Community Mental Health الصحة النفسية المجتمعية
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- ItemPerceived Social Support and Anxiety Symptoms amog the Palestinian Pregnant Women(Al-Quds University, 2023-05-23) Sireen Ibrahim Bajes Bshareya; سيرين إبراهيم باجس بشاريةAnxiety during pregnancy may augment pregnancy problems that put a woman and her baby at risk. Pregnancy often exposes women to several physiological and psychological changes that may lead to pregnancy-related anxiety which is known to affect about 13%-15.8% of pregnant women. Social network support is an essential need for pregnant women. It can offer them a sense of connection and belonging, as well as emotional comfort and reassurance, especially when given by family, friends, and caregivers. The aim of the current study is to evaluate the relationship between perceived social support during the antenatal period and the level of anxiety symptoms among pregnant women at Ramallah and Al-Bireh Governorate maternity hospitals, in the West Bank/ Palestine. A descriptive correlational method was used with a convenient sampling approach that consisted of (305) pregnant women, recruited from four major hospitals located at Ramallah and Al-Bireh Governorate /West Bank/ Palestine. These hospitals are the Palestine Medical Complex, the Palestine Red Crescent Society Hospital, the Arab Care Hospital, and the Istishari Arab Hospital. Data collection was done through the use of three self-reporting questionnaires including the Medical Outcomes Study Social Support Scale (MOS-SSS), the Pregnancy-Related Anxiety Questionnaire-Revised 2 (PRAQ-R2), and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STA). Data analysis was done by using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS-V27). In the present study, the majority of the mothers (85.9%) reported high levels of perceived social support, with a mean score of (4.21 ± 0.53) for the MOS-SSS scale. In regard to the levels of anxiety symptoms, only a small number of the mothers (19.02 %) reported a high level of pregnancy-related anxiety, while the majority showed low to moderate anxiety symptoms on the (PRAQ-R2) scale. Furthermore, 51.8% of the mothers were classified as having low anxiety symptoms on the (SAI) scale. An inverse correlation was found between anxiety symptoms and the number of pregnancies (p-value = 0.013) as well as the number of children (p-value = 0.007). A significant difference was found between employment and the level of anxiety symptoms, for the PRAQ-R2 scale (p-value = 0.005), and for the SAI scale (p-value = 0.015), where employment of the mothers was associated with increased level of anxiety symptoms. Moreover, an inverse correlation was found between perceived social support and anxiety symptoms on the PRAQ scale (p-value < 0.001) and SAI scale (p-value < 0.001). The results of this study will be helpful for psychotherapists to increase the focus on screening pregnant mothers for anxiety symptoms and applying effective strategies to reduce them and to prevent further complication. Future studies should cover different districts in the West Bank, using different measures as well as studying other variables that influence anxiety during pregnancy.
- ItemThe prevalence of depression among health sciences students at Al- Quds University(Al-Quds University, 2017-12-16) Issa Raja Abo Eram; عيسى رجا أبو عرامHealth sciences education is known as a stressful and high challenging environment that affect physical and psychological student’s well-being. Students represent a highly educated population under significant pressures. These pressures are common and associated with depression. The aim of the study was to assess the prevalence of depression among health sciences students at Al- Quds University. In order to achieve the study aim, a cross sectional study was conducted. The target population of the present study was (3390). Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-, 1969) self-reported questionnaire was utilized . The sample consisted of (357) students at Al- Quds University in West Bank who were selected conveniently from the health sciences students. The completed questionnaires were entered and analyzed using (SPSS) software version 21 by using descriptive analysis and parametric tests such as frequency, percentage, T-test, and ANOVA. The finding of the study showed that , 47.9% had minimal symptoms of depression and 40.3% of students were may clinically depressed. According to BDI score ≥ 17 which is the cutoff point for diagnosis 23.2% of the participants had moderate depressive symptoms, 19.7% had mild symptoms and 9.2% had severe depressive symptoms. Further, the study results showed that there were no significant difference in depression in regard to number of siblings, family income, parental marital status, the presence of medical illness and the student’s medical and paramedical specialty. Whereas, the findings revealed that there were significant differences in depression in regard to gender, age, region of living, place of residence, religiosity level, study year, present of psychological problems and death thoughts. Female participants had more depressive symptoms than males with p-value (0.001) ; the participants whose age was 22 and older had the highest prevalence of depression than other ages with p-value (0.024). Participants from the south and the middle regions of the West Bank had more depressive symptoms with p-value (0.007) than the participants from the north regions. The participants from rural areas had more depressive symptoms with p-value (0.02) than the III participants from urban areas of the West Bank. Moreover, the fifth year and above group of participants had the highest prevalence of depression with p-value (0.027) than other groups. The depression rate among nursing, midwifery and physiotherapy students had was (50%) and it was a higher than their peers. There was also a significant difference in the prevalence of depression in relation to death thoughts with p-value (0.0001) and psychological status with p-value (0.0001) of the participants. Finally, the findings showed a statistically significant difference in prevalence of depression in regard to religiosity level. The committed religious participants had more depression with p-value (0.029) than somehow religious participants. In the stepwise regression analysis, variables that were significantly associated with the prevalence of depression were included in the model. The model includes gender, age, the region of living, place of residence, year of study, religiosity level, death thoughts and psychological state. The predictors were death thoughts, psychological state, and region of living. Conclusion : Based on the findings, depression among health sciences students is a serious issue. Results from this study indicate that 32% of the participants had moderate and severe depressive symptoms. Moreover, 24% of the participants have suicidal thoughts and wishes and 6.7% among them think that death is the solution to solve their problems. That means, those students want to end their pain by suicidal way. Thus depressive students need psychotherapy intervention and help. Whereas students with suicidal ideation need to solve their problems as soon as possible. the study recommends to develop awareness to recognize the psychological problems of students at Al-Quds University.
- ItemCoping Strategies Among Youth Affected by Israeli Settlers Violence and its Relationship with Parenting Style in Nablus Governorate(Al-Quds University, 2023-05-03) Sawsan Ameen Mohammad Ibn Ali; سوسن أمين محمد ابن عليThe current study aimed to examine the relationship between Coping strategies among youth affected by Israeli settlers’ violence and parenting style. To achieve the study objective, a correlational descriptive study was conducted that targeted a population consisted of (34946) youths from Nablus governorate. A questionnaire consisted of demographic and non-demographic variables, a coping strategies scale Leonard Poon (1980) and used by Salameh, (2011), and a parenting style scale created by Teeti, (2016) were used. A convenient sample consisted of (380) participants were selected from the villages near Israeli settlements in Nablus governorate. Statistical processing of the data was done by extracting the means and the standard deviations, t-test, regression analysis, Pearson correlation coefficient, and Cronbach Alpha, the questionnaires were tabulated and analyzed using SPSS (19). The study results showed that the coping strategies among the participants were positive and got the highest men score, followed by behavioral coping strategies, followed by the negative coping strategies. Regarding the parenting styles, the results shows that the overprotective parenting style was the mostly used by the parents of the youth, followed by authoritative parenting style, permissive parenting style, “lack of consistency” parenting style and the authoritarian parenting style; all were with medium degrees. on the other hand, the abusive parenting style, the segregating, and the discriminating parenting style got the lowest degrees of parenting styles that the participants’ experienced. Pearson correlation coefficient indicates that there is a positive relationship with statistical significance between positive coping strategies and overprotection parenting style; authoritative/ democratic parenting style and permissive parenting style. While there was an inverse relationship between the abusive parenting style and segregating and discriminating parenting style. It also indicated that there was a positive relationship between negative coping strategies and abusive parenting style, segregating and discriminating parenting style, overprotection parenting style, authoritarian parenting style, lack of consistency parenting style, and Permissive parenting style. While it was a positive relationship between behavioral coping strategies and all types of parenting styles. Regarding the association between the variables, the study showed a negative impact of the exposure to Israeli settlers’ violence variable on positive coping strategies among the Palestinian youth affected by Israeli settlers’ violence, while the other types of coping strategies, had no relation with the other variables. Regarding the parenting styles, the study findings show that there was a negative correlation between gender and abusive parenting style, segregating and discriminating parenting style. However, there was a positive correlation between the academic level variable and the overprotective parenting style and the academic authoritative/democratic parenting style. And a positive correlation between occupational status of the participant and segregating and discriminating parenting style. The researcher recommends conducting further research on the mental health impacts of the Israeli settlers’ violence, to investigate the other variables that influence the coping strategies and parenting styles among Palestinian youths, to conduct parenting programs to reinforce positive parenting methods.
- ItemThe impact of traumatic experiences resulting from the war on Gaza on self-esteem and resilience among university students(Al-Quds University, 2012-11-07) Said Mohammed Abu Sultan; سعيد محمد أبو سلطانThis study aims to examine the impact of traumatic experiences resulting from the war on Gaza on self-esteem and resilience among university students, also to explore the effect of socio-economic and demographic characteristics at the level and severity of trauma, resilience and self-esteem of the university students. Cross sectional descriptive analytic study was applied. The sample consisted of 399 (167 males, 232 females) students enrolled at four universities in Gaza-strip ; Islamic university, Al- Azhar university, Al-Aqsa university and Al-Quds Open university. Four instruments are used in the study , The Gaza Traumatic Events Checklist for war on Gaza, Connor- Davidson Resilience Scale, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory STAI, and Demographic Information Sheet. The results showed that the total mean of traumatic experience was 4.72, and there was relation between traumatic events and sex of the students in favor of males, but there weren't any differences between traumatic events and name of the university, type of residence, and the family income. The mean of total resilience was 64.54 and the means of its subscales as follows: personal competence high standards and tenacity 20.99 ; trust in one's instincts , tolerance of negative affect and strengthening effects 15.32 ; positive acceptance of change, and secure relationships 13.18 ; control 7.78 ; spiritual 7.27 . Male students showed more resilience than females especially in the trust in their instincts and employee students were more resilient than other (Open Al-Quds students). Refugees students had more resilience than those who lived in villages or cities and high monthly income students were more resilient than low socio-economic students. The mean of anxiety state and trait nearly the same (46.62 - 44.90), and the results indicate that both the state and trait anxiety were moderate for university students. Males and females students had the same level of both types of anxiety state and trait. No effects for name of the university, type of residence, and the family income of the students at the level of state or trait anxiety. The study found correlation between traumatic events and resilience subscales, correlation between anxiety state and total traumatic events and no correlation between anxiety trait and total traumatic events, and negative significant correlation between anxiety state and trait with total resilience and its subscales, which mean that increase of total resilience and its subscales lead to decrease in anxiety state and trait and viseversa. Finally recommendations of the findings such as providing therapeutic intervention program such as crisis intervention for students who was affected directly from Israeli violence, or those who are at risk. and generation counseling department in every university and the staff mission is to give lectures that talk about the psychological problems associated with the trauma. as well as suggestions for further research are discussed.
- ItemCompliance of Diabetic Patients with Treatment Regimen - Gaza Governorates(Al-Quds University, 2016-08-18) Fadi Wael Nemer Al-Skafi; فادي وائل نمر السكافيDiabetes mellitus (DM) is one of the most important health problems. Its control is still a challenge worldwide. Control of blood sugar can reduce diabetes morbidity and mortality, so compliance with anti-diabetic medications and life style modifications play important roles for controlling diabetes. The study aimed to assess the compliance with treatment regimen among registered type 2 diabetic patients (T2DP) attended at primary health care (PHC) centers in Gaza governorates. A 375 T2DP, aged between 18 and 78 years, were selected from governmental and UNRWA PHC centers in Gaza Strip by using a multistage, stratified random sampling technique. A pretested, structured interview questionnaires and case study questions were developed. Variables that were collected include; socio-demographic characteristics, knowledge about diabetes and compliance, compliance to treatment regimen, and possible barriers for compliance to treatment regimen. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to illustrate the percentages and association between the selected study variables. Out of the 375 patients 190 were females (50.7%), 35.7% were aged 51- 60 years old. The mean averages of patients' knowledge about diabetes and compliance was 74%, and the compliance with treatment regimen was 59%. Overall compliance rate was relatively low that was (46.4%), and non-compliance rate was (53.6%). Furthermore, compliance with medications, diet, were relatively moderate (75.7%, and 68.3% respectively), and the best compliance in follow up visits (90.7%). However, the non-compliance rate in practicing exercise, smoking cessation, foot care were (59.5%, 41.2%, 49.3% respectively), and the least compliance in eye care was 36.5%. Also, the mean averages of barriers to compliance with treatment regimen was (36.4%), these barriers mostly related to diet, exercise, and following treatment regimen with weighted mean 54.51%, 54.72%, and 49.17% respectively. A statistical relationship was found between compliance and knowledge with educational level (P <0.05) for both, also a significant association was found between compliance with patients distributed according gender, centers (UNRWA and Government), and working status (p <0.05**). Moreover, a statistical correlation was found between overall compliance with knowledge, and fast blood sugar (correlation 0.209), and (P=0.018). There is no statistical association between FBS with overall compliance, compliance subdomains, age, gender, education, working status, centers, and diabetes duration. In conclusion: Compliance among T2DP was relatively low, accordingly, strategies and protocols should be developed aiming at improving compliance level