مدى امتلاك طلبة الصف العاشر للمفاهيم الأساسية الجغرافية وعلاقته باتجاهاتهم نحو الجغرافيا في مدارس ضواحي القدس

صالحة صالح ابو حلو
Salha Abu Helo
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Al-Quds University
This study aimed to identify the extent of the tenth grade students possession's of geography basic concepts and its relationship to their attitudes toward geography in Jerusalem suburbs schools. and to describe the impact of the variables of sex and the supervisor of the schools and the rate of the students in the social sciences acquire of geography concepts basic and its relationship to their attitudes toward geography in Jerusalem suburbs schools. The study, also, tried to answer the main question to make clear the relationship between the possession of the geography concept and the relationship of their attitudes toward geography. The study was conducted during the second course of the 2008-2009 school year. The study's population was all tenth grade students, at the government and privet schools, in Jerusalem suburbs schools. It is about (2015)students girls and boys.the study sample was(302)Subjects, i. e (15%) of the community of the study, selected by the random stratified cluster method Two instruments were employed in this study, a multi-choice test consisted of (30) questions and a questionnaire consisted of (27) items. Validity and reliability of the test was ensured. So that the reliability was(0.80)and the questionnaire's reliability was(0.82)according alpha Kronbach method. The data were analyzed by the computer-using statistical program (SPSS). The researcher used statistical methods to get an arithmetical average, percentages, standard deviations, used (t-test) analysis of variance test (one way ANOVA) and test (LSD) of the Post differences After data processing, the study found that there were weaknesses in the extent of the tenth grade students acquire the basic concepts in geography.the study also found that the females possession of geographic concepts is more than the males possession. Also, the privet schools students are more than the government ones.According that, the study highlighted this numbers of consultations:-Teachers of social studies need to use concept teaching ways which focused on providing examples connected to the concept and examples not connected to the concept as (the democracy).- the researcher also recommends the curriculum develop department in the Palestine Ministry Education to clarify the characteristics of the concept and the examples belonging to it through the forms and illustrations.