اختيارات عمر بن الخطاب في الميراث والوصية
إبراهيم حمزة ذيب أبو صبيحة
Ibrahim Hamzah Theeb Abu Sbeiha
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Al-Quds University
تناولت هذه الدراسة اختيارات عمر بن الخطاب رضي الله عنه في الميراث والوصية، حيث اشتملت على مقدمة، وأربعة فصول، وخاتمة، وفهارس، ففي المقدمة تناولت أهمية الدراسة، وأهدافها، وأسباب اختيارها، ومشكلتها، والمنهج المتبع، والدراسات السابقة، وخطتها، ففي الفصل الأول بينت ترجمة موجزة لنشأة عمر رضي الله عنه وحياته قبل الإسلام وبعد الإسلام وشخصيته. أما بالنسبة للفصل الثاني فقد تناولت فيه حقيقة الميراث، والحكمة من مشروعيته، وأسبابه، وموانعه، وشروطه. وأما بالنسبة للفصل الثالث فقد تناولت فيه اختيارات سيدنا عمر رضي الله عنه في الميراث، والمسائل التي قضى فيها رضي الله عنه في الميراث مثل المسألة المشتركة والمسألة الأكدرية والمسألة العمرية، وقضاء سيدنا عمر رضي الله عنه لأحوال الجدات، وأن الأخوات مع البنات عصبة لهن ما فضل، وقضاءه في توريث ذوي الأرحام إذا لم يكن ذوي فرض ولا عصبة. أما بالنسبة للفصل الرابع فقد تناولت فيه حقيقة الوصية، وحكمها، والحكمة منها، وأركانها، ومبطلاتها.
وخلصت الدراسة إلى عدة نتائج، أهمها:
1- يحتل علم الميراث في الشريعة الإسلامية مكانة جليلة تجعله ذات أهمية عظيمة ونجد ذلك واضحاً وجلياً في القرآن والسنة وعند سلف الأمة.
2- إن الله تعالى قد جعل للوارث حقاً في ميراث مورثه، ووضع منهجاً لتحقيق هذا الحق، والإرث يعبر عن هذا الحق.
3- أن الميراث يعبر عن منهج انتقال هذا الحقوق بشكل يضمن تحقيق العدالة بين الجميع.
4- أن عمر بن رضي الله عنه يعد علمًا من أعلام الصحابة الكرام، وعلمًا من أعلام الخلفاء المسلمين، بل وعلماً من أعلام الفقه الإسلامي.
وتقديم بعض التوصيات:
العمل على البحث والبيان في مواضيع الميراث المستجدة المعاصرة، العمل على إلقاء الضوء اختيارات الخلفاء الراشدين والصحابة رضي الله عنهم في الميراث بصفة خاصة وفي الفقه بصفة عامة، العمل على تعديل قوانين الأحوال الشخصية في البلاد الإسلامية بما يتوافق مع مقاصد الشريعة الإسلامية وما آلت إليه الأمور من تطور.
This study has discussed the Choices of our master Omar Ibn Al-Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him, concerning the issues of inheritance and commandment. This study involves an introduction, four chapters, a conclusion and indexes. In the introduction, I discussed the significance of the research, its aims, the reasons that stand behind choosing it, the research problem, the followed method, the previous studies and its plan. In the first chapter, I clarified a brief illustration to the growth of our master Omar Ibn Al- Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him, his life before and after Islam and his personality. Concerning the second chapter, I discussed the reality of inheritance, the wisdom of its legitimacy, its reasons, its contraindications and its conditions. In the third chapter, I talked about the selections of our master Omar Ibn-Alkhattab, may Allah be pleased with him, in inheritance, the issues that he judged in concerning the issue of inheritance like Al-Akdaryyah and Al-Omari issues, the judgement of our master Omar Ibn Al-Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him, in the conditions of grandmothers, the division for the sisters with daughters and his judgement in inheriting the kinship if they aren’t among certain heirs. In the fourth chapter, I discussed the issue of commandment, its rule, its wisdom, its pillars and its abolishment. The research has reached to many results, the most important ones are: 1. The field of inheritance has a high status in the Sharia, which makes it a great significance and we can find that clearly in the holy Quran, Sunnah and to the predecessors (The Salaf). 2. Our great God has given the heir a right in inheriting his devisor, and put a methodology to achieve such right, and inheritance expresses this right. 3. Inheritance expresses the methodology of moving these rights in a way that guarantees achieving justice among all people. 4. Omar, may Allah be pleased with him, is regarded one of the most important companions, Caliphs and Fiqh jurisprudence. Introducing some recommendations: Research and illustration in the current issues of inheritance is necessary, the importance of concentrating on the options of the Caliphs and the companions concerning inheritance in particular and Al-Fiqh in general, working on adjusting the laws of personal status, in the Islamic countries, in a way that agrees with the objectives of Sharia, particularly during our current developments.
This study has discussed the Choices of our master Omar Ibn Al-Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him, concerning the issues of inheritance and commandment. This study involves an introduction, four chapters, a conclusion and indexes. In the introduction, I discussed the significance of the research, its aims, the reasons that stand behind choosing it, the research problem, the followed method, the previous studies and its plan. In the first chapter, I clarified a brief illustration to the growth of our master Omar Ibn Al- Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him, his life before and after Islam and his personality. Concerning the second chapter, I discussed the reality of inheritance, the wisdom of its legitimacy, its reasons, its contraindications and its conditions. In the third chapter, I talked about the selections of our master Omar Ibn-Alkhattab, may Allah be pleased with him, in inheritance, the issues that he judged in concerning the issue of inheritance like Al-Akdaryyah and Al-Omari issues, the judgement of our master Omar Ibn Al-Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him, in the conditions of grandmothers, the division for the sisters with daughters and his judgement in inheriting the kinship if they aren’t among certain heirs. In the fourth chapter, I discussed the issue of commandment, its rule, its wisdom, its pillars and its abolishment. The research has reached to many results, the most important ones are: 1. The field of inheritance has a high status in the Sharia, which makes it a great significance and we can find that clearly in the holy Quran, Sunnah and to the predecessors (The Salaf). 2. Our great God has given the heir a right in inheriting his devisor, and put a methodology to achieve such right, and inheritance expresses this right. 3. Inheritance expresses the methodology of moving these rights in a way that guarantees achieving justice among all people. 4. Omar, may Allah be pleased with him, is regarded one of the most important companions, Caliphs and Fiqh jurisprudence. Introducing some recommendations: Research and illustration in the current issues of inheritance is necessary, the importance of concentrating on the options of the Caliphs and the companions concerning inheritance in particular and Al-Fiqh in general, working on adjusting the laws of personal status, in the Islamic countries, in a way that agrees with the objectives of Sharia, particularly during our current developments.
أبو صبيحة، إبراهيم حمزة. (2022). اختيارات عمر بن الخطاب في الميراث والوصية [رسالة ماجستير منشورة،
جامعة القدس، فلسطين]. المستودع الرقمي لجامعة القدس. https://arab-scholars.com/c0b998