ثقافة الابتكار والتعلم التنظيمي ودورهما في تحقيق الرشاقة التنظيمية في الجامعات الفلسطينية في جنوب ووسط الضفة الغربية

هيا عاطف علي العيسة
Haya Atef Ali Alayaseh
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جامعة القدس
The study aimed to know the role of the culture of innovation, and organizational learning in achieving organizational agility In Palestinian universities in the West Bank. To achieve the objectives of the study, the study used the descriptive approach, and the study population consisted of workers in the academic and administrative fields in Palestinian universities in the central and southern West Bank, who numbered (2609) According to the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics for the year 2019. A stratified random sample was taken from the study population consisting of (335) individuals. 289) a questionnaire of which is suitable for analysis and study, and the study used in the analysis of the questionnaire data the statistical packages program (SPSSV.23). The study reached several results, the most important of which were: the positive role of both organizational learning and the culture of innovation in achieving organizational agility in Palestinian universities, as there is a positive-directional relationship between the availability and level of these variables and the achievement and level of organizational agility. The results also showed that universities do not enjoy The Palestinian Authority has the required and high level of organizational learning as well as a culture of innovation, which is negatively reflected in its organizational agility. The most important recommendations concluded by the study is the importance for Palestinian universities to pay greater attention to raising their level of organizational learning, especially with regard to empowering individuals. They should also begin directing their energies and plans towards supporting innovation and providing the appropriate infrastructure for it, which will be reflected in their ability to reach organizational agility. High standard and satisfactory. Key words: innovation culture, organizational learning, organizational agility, Palestinian universities, agility in response, agility in decision-making, agility of sensing