واقع التدريب الالكتروني وعلاقته بالروح المعنوية لدى موظفين الجامعات الفلسطينية دارسة حالة جامعة القدس وجامعة الاستقلال

الهام سعدي سعيد جويلس
Ilham Sade Said Jweiles
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Al-Quds University
This study aimed to identify the reality of electronic training and its relationship to raising the morale of workers in Palestinian universities, and the case study was directed towards Al-Quds University and Al-Istiqlal University. The study came with a definition of electronic training, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of using it, its components and means. The study also aimed to identify the relationship of electronic training to raising the morale of the Palestinian University employees. The study used the descriptive approach, and data was collected from secondary sources available for books, magazines and websites, and through primary sources, where a questionnaire was designed to collect data. Study population and sample: The study sample consisted of a clamshell sample. The study population consists of all employees of Al-Quds University, which number 732 employees, and Al-Istiqlal University, which number 320 employees. While the sample was designed based on the electronic sample calculator, the number of sample members reached 282 employees, and by calculating the relative distribution, Al-Quds University employees should make up 69.5% of the sample members, that is, about 196 employees. While the number of sample members from Al-Istiqlal University was 86%. 251 employees of the two universities answered the questionnaire, that is, the response rate to the questionnaire was 90%. The results were statistically analyzed using SPSS software. The study reached several conclusions and recommendations, the most important of which are: employees’ satisfaction with the electronic training programs they receive, and their means of success, as it was found that they achieve employees’ goals and develop their practical skills, and that institutions support training programs, and also found that the good relationship of employees with management and the absence of problems at work Raises the morale of the employees. Among the most prominent recommendations was the necessity of adopting an encouraging method to increase employee demand for electronic training, and the need to open joint electronic training programs with leading universities, in addition to the necessity of studying the impact of the reality of electronic training on raising the level of training. The morale of the Palestinian University employees.