الإطار القانوني للتراث المادي في القانون الفلسطيني
نور ناصر موسى أبو فنون
Nour Nasser Mousa Abu Fanoun
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إن حماية التراث المادي الفلسطيني مسؤولية تقع على عاتق كل فرد يحافظ على نسيجه الوطني الثقافي والاجتماعي كونه يمثل مصلحة وطنية في منأى عن المكاسب الشخصية أو المادية، بل تتعدى ذلك لتكون وواجباً وطنياً يُعاقب كل من تسوله نفسه في الاعتداء عليه وكل من يجرأ على مخالفة قواعد حمايته.ناقشت الدراسة آليات الحماية الوطنية للتراث المادي في فلسطين ووضحت الاتفاقيات الدولية التي وقعت عليها دولة فلسطين في إطار حماية التراث الثقافي المادي، وتضمنت أيضاً ضرورة السعي إلى تطوير التشريعات القانونية الداخلية بما يتلاءم مع التطور الحاصل في توسيع مفهوم التراث المادي ومع تطور الوسائل القانونية المتاحة لحمايته. ناقشت الدراسة الإجراءات القانونية التي سنها المشرع الفلسطيني الهادفة إلى صون التراث المادي الفلسطيني، وساهمت في تنظيم الوسائل القانونية اللازمة للحماية بما يكفل تحقيق الأهداف المرجوة منها من خلال ضبط الإجراءات القانونية والإدارية والمالية والعلمية لتحديد وتعيين هذا التراث، وانشاء مراكز وطنية وإقليمية تعنى بحماية التراث المادي وبآليات المحافظة عليه، وإنشاء إدارات ولجان إدارية على مستوى عالِ من الخبرة والكفاءة العملية.يُمكن القول أن المشرع الفلسطيني حدد "وزارة الآثار والسياحة" باعتبارها المرجعية لقانونية والإدارية للتراث في فلسطين، وخولها صلاحيات قانونية شاملة تتم بالتنسيق مع وزارة الحكم المحلي، لإدارة مواقع التراث وإستثمارها، مما يعكس منح الوزارة سلطة إدارية واسعة تتضمن تزويدها بالوسائل القانونية التي تكفل تحقيق ذلك. خلصت الدراسة إلى أن المشرع الفلسطيني وضع منظومة قانونية موجهة لحماية التراث المادي بشقيه الثابت والمنقول، كونه محلاً للحماية القانونية، وحظر المشرع كل أشكال التصرف المادية بالتراث سواء بيعاً أو نقلاُ أو تشويهاً أو اتلافاً، كما خصص "جهات مؤسساتية رقابية" لشروط لمنح للتراخيص من قبل الجهات القانونية المختصة.
Every Palestinian who is envious of their homeland and upholds its cultural and social fabric has a personal and collective obligation to protect the tangible heritage. Being in a national interest, that is far removed from personal or material gains, but beyond this to be a national requirement and a moral and legal duty to punish anyone who abuses or violates the tangible heritage protection rules. The study came to the conclusion that there are numerous national protection mechanisms, including the implementation of agreements that the State of Palestine has signed, that are aimed at preserving tangible cultural heritage. Additionally, it calls for the development of internal legal regulations that are consistent with the expansion of the notion of tangible heritage and the creation of legal tools for its protection. The study concluded that the Palestinian legislator has developed a set of legal measures aimed at preserving the Palestinian tangible heritage. The Palestinian legislator contributed to the organization of the legal means necessary for protection to ensure the achievement of the desired goals. This is evident through the control of legal, administrative, financial and scientific procedures to identify and designate this heritage and the establishment of national and regional centers concerned with the protection of tangible heritage and the mechanisms of maintaining it. It also includes the establishment of administrative departments and committees with a high level of experience and practical and administrative competence with the inclusion of tangible heritage in planning programs and within protection plans. The Palestinian legislator designated the "Ministry of Antiquities and Tourism" as the political, legal, and administrative reference for heritage in Palestine and authorized the ministry broad legal authorities to administer and invest in heritage sites in collaboration with the Ministry of Local Government. This reflects the granting of broad administrative authority to the Ministry, which includes providing it with the legal means to ensure that this is achieved. Therefore, it can be concluded that the Palestinian legislator agreed to develop a legal system aimed at protecting the tangible heritage in both its immovable and movable parts. This is done through those legal texts that include controlling the preservation of the tangible cultural heritage, considering it a national wealth subject to legal protection. The legislator prohibited any sort of material disposition of this wealth, including sale, transfer, distortion, or destruction. In addition to allocating "institutional control frameworks" on all related conditions for granting licenses by the competent legal authorities.
Every Palestinian who is envious of their homeland and upholds its cultural and social fabric has a personal and collective obligation to protect the tangible heritage. Being in a national interest, that is far removed from personal or material gains, but beyond this to be a national requirement and a moral and legal duty to punish anyone who abuses or violates the tangible heritage protection rules. The study came to the conclusion that there are numerous national protection mechanisms, including the implementation of agreements that the State of Palestine has signed, that are aimed at preserving tangible cultural heritage. Additionally, it calls for the development of internal legal regulations that are consistent with the expansion of the notion of tangible heritage and the creation of legal tools for its protection. The study concluded that the Palestinian legislator has developed a set of legal measures aimed at preserving the Palestinian tangible heritage. The Palestinian legislator contributed to the organization of the legal means necessary for protection to ensure the achievement of the desired goals. This is evident through the control of legal, administrative, financial and scientific procedures to identify and designate this heritage and the establishment of national and regional centers concerned with the protection of tangible heritage and the mechanisms of maintaining it. It also includes the establishment of administrative departments and committees with a high level of experience and practical and administrative competence with the inclusion of tangible heritage in planning programs and within protection plans. The Palestinian legislator designated the "Ministry of Antiquities and Tourism" as the political, legal, and administrative reference for heritage in Palestine and authorized the ministry broad legal authorities to administer and invest in heritage sites in collaboration with the Ministry of Local Government. This reflects the granting of broad administrative authority to the Ministry, which includes providing it with the legal means to ensure that this is achieved. Therefore, it can be concluded that the Palestinian legislator agreed to develop a legal system aimed at protecting the tangible heritage in both its immovable and movable parts. This is done through those legal texts that include controlling the preservation of the tangible cultural heritage, considering it a national wealth subject to legal protection. The legislator prohibited any sort of material disposition of this wealth, including sale, transfer, distortion, or destruction. In addition to allocating "institutional control frameworks" on all related conditions for granting licenses by the competent legal authorities.
أبو فنون، نور ناصر. (2023). الإطار القانوني للتراث المادي في القانون الفلسطيني [رسالة ماجستير منشورة،
جامعة القدس، فلسطين]. المستودع الرقمي لجامعة القدس. https://arab-scholars.com/963a05