تأثير السياسة الائتمانية لمؤسسات التمويل المتخصصة على تنمية المشاريع الصغيرة في المحافظات الشمالية

وائل جمال حسين زيد
Wael Jamal Hussein Zaid
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Al-Quds University
This study aimed at measuring the impact of credit policies of the specialized financing institutions on the development of small enterprises in the northern governorates. It tried to determine if there were statistically significant effects of the credit policies, adopted by the specialized financing institutions on the development of small projects in the northern governorates regarding: (loan guarantees, repayment period, value of monthly installment, availability and size of finance, integration of financing system and the grace period.) The study built on the credit policies of the specialized financing institutions namely: loan guarantees, repayment period, value of the monthly installment, availability and size of financing, integration of the financing system, and the grace period. To achieve its objectives the study adopted the descriptive analytical method, which is based on the study and analysis of the phenomenon. A questionnaire was used as a tool for collecting primary data for the study. The study population consisted of all small projects in the northern governorates, which consisted of (40,002) projects. The study sample included a number of small project owners in the northern governorates who were selected through the intentional sample method, and numbered (369) persons. To examine the hypotheses of the study, the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used so as to analyze the primary data and to reach the main results that can answer the study questions. In order to statistically analyze the collected data the researcher used the arithmetic averages, the standard deviations, the analysis of Linear Regression Equation, Pearson Correlation Coefficient, T test for two independent samples, the analysis of mono-variance and other statistical tests. The study found a number of results, the most important of which is that the impact degree of the credit policies of the specialized financing institutions on the development of small enterprises in the northern governorates was high with an average of 3.76. It was found that the second field: (the repayment period and the value of the monthly installment) had the highest arithmetic averages, where it mounted to (4.04). While the eighth field: (the increase of the number and productivity of the workers in the project) had the lowest of the arithmetic averages which was (3.52). It was found that there was an impact of the credit policies of the specialized financing institutions on the development of small enterprises, and that there was also a relationship above the medium strength and a positive correlation. In addition to that there were differences of statistical significance of the control variables, with the exception of the age variable. Based on these results, the study reached some conclusions and recommendations that are believed to help in developing small enterprises in Palestine. The most important of these recommendations is the one that call for all funding institutions to intensify their marketing programs in order to reach all projects that need funding. Funding institutions should intensify their access to small projects that need financing; knowing that the average impact on the development of small projects has been high; and that can motivate citizens to borrow from these institutions. The researcher also recommends that the government should support some of the civil institutions that provide loans to small projects in order to enable these institutions to ease their conditions of granting loans.