علاقة إدارة الموارد البشرية في ريادة الأعمال لدى الشركات الصناعية التجارية في فلسطين

علي فيصل حسن درّس
Ali Faisal Hassan Darras
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Al-Quds University
The study aims to identify the relationship of human resources management in entrepreneurship with industrial and commercial companies in Palestine / Ramallah and Al-Bireh. To achieve the study objectives, the researcher used the descriptive method, where he designed a questionnaire that included (83) paragraphs distributed into two parts. The first part is related to the functions of human resources management which are: (planning, recruitment, selection and appointment, training and performance appraisal), The second one is related to the dimensions of entrepreneurship (creativity and innovation, calculated risk, competitiveness). The study has the degree of validity and stability of the total tool of the human resources management aspect (0.92), and the total degree to Entrepreneurship aspect (0.91). The study community consists of all industrial and commercial companies in Ramallah and Al-Bireh Governorate. A sample of (274) industrial and commercial companies was taken in order to achieve the study goals, within a framework of considerations determined in the research. The final received and valid for statistical analysis sample from the study population was (221) Questionnaires, which were considered as a representative sample of the study. The study finds that the overall score of human resources management application in the industrial and commercial companies in Ramallah and Al-Bireh Governorate is high with a total arithmetic average of (3.99) with a large degree of appreciation. In addition to that, the overall score of entrepreneurships in the industrial and commercial companies in Ramallah / Albireh governorate is high overall arithmetic average of (4.02), and to a large degree of appreciation. This confirms that there is a direct relationship to the functions of human resources management with entrepreneurship . The study results show that there is a significant and positive correlation between human resources management application’s functions combined and the dimensions of entrepreneurship combined with industrial and commercial companies in Ramallah and Al-Bireh governorate. The study ذ shows that there are no significant differences in the statistical significance (α≥0.05) in the responses of the research community towards the relationship of human resources management in entrepreneurship with the industrial commercial companies in Ramallah and Al-Bireh. in the overall axis of entrepreneurship was attributed to the variables of the educational qualifications. and also, the study was found that there are differences according to the overall axis of human resources management. There were also significant differences in the statistical significance (α≥0.05) in the responses of the research community towards the relationship of human resources management in entrepreneurship among industrial and commercial companies in Ramallah and Al-Bireh in all the variables of the study according to the variable age of the company. The differences were also within the overall human resources management axis for companies established between 10 years to less than 15 years and between companies with a lifetime of over 15 years. for companies with a lifetime of over 15 years with a higher arithmetic average (3.98), The differences were also within the overall aspirations of entrepreneurship For companies established between 10 years to less than 15 years, and between companies over 15 years of age, for companies over 15 years of age with the highest arithmetic average (4.00). The study finds also that there are significant differences when the statistical significance (α≥0.05) in the responses of respondents towards the relationship of human resources management in entrepreneurship with industrial and commercial companies in Ramallah and Al-Bireh in all study variables according to the variable number of employees in the company, the differences were within the overall axis of human resources management for the benefit of the companies employing 20 Employees are less than 50 employees, and among The number of employees is less than 20 employees, for companies with 20 to less than 50 employees with the highest arithmetic average (4.11). the differences were also within the overall entrepreneurial mobility for companies with 20 employees below. Of 50 employees, and among companies with fewer than 20 employees, for companies with more than 50 employees with a higher arithmetic average (4.00). One of the most important study conclusions is the importance of applying the functions of human resources management in the industrial and commercial companies in Ramallah and Al-Bireh in order to support entrepreneurship in these companies. It also works continuously to support the creative and innovative capabilities and seeks to commit to the dimension of calculated risks to achieve leadership in the overall Its process, in addition to benefiting from the application of post-competitive to achieve entrepreneurship in them. The study comes up with a set of recommendations, most notably strengthening the practices of applying human resources management in the commercial industries companies in Ramallah and Al-Bireh governorate, in order to support their capabilities to achieve entrepreneurship in their works, the need to strengthen procedures for recruitment, selection and appointment in order to reach The best human resources in the labor market, and in order to achieve a competitive advantage for these companies, the need for companies to focus on the acquisition of scarce resources difficult to be imitated by competitors and seize the opportunities available in the local and global markets, strengthen the practices of companies to creative And entrepreneurial ideas, which are capable of launching new products and access to global markets, the need to seek local companies to target new markets, new customers, and the use of sophisticated means to display products.