درجة إدراك معلمي العلوم للمرحلة الأساسية العليا لمكونات البيئة الصفية وعلاقتها بالتفكير الانعكاسي والأداء التدريسي لديهم

ماسة سليمان خليل الخضور
Masa Suleiman Khalil Khdour
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Al-Quds University
This study aimed to determine the degree of the relationship between the perception of the components of the classroom environment, the reflective thinking, and the teaching performance of science teachers' of the upper basic stage. The study sample consisted of 79 male and female science teachers'. They were chosen by the simple random way, and they all work for the Directorate of Education, North Hebron / Palestine. The researcher used the descriptive method (the relational method). The researcher also prepared a questionnaire to measure the perception of the components of the classroom environment, a questionnaire to measure reflective thinking, and another one to reveal the teaching performance, and the validity and reliability of these instruments were confirmed. The researcher used means and standard deviations, the Three-Way ANOVA test, Pearson's correlation coefficient, and the Cronbach Alpha reliability equation. The results showed a high degree of perception of the science upper primary stage teachers for the components of the classroom environment, as well as a high degree of reflective thinking, and a high degree of the level of their teaching performance. The results also showed a direct relationship between the degree of teachers’ perception of the components of the classroom environment and reflective thinking and their teaching performance. There are no statistically significant differences for the study variables due to gender, experience, and educational qualification. In view of the results of this study, the researcher recommended providing seating places for students with special needs and conducting researches on teachers ’perception of the components of the classroom environment in other disciplines, and using other research instruments such as a note card.