Administrative Schools and Their Relationship to Educational Supervision
Natasha Omar Abuziyad
Nayef Abdelraouf Alkhtib
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The study aimed to explore the relationship between administrative schools
and methods of educational supervision, focusing on how modern supervisory
approaches influence the development and enhancement of educational
performance in schools. The study adopted a comparative descriptive
methodology, comparing various administrative models (such as the traditional
school, the humanistic school, and the cognitive school) and examining their
applications in educational supervision. The findings revealed an interwoven
relationship between supervisory methods and different administrative
models. They also highlighted that educational leadership, which emphasizes
teacher development and support, fosters a positive educational environment
that enhances student performance. Moreover, employing supervisory methods
that consider teachers' individual differences and needs contributes to
improving the overall quality of education. Regarding recommendations, the
study emphasized the importance of training educational supervisors to use
modern leadership techniques that combine analytical and interactive methods
with teachers in diverse educational scenarios, thus effectively achieving
educational goals. It also recommended adopting flexible supervisory models
that are based on continuous analysis and evaluation of teachers' performance.
Furthermore, it advocated for the development of training programs
encompassing all aspects of the educational process and aligning with
technological advancements in the field of education.