مدى تطمدى تطبيق الحوكمة وعلاقتها بجودة تقديم الخدمات في المنظمات الاهلية جمعية إنعاش الاسرة إنموذجاً

عبد الرحمن محمد اسحاق طرمان
Abed Al Rahman Mohammad Ishaq Turman
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جامعة القدس
The objective of the study is to identify the level of the implementation of the governance principles in the Inash Al Usra Association, and to study its relation with the quality of Providing Service in The Palestinian Civil Organizations Inash Alusra Association’s Model. The researcher followed a descriptive methodology to achieve the objectives of the study. The researcher additional used a questionnaire as a tool to gather the needed data. The population of the study was from the 90 employees of the Inash Al Usra Association. The study sample was 55 employees, which forms 61% of the population. The researcher concluded that the Inash Al Usra Association does implement governance standards to a high extent. Additionally, the quality level of the provided services is also high. The implementation of governance standards has a strong effect on the quality of the provided services. Considering a statistical significance (α≤0.05), the study reveals that that there is a strong positive correlation between implementing governance standards and the quality of the provided services. Moreover, the correlation coefficient is 87.2% while the adjusted correlation coefficient is 72%. This implicates that the implementation of governance principles is an explainer of at least 72% of changes occurring in the quality of the provided services in the Society. The study unveils that there a strong positive correlation between each of governance standards and the quality of the provided services. The governance standards that affect the quality of the provided services arranged in a descending order from the strongest to weakest are fairness, comprehensiveness, and equality in providing services; publicizing, integrity, and transparency; accountability; strategic vision; participation; endeavors towards building consensus; and internal regulations and the rule of law. The fairness, comprehensiveness, and equality standard have the strongest correlation and the internal regulations and the rule of law standard has the weakest correlation. The study included multiple recommendations, prominent of which is the promulgation of the culture and concepts of governance within the non-governmental organizations, this could be executed through arranging training sessions and workshops with the aim of raising the awareness of the employees of all levels on the importance of implementing governance standards together with its relation with the level of quality of provided services for the advantage of the beneficiaries. Moreover, the study recommends that funds should be provided to cover the costs associated with the efforts towards the adoption of governance standards in managing non-governmental organizations as a vehicle of raising the organizational effectiveness. Furthermore, there should be efforts to approve and adopt both a code of governance and a code of ethics in non-governmental organizations. The implementation of the mentioned cods should be obligated by the legislative authority and by the inclusive frameworks of the non-governmental organizations.