دور الدعم التنظيمي المدرك في تحسين جودة الخدمات الصحية من وجهة نظر العاملين في مستشفى العودة بقطاع غزة

باسل فايق حسين أبو عيدة
Basel Fayeq Hussein Abu Eida
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Al-Quds University
The study aimed to identify the role of perceived organizational support dimensions (Leadership support, Organizational rewards, Organizational justice, Participation in decision-making) in improving the quality of health services from the point view of workers in Al-Awda Hospital in Gaza Strip. The study adopted the descriptive and analytical approach to study the phenomenon and describe its nature, examine the relationship between its variables, causes and trends. The questionnaire was used as a tool to collect the primary data, as it was applied to workers inside Al Awda Health Hospital, where the study population was represented by workers from the category (administrators, doctors, technicians, nurses, clerks, Services) in the hospital, which numbered (244) employees, and the researcher followed the simple random sample method consisting of (149) employees, and the researcher distributed (149) questionnaires, and (129) questionnaires were retrieved with a recovery rate of (86.6%), which were used for the purposes of analysis. The study concluded a set of results, the most important of which there is agreement with a relative weight (63.50%) and a medium degree on the paragraphs of the organizational support dimensions, which are generally perceived from the viewpoint of the employees of Al-Awda Hospital in the Gaza Strip, and that there is agreement, with a relative weight (84.40%), to a very large extent on the provisions of the quality of health services. Also, there is a positive correlation with statistical significance at the correlation coefficient between perceived organizational support as a whole and the quality of health services as a whole. Also, there are no statistically significant differences between the averages of the study sample's estimates on the role of perceived organizational support in improving the quality of health services from the viewpoint of workers at Al Awda Hospital in the Gaza Strip relate to a variable (gender, years of experience, job title). According to the previous results, the study recommended to necessity of strengthening the perceived organizational support in all stages of the organizations to become a culture of the administration and its commitment to it with the workers in order to express its interest in and support for them, and the need to provide the opportunity for workers to participate in decision-making and give them more freedom of action, The study also recommended community organizations working in the health field should focus on supporting the exchange of health expertise with external associations working in the health field, in order to enhance the practical experiences of working medical staff and contribute to expanding their technical knowledge and thus improve the quality of services and upgrade the levels provided.