اختلال التوازن العقدي فترة الوباء " كورونا 2019-2021"
بشرى موسى حسين دراويش
Bushra Mousa Hosen Darawish
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Al-Quds University
تناولت الدراسة مظاهر اختلال التوازن العقدي عند إبرام العقد وتنفيذه، مستخدمة للمنهج التحليلي بهدف تبيان وتكييف أثر جائحة كورونا على هذا التوازن، حيث تم فيها توضيح أثر الإكراه والتغرير والغبن والغلط كعيوب الإرادة على نشأة العقد، بحيث يصبح العقد حين تحقق وقوعها؛ غير لازم أو موقوف كل حسب حالته، مع بيان دور القاضي في تعديل الشروط التعسفية أو إلغاؤها، اعتمادا على سلطته التقديرية، إضافة إلى تعديل الشرط الجزائي بالزيادة أو النقصان، وهي استثناء على مبدأ سلطان الإرادة وبأن العقد شريعة المتعاقدين حفاظا وتنفيذا للعدالة.
وفيما يتعلق بمظاهر اختلال التوازن العقدي عند تنفيذ العقد ووفق نظريتي الظروف الطارئة والقوة القاهرة، بينت الدراسة شروط النظريتين المتمثلة بكون الحادث الاستثنائي حادثا عاما غير متوقع ولا يمكن دفعة، واختلفتا في كون نظرية الظروف الطارئة تطبق في حال كان هناك ارهاقا في تنفيذ الالتزام.
أما نظرية القوة القاهرة فتطبق في حالة استحالة التنفيذ، حيث تعطى السلطة التقديرية للقاضي بناء على الوقائع المعروضة أمامه، للوصول الى توازن عقدي، وذلك بإنقاص القاضي للالتزام المرهق أو زيادته أو تأجيل تنفيذه، في حال اعتبار الحالة الاستثنائية ظرف طارئ، أو الإعفاء من الالتزام مع الحكم بالتعويض أو عدمه حسب الحالة القائمة استنادا إلى القوة القاهرة، مع إسقاط ذلك على وباء كورونا الذي انتشر مؤخرا عامي 2020-2021، وآثاره على عقدي الإيجار والعمل.
وفيما يخص كورونا وعقود العمل توصلت الدراسة الى انه وبما أن المشقة شملت الجميع، فعمل القضاء على عدة نواح لضمان مصلحة الطرفين دون أن تطغى إحداهما على الأخرى، وكذلك في عقود الإيجار تأثرت بشكل كبير خلال الجائحة مع التفريق بين عقود الايجار السكنية والتجارية، كون استمرار الانتفاع بالمأجور في حال العقود السكنية بالتالي يستحق البدل، أما التجارية وكل حسب حالته وحسب وجود المنفعة أو انعدامها، مع مراعاة الظرف الاستثنائي القائم.
The study dealt with manifestations of the contractual imbalance at the Conclusion and implementation of the contract, using the analytical approach in order to clarify and adapt the impact of the Corona pandemic on this balance. Were the impact of coercion, deceit, unfairness and error, such as the defect of management, on the formation of the contract . so that when the contract is completed is becomes neither necessary nor suspended, each according to his condition, with an indication of the role of the judge in amending or canceling arbitrary conditions, depending on his discretion, in addition to amending the penal condition by increase or decrease, which is an exception to the principle of the authority of the will and that the contract is the law of the contracting parties (pacta sunt servanda) in order to preserve and implement justice. With regard to the manifestations of the contractual imbalance when implementing the contract and according to the theories of emergency conditions and force majeure, the study showed the conditions of the two theories represented in the fact that the exceptional accident is an unexpected general accident that cannot be prevented, and they differed in that the theory of emergency conditions is applied in the event that there is difficulty in the implementation of the obligation, while the theory of force majeure it is applied in the event of impossibility of implementation, as the discretionary power is given to the judge based on the facts presented before him to reach a contractual balance, by decreasing the burdensome obligation, increasing it, or postponing its implementation, in the event that the exceptional case is considered an emergency circumstance, or exemption from the obligation with a judgment for compensation or not. According to the existing situation based on force majeure, with projecting this on the Corona epidemic that spread recently in the years 2020-2021, and its effects on the lease and work contracts. With regard to Corona virus and work contracts, the study concluded that since the hardship included everyone, the judiciary worked on several aspects to ensure the interest of The two parties without one overpowering the other, as well as in lease contracts were greatly affected during the pandemic with the distinction between residential and commercial lease contracts, since the continued use of the rented property in the case of residential contracts is therefore worth The consideration, as for the commercial one, each according to his condition and according to the existence or absence of utility, taking into account the existing exceptional circumstance
The study dealt with manifestations of the contractual imbalance at the Conclusion and implementation of the contract, using the analytical approach in order to clarify and adapt the impact of the Corona pandemic on this balance. Were the impact of coercion, deceit, unfairness and error, such as the defect of management, on the formation of the contract . so that when the contract is completed is becomes neither necessary nor suspended, each according to his condition, with an indication of the role of the judge in amending or canceling arbitrary conditions, depending on his discretion, in addition to amending the penal condition by increase or decrease, which is an exception to the principle of the authority of the will and that the contract is the law of the contracting parties (pacta sunt servanda) in order to preserve and implement justice. With regard to the manifestations of the contractual imbalance when implementing the contract and according to the theories of emergency conditions and force majeure, the study showed the conditions of the two theories represented in the fact that the exceptional accident is an unexpected general accident that cannot be prevented, and they differed in that the theory of emergency conditions is applied in the event that there is difficulty in the implementation of the obligation, while the theory of force majeure it is applied in the event of impossibility of implementation, as the discretionary power is given to the judge based on the facts presented before him to reach a contractual balance, by decreasing the burdensome obligation, increasing it, or postponing its implementation, in the event that the exceptional case is considered an emergency circumstance, or exemption from the obligation with a judgment for compensation or not. According to the existing situation based on force majeure, with projecting this on the Corona epidemic that spread recently in the years 2020-2021, and its effects on the lease and work contracts. With regard to Corona virus and work contracts, the study concluded that since the hardship included everyone, the judiciary worked on several aspects to ensure the interest of The two parties without one overpowering the other, as well as in lease contracts were greatly affected during the pandemic with the distinction between residential and commercial lease contracts, since the continued use of the rented property in the case of residential contracts is therefore worth The consideration, as for the commercial one, each according to his condition and according to the existence or absence of utility, taking into account the existing exceptional circumstance
دراويش، بشرى موسى. (2023). اختلال التوازن العقدي فترة الوباء " كورونا 2019-2021" [رسالة
ماجستير منشورة، جامعة القدس، فلسطين]. المستودع الرقمي لجامعة القدس. https://arab-