أثر تسوية المنازعات في منظمة التجارة العالمية
نظام مفيد عبد الغني الرجبي
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Al-Quds University
تتحدث هذه الدراسة عن موضوع دولي يكاد لا يخلو الحديث عنه في محض الحديث عن المنازعات التجارية الدولية، إذ أن منظمة التجارة العالمية كيان دولي يضم مجموعة من دول وتسمى دول الأعضاء، والتي تحظي بموجب انضمامها للمنظمة بمجموعة من المزايا والخصائص الناتجة عن اتفاقيتها المتعلقة بتخفيض الرسوم الجمركية (GATT) وحماية الجوانب التجارية لحقوق الملكية الفكرية (TRIPS) وعمليات التجارة في الخدمات (GATS)، إذ تقوم هذه المنظمة على مبدأ أساسي مفاده تحرير التجارة الدولية وفتح الأسواق العالمية.
تبدو أهمية الرسالة في أنها تلقي الضوء على ضرورة معرفة أوجه القصور الواردة في نظام المنازعات التابع لمنظمة التجارة العالمية وطبيعة عمله والتي تقوم على أساس قانوني دون النظر للبعد الاقتصادي للدول المتنازعة أمامه، وبالإضافة إلى معرفة اختصاصات جهاز تسوية المنازعات المختص، وذلك من أجل التوصل بتعديلات ومقترحات تساهم في تطوير إجراءات التسوية للمنازعات بين الدول باعتبارها أحد الأساليب المهمة في تسوية المنازعات وإيجاد حلول للمنازعات التجارية بما ينعكس ذلك على المؤشر العالمي للاقتصاد.
تكمن مشكلة الدراسة في السؤال الرئيسي المتمثل في ماهية الأثر الفعلي لتسوية المنازعات في منظمة التجارة العالمية على السياسات التجارية والتبادل التجاري بين الدول الأعضاء، ويتفرع عن مشكلة الدراسة مجموعة من الأسئلة وهي ما هو المقصود في تسوية المنازعات التجارية وأنواع هذه المنازعات، وما هي سبل منظمة التجارة العالمية في تسوية المنازعات التجارية، وما هو الأثر المترتب على القرارات الصادرة عن منظمة التجارة العالمية بالنسبة لأطراف النزاع ، وهل تؤثر تسوية المنازعات الدولية من خلال منظمة التجارة العالمية على أطراف النزاع والاقتصاد الوطني، ما هي الآثار المتربية للانضمام فلسطين إلى منظمة التجارة العالمية، هل انضمام فلسطين يسهم في تحقيق الإيجابية، وسوف يحاول الباحث من خلال هذه الدراسة الإجابة عنها.
لقد اتبع الباحث في هذه الدراسة المنهج الوصفي التحليلي لمبادئ ونصوص منظمة التجارة العالمية وكذلك أحكامها المتعلقة بالاتفاقيات الصادرة عنها ولآليات العمل بها وخاصة مذكرة التفاهم المتعلقة بالقواعد والإجراءات التي تحكم تسوية المنازعات في منظمة التجارة العالمية، وبالنتيجة الوصول إلى حل للإشكالية الدراسة.
لقد توصل الباحث من خلال هذه الدراسة إلى العديد من النتائج والتوصيات، وتتلخص في أن جهاز تسوية المنازعات في حقيقة الأمر وإن كان يتمتع بالعديد من المزايا إلا أنه يفتقد إلى نظام ملزم بشأن تنفيذ القرارات الصادرة عنه، ففي نطاق الدول النامية فهي لا تسطيع أن تلزم الدول المتقدمة في تنفيذ الالتزام إذا أبت تنفيذ الالتزام طوعيا، ولكن في المقابل نجد أن من أهم مزايا جهاز تسوية المنازعات انه يفصل في الشكاوى بناءً على أساس قانوني دون النظر إلى حكم قوة كل من الدول المتنازعة، ومن أهم التوصيات: العمل على تطوير نظام جهاز تسوية المنازعات لمنظمة التجارة العالمية؛ لجعل من يصدر عنه من قرارات وتوصيات قابلة للتنفيذ جبرا حال رفضت الدولة (المحكوم عليه) الانصياع للقرار أو التوصية الصادرة ضدها، وكذلك إجراء دراسات دولية تختص في فحص مدى تطبيق دول الأعضاء لالتزاماتهم ولنصوص اتفاقيات منظمة التجارة العالمية، وذلك من أجل معرفة مدى تأثير المنظمة بشكل واقعي على مستوى الاقتصاد ككل والعلاقة بين الدول أنفسهم.
This study discusses an international topic that is almost never discussed when discussing international trade disputes،as the World Trade Organization is an international entity that includes a group of countries called member states،which،by virtue of their accession to the organization،enjoy a set of advantages and characteristics resulting from its agreement on reducing customs duties (GATT)،protecting trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights (TRIPS)،and trade in services (GATS)،as this organization is based on a fundamental principle of liberalizing international trade and opening global markets. The importance of the message appears to be that it sheds light on the need to know the shortcomings of the dispute system of the World Trade Organization and the nature of its work،which is based on a legal basis without considering the economic dimension of the countries in dispute before it،in addition to knowing the powers of the competent dispute settlement body،in order to reach amendments and proposals that contribute to developing dispute settlement procedures between countries as one of the important methods in settling disputes and finding solutions to trade disputes،which is reflected in the global economic index. The problem of the study lies in the main question of what is the actual impact of dispute settlement in the World Trade Organization on trade policies and trade exchange between member states،and a set of questions branch out from the problem of the study،namely: what is meant by the settlement of trade disputes and the types of these disputes،what are the ways of the World Trade Organization in settling trade disputes،what is the impact of the decisions issued by the World Trade Organization on the parties to the dispute،and does the settlement of international disputes through the World Trade Organization affect the parties to the dispute and the national economy،what are the effects resulting from Palestine's accession to the World Trade Organization،does Palestine's accession contribute to achieving positivity،and the researcher will try through this study to answer them. In this study،the researcher followed the descriptive analytical approach to the principles and texts of the World Trade Organization as well as its provisions related to the agreements issued by it and its working mechanisms،especially the memorandum of understanding related to the rules and procedures governing dispute settlement in the World Trade Organization،and as a result،reaching a solution to the problem of the study. The researcher has reached many results and recommendations through this study،which can be summarized as follows: Although the Dispute Settlement Body has a number of advantages،it lacks a binding system for implementing its decisions. In the context of developing countries،it cannot oblige developed countries to implement the obligation if they refuse to implement the obligation voluntarily. However،in contrast،we find that one of the most important advantages of the Dispute Settlement Body is that it adjudicates complaints based on a legal basis without regard to the power of each of the disputing countries. Among the most important recommendations،the researcher recommends working on developing the system of the Dispute Settlement Body of the World Trade Organization; to make the decisions and recommendations issued by it enforceable by force if the state (the convicted) refuses to comply with the decision or vote issued against it. The researcher also recommended conducting international studies specializing in examining the extent to which member states implement their obligations and the texts of the World Trade Organization agreements،in order to know the extent of the organization's realistic impact on the level of the economy as a whole and the relationship between the countries themselves.
This study discusses an international topic that is almost never discussed when discussing international trade disputes،as the World Trade Organization is an international entity that includes a group of countries called member states،which،by virtue of their accession to the organization،enjoy a set of advantages and characteristics resulting from its agreement on reducing customs duties (GATT)،protecting trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights (TRIPS)،and trade in services (GATS)،as this organization is based on a fundamental principle of liberalizing international trade and opening global markets. The importance of the message appears to be that it sheds light on the need to know the shortcomings of the dispute system of the World Trade Organization and the nature of its work،which is based on a legal basis without considering the economic dimension of the countries in dispute before it،in addition to knowing the powers of the competent dispute settlement body،in order to reach amendments and proposals that contribute to developing dispute settlement procedures between countries as one of the important methods in settling disputes and finding solutions to trade disputes،which is reflected in the global economic index. The problem of the study lies in the main question of what is the actual impact of dispute settlement in the World Trade Organization on trade policies and trade exchange between member states،and a set of questions branch out from the problem of the study،namely: what is meant by the settlement of trade disputes and the types of these disputes،what are the ways of the World Trade Organization in settling trade disputes،what is the impact of the decisions issued by the World Trade Organization on the parties to the dispute،and does the settlement of international disputes through the World Trade Organization affect the parties to the dispute and the national economy،what are the effects resulting from Palestine's accession to the World Trade Organization،does Palestine's accession contribute to achieving positivity،and the researcher will try through this study to answer them. In this study،the researcher followed the descriptive analytical approach to the principles and texts of the World Trade Organization as well as its provisions related to the agreements issued by it and its working mechanisms،especially the memorandum of understanding related to the rules and procedures governing dispute settlement in the World Trade Organization،and as a result،reaching a solution to the problem of the study. The researcher has reached many results and recommendations through this study،which can be summarized as follows: Although the Dispute Settlement Body has a number of advantages،it lacks a binding system for implementing its decisions. In the context of developing countries،it cannot oblige developed countries to implement the obligation if they refuse to implement the obligation voluntarily. However،in contrast،we find that one of the most important advantages of the Dispute Settlement Body is that it adjudicates complaints based on a legal basis without regard to the power of each of the disputing countries. Among the most important recommendations،the researcher recommends working on developing the system of the Dispute Settlement Body of the World Trade Organization; to make the decisions and recommendations issued by it enforceable by force if the state (the convicted) refuses to comply with the decision or vote issued against it. The researcher also recommended conducting international studies specializing in examining the extent to which member states implement their obligations and the texts of the World Trade Organization agreements،in order to know the extent of the organization's realistic impact on the level of the economy as a whole and the relationship between the countries themselves.
الرجبي، نظام مفيد. (2024). أثر تسوية المنازعات في منظمة التجارة العالمية [رسالة ماجستير منشورة، جامعة القدس، فلسطين]. المستودع الرقمي لجامعة القدس.