الذكاء الاجتماعي وعلاقته بمستوى الطموح الأكاديمي لدى طلبة الجامعات الفلسطينية

سهى طارق داود الحلبية
Suha Tareq Daoud Halabeyah
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جامعة القدس
This study aimed to find out the degree of social intelligence, the degree of academic ambition, and the relationship between them, among students of six Palestinian universities, and to verify the difference in the degree of social intelligence and the degree of academic ambition among these students depending on the variables (gender, specialization, school year, family income level, appreciation Academic, University). To achieve this goal, the study followed the descriptive comparative and analytical approach, and applied the social intelligence scale and the academic ambition scale, with a sample of (474) randomly selected. After conducting the appropriate statistical analysis, it became clear that the degree of social intelligence among these students was high and amounted to (3.78). , Followed by the field (Response to others) with an mean of (3.66), and the field of (Ability to deal with others) got a mean of (3.54). It was found that the degree of academic ambition of these students was average, with an overall average of (3.37). The results showed that there is a positive relationship between social intelligence and academic ambition, and the higher the level of social intelligence, the higher the level of academic ambition they have, and vice versa. Regarding the differences in social intelligence, the results showed that there are no differences in the level of social intelligence due to variables: gender, specialization, school year, and family income, and it became clear that there are differences according to the academic assessment variable and the university variable. Regarding the differences in academic ambition, the results showed that there are differences in the level of academic ambition due to variables of gender, specialization and the university, and it was evident that there were no differences in the level of academic ambition due to variables: the academic year, family income, and academic appreciation. In the end, it was recommended to focus on the importance of communication, response, influence and influence with others among university students, and conduct similar studies that include mechanisms to stimulate academic ambition, training and benefit from the skills resulting from social intelligence among university student