تكلفة القرض في المؤسسات الفلسطينية المانحة دراسة فقهية تأصيلية

تمام يسري طه
Tamam Yusri Hasan Taha
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Al-Quds University
This research addresses "The cost of the loan in the Palestinian donor institutions as fundamental jurisprudence study” This research discuses a very important contemporary issue regarding the Palestinian donor institution and the services that these institutions offer to the society. It addresses a sensitive that answers some contradictions among some Islamic transactions and services that the Palestinian donor institutions offer. It is also considered as one of the loan and charity contracts. These institutions work aims to achieve profits and returns on investors. This research starts with the first chapter, it defines loan, the coast of loan, the legitimacy of loan contract and its contemporary applications, the terminologies related to cost standard and cost seizure in the loan and the conditional cost of it. For the second chapter, it defines the Palestinian donor institutions and the lending actions. And then the third chapter, it defines every institution and the nature of its work in the balance of the Islamic law (Sharia) and comparing loan cost in donor institutions and profit in mark-up (Murabaha). This research has reached many results; the most important one is the ability of the Islamic jurisprudence to meet the needs of this modern time. Recommendations: The most important one is to request researchers to take care of contemporary and developed issues, and to find solutions to the various issues of the day because very day new issues come up which need to be clarified by the Islamic law, especially in matters of financial transactions, banking and financial institutions.