفاعليَّةالذَّاتالرِّياضيَّةتبعًا لمتغيِّر طريقةالتَّدريس، ولصالح المجموعة التَّجريبيَّةالَّتي دُرِّست وفق استراتيجيَّة ميردر (MURDER) المعدَّلة، وتبعًا لمتغيِّر الجنسولصالح الإناث،في حين تبيَّن عدم وجود فروق دالَّةإحصائيًّا تبعًا للتَّفاعل بين الطَّريقة والجنس.
وفي ضوء النَّتائج أوصى الباحث بضرورة توظيف هذه الاستراتيجيَّة في تعليم الرِّياضيَّات، وعمل ورشات عمل من قبل المشرفين للمعلِّمين؛ لحثِّهم عن الابتعاد عن الطَّرائق التَّقليديَّة واستخدام استراتيجيَّة ميردر (MURDER) المعدَّلة في تدريس الرِّياضيَّات، وتضمين هذه الاستراتيجيَّة في دليل المعلِّم، وإجراء المزيد من الدِّراسات حول أثر هذه الاستراتيجيَّة على متغيِّرات وصفوف دراسيَّة أخرى.
This study aimed to investigate the effect of using modified MURDER on developing mathematical thinking skills among eighth grade students in mathematics and mathematical self-efficacy in Southern Hebron. This study was applied during the second semester of the academic year 2022/2023. To achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher used the experimental approach with a semi-experimental design.Where the study population consisted of all regular eighth grade students in Southern Hebron, which had a number of (4511) male and female students.The study was applied to a purposive sample of (116) male and female students from IbnSina Elementary School for Boys and Krisah Secondary School for Girls. Where the sample members were distributed into four sections in two schools in each school two sections. Two sections were appointed to represent the experimental group of (57) male and female students, which it was studied using the modified MURDER strategy, and two sections represented the control group, the number of which was (59) male and female students, which were studied in the usual way.The researcher prepared a test of mathematical thinking skills and a measure of mathematical self-efficacy, where the validity and reliability of the tools were verified by appropriate methods.In analyzing the results, the arithmetic means and standard deviations were found, and the analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) test was used. The results of the study showed that there were statistically significant differences among eighth grade students in testing mathematical thinking skills according to the teaching method variable, in favor of the experimental group that studied according to the modified MURDER strategy. Also there were statistically significant differences in mathematical thinking skills testing according to the gender variable and in favor of females. There were no statistically significant differences due to the interaction between method and gender. The results of the study also showed that there were statistically significant differences among the eighth grade students in the mathematical self-efficacy measure according to the teaching method variable, in favor of the experimental group that studied according to the modified MURDER strategy. The presence of statistically significant differences in the mathematical self-efficacy measure according to the gender method variable and in favor of females, and there were no statistically significant differences depending on the interaction between method and gender. In the light of the results, the researcher recommended the necessity of employing this strategy in teaching mathematics and holding workshops by supervisors for teachers to urge them to move away from traditional methods and use the modified MURDER strategy in teaching mathematics. In addition to include this strategy in the teacher's guide, and to conduct more studies on this strategy on other dependent variables such as engineering thinking.
This study aimed to investigate the effect of using modified MURDER on developing mathematical thinking skills among eighth grade students in mathematics and mathematical self-efficacy in Southern Hebron. This study was applied during the second semester of the academic year 2022/2023. To achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher used the experimental approach with a semi-experimental design.Where the study population consisted of all regular eighth grade students in Southern Hebron, which had a number of (4511) male and female students.The study was applied to a purposive sample of (116) male and female students from IbnSina Elementary School for Boys and Krisah Secondary School for Girls. Where the sample members were distributed into four sections in two schools in each school two sections. Two sections were appointed to represent the experimental group of (57) male and female students, which it was studied using the modified MURDER strategy, and two sections represented the control group, the number of which was (59) male and female students, which were studied in the usual way.The researcher prepared a test of mathematical thinking skills and a measure of mathematical self-efficacy, where the validity and reliability of the tools were verified by appropriate methods.In analyzing the results, the arithmetic means and standard deviations were found, and the analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) test was used. The results of the study showed that there were statistically significant differences among eighth grade students in testing mathematical thinking skills according to the teaching method variable, in favor of the experimental group that studied according to the modified MURDER strategy. Also there were statistically significant differences in mathematical thinking skills testing according to the gender variable and in favor of females. There were no statistically significant differences due to the interaction between method and gender. The results of the study also showed that there were statistically significant differences among the eighth grade students in the mathematical self-efficacy measure according to the teaching method variable, in favor of the experimental group that studied according to the modified MURDER strategy. The presence of statistically significant differences in the mathematical self-efficacy measure according to the gender method variable and in favor of females, and there were no statistically significant differences depending on the interaction between method and gender. In the light of the results, the researcher recommended the necessity of employing this strategy in teaching mathematics and holding workshops by supervisors for teachers to urge them to move away from traditional methods and use the modified MURDER strategy in teaching mathematics. In addition to include this strategy in the teacher's guide, and to conduct more studies on this strategy on other dependent variables such as engineering thinking.
حموز، علاء محمود. (2023). أثر استخدام استراتيجيَّة ميردر (MURDER) المعدَّلة في تنمية مهارات التَّفكير
الرِّياضي وفاعليَّة الذَّات الرِّياضيَّة لدى طلبة الصَّف الثَّامن الأساسيِّ [رسالة ماجستير منشورة، جامعة القدس،
فلسطين]. المستودع الرقمي لجامعة القدس. https://arab-scholars.com/542010