أعراض القلق والاكتئاب وأساليب التكيف لدى مرضى الغسيل الكلوي في مشافي محافظات شمال الضفة الغربية

سعادة ابراهيم محمد سلامة
saadeh ibrahem mohamad salameh
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AL-Quds University
جامعة القدس
This study aimed towards identifying of anxiety and depression symptoms as well as Coping strategies in dialysis patients who are live in the northern districts of the West Bank and their relation to demographic variables. The study sample consisted of all adult renal failure patients treated using dialysis in the northern districts of the West Bank, which consisted of (307) patients both females and males according to the northern West Bank districts dialysis units records in summer 2010 . 258 questionnaires were filled . A descriptive correlational method was used in the study. A questionnaire was used as a tool to collect the study data, The results reveled that the participants suffer from moderate external-centered anxiety with 73.7% . There was statistical significant differences in the levels of anxiety in relation of participants who do dialysis three times a week were more anxious than others, and participants who have hope for a future kidney transplant are more anxious than those who don't have a chance. As for the prevalence of depression it has been found that 19.8% of all participants suffer from moderate to sever depression. There was statistical significant differences in the levels of depression in relation of time of filling the questionnaire for the sake of those who filled the questionnaire prior to dialysis. Also, the illiterate participants have higher rates of depression than educated participants; participants who do dialysis three times a week had higher rates of depression than other participants. Regarding the use of adaptation strategies to stressful daily life events; positive strategies, negative strategies, and behavioral strategies, the participants used the three strategies in moderation , Whereas the results reveled that statistical significant differences exists in the levels of positive adaptation strategies for the participants whose monthly income is lower than 2501 NIS used positive adaptive strategies more than other participants. Also, participants who suffer from more than one illness have positive adaptation strategies. In addition, the participated who filled the questionnaire prior dialysis reported positive using positive adaptation strategies as well as those who do dialysis twice a weekIn relation to negative adaptation strategies the results reveled that married participants and those who don not have other illnesses use them more frequently. However, regarding behavioral strategies the results were statistically significant for the participants whose ages were above 55 years. In the light of these results the study came up with recommendations for policy makers, researchers, workers in mental health field, psychologists and social workers..
الصحة النفسية المجتمعية , Community Mental Health