الفكاهة والسخرية عند شعراء القرنين السادس والسابع الهجريين: دراسة موضوعية وفّنية
عبد الله محمد عبد الرحمن ريان
Abdullah Muhammad Abdullah Rayyan
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AL-Quds University
جامعة القدس
جامعة القدس
This research which deals with "Humor and sarcasm of the hegira sixth & seventh
century poets " is considered an artistic and objective study . In fact the actual
importance of this study comes from it's emphasis on the political , social ,economical
and intellectual causes of humor & sarcasm in this period . This study extends further to
investigate in to the different aspects of life , and highlight the poets who used humor &
sarcasm poetry to complain about the horrible political , economic , social and
intellectual conditions , and explain the reasons that forced them to do so .
The researcher have been stimulated by many reasons to choose this topic , the
most important is the lack of independent and comprehensive studies on this topic .
Needless to say that all the studies on this topic have been dependent , and confusing ,
more over , the researches , who discussed this topic , concentrated on the period till the
th century hegira , paying less attention on the next centuries . They didn’t even tackle
the causes that forced the poets to use the humor & sarcasm weapons against some of the
ruler and other persons .
This study is in some means, a comprehensive research since it depends on the
historical method to focus on the political , social , economical and intellectual life in this
era. It uses the same method to follow up the start of humor & sarcasm , in addition to
that , this study uses the descriptive - analytic method in every section, and deals with the
aesthetical method for an artistic study .
The most important result achieved is that humor & sarcasm poetry was a
common need in this era as it was in the previous centuries The political , social ,
economical and intellectnral conditions had had a great effect on the spread of humor &
sarcasm , many poet's were famous for this poetry , among them , Arqala al-kalbi , Ibn
Anein , Sabat bn al-Ta'aweethi , Abu al_hussien al _Jazzar ,al-Bousairi , ibn –Danyal and
many others . This poetry was distinguished by special artistic aspects which are as
important as the previous eras.
The language varied between abundance and simplicity , and the poets decorated
their poetry with a collection of literal and moral rhetorical terms , such as ,
paronomasia, allusion , antithesis , rhyme etc.
In relation to music , the didn't deal with a specific meter or rhythm , on the
century the poets wrote on most of the meters.
The humor & sarcasm poetry was not studied in the Mamlouks first and second
eras , and this deserves to be studied independently and compare humor with sarcasm
poetry in tow different eras or to make a comparative study on this topic referring to
some poets . and then to study humor & sarcasm of a certain poet independently .
اللغة العربية وآدابها , Arabic Language & literature
ريان، عبد الله محمد. (2009). الفكاهة والسخرية عند شعراء القرنين السادس والسابع الهجريين: دراسة
موضوعية وفّنية [رسالة ماجستير منشورة، جامعة القدس، فلسطين]. المستودع الرقمي لجامعة القدس.