الضوابط الشرعية لمنع التعاون على الإثم والعدوان
أنيسة محمد حسين أبو الهوى
Anisa Mohammad Hussien Abu-Alhawa
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Al-Quds University
The study has addressed the theme of Shari'a controls to prevent cooperation with one
another in sin and hostility as cooperation with one another in sin and hostility is
prohibited in Islam and it includes all forms of cooperation that lead to disobedience of
Allah. There is Something that is emphatically/unequivocally known to be part of the
religion that Islam has forbidden everything that helps to do the forbidden, and make it as
an act of disobedience of Allah because the instigator of sin is as the participant and the
instigator is the actor of the sin, concerning the origin of the sin regardless its severity.
The study required to discuss the theme of the act that is forbidden for itself and that is
forbidden for its implications, the void and the falsehood, to indicate the means leading to
disobedience of Allah and the section and types thereof and know what leads to the
forbidden and what does not lead to the forbidden as well as preventing evasive legal
The researcher has followed the descriptive approach with the use of both inductive and
analytical methods in the study. It has been shown that cooperation with one another in sin
and hostility is proven to be forbidden when the act leading to it is proven to be related to
haram. For the act that is forbidden for its implications، it is the act that leads to what is
prohibited in the Shari'a or when the act tends to be void in most cases or when the act
tends to be void or leading to haram as a matter of doubt and not certainty; this preventing
evasive legal device.
The researcher has also concluded that cooperation with one another in sin and hostility
includes everything that leads or entail what helps or is used to do the haram by any means
and that the actor deserves punishment. Cooperation with one another in sin and hostility
has many forms some of which are old with developed means and the other is
The researcher recommends the earners to pay attention to the vital topics that affect the
contemporary reality and not to be limited to collect and arrange the science but they must
do their utmost to come up with conclusions and recommendations that benefit members of