التحيز والتمييز في السياسة الإسرائيلية اتجاه المقابر التاريخية في القدس دراسة مقارنة بين "مقبرة باب الرحمة ومأْمنِ الله من جهة، والمقبرة " اليهودية" على جبل الزيتون من جهة أخرى
فداء زهير عبد الفتاح يغمور
fida' zuhayr eabd alfataah yaghmur
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Al-Quds University
كما يظهرُ من عنوان هذه الدِّراسةِ، فإنَّها تتناول موقفَ المؤسَّساتِ الإسرائيليَّة وسِياسَتَها، اتِّجاهَ المقابر التّاريخيّة في مدينة القدس، وتَسْعى إلى إظهار التَّحيُّزِ والمعايير المُزْدوجةِ، والقِيَمِ المتناقضةِ الَّتي تُطبِّقُها المؤسَّسات اتِّجاهَ مقابر المسلمين، على النقيضِ ممّا تُنفِّذُه في مقبرة اليهود على جبل الزيتون. لتحقيق ذلك، فقد تمَّ تقسيمُ البحث إلى مقدِّمةٍ تناولت لَمْحة عن المقابر، وعن أهمّيّة الدراسة، وَمُبرِّراتِها، ومشكلتِها، وأسئلتِها، كما يظهر في الفِهْرِسِ، علاوةً على تحديد فرضيّةِ الدّراسة، ومنهجِها، والصُّعوبات التي واجهتِ البحثَ، ولمحةً عن الدّراسات السابقة.
وبَحَثَ الفصل الثاني، من هذه الدراسةِ، أوجُهَ الشَّبهِ والاختلاف بين الدّيانة الإسلاميَّة والديانة اليهوديّة، في فكرة البعثِ، والدَّفْن، وحُرْمة الأموات، وحُرْمة المقابر عند الطَّرَفينِ، وبيانِ مدى إيمان الجانبين بوجود البعث، وحُرمةِ المَيْتِ، ووجوبِ عدمِ المسِّ بالمقابر، وتحاول أنْ تَتَّبِعَ ما كُتِبَ في القرآن والسُّنّة النبويّة، وما كُتِبَ في التوراة عن حُرْمة المَيْتِ، وهيئة القبور، وكيفيّةِ الدَّفْن.
وَخُصِّصَ الفصل الثالثُ لبحث تاريخِ المقابرِ التاريخيّة في محيطِ المسجد الأقصى المبارك، والبلدة القديمة لمدينة القدس، من حيثُ أسبابُ التَّسمية، والحدودُ، والمِساحةُ، وإثباتُ مِلْكيّتِها، ومعرفةُ أهمّيّتها لكلٍّ من المسلمين واليهود، وأشهرُ مَنْ دُفِنَ في هذه المقابر على مَرِّ العصور، علاوةً على رصدِ التغيُّرات الأساسية التي تمَّت عليها.
ولاستكمال البحثِ، فقد رَكَّزَ الفصل الرابعُ على دراسة السّياسات الإسرائيليَّة اتِّجاهَ المقابر الموجودة في مدينة القدس، وطريقةِ تعاملِها مَعَ المقابر الإسلاميَّة والمقابر اليهودية. ونالَ هذا الفصل حَيِّزًا مناسبًا لاستجلاءِ ملامحِ هذه السياسة، على صعوبةِ توفُّرِ المراجع والمصادر الأصلية، لأنَّ أغلبَ ما سُجِّلَ كان عبارةً عن مقالات صحفيّةٍ، وعليه، ولإيجاد توازنٍ، فَكان لا بدَّ من إجراءِ مقابلاتٍ شخصيّةٍ مع بعضِ المسؤولين والمُهتمّين. ومَعَ هذا، فقد تمَّ تتبُّعُ الإجراءات التي اتُّخِذَتْ بحقِّ تلك المقابرِ؛ بالاعتماد على ملفّات دائرة الأوقاف الإسلاميَّة في القدس، مَعَ محاولة استقراءِ نتائج هذه الإجراءات والسياسات وآثارِها، على المقابر وسكان المجتمع المَحَلِّيّ في المدينة، وسعتِ الدِّراسة الى إظهار ازدواجية المعايير وإثباتِها، الَّتي اتُّبِعَتْ من سلطة الاحتلال في التَّعامل مع المقابر الإسلاميَّة على النقيض من التَّعامل مع المقابر اليهودية في المدينة، وكأنَّ حُرمة الإنسان العامّة تُحَدَّدُ حسبَ ديانته.
وَذُيِّلَتِ الدّارسة بخلاصةٍ ضَمَّتْ عدَّة نتائجَ يَظهرُ فيها، بجلاءٍ، الفرقُ الصّارخ في السياسات المتَّبعةِ ما بين مقابر المسلمين واليهود، حيثُ التَّضييقُ والمصادرةُ، والاقتطاعُ، وهَدْمُ القبور، ومنعُ الدَّفْن لمقابر المسلمين، في حين يتمُّ توسعةُ مقبرة اليهود، من خلال ضَمِّ الأراضي المجاورة لها؛ بعد مصادرتِها من أصحابها الأصليّين، سواءٌ كانوا من الأوقاف الإسلاميَّة أو من السُّكّان، ولم تغْفُلِ الدّراسةُ عن تقديم مجموعة من التوصيات، عَلَّها تساعد في التَّصدّي لهذا الأمرِ المهمِّ لمدينة القدس وسُكّانها، علاوة على إلحاق مجموعةٍ من حُجُجٍ ووثائقَ تخصُّ المقابر، مَعَ قائمة بأهمِّ مصادر الدراسة ومراجعِها.
As appears from the title of the study, it addresses the attitude and policy of Israeli institutions towards historical cemeteries in the city of Jerusalem and seeks to demonstrate the bias, double standards and contradictory values applied by institutions towards Muslim cemeteries, in contrast to those implemented in the Jewish cemetery on Mount of Olives. To achieve this, the research was divided into an introduction that had a glimpse about the graves, the importance, justification, problem and questions of the study as shown in the index, as well as the study's hypothesis and approach, the difficulties encountered in the research, and a glimpse of previous studies. The second chapter of this study explored the similarities and differences between Islamic and Jewish beliefs regarding resurrection, burial, the sanctity of the deceased, and the sanctity of cemeteries, on both sides. It examined the extent to which both sides believe in the existence of resurrection, the sanctity of the dead, the obligation not to disturb graves, and it attempted to trace what is written in the Quran, Sunnah of the Prophet, and Torah about the sanctity of the deceased, appearance of the graves, and the manner of burial. Chapter three was devoted to examine the history of the historical cemeteries in the vicinity of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Old City of Jerusalem, in terms of the reasons for naming, boundaries, area, ownership verification, knowing the significance for both Muslims and Jews, and the most famous individuals buried in these cemeteries over the ages, in addition to monitoring fundamental changes that have occurred. To complete the research, chapter four focused on studying Israeli policies towards the cemeteries in city of Jerusalem, and the way it deals with Islamic and Jewish cemeteries. This chapter received adequate space to clarify the features of this policy, despite the challenges due to the scarcity of original references and sources, which mainly consisted of newspaper articles, and therefore, in order to find a balance, it was necessary to conduct personal interviews with some officials and those who are interested. However, the measures taken against these cemeteries were traced based on the files of the Islamic Endowments department in Jerusalem, attempting to infer the results and effects of these measures and policies on the cemeteries and residents of the local community in the city. The study aimed to demonstrate and prove the double standards followed by the occupying authority in dealing with Islamic cemeteries in contrast to Jewish cemeteries in the city, as if the sanctity of humanity is determined by their religion. The study was concluded with several results that clearly highlight the stark difference in the followed policies between Muslim and Jewish cemeteries is clearly visible, including restrictions, confiscations, deduction, tomb demolitions, and prevention of burial in Muslim cemeteries, while the Jewish cemetery expands by annexing adjacent lands. After they were confiscated from their original owners, whether they were Islamic Endowments or local residents. The study also provided a set of recommendations that may help in addressing this crucial issue for the city of Jerusalem and its residents, along with presenting a set of arguments, documents related to cemeteries, and a list of the study's primary sources and references.
As appears from the title of the study, it addresses the attitude and policy of Israeli institutions towards historical cemeteries in the city of Jerusalem and seeks to demonstrate the bias, double standards and contradictory values applied by institutions towards Muslim cemeteries, in contrast to those implemented in the Jewish cemetery on Mount of Olives. To achieve this, the research was divided into an introduction that had a glimpse about the graves, the importance, justification, problem and questions of the study as shown in the index, as well as the study's hypothesis and approach, the difficulties encountered in the research, and a glimpse of previous studies. The second chapter of this study explored the similarities and differences between Islamic and Jewish beliefs regarding resurrection, burial, the sanctity of the deceased, and the sanctity of cemeteries, on both sides. It examined the extent to which both sides believe in the existence of resurrection, the sanctity of the dead, the obligation not to disturb graves, and it attempted to trace what is written in the Quran, Sunnah of the Prophet, and Torah about the sanctity of the deceased, appearance of the graves, and the manner of burial. Chapter three was devoted to examine the history of the historical cemeteries in the vicinity of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Old City of Jerusalem, in terms of the reasons for naming, boundaries, area, ownership verification, knowing the significance for both Muslims and Jews, and the most famous individuals buried in these cemeteries over the ages, in addition to monitoring fundamental changes that have occurred. To complete the research, chapter four focused on studying Israeli policies towards the cemeteries in city of Jerusalem, and the way it deals with Islamic and Jewish cemeteries. This chapter received adequate space to clarify the features of this policy, despite the challenges due to the scarcity of original references and sources, which mainly consisted of newspaper articles, and therefore, in order to find a balance, it was necessary to conduct personal interviews with some officials and those who are interested. However, the measures taken against these cemeteries were traced based on the files of the Islamic Endowments department in Jerusalem, attempting to infer the results and effects of these measures and policies on the cemeteries and residents of the local community in the city. The study aimed to demonstrate and prove the double standards followed by the occupying authority in dealing with Islamic cemeteries in contrast to Jewish cemeteries in the city, as if the sanctity of humanity is determined by their religion. The study was concluded with several results that clearly highlight the stark difference in the followed policies between Muslim and Jewish cemeteries is clearly visible, including restrictions, confiscations, deduction, tomb demolitions, and prevention of burial in Muslim cemeteries, while the Jewish cemetery expands by annexing adjacent lands. After they were confiscated from their original owners, whether they were Islamic Endowments or local residents. The study also provided a set of recommendations that may help in addressing this crucial issue for the city of Jerusalem and its residents, along with presenting a set of arguments, documents related to cemeteries, and a list of the study's primary sources and references.