Electronics & Computer Engineering هندسة الإلكترونيات والحاسوب
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- ItemAn accelerating algorithm for the computation of electromagnetic scattering from 3D scatterers(AL-Quds University, 2018-08-04) نور ماجد محمد عبيد; Noor Majed Mohammad obead; محمد قوعلي; Ahmad Abdu; Atalla
- ItemAdaptive Filter Based Decision Fusion for Cooperative Spectrum Sensing In Cognitive Radio Networks(AL-Quds University, 2018-12-08) لمى هاني مصطفى عياش; luma hani mustafa ayyash; علي جاموس; Ahmed Abdou; Mutamed Khatib
- ItemAl-Farahidi Arabic Diacrizer System(AL-Quds University, 2015-05-10) إياد أحمد محمود أبوسمرة; Iyad Ahmad Mahmoud Abusamra; لبيب عرفه; احمد القطب; رضوان طهبوب
- ItemAn Extended Actor-Critic Architecture with Phasic Behavioral Inhibition: The Case of Dopamine-Serotonin Interaction(Al-Quds University, 2018-12-15) Aya Hussein Ahmad Mousa; آية حسين أحمد موسىThe actor-critic architecture based on the temporal difference (TD) algorithms have been playing a critical role in reinforcement learning. The actor represents the policy structure and critic represents the value function. The TD prediction error signal is used as a teaching signal for both the actor and critic modules. Current models of the actor-critic architecture assume that only the unmodified TD signal can serve as a teaching signal for the actor and critic modules. In this thesis, we introduce an extended version of the actor-critic architecture that addresses the effect of two kinds of reinforcement signals; the TD signal and the behavioral inhibition signal. We argue that the role of the behavioral inhibition signal is to produce phasic opposition of the TD signal in order to ascertain the significance learning and fortify consolidation. Based on this logic, we construct a new neurocomputational model of the brain region the basal ganglia. This model addresses the effects of the neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin in the reinforcement learning process. The dopamine function is represented by a TD prediction error signal, while serotonin is simulated as a behavioral inhibition signal whose role is to phasically inhibit the TD prediction error signal. We utilize major depressive disorder and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressants as experimental representations of variable levels of dopamine and serotonin to study their interaction in reinforcement learning. We use three different modeling approaches to simulate experimental reinforcement learning data: (1) TD only model, (2) TD and risk prediction model, and (3) Our proposed TD and behavioral inhibition model. Simulation results show that our proposed model simulated experimental reinforcement learning data from MDD and SSRIs significantly better the other two modeling approaches. This extended actor-critic architecture can have a myriad of applications in robotics as well as neuroscience.
- ItemArabic Morphological with text to voice(AL-Quds University, 2007-04-03) أسماء حسن يوسف صبيح; ASMA HASSAN YOUSEF SBEIH; رائد الزغل; نضال الكفري; محمود ابو كتة
- ItemArabic text-to-speech including prosody ( ATTSIP) : for mobile devices(AL-Quds University, 2013-02-11) احمد اسماعيل محمد العثماني; Ahmed Ismail Mohammed ELothmany; لبيب عرفه; حنا عبد النور; رضوان طهبوب
- ItemAsymptotic Models to study the Electromagnetic Scattering from 2D Rough Surface (3D Electromagnetic Problem)(AL-Quds University, 2018-05-19) اشرف طلال أحمد ربايعه; ashraf t a rabaia; محمد كيالي; Yousef Zahaykah; sam Alawneh
- ItemAuditing Electronic Files of Quran Using Optical Character Recognition(AL-Quds University, 2017-01-09) آلاء فتح الله عبد العزيز حمدة; alaa fathala abdalazez hamda; لبيب عرفة; dr.ahmad qutob; Dr.radwan tahboub
- ItemAutomatic essays scoring(AL-Quds University, 2009-06-20) حمزه عبدالحميد مجاهد مجاهد; Hamzeh Abdelhamid Mujahed Mujahed; لبيب عرفة; امجد رطروط; عدي عناني
- ItemChannel Estimation For FBMC/OQAM Wireless System Based On Kalman Filter(AL-Quds University, 2013-08-13) محمود حسن خليل الدبابسه; mahmoud hassan khaleel aldababsa; علي جاموس; حنا عبد النور; Ghandi Manasrah
- ItemChannel Selection in 802.11 WLAN(AL-Quds University, 2017-05-10) ابراهيم أحمد عبد الله الواوي; Ibrahim Ahmad Abdallah Alwawi; مراد ابو صبيح; Dr. Rashid Jayosi; Dr. Ali Jamoos; Dr. Mutamed Khatib
- ItemChannel-Aware Decision Fusion fo Distributed Classification in MIMO Wireless Sensor Networks(AL-Quds University, 2019-05-19) رشدي نادي محمود ابو عواد; Rushdi N M AbuAwwad; علي جاموس; _; احمد عبده; اشرف الريماوي
- ItemCharacterization of Human Blood Tissue Using Bioimpedance Measurements(AL-Quds University, 2012-05-10) اناس سعدي عبد السلام قباجة; Enas Sadi Abed AL_Salam Qabaja; عمر السرخي; Ahmad A. Qutob; Samer Bali.; Jamal Ghabon
- ItemCloud infrastructure lab(AL-Quds University, 2014-06-14) يزيد خليل صادق الخطيب; YAZID KHALIL SADEQ AL-KHATIB; صلاح الدين عودة; لبيب عرفه; رشيد جيوسي
- ItemCollaborative Working Environments for Web-Based Remote Experimentation(AL-Quds University, 2009-05-10) إيمان محمد محمود عبدالغني; Eiman Mohammed Mahmoud AbdAlghani; صلاح الدين عودة; Labib Arafeh; Radwan TahboubCollaborative working environments for distance education can be considered as a more generic form of contemporary remote labs. Nowadays, the majority of existing real laboratories are not constructed to allow the involved participants to collaborate in real time. To make this revolutionary learning environment possible we must allow the different participants to communicate and to coordinate with each other in a productive manner. Production rate and efficiency gained through synchronous communication and coordination between the different partners, which mean that users can carry out an experiment simultaneously. Within this process, coordination can be accomplished by chat tools. In recent times, multi-user environments are successfully applied in many applications such as air traffic control systems, team-oriented military systems, chat-text tools, and multi-player games. Thus, understanding the ideas and techniques behind these systems could be of great importance of the contribution of ideas to our e-learning environment for collaborative working. In this thesis, collaborative working environments from theoretical and practical perspectives are considered to build an effective collaborative real laboratory, which allows two students or more to conduct remote experiments at the same time as a team. In order to achieve this goal, we have proposed distributed system architecture to enable the collaborative work among students. This system is organized into subsystems and components and allows the end-users (tutor and students) to interact with the system through a web-based user-interface, enabling them to complete their tasks; however, this architecture have been built around an existing laboratory components and equipments in a general university/ engineering college. Unfortunately, there are many problems that still exist in remote experiments of engineering studies, such as not finding the proper assistance while performing an experiment, distracting students working on an experiment because of not finding a proper feedback from other students, and inequality in task division between them. Therefore, the students will lose motivation and the experiment could fail, leading to ineffective learning. The architecture applied to this system follows the simplest client-server architecture, where an application is organized as a server and a set of clients. Enabling students to obtain an automated help by either a human tutor or a rule-based e-tutor for the purpose of student support in remote experiment environments, we had to facilitate a synchronous interaction between students and tutor achieved by chat tool. Effective collaboration between students is obtained by using color coding to distinguish their contributions from each other. The software-technical implementation of the system have been realized by using the powerful Microsoft .NET, which offers a complete integrated developmental environment (IDE) with a wide collection of products and technologies. As a result of the software and hardware development process was a web-based collaborative working environment, which can be interactively used by students through a web-based user-interface. This GUI facilitates the remote control and access of various instruments and experiment setups. Groups of students are now independently able to coordinate and to implement the experiment at any time and from anywhere, including regulating the work positively.
- ItemA Colour Code Three Dimensional Euclidean Space for Static Signature Verification(AL-Quds University, 2014-05-10) مجدولين سمير محمد أبو طاقة; Majdoleen S. M. ABUTAQA; حنا عبد النور; د. لبيب عرفة; د. صلاح الدين عوده; Radwan Tahboob
- ItemContributions on Fading Channel Estimation for 5G Mobile Systems(AL-Quds University, 2018-12-18) معتز حسين صالح علي قرعوش; Moataz Hussien Saleh Ali Qaroush; علي جاموس; Ahmed Abdou; Murad abu Subaih
- ItemDesign and Simulation of a Novel Mutual Coupled Folded-dipole UHF RFID Tag Antenna for Metallic Objects(Al-Quds University, 2021-08-14) Daliah Zahir Tawfiq Mansour; دالية زاهر توفيق منصورRecently, radio frequency identification (RFID) technology has rapid grown in various applications especially in supply chains. Such applications require a large number of tags placed on different object materials including metallic ones which increases the RFID challenges. The presence of metallic surfaces causes performance degradation of the RFID tag antenna. Thus, the demand for compact, low cost and high-gain tag antennas that work effectively on metals is increased. In this work, a novel miniature mutual coupled folded- dipole metal mountable ultra-high frequency (UHF) RFID tag antenna is presented. The proposed RFID tag antenna is composed of two outer strips each loaded with seven identical open stubs and a middle shorter one forming two symmetrical nested combs. The two nested combs are connected at the center by the RFID chip which is attached to the two middle wide open stubs. Tuning the open stubs dimensions and the gaps between them provides a simple and flexible tuning mechanism to achieve an optimal impedance matching between the tag antenna and the IC chip at the required operating frequency band. Indeed, providing the mutual coupling effect between the open stubs increased the surface current thus, enhances the radiation field. The effect of the open stubs is investigated by increasing the open stubs number from three to seven at each outer strip. The proposed structure has a geometrical dimension of 55.8 × 44 × 1.5 mm3 is implemented on a low cost dielectric Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) substrate. The substrate is coated by a thin copper layer at the bottom side to be placed directly on metallic objects without the requirement of any spacer such as air or foam. The design is simulated by using CST microwave studio software. The realized gain of the tag antenna in free space is -7.13 dB. Placing the proposed tag antenna on a 20× 20 cm2 metallic plate enhanced its realized gain by 3.57 dB compared to free space at a resonance frequency of 912 MHz. The computed detection distance achieved 11.1 m when the tag is mounted on the 20× 20 cm2 metallic plate and 7.37 m in free space with the estimation of using 4 W EIRP. The proposed tag antenna has a directivity of 3.24 dB in free space. The directivity increased to 7.36 dB when the tag is mounted on the metallic plate. The effect of varying the dimensions of the metallic plate is studied. The same read range of 11.1 m is achieved by varying the length of the metallic plate from 20 cm to 10 cm with a fixed width of 20 cm. On the other hand, the read range decreased to 7.81 m when the metallic plate width is decreased from 20 cm to 10 cm with a fixed length of 20 cm. In addition, the proposed tag antenna was placed on three different 20× 20 cm2 dielectric plates. The simulated realized gain is -8.63 dB and the computed detection distance is 6.51 m when the presented tag is placed on paper. Moreover, the computed detection distance of the proposed tag antenna is 6.29 m and 5.94 m when the proposed tag is placed on 20× 20 cm2 polycarbonate and glass plate respectively. The presented tag antenna is implemented to operate at the North American band (902 -928 MHz). The tag structure is simple and inexpensive, whereby it has no shorting elements or metallic via. The presented design does not require any complex fabrication work. Moreover, the proposed RFID tag is compact and has sufficient gain to achieve a relatively high read range. Thus, the proposed tag can be used for various RFID applications. في الآونة الأخيرة ، نمت تقنية تحديد الترددات الراديوية ) RFID ( بسرعة في مختلف التطبيقات وخاصة في سلاسل التوريد. تتطلب مثل هذه التطبيقات عددًا كبيرًا من العلامات الموضوعة على أجسام ذات مواد مختلفة بما في ذلك المواد المعدنية التي تزيد من تحديات RFID . يتسبب وجود الأسطح المعدنية في تدهور أداء هوائي علامة RFID . وبالتالي ، يزداد الطلب على هوائيات العلامات المدمجة منخفضة التكلفة وعالية الكسب التي تعمل بفعالية على المعادن . في هذا العمل ، يتم تقديم هوائي علامة RFID صغير الحجم متبادل مزدوج مطوي ثنائي القطب قابل للتركيب على تردد عالٍ للغاية ) UHF (. يتكون هوائي علامة RFID المقترح من شريحتين خارجيتين كل منهما محملة بسبعة أذرع مفتوحة متطابقة وشريط متوسط أقصر مكونة أمشاط متناظرة متداخلة . المشطان المتداخلان متصلان في المنتصف بواسطة شريحة RFID التي يتم تثبيتها على القطعتين المتوسطتين . يوفر ضبط أبعاد الدعائم المفتوحة والفجوات بينها آلية ضبط بسيطة ومرنة لتحقيق مطابقة ممانعة مثالية بين هوائي العلامة وشريحة IC عند نطاق تردد التشغيل المطلوب. في الواقع ، توفير تأثير الإقتران )الحث( المتبادل بين الأذرع المفتوحة يزيد من تيار السطح وبالتالي يعزز مجال الإشعاع . تم دراسة تأثير الأذرع مفتوحة عن طريق زيادة عدد الأذرع المضافة من ثلاثة إلى سبعة على كل شريط خارجي. الهيكل المقترح له بعد هندسي 55.8 × 44 × 51. مم 3 على ركيزة عازلة منخفضة التكلفة من البولي تترافلورو إيثيلين ) PTFE (. الركيزة مغطاة بطبقة نحاسية رفيعة في الجانب السفلي لتوضع مباشرة على الأجسام المعدنية دون الحاجة إلى أي فاصل مثل الهواء أو الرغوة. تمت محاكاة التصميم باستخدام برنامج CST microwave studio . الكسب المحقق لهوائي العلامة في الفضاء الحر هو - 7.13 ديسيبل. أدى وضع هوائي العلامة المقترح على لوح معدني 20 × 20 سم 2 إلى تعزيز كسبه المحقق بمقدار 3.57 ديسيبل مقارنة بالمساحة الخالية عند تردد رنين يبلغ 912 ميجاهرتز. حققت مسافة الكشف المحسوبة 11.1 مترًا عند تركيب العلامة على لوح معدني 20 × 20 سم 2 و 7.37 مترًا في مساحة خالية مع تقدير استخدام 4 واط EIRP . هوائي العلامة المقترح له اتجاهية تبلغ 3.24 ديسيبل في الفضاء الحر. زادت الاتجاهية إلى 7.36 ديسيبل عند تركيب العلامة على اللوح المعدني. تمت دراسة تأثير تغيير أبعاد الصفيحة المعدنية. يتم تحقيق نفس نطاق القراءة البالغ 11.1 مترًا من خلال تغيير طول اللوح المعدني من 20 سم إلى 10 سم وعرض ثابت يبلغ 20 سم. من ناحية أخرى ، انخفض نطاق القراءة إلى 7.81 مترًا عندما قل عرض اللوحة المعدنية من 20 سم إلى 10 سم بطول ثابت يبلغ 20 سم. بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، تم وضع هوائي العلامة المقترح على ثلاث ألواح عازلة مختلفة 20 × 20 سم 2 . الكسب المحقق المحاكي هو - 8.63 ديسيبل ومسافة الكشف المحسوبة 6.51 متر عند وضع العلامة المقترحة على لوح من ورق. علاوة على ذلك ، تبلغ مسافة الكشف المحسوبة لهوائي العلامة المقترح 6.29 مترًا و 5.94 مترًا عند وضع العلامة المقترحة على لوح من البولي كربونات 20 × 20 سم 2 ولوحة زجاجية على التوالي. يتم تنفيذ هوائي العلامة المقدم للعمل في نطاق أمريكا الشمالية ( 902 - 928 ميجا هرتز(. هيكل العلامة بسيط وغير مكلف ، حيث لا يحتوي على عناصر مختصرة أو معدنية إضافية. لا يتطلب التصميم المقدم أي أعمال تصنيع معقدة . علاوة على ذلك ، فإن علامة RFID المقترحة مضغوطة ولها مكاسب كافية لتحقيق نطاق قراءة مرتفع نسبيًا . وبالتالي ، يمكن استخدام العلامة المقترحة لمختلف تطبيقات RFID .
- ItemDesign and simulation of a stretchable and reversibly deformable MIMO monopole patch antenna for UWB applications with high isolation(AL-Quds University, 2019-08-05) وطن فايز عبد الرحيم ظافر; Watan Fayez Abd AlRaheem Zafer; محمد كوعلي; عماد الزير; عطا الله بلاليم
- ItemDesigning MMSE Receivers With Variable Step-Size Adaptive Filters For MC-DS-CDMA Mobile Communication Systems(AL-Quds University, 2007-12-01) هتاف محمدعبدالغني عبدالحميد رويشد; HITAF M.A.ALGHANI ABDULHAMEED RWAISHID; حنا عبد النور; Hussein Jaddu; Nasser Hamad