الإطار الإتفاقيّ والإجرائيّ للتحكيم الإلكترونيّ
سوسن شاكر كايد الجواعدة
Sawsan Shaker Aljawadeh
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Al-Quds University
تنطوى أهمية الدراسة على ما يتمتع به التحكيم الإلكترونيّ من أهتمام على المستويين المحلّيّ والدوليّ، فقد أصبحت التعاملات الإلكترونيّة هي طاغية على التعاملات التقليديّة، فمعظم أفراد المجتمع وبشكل يوميّ إذا ما احتاجوا شيئاً من ضمن احتياجاتهم يستطيعون وبشكل سريع وفوريّ التوصية عليه وطلبه من قبل الشركات أو مزوّدي الخدمة التي تقدّم المنتجاتِ والبضائعَ التي يحتاجونها عن طريق الإنترنت.
كما تنطوى أهمية الدراسة في أن التحكيم الإلكترونيّ وسع من مساحة التعاملات التجاريّة بين التجّار ورجال الأعمال والشّركات والمؤسّسات، لأنها تتم بموجب وسيط إلكترونيّ وبشكل سهل، كما أنّ انضمام فلسطين إلى العديد من الاتفاقيّات الدوليّة، الأمر الذي يُوجِبُ على المشرّع الفلسطينيّ حماية التجارة، وابتكار الوسائل الإلكترونيّة البديلة لفضّ النزاعات الناشئة عنِ التعاملات، أيًّا كان نوعها؛ لأن المصلحة الاجتماعية تتطلب التدخل لغايات حماية هذه التعاملات، وحلّ أيّ منازعات قد تنشأ بطريقةٍ سريعةٍ ووديةٍ ومُرضيةٍ لطرفي النزاع، وذلك عن طريق التحكيم الإلكترونيّ باعتباره أفضلَ وسيلة من بين الوسائل البديلة لحلّ النزاعات.
إنّ التحكيم الإلكترونيّ هو صورة مطوّرة منَ التحكيم التقليديّ، فلا اختلاف بينهما إلّا بالوسيلة التي يتمّ بها إجراء التحكيم الإلكترونيّ، إلا أن التحكيم الإلكترونية يتمتع ببعض المزايا التي يفتقها التحكيم التقليدي, كما أن بعضها تعتبر سلبية في التحكيم التقليدي, فالتحكيم الإلكتروني يمتاز بسهولة أجراء التحكيم ولا يحتاج لتنقل الافراد كما في التحكيم التقليدي, حيث إنّ هذه الميزة تكمن في النتيجة التي حصلت تطور تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات، وظهور شبكة الإنترنت في مظهرها المتطور.
كما أن للتحكيم الإلكتروني المزايا اخرى منها أنه لا يحتاج إلى الوجود الماديّ للأطراف، على العكس من التحكيم التقليديّ فإنّه يتطلب عقد جلساته أن يكون الأطراف وهيئة التحكيم في المكان ذاته ويتمّ تحديده في اتفاق التحكيم، بالإضافة إلى أنّ الأمر الذي ساعد في ظهور التحكيم الإلكترونيّ هو قيام بعض التشريعات بسنّ قوانين تتعلّق بالتوقيع الإلكترونيّ والمحرّرات الإلكترونيّة والمعاملات الإلكترونيّة وغيرها، وحيث منحتها قيمةً قانونيةً وحجّيةً قانونيةً تتمتع بها ذاتها فيما لو كانت تقليدية، كما أنّ إنشاء العديد منَ المؤسّسات والمراكز والهيئات الدوليّة التي أصبحت تُجري التحكيم الإلكترونيّ بين المتنازعين عبر منصّةٍ ومواقعَ متفرّعةٍ تُنشِئها على الموقع الإلكترونيّ الرئيسيّ للمركز أو المؤسّسة، كما أنّ بعض المراكز المنشأةِ سابقاً ومعنية في التحكيم أصبحت تضع التحكيم الإلكترونيّ ضمن أولوياتها في تنظيم لوائح خاصّة ووضعها تنظّمُ إجراءاته، وكلّ ذلك أسهم في تطور التحكيم الإلكترونيّ.
يتم إجراء التحكيم الإلكتروني عبر مواقعَ إلكترونيةٍ خاصّةٍ وإنشاء غرف إلكترونية يتمّ من خلالها البث الحيّ للصّورة والصّوت، وهذا بالإضافة الي أنها مغلقة بشكل افتراضيّ، أي أنّه لا يمكن الدخول إليهم إلّا بعد إدخال كلمة السرّ من خلال لوحة المفاتيح، ومن ثمّ النقر على زرّ الدخول، وبالتالي فإنّ هذا الأمر قد ساعد وشجّع اللجوء إلى التحكيم الإلكترونيّ وخاصّةً بالنسبة للأفراد المتعاملين عَبر شبكة الإنترنت مع أفراد دولة أخرى وبشكل يوميّ، فتطور التجارة الإلكترونيّة أسهم في انتشار العقود الإلكترونيّة على المستوى المحلّيّ والدوليّ، فأصبح الأمر لا يخلو من حصول منازعة على المنصّة الإلكترونيّة، كما أنّ بعض العقود التجاريّة الإلكترونيّة يشترطُ أطرافها اللجوء إلى التحكيم الإلكترونيّ إذا ما نشأ خلاف أو نزاع مستقبليّ، وذلك سواء أبرمت بين التجار أنفسهم أو التاجر والمستهلك.
لقد توصل الباحث من خلال هذه الدراسة إلى مجموعة من النتائج والتوصيات, وحيث تركزت النتائج في أن التحكيم الإلكتروني كالتحكيم التقليدي إذ لا إختلاف بينهما إلا في الوسيلة المستخدمة لإجراء التحكيم, وان الغالب على التحكيم الإلكتروني أنه تحكيم مؤسساتي فمراكز التحكيم كمركز منظمة العالمية للملكية الفكرية قد أوجد أسس للتحكيم الإلكتروني وعملت على تفعيل ممارسته من خلال البرامج التي اطلقتها, اما بخصوص ابرز التوصيات والتي تمثلت اهمها في ضرورة وضع باب في قانون التحكيم الفلسطيني يتمثل في تنظيم أحكام التحكيم الإلكتروني, وكذلك ان تعمل لجمة اليوسترال على ةضع قانون نموذجي بشأن أحكام التحكيم الإلكتروني.
The importance of the study lies in the interest that electronic arbitration enjoys at the local and international levels, as electronic transactions have become dominant over traditional transactions, as most members of society, on a daily basis, if they need something from their needs, they can quickly and immediately recommend and request it from companies or service providers that provide the products and goods they need via the Internet. The importance of the study also lies in the fact that electronic arbitration has expanded the scope of commercial transactions between traders, businessmen, companies and institutions, because it is done through an electronic mediator and in an easy way, as well as Palestine's accession to many international agreements, which obliges the Palestinian legislator to protect trade and innovate alternative electronic means to resolve disputes arising from transactions, whatever their type; Because the social interest requires intervention for the purpose of protecting these transactions, and resolving any disputes that may arise in a quick, friendly and satisfactory manner for both parties to the dispute, through electronic arbitration as the best means among the alternative means of resolving disputes. Electronic arbitration is a developed form of traditional arbitration, there is no difference between them except in the means by which electronic arbitration is conducted, but electronic arbitration has some advantages that traditional arbitration lacks, and some of them are considered negative in traditional arbitration, as electronic arbitration is characterized by the ease of conducting arbitration and does not require the movement of individuals as in traditional arbitration, as this advantage lies in the result that occurred with the development of information and communications technology, and the emergence of the Internet in its advanced form. Electronic arbitration also has other advantages, including that it does not require the physical presence of the parties, unlike traditional arbitration, which requires that the parties and the arbitration panel be in the same place to hold its sessions, and this is specified in the arbitration agreement. In addition, what helped in the emergence of electronic arbitration is the enactment of some legislations of laws related to electronic signatures, electronic documents, electronic transactions, etc., and where they gave them legal value and legal authority that they themselves enjoy if they were traditional, as well as the establishment of many international institutions, centers and bodies that have begun to conduct electronic arbitration between the disputants via a platform and branched sites that they create on the main website of the center or institution, and some centers previously established and concerned with arbitration have begun to place electronic arbitration among their priorities in organizing special regulations and putting them in place to organize its procedures, and all of this has contributed to the development of electronic arbitration. Electronic arbitration is conducted through special websites and the creation of electronic rooms through which live broadcasting of images and sound is done. In addition, they are closed by default, meaning that they cannot be accessed except after entering the password through the keyboard, and then clicking on the enter button. Therefore, this matter has helped and encouraged resorting to electronic arbitration, especially for individuals dealing via the Internet with individuals from another country on a daily basis. The development of electronic commerce has contributed to the spread of electronic contracts at the local and international levels, so the matter is not without a dispute on the electronic platform. Some electronic commercial contracts require their parties to resort to electronic arbitration if a dispute or future conflict arises, whether concluded between the merchants themselves or the merchant and the consumer. The researcher has reached through this study a set of results and recommendations, where the results focused on the fact that electronic arbitration is like traditional arbitration, as there is no difference between them except in the means used to conduct the arbitration, and that electronic arbitration is mostly institutional arbitration, as arbitration centers such as the World Intellectual Property Organization have created foundations for electronic arbitration and worked to activate its practice through the programs it launched. As for the most prominent recommendations, the most important of which was the necessity of placing a chapter in the Palestinian arbitration law represented in organizing electronic arbitration rulings, as well as that the EUTRAL Commission work to develop a model law regarding electronic arbitration rulings
The importance of the study lies in the interest that electronic arbitration enjoys at the local and international levels, as electronic transactions have become dominant over traditional transactions, as most members of society, on a daily basis, if they need something from their needs, they can quickly and immediately recommend and request it from companies or service providers that provide the products and goods they need via the Internet. The importance of the study also lies in the fact that electronic arbitration has expanded the scope of commercial transactions between traders, businessmen, companies and institutions, because it is done through an electronic mediator and in an easy way, as well as Palestine's accession to many international agreements, which obliges the Palestinian legislator to protect trade and innovate alternative electronic means to resolve disputes arising from transactions, whatever their type; Because the social interest requires intervention for the purpose of protecting these transactions, and resolving any disputes that may arise in a quick, friendly and satisfactory manner for both parties to the dispute, through electronic arbitration as the best means among the alternative means of resolving disputes. Electronic arbitration is a developed form of traditional arbitration, there is no difference between them except in the means by which electronic arbitration is conducted, but electronic arbitration has some advantages that traditional arbitration lacks, and some of them are considered negative in traditional arbitration, as electronic arbitration is characterized by the ease of conducting arbitration and does not require the movement of individuals as in traditional arbitration, as this advantage lies in the result that occurred with the development of information and communications technology, and the emergence of the Internet in its advanced form. Electronic arbitration also has other advantages, including that it does not require the physical presence of the parties, unlike traditional arbitration, which requires that the parties and the arbitration panel be in the same place to hold its sessions, and this is specified in the arbitration agreement. In addition, what helped in the emergence of electronic arbitration is the enactment of some legislations of laws related to electronic signatures, electronic documents, electronic transactions, etc., and where they gave them legal value and legal authority that they themselves enjoy if they were traditional, as well as the establishment of many international institutions, centers and bodies that have begun to conduct electronic arbitration between the disputants via a platform and branched sites that they create on the main website of the center or institution, and some centers previously established and concerned with arbitration have begun to place electronic arbitration among their priorities in organizing special regulations and putting them in place to organize its procedures, and all of this has contributed to the development of electronic arbitration. Electronic arbitration is conducted through special websites and the creation of electronic rooms through which live broadcasting of images and sound is done. In addition, they are closed by default, meaning that they cannot be accessed except after entering the password through the keyboard, and then clicking on the enter button. Therefore, this matter has helped and encouraged resorting to electronic arbitration, especially for individuals dealing via the Internet with individuals from another country on a daily basis. The development of electronic commerce has contributed to the spread of electronic contracts at the local and international levels, so the matter is not without a dispute on the electronic platform. Some electronic commercial contracts require their parties to resort to electronic arbitration if a dispute or future conflict arises, whether concluded between the merchants themselves or the merchant and the consumer. The researcher has reached through this study a set of results and recommendations, where the results focused on the fact that electronic arbitration is like traditional arbitration, as there is no difference between them except in the means used to conduct the arbitration, and that electronic arbitration is mostly institutional arbitration, as arbitration centers such as the World Intellectual Property Organization have created foundations for electronic arbitration and worked to activate its practice through the programs it launched. As for the most prominent recommendations, the most important of which was the necessity of placing a chapter in the Palestinian arbitration law represented in organizing electronic arbitration rulings, as well as that the EUTRAL Commission work to develop a model law regarding electronic arbitration rulings
الجواعدة، سوسن شاكر. (2024). الإطار الإتفاقيّ والإجرائيّ للتحكيم الإلكترونيّ [رسالة ماجستير منشورة، جامعة القدس، فلسطين]. المستودع الرقمي لجامعة القدس.
الجواعدة، سوسن شاكر. (2024). الإطار الإتفاقيّ والإجرائيّ للتحكيم الإلكترونيّ [رسالة ماجستير منشورة، جامعة القدس، فلسطين]. المستودع الرقمي لجامعة القدس. https://arab-scholars.com/d98c85
الجواعدة، سوسن شاكر. (2024). الإطار الإتفاقيّ والإجرائيّ للتحكيم الإلكترونيّ [رسالة ماجستير منشورة، جامعة القدس، فلسطين]. المستودع الرقمي لجامعة القدس. https://arab-scholars.com/d98c85