دراسة مدى تطبيق الشروط الصحية في مصانع الألبان في الضفة الغربية وأثرها على جودة منتجاتها من وجهة نظر المستهلكين (2018-2019)

مها محمد صالح رشيد القاضي
Maha "Mohammed Saleh" Rasheed Alqadi
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Al-Quds University
This study aims to identify the degree of management commitment in dairy factories and the extent of awareness in the application of health conditions, to know the degree of actual application of health conditions in dairy factories, to identify the degree of consumer confidence in dairy products (milk, cheese, yogurt, Labneh and milk drink) and to know the relationship between adherence to the application Hygienic conditions and quality of dairy products. The researcher followed the descriptive method for its suitability for the purposes of this study. The study population consisted of all 17 dairy factories licensed in the Ministry of National Economy in the West Bank of Palestine. The sample was selected using the comprehensive survey method. In particular, the official in the factory and the audit checklist on health conditions were filled by the researcher in addition to the selection of a second sample of consumer families in the governorate of Ramallah, which amounted to 298 questionnaire and 293 forms were valid for analysis where they were selected using a random sample. The study questionnaires obtained a high degree of reliability and reliability of the study tool. The relative repetitions, mathematical averages, central tendency measures, Pearson Correlation tests and the one way analysis of variance were used to answer the questions and hypotheses of the study. It was found that the degree of commitment of management in dairy factories to the application of health conditions and the degree of awareness was high, and that the degree of application of food safety regulations in dairy plants and the degree of government control over dairy plants to verify the application of health conditions from the point of view of professional staff was very high. Consumer confidence in dairy products for milk, cheese, yogurt, Labneh and milk drink was found to be of moderate degree. It was found that there are statistically significant differences at the significance level (0.05) between the averages of the consumer confidence response to the quality of dairy products in the West Bank from the point of view of consumers according to the products and the total degree (milk, cheese, yogurt, Labneh and milk drink) depending on the manufacturer. The application of health conditions in dairy factories according to the audit check list was found to be high. No significant differences were found between the response averages on the application of hygienic conditions to achieve the quality of dairy products in the West Bank from the point of view of the professional according to the fields of study and the total degree of the variable adjusting job title, work experience, and educational qualification. No significant differences were found between the response averages on the application of hygienic conditions to achieve the quality of dairy products in the West Bank checklist the point of view of professional according to (management commitment, management awareness, supervisory authorities) and overall score, while there are differences in the areas (workers stability, safety systems). Food) of the variable officer in charge of the plant. It was found that there are statistically significant differences between the response averages on the application of health conditions to achieve the quality of dairy products in the West Bank from the point of view of professional according to (management commitment, management awareness, workers stability, food safety systems) and the overall degree of the variable location of the factory. There was a positive and statistically significant relationship between the degree of application of health conditions in dairy factories in the West Bank to the total degree and the quality of their products from the consumer point of view according to the type of product (cheese, milk, labneh, milk, milk drink). One of the most important recommendations of the study is to increase the interest of dairy factories in consumer confidence through follow-up of consumer opinions and observations, and work to raise the market share of local dairy products and attention to the application of health conditions in dairy factories to include all requirements to include manufacturing, storage, processing and distribution to raise the quality of the final product, enhance the national dairy factories to adopt good hygienic practices in the factories and HACCP system to raise the quality of products and increase the confidence of consumers, and to achieve continuous cooperation between government agencies and the Palestinian Food Industries Federation to follow up. And sponsoring national factories to improve the quality of their products and encourage them to find new products that meet the requirements and wishes of the consumer.
القاضي، مها محمد. (2019). دراسة مدى تطبيق الشروط الصحية في مصانع الألبان في الضفة الغربية وأثرها على جودة منتجاتها من وجهة نظر المستهلكين (2018-2019) [رسالة ماجستير منشورة، جامعة القدس، فلسطين]. المستودع الرقمي لجامعة القدس. https://arab-scholars.com/165f0b