أثر قرينة البراءة في التشريع الجزائي الفلسطيني
سجى سليمان عيسى الخضور
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Al-Quds University
تسعى هذه الأطروحة إلى التعرف على الآثار التي تعود بها قرينة البراءة على المتّهم أثناء المحاكمة وتهدف خاصة إلى تسليط الضوء على تلك الآثار في ظل قانون الإجراءات الجزائية الفلسطيني رقم (3) لسنة (2001م)، لذلك جاء هذا البحث للوقوف على ذلك بدءاً من مرحلة جمع الاستدلالات يليها مرحلة التحقيق الابتدائي، وصولاً إلى المحاكمة وما بعدها.
وتتمثل الإشكالية الرئيسة بالآتي: هل تمكن المشرّع الجزائي الفلسطيني من تحقيق التوازن بين حق الدولة في استيفاء الحقوق وملاحقة الجناة وبين حق الأفراد بتمتعهم بحرياتهم الفردية والخاصة دون المساس بها بشكل متعسف إعمالاً لقرينة البراءة؟، خاصة أن المجتمع الدولي يولي اهتماماً كبيراً لقرينة البراءة عبر المواثيق والاتفاقيات الدولية ووضع نصوص تُلزم الدول الأطراف فيها بالتخلص من أوجه التعسف كافة بحق المتّهم أثناء محاكمته.
وتأسيساً على ذلك، خُصص الفصل الأول من الدراسة لقرينة البراءة وحماية حقوق المتّهم، بينما ركّز الفصل الثاني من الدراسة على تبيان حقوق الدفاع، وفي سبيل تحقيق ذلك استخدمت الدراسة المنهج الاستقرائي والمنهج التحليلي، وخلُصت إلى مجموعة من النتائج أهمها: أن البراءة قرينة قانونية بسيطة فهي تنقل عبء الإثبات على عاتق جهة الاتهام، وأن تطبيقها عملياً يجعل المتّهم في مركز قانوني معادل لطرف الخصومة الآخر خاصة وأن التشريع الفلسطيني أخذ بوحدة جهة التحقيق والاتهام ممثلة بالنيابة العامة، كما أنها تنعكس من خلال الشرعية الإجرائية وضرورة حصول المتهم على محاكمة عادلة من بداية توجيه الاتهام بحقه إلى حين صدور الحكم.
أما بالنسبة لأهم التوصيات والمقترحات، فإن الدراسة توصي أن يتاح للمتّهم الحق بالاستعانة بمحام للدفاع عنه خلال مرحلة جمع الاستدلالات فهي لا تقل أهمية عن باقي المراحل، فقد ينتج عنها ما يمس بافتراض براءة المتّهم، والنص صراحة ضمن قانون الإجراءات الجزائية على عدم جواز قسم اليمين القانونية أثناء مباشرة الاستجواب.
وختاماً حث المشرّع على جعل كل من الاستئناف والنقض موقفان لتنفيذ العقوبة سواء أكانت سالبة للحرية أو تقتضي طلب تعويض، فالمتّهم بريء حتى تثبت إدانته بحكم قطعي ونهائي والأصل ألاّ يتم التعسف بحريته قبل ثبوت الإدانة واستيفاء طرق الطعن المقررة كافة.
This thesis seeks to identify the effects of the presumption of innocence on the accused during the trial and aims to shed light on those effects under the Palestinian Code of Criminal Procedure No. (3) of (2001), so this research came to find out that starting from the stage of collecting evidence followed by the stage of preliminary investigation, up to the trial and beyond. The main problem is as follows: Has the Palestinian penal legislature been able to achieve a balance between the state's right to fulfill rights and prosecute perpetrators and the right of individuals to enjoy their individual and private freedoms without arbitrarily violating them in implementation of the presumption of innocence?, especially with the attention of the international community as a whole to the presumption of innocence through international conventions and agreements and the development of texts obliging States parties to eliminate all aspects of abuse against the accused during his trial. Based on this, the first chapter of the study was devoted to the presumption of innocence and the protection of the rights of the accused, while the second chapter of the study focused on clarifying In order to achieve this, the study used the inductive approach and the analytical method, and concluded a set of results, the most important of which are: that innocence is a simple legal presumption, as it transfers the burden of proof on the shoulders of the accused, and that its practical application makes the accused a legal status equivalent to the other party to the litigation, especially since the Palestinian legislation took the unity of the investigation and accusation authority represented by the Public Prosecution, and it is also reflected through procedural legitimacy and the need for the accused to obtain a fair trial from the beginning of the accusation against him until the verdict is issued. As for the most important recommendations and suggestions, the study recommends that the accused have the right to seek the assistance of a lawyer to defend him during the stage of collecting evidence, as they are no less important than the rest of the stages, as they may result in what affects the presumption of innocence of the accused, and explicitly stipulates within the Code of Criminal Procedure that it is not permissible to take the legal oath during interrogation. In conclusion, the legislator urged to make both appeal and cassation a position to implement the penalty, whether it is deprivation of liberty or requires a request for compensation, as the accused is innocent until proven guilty by a final and final judgment, and the principle is that his freedom is not arbitrarily before the conviction is proven and all prescribed methods of appeal are met.
This thesis seeks to identify the effects of the presumption of innocence on the accused during the trial and aims to shed light on those effects under the Palestinian Code of Criminal Procedure No. (3) of (2001), so this research came to find out that starting from the stage of collecting evidence followed by the stage of preliminary investigation, up to the trial and beyond. The main problem is as follows: Has the Palestinian penal legislature been able to achieve a balance between the state's right to fulfill rights and prosecute perpetrators and the right of individuals to enjoy their individual and private freedoms without arbitrarily violating them in implementation of the presumption of innocence?, especially with the attention of the international community as a whole to the presumption of innocence through international conventions and agreements and the development of texts obliging States parties to eliminate all aspects of abuse against the accused during his trial. Based on this, the first chapter of the study was devoted to the presumption of innocence and the protection of the rights of the accused, while the second chapter of the study focused on clarifying In order to achieve this, the study used the inductive approach and the analytical method, and concluded a set of results, the most important of which are: that innocence is a simple legal presumption, as it transfers the burden of proof on the shoulders of the accused, and that its practical application makes the accused a legal status equivalent to the other party to the litigation, especially since the Palestinian legislation took the unity of the investigation and accusation authority represented by the Public Prosecution, and it is also reflected through procedural legitimacy and the need for the accused to obtain a fair trial from the beginning of the accusation against him until the verdict is issued. As for the most important recommendations and suggestions, the study recommends that the accused have the right to seek the assistance of a lawyer to defend him during the stage of collecting evidence, as they are no less important than the rest of the stages, as they may result in what affects the presumption of innocence of the accused, and explicitly stipulates within the Code of Criminal Procedure that it is not permissible to take the legal oath during interrogation. In conclusion, the legislator urged to make both appeal and cassation a position to implement the penalty, whether it is deprivation of liberty or requires a request for compensation, as the accused is innocent until proven guilty by a final and final judgment, and the principle is that his freedom is not arbitrarily before the conviction is proven and all prescribed methods of appeal are met.