التنظيم القانوني لتعديل رأس مال الشركة المساهمة العامة " دراسة مقارنة "
عصام حازم " محمد عصام " الجعبة
Essam Hazem " Mohammad Essam " Al Jaaba
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Al-Quds University
تناولت هذه الدراسة التنظيم القانوني لتعديل رأس مال الشركة المساهمة العامة في ضوء أحكام القرار بقانون رقم (42) لسنة 2021م بشأن الشركات، حيث جاءت من خلال فصلين، تحدثنا في الفصل الأول عن الأحكام العامة لرأس مال الشركة المساهمة العامة، وخصصنا الفصل الثاني للأحكام القانونية لتعديل رأس مال الشركة المساهمة العامة. انتهجت هذه الدراسة المنهج التحليلي من خلال تحليل نصوص القانون وتفسيرها وتحليلها سواءً القرار بقانون رقم (42) لسنة 2021م بشأن الشركات أو القوانين الأخرى ذات العلاقة، ومقارنتها مع القانون الأردني بشكل أساسي ومع بعض القوانين الأخرى بشكل ثانوي. هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى معرفة ما هو رأس مال الشركة المساهمة العامة وكيف يتم بنيته وتكوينه وتعديله كون أن رأس مالها هو الضمان العام للمساهمين فيها والدائنين المتعاملين معها، وحول إذا ما أوجد وفرض المشرع الفلسطيني ضمانات قانونية بصفة مباشرة أو غير مباشرة كفيلهٍ بحماية رأس المال وحقوق المساهمين والدائنين عند تخفيض أو زيادة رأس مال الشركة المساهمة العامة، فضلاً على توضيح الطرق والإجراءات التي حددها القرار بقانونٍ والواجب اتباعها لتحقيق عملية التخفيض والزيادة بصفة قانونية وسليمة. توصلت هذه الدراسة إلى أنه يجب على المشرع الفلسطيني أن يعمل على تحديد الحد الأدنى لرأس المال المصرح به في الشركة المساهمة العامة، وإدراج نص قانوني بعرض النزاع على مسجل الشركات في حال تخفيض رأس مال الشركة قبل اللجوء الى المحكمة المختصة، والعمل على تفعيل دور الرقابة الخارجية المهم لمسجل الشركات ولهيئة سوق رأس المال الفلسطيني من خلال وضع نص قانوني يفرض حضورهم إلى اجتماعات الهيئة العامة، وجعله وجوبياً على وجه الخصوص للاجتماع غير العادي الذي يُتخذُ بموجبه قرار تعديل رأس مال الشركة المساهمة العامة.
This study discusses the legal regulation for amending the capital of public joint-stock company in the light of the provision of the resolution number (42) of 2021 concerning companies. The study case consists of 2 chapters whereas the first chapter revolves around the public provisions of the capital of public joint-stock company, while the second chapter is dedicated to discuss the legal regulations for amending the capital of public joint-stock company. In this study, I follow an analytical methodology by analyzing and explicating the legal texts whether the resolution number (42) of 2021 that concerns companies, or other relevant laws alike, using a comparison with its Jordanian law counterpart fundamentally alongside with other laws secondarily. This study aims to shed the light on finding out the core significance of capital of the joint-stock company as well as to know how it is structured, formulated, and amended since that the capital, by itself, is considered a guarantee for the shareholders and creditors in the company. Besides, the study proposes whether the Palestinian legislator has, directly or indirectly, created or imposed legal guarantees which ensure the capital, the shareholders, and the creditors when reducing or increasing the capital of the joint-stock company, and also clarifies the methods and procedures determined by the decree law which must be followed in a proper legal manner in order to achieve both, the increase and decrease of the capital. This study suggests that the legislator should be working on determining the minimum capital authorized in the joint-stock company, enrolling legal texts to submit a dispute legal case before the registrar of companies in the event of reducing the capital before resorting to the specialized court, and, eventually, activating and revitalizing the substantial role of external control led by the registrar of companies and the Palestinian Capital Market Authority (PCMA) similarly. This can be, fruitfully, achieved by establishing and imposing a legal text requiring their attendance at the general meetings of the (PCMA) making that tendency obligatory, in particular, for the extraordinary meetings in which decisions are formulated and issued to amend the capital of public joint-stock company.
This study discusses the legal regulation for amending the capital of public joint-stock company in the light of the provision of the resolution number (42) of 2021 concerning companies. The study case consists of 2 chapters whereas the first chapter revolves around the public provisions of the capital of public joint-stock company, while the second chapter is dedicated to discuss the legal regulations for amending the capital of public joint-stock company. In this study, I follow an analytical methodology by analyzing and explicating the legal texts whether the resolution number (42) of 2021 that concerns companies, or other relevant laws alike, using a comparison with its Jordanian law counterpart fundamentally alongside with other laws secondarily. This study aims to shed the light on finding out the core significance of capital of the joint-stock company as well as to know how it is structured, formulated, and amended since that the capital, by itself, is considered a guarantee for the shareholders and creditors in the company. Besides, the study proposes whether the Palestinian legislator has, directly or indirectly, created or imposed legal guarantees which ensure the capital, the shareholders, and the creditors when reducing or increasing the capital of the joint-stock company, and also clarifies the methods and procedures determined by the decree law which must be followed in a proper legal manner in order to achieve both, the increase and decrease of the capital. This study suggests that the legislator should be working on determining the minimum capital authorized in the joint-stock company, enrolling legal texts to submit a dispute legal case before the registrar of companies in the event of reducing the capital before resorting to the specialized court, and, eventually, activating and revitalizing the substantial role of external control led by the registrar of companies and the Palestinian Capital Market Authority (PCMA) similarly. This can be, fruitfully, achieved by establishing and imposing a legal text requiring their attendance at the general meetings of the (PCMA) making that tendency obligatory, in particular, for the extraordinary meetings in which decisions are formulated and issued to amend the capital of public joint-stock company.