البصل البري
ناريمان عودة دياب عيسى
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AL-Quds University
جامعة القدس
جامعة القدس
In the Palestinian context, there’s no in depth studies deal with this field except the
Palestina Flora. This study was published in 1984, and tackled almost all wild plants
species in the historic Palestine.
The present study was carried out in four agro-ecological zones in the West Bank, an
in-depth field survey was carried out in the semi-coastal lands, high central lands,
eastern slope and arid areas, between March 2007 to July of the same year. The
study’s objective is to seek the wild Allium species and to study the detecting species
in terms of their diversity, abundances, and morphological features.
The main findings of this study were as follows; ten wild Allium species were
detected in the different agro-ecological zones in the West Bank. The detected species
are: A. ampeloprasum, A. phanerantherum, A. hierochuntinum, A. paniculatum, A.
pallens, A. desertorum, A. stamineum, A. neapolitanum, A. negevense and A.
Also, the study findings revealed and stressed on the differences among wild Allium
species in terms of abundances in the studied areas. For instance, A. ampeloprasum
and A. stamineum were the most dominant species in the studied areas while A.
negevense and A. schubertii were the less dominant species comparing to the others
found species. Furthermore, 95 specimens of different Allium species were collected,
dried, poisoned, and mounted at the Life Science’s Laboratory in An- Najah National
University. A special taxonomy key was set up for the detected wild Allium species as
Finally, the study areas are rich in the wild Allium species as they are available,
diversified and dominantly existing in the West Bank areas. However, the wild Allium
species need more in-depth researches, investigations and studies, as to be conserved,
developed and managed in a sustainable manner as a promising and vulnerable subsector.
الدراسات البيئية , Environmental Studies