السّفرُ الثّاني منْ كتابِ الملخّصِ في العربيّةِ لابنِ أبي الرّبيعِ القرشيّ: دراسةٌ وتحقيقٌ
عائشة خالد محمد حجة
Ayeshah Khaled Hajjeh
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Al-Quds University
تهدف هذه الدّراسة إلى تحقيقِ أثرٍ منْ آثارِ عنايةِ المغاربةِ بالعربيّةِ وعلومِها، يعودُ للقرنِ السّابعِ الهجريِّ، في الأندلسِ، فتتناولُ السّفرَ الثّاني مِنْ كتابِ الملخَّصِ في العربيّةِ لابنِ أبي الرّبيعِ القرشيِّ: دراسةً وتحقيقًا.
ومنزلةُ هذا الكتابِ تكمنُ في كونِهِ لابنِ أبي الرّبيعِ، شيخِ العربيّةِ في زمانِهِ في الغربِ، وقد شهدَ له بذلك أهلُ المشرقِ والمغربِ، وأخذوا عن كتابِهِ هذا الّذي اعْتُمِدَ في القرنِ التّاسعِ الهجريِّ ليكونَ منَ المقرّراتِ الدّراسيّةِ في بلادِ الأندلسِ.
وقدْ تناولتْ هذه الدّراسةُ المخطوطَ في قسمينِ: الأوّل، يناقشُ دراسةَ الكتابِ وما يحيطُ به، مِنْ سيرة مؤلّفِهِ، وخصائصِ المخطوطِ: عنوانِه، ووصفِ نسخِهِ، ودراسةِ مصادرِهِ، الّتي اعتمدَ عليها ابنُ أبي الرّبيعِ في كتابتِهِ، معَ الوقوفِ على منهجِهِ في الأخذِ منْها.
بينَما شملَ القسمُ الثّاني منها النّصَّ محقّقًا، مذيّلًا بخاتمةٍ لأهمِّ النّتائج. يتلوها بعضُ الفهرساتِ الّتي تعينُ الباحثَ المنقّحَ، أو الدّارسَ للكتابِ.
لقد اتّبعتِ الباحثةُ في هذه الدّراسةِ المنهجَ التّكامليَّ في البحثِ، فأفادتْ منَ المنهجِ التّاريخيِّ في تتبّعِ مراحلِ حياةِ ابنِ أبي الرّبيعِ، واقتفاءِ المصادرِ، الّتي اعتمدَ عليها في مخطوطِهِ من جهةٍ، ومن جهةٍ أخرى أفادتْ منَ المنهجِ التّحليليِّ في دراسةِ مسائلِ الكتابِ ومقايستِها على غيرِها؛ للموازنةِ بينَها، والوقوفِ على حكمِها.
وخلُصَتْ أخيرًا إلى أهميّةِ الكتابِ، وضرورةِ إثراءِ دراساتٍ لنشرِهِ، وبيانِ ما وصلَتْ إليه العلومُ في الأندلسِ، والدّعوةِ إلى الاستمرارِ في التّنقيبِ عنْ علومِ العربِ الّتي ما زالتْ سليبةً دفينةً في ديارِ الغربِ.
Manuscript research is our path to inheriting our ancestors' legacy and our refuge to uncovering their hidden knowledge treasures. This study revolves around the investigation of a piece of work that highlights the attention given by the Moroccans to the Arabic language and its sciences. It dates back to the 7th century AH, in Andalusia, and focuses on the second volume of the book "Al-Mullakhass fi Al-Arabiya" by Ibn Abi Al-Rabee' Al-Qurashi: a study and investigation. The significance of this book lies in the fact that it was authored by Ibn Abi Al-Rabie, who was considered the master of Arabic language in his time in the West. This was acknowledged by scholars from both the East and the West, who studied his book and adopted it. In the 9th century Hijri, it became one of the prescribed textbooks in Andalusia. The study addresses the manuscript in two sections: the first discusses the study of the book and its context, including the biography of its author and the characteristics of the manuscript: its title, descriptions of its copies, and the study of its sources that Ibn Abi Al-Rabee' relied upon in his writing, along with examining his methodology in drawing from these sources. The second section includes the verified text, appended with a conclusion of the main findings, followed by several indexes to assist the reviser or researcher of the book. In this study, the researcher adopted a comprehensive approach, benefiting from the historical method to trace the life stages of Ibn Abi Al-Rabee' and follow the sources he relied on in his manuscript. Additionally, the analytical method was used to study the issues in the book, comparing them with others to balance them and understand their rulings. The study highlights the significance of the book and the need for further research to disseminate its contents and showcase the advancements of Arabic sciences in Andalusia. It also calls for continued exploration of Arabic scholarship still hidden in the West.
Manuscript research is our path to inheriting our ancestors' legacy and our refuge to uncovering their hidden knowledge treasures. This study revolves around the investigation of a piece of work that highlights the attention given by the Moroccans to the Arabic language and its sciences. It dates back to the 7th century AH, in Andalusia, and focuses on the second volume of the book "Al-Mullakhass fi Al-Arabiya" by Ibn Abi Al-Rabee' Al-Qurashi: a study and investigation. The significance of this book lies in the fact that it was authored by Ibn Abi Al-Rabie, who was considered the master of Arabic language in his time in the West. This was acknowledged by scholars from both the East and the West, who studied his book and adopted it. In the 9th century Hijri, it became one of the prescribed textbooks in Andalusia. The study addresses the manuscript in two sections: the first discusses the study of the book and its context, including the biography of its author and the characteristics of the manuscript: its title, descriptions of its copies, and the study of its sources that Ibn Abi Al-Rabee' relied upon in his writing, along with examining his methodology in drawing from these sources. The second section includes the verified text, appended with a conclusion of the main findings, followed by several indexes to assist the reviser or researcher of the book. In this study, the researcher adopted a comprehensive approach, benefiting from the historical method to trace the life stages of Ibn Abi Al-Rabee' and follow the sources he relied on in his manuscript. Additionally, the analytical method was used to study the issues in the book, comparing them with others to balance them and understand their rulings. The study highlights the significance of the book and the need for further research to disseminate its contents and showcase the advancements of Arabic sciences in Andalusia. It also calls for continued exploration of Arabic scholarship still hidden in the West.
حجة، عائشة خالد. (2024). السّفرُ الثّاني منْ كتابِ الملخّصِ في العربيّةِ لابنِ أبي الرّبيعِ القرشيّ: دراسةٌ وتحقيقٌ [رسالة ماجستير منشورة، جامعة القدس، فلسطين]. المستودع الرقمي لجامعة القدس.