مسؤولية الطبيب عن تفويت الفرصة
صبحي سمير صبحي شاور
Subhi Sameer Subhi Shawar
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Al-Quds University
جامعة القدس
جامعة القدس
مهنة الطب تحتَل الصَدارة في كونها من المهن ذات الأهمية؛ وذلك استنادًا لطبيعتها التي تقوم على التعامل مع الجنس البشري، مما يُلزم الطبيب بالتقيد بكل ما تمليه عليه أنظمة وأصول مهنته من دقة وأمانة؛ حفاظًا على سلامِة الروح البشرية، وتبقى هذه المهنة من المهن الأخلاقية والإنسانية وبالتالي لابد من وجود أسس ثابتة ومعايير محددة يلتزم بها كل من يعمل في الإطار الطبي.
والمشرِّع الفلسطيني نظم المسؤولية القانونية المدنية بشقيها: العقدية، والتقصيرية في القواعد العامة الواردة في مجلة الأحكام العدلية بشكِل عام، وإن قانون المخالفات المدنية رقم 36 لسنة 1944 بتعديلاته اختص في مسألة المسؤولية التقصيرية بشكل خاص، إلا أن التشريعات المطبقة والمتعلقة بالمسؤولية المدنِية لم تستعرض وبشكِل خاص مسؤولية الطبيب في حالة فوات الفرصة في الشفاء والعلاج أو الحياة، فمازالت هذه المسؤولية غير واضحة المعالِم وخاصة في ظل التطور العلمي والتكنولوجي الذي يمر بِه العالم، مما يشكِل خطر على حياة الأفراد، كما ويهدد ثقة المجتمع بالطاقم الطبي؛ لكثرة الأخطاء الطِبية والتجاوزات الوظيفية والمهنية الواقعة من الطواقِم الطبية وازدياد الخسائر البشرية والمادية الناتجة عنها والتي لا يستطيع أي شخص بأن يطالِب بالتعويضات عنها وبالتحديد عن فوات الفرصة، ومواجهته للكثير من الصعوبات في إثبات هذا الأمر في ظل عدم وجود قواعد قانونية واضِحة تعالج هذه المسألة.
ولم يكن الأساس الذي تقوم عليه فكرة فوات الفرصة في الشفاء أو الحياة محلًا للاتفاق بين التشريعات المختلفة، فقد ثار جدلًا واسعًا في هذا المجال؛ لأن فكرة فوات الفرصة تنبثق من محض احتمالات قد تحدث وقد لا تحدث، ولكنها تظهر بشكل كبير في المجال الطبي خاصة في حدوث الشفاء، فمتى فاتت هذه الفرصة عن المريض أو أي شخص آخر مرتبط بالمريض كعائلته التي يعيلها وأفراد أسرته قامت المسؤولية على الطبيب، وبذات الوقت يحق للمتضرر المطالبة بالتعويضات المترتبة على فوات الفرصة المبني على أسباب معقولة، وذلك وفقاً للمجرى العادي للأمور، بحيث يقال إن ضياع هذه الفرصة في حد ذاته هو ضرر قد وقع بالفعل، مما ترتب عليه مساس بالمصلحة المالية أو المساس المباشر بشخص المضرور، ويكون هذا التعويض ضمن شروط وحالات خاصة، وهذا ما سيتم بيانه من خلال هذه الدراسة.
ترتكز الدراسة على معالجة وتحليل مفهوم فوات الفرصة وتمييز ضرر فوات الفرصة عن غيره من الأضرار، ومدى إمكانِية تجسيده على الواقع التشريعي القانوني بما يضمن للمريض، أو ذويه، أو عائلته، أو كل من تضرر من فوات الفرصة تعويضات كاملة عن أي خسارة قد تلحقه متى توافرت أركان فوات الفرصة، ولغاية هذه اللحظة لا يوجد أي قانون يضبط هذه المسألة أو يعالجها، رغم وجود عدد كبير من التجاوزات الطبية والأخطاء التي ترتكَب داخل العيادات الشخصية للأطباء أو المستشفيات العامة والخاصة، فوجود مفاهيم قانونية واضِحة عن فوات الفرصة أمر ضروري لابد من معالجته في القوانين الفلسطينية، ولكل ذلك تتمحور إشكالية الدراسة حول مدى إمكانية قيام المسؤولية عن فوات الفرصة وكيفية تقدير التعويضات عن فوات الفرصة في إطار المجال الطبي، ففي ظل جمود النصوص القانونية الخاصة بالمسؤولية المدنِية لابد من البحث في إمكانية إيجاد طرق قانونية تتيح للأفراد المطالبة بكافِة التعويضات عن الأخطاء الطبية وبالتحديد عن فوات الفرصة بحد ذاته بغض النظر عما إذا تحققت نتائج نهائية أم لا؛ ففوات الفرصة بذاته ضرر يستحِق التعويض.
لتكون الأهداف المرجو تحقيقها من هذه الدراسة هي توضيح فكرة الفرصة الفائتة بشكل وافي وكافِي للقارئ مما يمكنه من الاستناد عليها كتفسير قانوني للمطالبة بالتعويض عن فوات الفرصة متبعين فيها المنهج التحليلي الوصفِي للنصوص والقوانين الناظمة لأحكام المسؤولية الطِبية في التشريعات الفلسطينية مع استعراض لأهم القرارات والأحكام القضائية في هذا الشأن، ولأجل ذلك تم تقسيم الدراسة إلى فصلين وكل فصِل إلى مبحثين منقسِم لعدة مطالب وفروع.
ولما سبق بيانه، في الفصل الأول تم تناول ماهية ضرر تفويت الفرصة وعناصره، والأساس القانوني لفكرة فوات الفرصة، ومدى ارتباطها بالمجال الطبي والمسؤولية الطبية التي تنشأ على الطبيب في حال وقع خطأ طبي أثناء ممارسته لمهنته بشقيها المدني والجزائي، وأهم العناصر الواجب توافرها في كل من الفرصة الفائتة والضرر المطالب بالتعويض عنه.
أما الفصل الثاني فكان فيه الحديث موسعًا عن التعويضات المطالب فيها، وأهم النظريات المنظمة لهذا التعويض وكيفية احتسابه.
وفي ختام هذه الدراسة توصلنا إلى أن فوات الفرصة هي نظرية حديثة في إطار المسؤولية الطبية تم استحداثها بسبب عدم قدرة المريض على إثبات العلاقة السببية بين خطأ الطبيب والضرر المترتب في حالته الصحية النهائية، كما وأن القواعد العامة في القانون المدني غير كافية لحماية مصلحة المريض، بالإضافة إلى وجود فجوة تشريعية فيما يتعلق بمسألة فوات الفرصة، ولذلك كان لابد من تذييل الدراسة بمجموعة من التوصِيات كثمرة توصل لها الباحث بعد دراسته المعمقة لهذا الخصوص.
The medical profession occupies the forefront in being one of the important professions, This is based on its nature, which is based on dealing with the human race, which obliges the doctor to abide by all the accuracy and honesty dictated by the regulations and assets of his profession, In order to preserve the integrity of the human spirit, this profession remains an ethical and humane profession, and therefore there must be firm foundations and specific standards that everyone working in the medical framework must abide by. The Palestinian legislator regulates civil legal responsibility in its two parts: contract and tort in the general rules contained in the Code of Judicial Judgments in general, and that the Civil Violations Law No. 36 of 1944 with its amendments specialized in the issue of tort responsibility in particular, but the applicable legislation related to civil responsibility was not specifically reviewed. The doctor’s responsibility in case the opportunity for recovery, treatment or life is missed. This responsibility is still unclear, especially in light of the scientific and technological development that the world is going through, which poses a threat to the lives of individuals, and threatens the community’s trust in the medical staff. Due to the large number of medical errors and professional and functional abuses committed by medical staff, and the increase in human and material losses resulting from them, for which no one can claim compensation for them, specifically for missing the opportunity, and facing many difficulties in proving this matter in the absence of clear legal rules that address this issue. The basis on which the idea of missing the opportunity to recover or life was based was not a matter of agreement between the various legislations, as wide controversy arose in this field. Because the idea of missing an opportunity stems from pure possibilities that may or may not happen, but it appears significantly in the medical field, especially in the occurrence of recovery, so when this opportunity is missed by the patient or any other person associated with the patient such as his family that supports him and his family members, the responsibility rests on the doctor, and at the same time The aggrieved person has the right to claim compensation resulting from the missed opportunity based on reasonable reasons, in accordance with the normal course of things, so that it is said that the loss of this opportunity in itself is a damage that has already occurred, resulting in a prejudice to the financial interest or direct prejudice to the person of the injured, and this compensation is within Conditions and special cases, and this will be clarified through this study. The study is based on addressing and analyzing the concept of missed opportunity and distinguishing the damage of missed opportunity from other damages, and the extent to which it can be embodied on the legal legislative reality in a way that guarantees the patient, his relatives, his family, or anyone who was harmed by the missed opportunity, full compensation for any loss that may be incurred when available. The pillars of missed opportunity, and until this moment there is no law that controls or treats this issue, despite the presence of a large number of medical abuses and errors that are committed within the personal clinics of doctors or public and private hospitals. For all this, the problem of the study revolves around the extent to which liability for missed opportunity and how to estimate compensation for missed opportunity within the framework of the medical field. Specifically, the missed opportunity itself, regardless of whether the results were achieved or not, missing the opportunity itself is a harm that deserves compensation. So that the objectives to be achieved from this study are to clarify the idea of the missed opportunity in an adequate and sufficient manner for the reader, which enables him to rely on it as a legal interpretation to claim compensation for the missed opportunity, following the descriptive analytical approach to the texts and laws regulating the provisions of medical responsibility in Palestinian legislation with a review of the most important decisions and judicial rulings in this The matter, and for that, the study was divided into two chapters, and each chapter is divided into two sections divided into several demands and branches. And for what has been previously explained, in the first chapter, the nature of the harm of missing an opportunity and its elements, the legal basis for the idea of missing an opportunity, the extent to which it is related to the medical field and the medical responsibility that arises on the doctor in the event that a medical error occurs during the exercise of his profession in both civil and criminal terms, and the most important elements that must be available in each of the Missed opportunity and damage claimed. As for the second chapter, there was an extensive discussion of the claimed compensation, the most important theories regulating this compensation and how to calculate it. At the conclusion of this study, we concluded that the missed opportunity is a modern theory within the framework of medical responsibility that was developed due to the patient’s inability to prove the causal relationship between the doctor’s error and the damage caused in his final health condition, and that the general rules in civil law are not sufficient to protect the patient’s interest, in addition The existence of a legislative gap regarding the issue of missed opportunity, and therefore it was necessary to append the study with a set of recommendations as an outcome that the researcher reached after his in-depth study of this regard.
The medical profession occupies the forefront in being one of the important professions, This is based on its nature, which is based on dealing with the human race, which obliges the doctor to abide by all the accuracy and honesty dictated by the regulations and assets of his profession, In order to preserve the integrity of the human spirit, this profession remains an ethical and humane profession, and therefore there must be firm foundations and specific standards that everyone working in the medical framework must abide by. The Palestinian legislator regulates civil legal responsibility in its two parts: contract and tort in the general rules contained in the Code of Judicial Judgments in general, and that the Civil Violations Law No. 36 of 1944 with its amendments specialized in the issue of tort responsibility in particular, but the applicable legislation related to civil responsibility was not specifically reviewed. The doctor’s responsibility in case the opportunity for recovery, treatment or life is missed. This responsibility is still unclear, especially in light of the scientific and technological development that the world is going through, which poses a threat to the lives of individuals, and threatens the community’s trust in the medical staff. Due to the large number of medical errors and professional and functional abuses committed by medical staff, and the increase in human and material losses resulting from them, for which no one can claim compensation for them, specifically for missing the opportunity, and facing many difficulties in proving this matter in the absence of clear legal rules that address this issue. The basis on which the idea of missing the opportunity to recover or life was based was not a matter of agreement between the various legislations, as wide controversy arose in this field. Because the idea of missing an opportunity stems from pure possibilities that may or may not happen, but it appears significantly in the medical field, especially in the occurrence of recovery, so when this opportunity is missed by the patient or any other person associated with the patient such as his family that supports him and his family members, the responsibility rests on the doctor, and at the same time The aggrieved person has the right to claim compensation resulting from the missed opportunity based on reasonable reasons, in accordance with the normal course of things, so that it is said that the loss of this opportunity in itself is a damage that has already occurred, resulting in a prejudice to the financial interest or direct prejudice to the person of the injured, and this compensation is within Conditions and special cases, and this will be clarified through this study. The study is based on addressing and analyzing the concept of missed opportunity and distinguishing the damage of missed opportunity from other damages, and the extent to which it can be embodied on the legal legislative reality in a way that guarantees the patient, his relatives, his family, or anyone who was harmed by the missed opportunity, full compensation for any loss that may be incurred when available. The pillars of missed opportunity, and until this moment there is no law that controls or treats this issue, despite the presence of a large number of medical abuses and errors that are committed within the personal clinics of doctors or public and private hospitals. For all this, the problem of the study revolves around the extent to which liability for missed opportunity and how to estimate compensation for missed opportunity within the framework of the medical field. Specifically, the missed opportunity itself, regardless of whether the results were achieved or not, missing the opportunity itself is a harm that deserves compensation. So that the objectives to be achieved from this study are to clarify the idea of the missed opportunity in an adequate and sufficient manner for the reader, which enables him to rely on it as a legal interpretation to claim compensation for the missed opportunity, following the descriptive analytical approach to the texts and laws regulating the provisions of medical responsibility in Palestinian legislation with a review of the most important decisions and judicial rulings in this The matter, and for that, the study was divided into two chapters, and each chapter is divided into two sections divided into several demands and branches. And for what has been previously explained, in the first chapter, the nature of the harm of missing an opportunity and its elements, the legal basis for the idea of missing an opportunity, the extent to which it is related to the medical field and the medical responsibility that arises on the doctor in the event that a medical error occurs during the exercise of his profession in both civil and criminal terms, and the most important elements that must be available in each of the Missed opportunity and damage claimed. As for the second chapter, there was an extensive discussion of the claimed compensation, the most important theories regulating this compensation and how to calculate it. At the conclusion of this study, we concluded that the missed opportunity is a modern theory within the framework of medical responsibility that was developed due to the patient’s inability to prove the causal relationship between the doctor’s error and the damage caused in his final health condition, and that the general rules in civil law are not sufficient to protect the patient’s interest, in addition The existence of a legislative gap regarding the issue of missed opportunity, and therefore it was necessary to append the study with a set of recommendations as an outcome that the researcher reached after his in-depth study of this regard.
شاور، صبحي سمير. (2022). مسؤولية الطبيب عن تفويت الفرصة [رسالة ماجستير منشورة، جامعة القدس،
فلسطين]. المستودع الرقمي لجامعة القدس. https://arab-scholars.com/479c42