الحرب السّيبرانيّة في القانون الدّوليّ
شيرين محمد رفيق شعراوي
Shireen sharawi
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Al-Quds University
موضوع هذه الرّسالة هو الحرب السّيبرانيّة في القانون الدّوليّ، ويقصد بذلك التنظيم القانونيّ للهجمات التي تتمّ بواسطة وسائل سيبرانية، وحواسيب رقمية؛ سواءً كانت اعتداءات أو كانت عمليّات دفاعية، وما يشمل القواعد القانونيّة التي تنطبق عليها في مجال محدّد في القانون الدّوليّ وهو القانون الدّوليّ الإنسانيّ.
الإشكاليّة الرئيسيّة التي تقدّم هذه الرّسالة إجابة عليها: هي مدى شموليّة التّنظيم القانونيّ للعلاقات الدّوليّة في الحرب السّيبرانيّة؛ أي تبيين ما ينطبق من هذه القواعد على هذا النّوع من الحروب، من خلال عرض حجج من يدّعون أنّ هذه الحروب مشمولة بنطاق القانون الدّوليّ الإنسانيّ، وعرض حجج من يخالفون ذلك، ويدّعون أنّ القانون الدّوليّ الإنسانيّ لا ينطبق إلّا على الهجمات البريّة والبحريّة والجويّة، دون انطباقها على الهجمات السّيبرانيّة، وأيضاً توضيح أركان المسؤوليّة الدّوليّة المترتبة على مخالفة قواعد السِلم الدّوليّ، والقيام باعتداء سيبرانيّ على دولة أخرى.
اتبعت الباحثة في هذه الرّسالة العديد من المناهج البحثيّة للإجابة على هذه الإشكالية الرئيسيّة وما تفرع عنها من تساؤلات، كل ذلك في إطار استعمال المنهج التّحليليّ والوصفيّ؛ لتحليل القواعد القانونيّة، ووصف ما تحتوي عليه من أحكام ظاهرة وضمنيّة.
توصّلت الباحثة من خلال أدلّة جديدة إلى أنّ القانون الدّوليّ الإنسانيّ ينطبق بشكل حتميّ على الحروب السّيبرانيّة؛ لأنّ هذا القانون يُطبّق على الهجمات المُسلّحة، والهجمات السّيبرانيّة: هي هجمات مُسلّحة، لكنَّ السّلاحَ فيها ليس متفجّراً أو حارقاً، بل هو سلاح أشدّ ضرراً وفتكاً من حيث تأثيره على البنية التحتيّة التّكنولوجيّة، التي صارت أهمّ لدى الدّول من العديد من البُنى التحتيّة الأخرى. ولذلك وجدت الباحثة في قواعد القانون الدّوليّ الإنسانيّ المكتوبة، وفي القواعد العرفيّة، ودليل "تالين" المُعتمد من قبل كبار الفقهاء في مجال القانون الدّوليّ الإنسانيّ والحروب السّيبرانيّة شمولاً تاماً لكل ما يتصوّر حدوثه في الهجمات السّيبرانيّة، وذلك باعتماد منهج تفسيريّ موسّع، يمكن من خلاله فهم النّصوص القانونيّة فهماً موسّعاً باعتبار الغاية منها، لا بالالتزام الحرفيّ الجامد بما ورد فيها من مصطلحات كانت تعني شيئاً مختلفاً عمّا تعنيه اليوم.
The topic of this thesis is cyber warfare in international law, which means the legal regulation of attacks by electronic means and digital computers, whether they are attacks or defensive operations, and the legal rules that apply to them from a specific field of international law, which is international humanitarian law. The main problem that this thesis presents an answer to is the extent of the comprehensiveness of the rules of international relations for cyber warfare, i. e. clarifying how these rules apply to this type of war, by presenting the arguments of those who claim that these wars are covered by the scope of international humanitarian law and giving the views of those who view International humanitarian law applies only to land, sea and air attacks, not to cyber-attacks—also, clarifying the pillars of international responsibility resulting from violating the rules of international peace and carrying out a cyber-attack on another country. In this thesis, the researcher followed many research approaches to answer this main problem and the questions that branched from it. The first was the historical approach to understanding how to keep pace with the legislative development and its interpretations of the concept of cyber war and its modern forms, as well as the inductive approach to understand what applies to real-world cyber wars. Moreover, the deductive dohtem is employed to know to apply theoretical texts to realistic examples in cyber warfare. All this is within the framework of using the analytical and descriptive approaches to ysylano the legal rules and describe the apparent and implied provisions they contain. The researcher concluded, with novel evidence, that international humanitarian law inevitably applies to cyber wars because this law applies to armed attacks, and cyber-attacks are armed attacks. Nevertheless, their weapon is not explosive or incendiary, but rather a more dangerous and deadly weapon in terms of its impact on the technological infrastructure, which has become more important to countries than many other infrastructures. Therefore, the researcher found in the written rules of international humanitarian law, the customary seyahcaon and the Tallinn Guide a complete inclusion of everything that is thought to occur in cyber-attacks by adopting an expanded explanatory approach, through which the legal texts can be understood in an expanded manner considering their purpose and not by a literal, rigid commitment to what is stated since some current terms meant something different from what they mean today.
The topic of this thesis is cyber warfare in international law, which means the legal regulation of attacks by electronic means and digital computers, whether they are attacks or defensive operations, and the legal rules that apply to them from a specific field of international law, which is international humanitarian law. The main problem that this thesis presents an answer to is the extent of the comprehensiveness of the rules of international relations for cyber warfare, i. e. clarifying how these rules apply to this type of war, by presenting the arguments of those who claim that these wars are covered by the scope of international humanitarian law and giving the views of those who view International humanitarian law applies only to land, sea and air attacks, not to cyber-attacks—also, clarifying the pillars of international responsibility resulting from violating the rules of international peace and carrying out a cyber-attack on another country. In this thesis, the researcher followed many research approaches to answer this main problem and the questions that branched from it. The first was the historical approach to understanding how to keep pace with the legislative development and its interpretations of the concept of cyber war and its modern forms, as well as the inductive approach to understand what applies to real-world cyber wars. Moreover, the deductive dohtem is employed to know to apply theoretical texts to realistic examples in cyber warfare. All this is within the framework of using the analytical and descriptive approaches to ysylano the legal rules and describe the apparent and implied provisions they contain. The researcher concluded, with novel evidence, that international humanitarian law inevitably applies to cyber wars because this law applies to armed attacks, and cyber-attacks are armed attacks. Nevertheless, their weapon is not explosive or incendiary, but rather a more dangerous and deadly weapon in terms of its impact on the technological infrastructure, which has become more important to countries than many other infrastructures. Therefore, the researcher found in the written rules of international humanitarian law, the customary seyahcaon and the Tallinn Guide a complete inclusion of everything that is thought to occur in cyber-attacks by adopting an expanded explanatory approach, through which the legal texts can be understood in an expanded manner considering their purpose and not by a literal, rigid commitment to what is stated since some current terms meant something different from what they mean today.
شعراوي، شيرين محمد. (2022). الحرب السّيبرانيّة في القانون الدّوليّ [رسالة ماجستير منشورة، جامعة القدس،
فلسطين]. المستودع الرقمي لجامعة القدس. https://arab-scholars.com/eedfb4