Patient Satisfaction toward the Pharmaceutical Care Services provided at the Ministry of Heath Primary Healthcare Pharmacies in Bethlehem Governorate
Shireen Jaber Ibrahim Alhoubani
شيرين جابر ابراهيم الحوباني
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Al-Quds University
خلفية الدراسة: رضا المريض هو شهادة إنسانية ناتجة عن الخبرة العملية وعنصر لا يتجزأ من جودة الرعاية الصحية التي تهدف إلى قياس جودة الخدمات الصحية المقدمة.
المبرر: حساسية القطاع الصحي حيث أن المؤسسات الصحية الفلسطينية خاصة المؤسسات الحكومية منها ما زالت تكافح من أجل الاستمرارفي تقديم خدماتها على الرغم من التحديات الفنية والسياسية.
الهدف العام: تقييم رضا المريض حول الخدمات الصيدلانية التي تقدمها صيدليات وزارة الصحة للرعاية الصحية الأولية في محافظة بيت لحم.
منهجية الدراسة: أجريت دراسة مقطعية على مدى شهرين، باستخدام استبيان تم تطويره ذاتيًا ، يحتوي على مقياس ليكرت الخماسي ، وكان مجتمع الدراسة عبارة عن مرضى عشرين صيدلية من صيدليات وزارة الصحة للرعاية الصحية الأولية.
النتائج: معدل الاستجابة كان 100%، نسبة الاناث كانت 64% ونسبة الذكور 36%، القيمة المحددة والفاصلة هي 3، كان هناك رضا عام من قبل المرضى تجاه الخدمات الصيدلانية M = 3.10 ، SD = .651 ، تم إظهار أعلى درجات الرضا تجاه البنية التحتية لخدمات الوصفات الطبية M = 3.73 ، SD = .702 أما دور الصيادلة وأدائهم وخصائصهم M = 3.34 ، SD = .772. أما أقل رضا فكان تجاه الوقت في غرفة المشورة M = 2.57 ، SD = 1.176, الوقت في غرفة الانتظار M = 2.85 ، 1.095. كما اظهرت النتائج فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية بين الموقع الجغرافي من حيث خصائص الصيدلي وأدائه ودوره (0.001(p= ، أما مراقبة وفحص الوصفات (0.001(p=، والوقت في غرفة الاستشارة (0،003p=) ، وصرف الأدوية (0،012p=) .
كان للخدمات الصيدلانية المقدمة في وسط مدينة بيت لحم رضاً (M = 3.24 ، SD = 0.686) أكثر من تلك التي تقدم في الشمال (M = 2.95 ، SD = .590) من حيث الرضا العام للمرضى (p = <0.001) ، ومع ذلك المرضى الراضون عن الخدمات الصيدلانية الواقعة في جنوب مدينة بيت لحم (M = 3.18 ، SD = 656) أكثر من الشمال (M = 2.95 ، SD = .590) من حيث الرضا العام للمرضى (ع = 0.016). كما وأشارت الدراسة إلى وجود فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية بين مكان إقامة المريض(p = <0.001) ، والوظيفة (p = 0.020) والتأمين الصحي (p = 0.047). أشارت علاقة بيرسون إلى وجود علاقة إيجابية بين الرضا العام للمريض وعدد المستفيدين من الخدمات التي تقدمها صيدليات الصحة الأولية للأسرة (r = 0.177 ، p = <0.001) ، علاوة على ذلك ، علاقة سلبية بين الرضا العام للمريض وبُعد الصيدلية عن مكان إقامتهم (r = -0.141 ، p = 0.005).
الخلاصة والتوصيات: أظهرت النتائج رضا المرضى تجاه خدمات الرعاية الصيدلانية المقدمة واقترحت تطوير للبنية التحتية في صيدليات المستوى الصحي الأولي بما في ذلك غرف الانتظار والمشورة ورفع وعي المستهلكين حول حقوقهم في الحصول على الرعاية الصحية المثلى وتوفير كميات أكبر لأنواع الأدوية التي يحتاجها المرضى باستمرار ، كما ويجب على أي مؤسسة صحية تقييم رضا المريض بشكل مستمر
Background: Patient satisfaction is a humanitarian testimony resulting from practical experience and an integral component of the quality of healthcare aimed to measure the quality of provided health services. Justification: the sensitivity of the health sector whereas the Palestinian health institutions especially the governmental institutions still struggling to exist despite the technical and political challenges. General goal: to assess patient satisfaction toward the pharmaceutical services provided by the Ministry of Health primary healthcare pharmacies in Bethlehem Governorate. Study methodology: A cross-sectional study was conducted over two months, using a self-developed questionnaire, consisting of 5 points Likert scale, the study population was the patients of twenty pharmacies of the ministry of health primary healthcare pharmacies. Results: The response rate was 100%, the female was 64% and the male was 36%, and the cut-off point was 3. The overall patient satisfaction toward pharmaceutical services was satisfied with M= 3.10, SD= .651, the highest satisfaction was shown toward prescription services infrastructure with M= 3.73, SD= .702 and the pharmacists’ role, performance and characteristics M= 3.34, SD= .772. The lowest satisfaction was shown toward time in the counseling room with M= 2.57, SD=1.176 and time in the waiting room with M= 2.85, 1.095. There are significant differences between geographic location in terms of pharmacist characteristics, performance and role (p= 0.001), prescription Monitoring & screening (p=0,001), time in the counseling room (p=0,003), and dispensing (p=0,012). Patients were satisfied with pharmaceutical services located in the middle of Bethlehem city (M=3.24, SD= .686) more than north (M=2.95, SD= .590) in terms of overall patients satisfaction (p=<0.001), however patients satisfied with pharmaceutical services located in the south of Bethlehem city (M=3.18, SD= 656) more than the north (M=2.95, SD= .590) in terms of overall patients’ satisfaction (p=0.016). The study indicated there are significant differences between the place of residence (p=<0.001), occupation (p=0.020) and health insurance (p=0.047). Pearson correlation indicated a significant positive small correlation between overall patient satisfaction and the number of beneficiaries from the services provided by the primary health pharmacies to family (r= 0.177, p= <0.001), Furthermore, a significant negative small correlation between overall patient satisfaction and the far of the pharmacy from their place of residence (r= -0.141, p= 0.005). Conclusion and recommendations: The results showed patient satisfaction toward the pharmaceutical care services provided and suggested to provide primary health pharmacies with large quantities of medications an infrastructure development including the waiting & counseling rooms and raising consumers’ awareness about their rights to get optimal health care and any health institution should evaluate patient satisfaction continuously.
Background: Patient satisfaction is a humanitarian testimony resulting from practical experience and an integral component of the quality of healthcare aimed to measure the quality of provided health services. Justification: the sensitivity of the health sector whereas the Palestinian health institutions especially the governmental institutions still struggling to exist despite the technical and political challenges. General goal: to assess patient satisfaction toward the pharmaceutical services provided by the Ministry of Health primary healthcare pharmacies in Bethlehem Governorate. Study methodology: A cross-sectional study was conducted over two months, using a self-developed questionnaire, consisting of 5 points Likert scale, the study population was the patients of twenty pharmacies of the ministry of health primary healthcare pharmacies. Results: The response rate was 100%, the female was 64% and the male was 36%, and the cut-off point was 3. The overall patient satisfaction toward pharmaceutical services was satisfied with M= 3.10, SD= .651, the highest satisfaction was shown toward prescription services infrastructure with M= 3.73, SD= .702 and the pharmacists’ role, performance and characteristics M= 3.34, SD= .772. The lowest satisfaction was shown toward time in the counseling room with M= 2.57, SD=1.176 and time in the waiting room with M= 2.85, 1.095. There are significant differences between geographic location in terms of pharmacist characteristics, performance and role (p= 0.001), prescription Monitoring & screening (p=0,001), time in the counseling room (p=0,003), and dispensing (p=0,012). Patients were satisfied with pharmaceutical services located in the middle of Bethlehem city (M=3.24, SD= .686) more than north (M=2.95, SD= .590) in terms of overall patients satisfaction (p=<0.001), however patients satisfied with pharmaceutical services located in the south of Bethlehem city (M=3.18, SD= 656) more than the north (M=2.95, SD= .590) in terms of overall patients’ satisfaction (p=0.016). The study indicated there are significant differences between the place of residence (p=<0.001), occupation (p=0.020) and health insurance (p=0.047). Pearson correlation indicated a significant positive small correlation between overall patient satisfaction and the number of beneficiaries from the services provided by the primary health pharmacies to family (r= 0.177, p= <0.001), Furthermore, a significant negative small correlation between overall patient satisfaction and the far of the pharmacy from their place of residence (r= -0.141, p= 0.005). Conclusion and recommendations: The results showed patient satisfaction toward the pharmaceutical care services provided and suggested to provide primary health pharmacies with large quantities of medications an infrastructure development including the waiting & counseling rooms and raising consumers’ awareness about their rights to get optimal health care and any health institution should evaluate patient satisfaction continuously.