تأثير تطبيق نظم المعلومات المحوسبة على التميز المؤسسي "دراسة ميدانية على مؤسسة اتحاد لجان العمل الصحي"
محمد زهير عبد رزق
Mohammed Zuhair Abed Rezeq
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جامعة القدس
The current study aimed to determining the impact of applying Computerized
Information Systems in its various dimensions, which included (financial capabilities,
program capabilities, human capabilities, and organizational capabilities) on
Institutional Excellence in private health institutions by applying it on Union of Health
Work Committees (UHWC) - Southern Governorates as a case studied in the Gaza
The study used the descriptive and analytical approach based on the questionnaire tool
to collect data from its primary sources, where the study population was represented by
the employees of UHWC using the Computerized System of (333) employees. Where
(228) questionnaires were returned, with a return rate of (68.5%), and they were used
for the purposes of the analysis.
The study also used secondary data sources, which were represented in a series of Panel
Data representing the number of beneficiaries of the services provided to them during
the period from 2011 to 2019, as they were obtained through the annual reports issued
by UHWC, and ARIMA form was used aiming at predicting future values of the
number of transactions that are expected to be completed after implementing the new
regulations in UHWC.
Also, the results showed a significant statistical effect of Computerized Information
Systems in achieving Institutional Excellence, where the determination coefficient of
the regression model related to studying the impact of applying Computerized
Information on Institutional Excellence reached (0.730), which indicates that the
dimensions of Computerized Information Systems represented in (material capabilities,
programmatic capabilities, human capabilities, organizational capabilities) explains
(73%) of the variation in Institutional Excellence.
Where the results showed a negative impact of material capabilities, in contrast, a
positive impact for each of the programmatic, human and organizational capabilities,
and the impact values indicated that organizational potential is the most important
factor affecting Institutional Excellence due to having the highest relative weight
among all dimensions.
On the other hand, the results of the analysis of ARIMA's prediction model showed that
it is possible to increase the number of visitor transactions by 6% at the end of 2021
compared to the same period in 2019, which explains the existence of a clear and
effective impact of the new Computerized System on business.
Therefore, this study is important, not only for health institutions in Palestine, but also
for those who have an interest in the Information System and its impact on business
achievement, who are trying to find solutions for excellence in the future.
رزق، محمد زهير. (2020). تأثير تطبيق نظم المعلومات المحوسبة على التميز المؤسسي "دراسة ميدانية على
مؤسسة اتحاد لجان العمل الصحي" [رسالة ماجستير منشورة، جامعة القدس، فلسطين]. المستودع الرقمي لجامعة
القدس. https://arab-scholars.com/e6b75f