اثبات الجرائم البيئية
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Al-Quds University
نظراً للأهمية البالغة التي تعنى بها البيئة فقد توجه الباحث للبحث في ماهية الجرائم البيئية وكيفية إثباتها والتحقق منها وتحديد المسؤول عنها والجهة المخولة بالقيام بهذه الإجراءات في سبيل إيصال المعلومة القانونية لكافة أطراف المجتمع الذين هم شركاء بهذه البيئة التي خلقها الله ويسرها من أجل تسهيل حياة البشر على هذا الكوكب.
ومن هذا المنطلق توجه الباحث للنظر في القوانين الفلسطينية ذات الشأن البيئي بالإضافة للقوانين الأجنبية المتشابهة معها ومقارنة الإجتهادات القضائية في سبيل التوصل لآليات إثبات الجرائم البيئية وتحديد المسؤولية الجزائية والمسؤول تحديداً عن هذه الجرائم، نظراً للوضع الخاص للأراضي الفلسطينية وما يتخللها من تهديد ناجم عن الإحتلال الصهيوني مما يعرقل عملية التحقق وإثبات الجرائم البيئية نظراً لتقطع أوصال الأراضي الفلسطينية وكذلك إختلاف تصنيف المناطق الفلسطينية مما يخل بالإختصاص الإقليمي لدولة فلسطين على أراضيها، فضلاً عن أن يكون مرتكب هذه الجرائم هو الإحتلال الصهيوني بذاته وبمؤسساته وأفراده.
فتم الإعتماد في هذه الدراسة على عدة مناهج قانونية للبحث العلمي وهي المنهج الوصفي التحليلي الإستقرائي بالإضافة للمنهج التاريخي وكذلك المنهج المقارن، حيث تم التطرق لتقسيمات البيئة الرئيسية وتحديد ماهية المصلحة المحمية في الجرائم البيئية من خلال تحديد أركان الجريمة البيئية البيئية وأساس قيام المسؤولية الجزائية عن الجرائم البيئية، وتم تناول موضوع الملاحقة الجزائية للجرائم البيئية من خلال تحديد أجهزة الضبط والتحقيق المتخصصة بهذه الجرائم وتحديد الإختصاص الإقليمي والنوعي والشخصي؛ وبهذا السياق تم التطرق في هذه الدراسة تحديد الجهة الواقع عليها عبء إثبات هذه الجرائم والوسائل المعمول بها في فلسطين في إثبات هذه الجرائم ونسبتها لفاعليها.
ومما سبق تمت الإجابة على الإشكالية الرئيسية لهذا البحث والتساؤلات الفرعية المنبثقة عنها بشكل يحقق الأهداف المرجوة من هذا البحث حيث خلص الباحث من خلال هذه الدراسة لعدة استنتاجات وهي كما يلي:
- إن الحماية الجزائية للبيئة في التشريعات الفلسطينية جاءت موزعة في كم كبير من الأنظمة والقوانين واللوائح، مما يجعل من حصرها ودمجها سوية أمراً صعباً.
- معظم الجرائم البيئية تعد من قبيل جرائم السلوك المجرد "جرائم الخطر" ولا يشترط وقوع نتيجة للجريمة البيئية من أجل التجريم.
- وسائل إثبات الجرائم البيئية التقليدية غير كافية لإثبات وقوع الجرائم البيئية لا سيما وأن الأخيرة بحاجة لآلات دقيقة لفحص تركيز المواد ونسب الملوثات وغيرها، وبالتالي فإن وسائل الإثبات المستحدثة هي الأصلح لإثبات الجرائم البيئية.
وكذلك توصل الباحث من خلال هذه الدراسة لعدة توصيات من شأنها أن ترقى بالمؤسسات الفلسطينية الخاصة والعامة في سبيل الحفاظ على البيئة يمكن أن نجملها فيما يلي:
- من الأفضل الأخذ بعقوبات جزائية أخرى، وعدم الإقتصار على عقوبة الحبس والغرامة التي لا يتأثر بها من تفرض عليه، وبالتالي عدم جدواها كعقوبة تحول دون ارتكاب الجرائم البيئية.
- التوسع في اعتماد عقوبة المصادرة الوجوبية وتبنيها، والتي تحقق ردعاً إضافياً يساهم في حماية البيئة بشكل فعال ومؤثر.
- ضرورة تنفيذ كافة الإتفاقيات والمعاهدات الدولية والبروتوكولات المتعلقة بحماية البيئة على الصعيد الوطني.
- ضرورة عمل المشرع على النص الواضح والصريح لآليات الإثبات الحديثة والمستحدثة في إثبات الجرائم البيئية والتجاوزات نظراً لدقتها ووضوحها وحياديتها.
- العمل على إنشاء طاقم متخصص من أجهزة الضبط القضائي وأعضاء النيابات المتخصصة بالجرائم البيئية حيث يلزم لإثبات هذه الجرائم الإستعانة بالخبراء الفنيين والأجزة الحديثة والمتطورة لسهولة ملاحقة وإثبات التجاوزات والمخالفات البيئية بشتى أنواعها.
In view of the extreme importance of the environment, the researcher went to research the nature of environmental crimes, how to prove and verify them, determine who is responsible for them, and who is authorized to carry out these procedures in order to deliver legal information to all parties of society who are partners in this environment that God created and facilitated in order to facilitate human life in this planet. From this standpoint, the researcher went to look at the Palestinian laws related to the environment, in addition to the similar foreign laws, and to compare the jurisprudence in order to reach the mechanisms of proving environmental crimes and to determine the penal responsibility and who is specifically responsible for these crimes, given the special situation of the Palestinian territories and the threat arising from the Zionist occupation. It impedes the process of verifying and proving environmental crimes due to the fragmentation of the Palestinian territories, as well as the different classification of the Palestinian regions, which violates the territorial jurisdiction of the State of Palestine over its lands, in addition to the fact that the perpetrator of these crimes is the Zionist occupation itself and its institutions and individuals. In this study, several legal approaches were relied upon for scientific research, which is the descriptive, analytical, and inductive approach, in addition to the historical approach, as well as the comparative approach. The issue of criminal prosecution of environmental crimes was addressed by defining the investigation and control agencies specialized in these crimes and defining the regional, specific and personal jurisdiction. In this context, this study addressed the identification of the party that bears the burden of proving these crimes and the methods used in Palestine to prove these crimes and attribute them to the perpetrators. From the foregoing, the main problem of this research and the sub-questions emanating from it were answered in a way that achieves the desired goals of this research, as the researcher concluded through this study several conclusions, which are as follows: - The penal protection of the environment in the Palestinian legislation was distributed in a large number of laws, which makes it difficult to list and refer to it. - Most of the environmental crimes are crimes of pure behavior, "risk crimes", and it is not required that the occurrence of an environmental crime result in order to be criminalized. - The traditional means of proving environmental crimes are not sufficient to prove the occurrence of environmental crimes, especially since the latter needs accurate machines to examine the concentration of materials and the percentages of pollutants, etc., and therefore the new means of proof are the most suitable for proving environmental crimes. Also, the researcher reached, through this study, several recommendations that would promote the Palestinian private and public institutions in order to preserve the environment. We can summarize them as follows: - It is better to adopt other penal penalties, and not be limited to imprisonment and fines, which are not affected by those who are imposed on them, and therefore are useless as a punishment that prevents the commission of environmental crimes. - Expanding and adopting the obligatory confiscation penalty, which achieves additional deterrence that contributes to effective and effective environmental protection. - The need to implement all international agreements, treaties and protocols related to environmental protection at the national level. - The need for the legislator to work on the clear and explicit text of the modern and developed evidentiary mechanisms in proving environmental crimes and abuses due to their accuracy, clarity and impartiality. - Work to establish a specialized team of judicial control agencies and prosecutors specialized in environmental crimes, as it is necessary to prove these crimes with the help of technical experts and modern and developed equipment to facilitate the prosecution and proof of environmental abuses and violations of all kinds.
In view of the extreme importance of the environment, the researcher went to research the nature of environmental crimes, how to prove and verify them, determine who is responsible for them, and who is authorized to carry out these procedures in order to deliver legal information to all parties of society who are partners in this environment that God created and facilitated in order to facilitate human life in this planet. From this standpoint, the researcher went to look at the Palestinian laws related to the environment, in addition to the similar foreign laws, and to compare the jurisprudence in order to reach the mechanisms of proving environmental crimes and to determine the penal responsibility and who is specifically responsible for these crimes, given the special situation of the Palestinian territories and the threat arising from the Zionist occupation. It impedes the process of verifying and proving environmental crimes due to the fragmentation of the Palestinian territories, as well as the different classification of the Palestinian regions, which violates the territorial jurisdiction of the State of Palestine over its lands, in addition to the fact that the perpetrator of these crimes is the Zionist occupation itself and its institutions and individuals. In this study, several legal approaches were relied upon for scientific research, which is the descriptive, analytical, and inductive approach, in addition to the historical approach, as well as the comparative approach. The issue of criminal prosecution of environmental crimes was addressed by defining the investigation and control agencies specialized in these crimes and defining the regional, specific and personal jurisdiction. In this context, this study addressed the identification of the party that bears the burden of proving these crimes and the methods used in Palestine to prove these crimes and attribute them to the perpetrators. From the foregoing, the main problem of this research and the sub-questions emanating from it were answered in a way that achieves the desired goals of this research, as the researcher concluded through this study several conclusions, which are as follows: - The penal protection of the environment in the Palestinian legislation was distributed in a large number of laws, which makes it difficult to list and refer to it. - Most of the environmental crimes are crimes of pure behavior, "risk crimes", and it is not required that the occurrence of an environmental crime result in order to be criminalized. - The traditional means of proving environmental crimes are not sufficient to prove the occurrence of environmental crimes, especially since the latter needs accurate machines to examine the concentration of materials and the percentages of pollutants, etc., and therefore the new means of proof are the most suitable for proving environmental crimes. Also, the researcher reached, through this study, several recommendations that would promote the Palestinian private and public institutions in order to preserve the environment. We can summarize them as follows: - It is better to adopt other penal penalties, and not be limited to imprisonment and fines, which are not affected by those who are imposed on them, and therefore are useless as a punishment that prevents the commission of environmental crimes. - Expanding and adopting the obligatory confiscation penalty, which achieves additional deterrence that contributes to effective and effective environmental protection. - The need to implement all international agreements, treaties and protocols related to environmental protection at the national level. - The need for the legislator to work on the clear and explicit text of the modern and developed evidentiary mechanisms in proving environmental crimes and abuses due to their accuracy, clarity and impartiality. - Work to establish a specialized team of judicial control agencies and prosecutors specialized in environmental crimes, as it is necessary to prove these crimes with the help of technical experts and modern and developed equipment to facilitate the prosecution and proof of environmental abuses and violations of all kinds.
فرج، بشار ماجد. (2023). اثبات الجرائم البيئية [رسالة ماجستير منشورة، جامعة القدس، فلسطين]. المستودع
الرقمي لجامعة القدس. https://arab-scholars.com/e9ad56