التنظيم القانوني لعقد تأجير الخزائن الحديدية في البنوك الفلسطينية
رجاء شحدة أحمد شتات
Rajaa Shihde Ahmad Shatat
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Al-Quds University
تناولت الدراسة موضوع التنظيم القانوني لعقد تأجير الخزائن الحديدية، حيث جاءت في مبحث تمهيدي وفصلين، استعرضت الرسالة آلية التنظيم لعقد تأجير الخزائن الحديدية في البنوك الفلسطينية وتحديدًا في كل من بنك فلسطين وبنك الإسكان والتمويل الفلسطيني.
دارت الرسالة في مضمونها في توضيح مفهوم عقد تأجير الخزائن الحديدية ونظام التعاقد ما بين العميل والبنك في هذا العقد، ومن ثم بيان الحماية القانونية لهذا العقد والتحصينات التي تتبعها البنوك في الحماية والحفاظ على كل ما هو بداخل الخزانة وتنظيم دخول العملاء إليها من يسمح له بالدخول ومن يمنع، كذلك بيان حالات فتح الخزانة سواء من قبل البنك أو حتى المحكمة في حال كان هنالك سيي وجيه وقاهر للدخول، وهذه الحالات محددة ومحصورة، وأخيرًا بحثت الرسالة في طريقة الحجز على كل ما هو داخل الخزانة سواء كان الحجز تحفظي أم تنفيذي.
أوضحت الرسالة أن هنالك فرق في التعامل بين كل بنك وآخر مع هذا العقد، لكون أن هذا العقد لم ينظم بقانون وإنما بناء على بعض التعليمات الصادرة عن سلطة النقد وكان التنظيم الوحيد والقانوني له من خلال مادة يتيمة من قانون التجارة الساري المفعول في الضفة الغربية، وفي النهاية توصلت الباحثة لعدد من التوصيات والتي كان أهمها: أن يتم توحيد نماذج هذا العقد في جميع البنوك الفلسطينية وكذلك إقرار تنظيم قانوني واضح وصريح لهذا العقد.
The study dealt with the subject of the legal law, the leasing of safes, where you find it in the alternative text, leasing safes in Palestinian banks, specifically in the Bank of Palestine and the Housing and Finance Bank. In its content, the message revolved around clarifying the concept of the iron safes leasing contract and the contract system between the client and the bank in this contract, and then explaining the legal protection of this contract and the immunizations that the banks follow in protecting and preserving everything inside the treasury and regulating the entry of customers to it who is allowed to enter and who It is also forbidden to indicate the cases of opening the safe, whether by the bank or even the court in the event that there is a good and compelling person to enter, and these cases are specific and limited, and finally the letter examined the method of seizure of everything inside the safe, whether the reservation was precautionary or executive. The letter clarified that there is a difference in the dealings between each bank and another with this contract, because this contract was not regulated by law, but based on some instructions issued by the Monetary Authority, and the only and legal regulation for it was through an orphan article of the commercial law in force in the West Bank, and in In the end, the researcher reached a number of recommendations, the most important of which were: That the models of this contract be standardized in all Palestinian banks, as well as the adoption of a clear and explicit legal regulation for this contract.
The study dealt with the subject of the legal law, the leasing of safes, where you find it in the alternative text, leasing safes in Palestinian banks, specifically in the Bank of Palestine and the Housing and Finance Bank. In its content, the message revolved around clarifying the concept of the iron safes leasing contract and the contract system between the client and the bank in this contract, and then explaining the legal protection of this contract and the immunizations that the banks follow in protecting and preserving everything inside the treasury and regulating the entry of customers to it who is allowed to enter and who It is also forbidden to indicate the cases of opening the safe, whether by the bank or even the court in the event that there is a good and compelling person to enter, and these cases are specific and limited, and finally the letter examined the method of seizure of everything inside the safe, whether the reservation was precautionary or executive. The letter clarified that there is a difference in the dealings between each bank and another with this contract, because this contract was not regulated by law, but based on some instructions issued by the Monetary Authority, and the only and legal regulation for it was through an orphan article of the commercial law in force in the West Bank, and in In the end, the researcher reached a number of recommendations, the most important of which were: That the models of this contract be standardized in all Palestinian banks, as well as the adoption of a clear and explicit legal regulation for this contract.
شتات، رجاء شحدة. (2022). التنظيم القانوني لعقد تأجير الخزائن الحديدية في البنوك الفلسطينية [رسالة ماجستير
منشورة، جامعة القدس، فلسطين]. المستودع الرقمي لجامعة القدس. https://arab-scholars.com/418bce
زبيدات، محمود يوسف. (2023).