دور الإعلام التنموي في تحقيق التنمية الاقتصادية والاجتماعية المستدامة

دعاء اسماعيل محمد عواودة
Doaa Ismail Muhammad Awawda
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Al-Quds University
The study aimed to highlight the role of development media in achieving sustainable economic and social development, from the point of view of workers in media institutions in the West Bank. The descriptive analytical approach was used in order to study the role of development media in sustainable economic and social development in media institutions in the West Bank. The study population consisted of all workers in the media sector in the West Bank. The stratified random sample for the study consisted of (283) media professionals working in the media sector in the West Bank. The questionnaire and personal interview tools were used to collect the primary data. The study found that, the most important of which were: The reality of development media in Palestine came in a moderate degree, and the dimensions of development media came in order, where the obstacles occupied the first place in the fields of development media, followed by the availability of resources and competencies., then the philosophy of the media outlet, media content, then social responsibility, and finally the media outputs, and that the role of the development media in sustainable economic and social development in Palestine from the viewpoint of media professionals also came to a moderate degree. It also showed that there are statistically significant differences in the developmental role of the media in the sustainable economic and social development in Palestine from the viewpoint of the media people, due to the job variables in favor of the providers of media programs, the specialization of the press and the media, and the employees whose experience exceeds five years, as well as in favor of the audiovisual media. The study recommended the necessity of reconsidering the definition of development media from the Palestinian perspective, in a manner consistent with the requirements of sustainable economic and social development, setting a media plan commensurate with the existing political, economic and social conditions in Palestine, the possibilities available to the media, and the use of media and press tools and programs from the media that transmits economic news, To media targeting positive, purposeful economic and social behaviors and values.
عواودة، دعاء اسماعيل. (2021). دور الإعلام التنموي في تحقيق التنمية الاقتصادية والاجتماعية المستدامة [رسالة ماجستير منشورة، جامعة القدس، فلسطين]. المستودع الرقمي لجامعة القدس. https://arab- scholars.com/692b83